Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 86: The bottom 28


It seems that the game settings do not have to be blamed for this. Since Jian Si was able to realize the problem after being reminded by Jiang Yiyi, it only means that this is not an unshakable "setting", but a mistake caused by distorted cognition.

That's why he noticed something unusual after Jiang Yiyi pointed it out to him.

In other words, this can only be a problem caused by the second round.

Jiang Yiyi seemed to be thinking about something. It seemed that the game system had made a lot of preparations before the start of the second round to ensure that the game could start normally.

But considering that "the second round is not a miracle, but just the beginning that is destined to happen", the other party should not have to do anything - after all, this is the normal process of the game, fail to pass the level, and then start all over again.

So, why does the game system go to so much trouble to distort the perception of Jiang Yiyi's appearance, and also distort the impact of the "protagonist's" appearance on other people, forcing the "protagonist" to be cowardly, incompetent and good for nothing

The answer is obvious.

It had to do this to ensure that the second round could start normally.

It seems that Jiang Yiyi did a lot in the first round, or should I say... they did a lot, so much that the game couldn't easily start the next round.

Jiang Yiyi thought about these things calmly, even feeling a little strangely natural - after all, that was me.

After realizing the absurdity of this, Jian Si's shock and disbelief quickly calmed down in silence.

Because the doctor's expression did not change, he was so calm that it made people believe that no matter how absurd everything was, it made no difference to Jiang Yiyi.

This confidence in his own strength quickly calmed Jian Si's emotions, and he calmed down.

"Doctor, do you know the reason?"

Jiang Yiyi stopped praising herself from last week's episode and looked thoughtfully at Jian Si who asked the question: "I know."

Before Jian Si could show any curiosity, Jiang Yiyi continued, "I think you should know too."

Jian Si's expression paused, with some confusion that he didn't need to hide. He thought for a few seconds and asked tentatively: "Is this why I came to Xingyu with the crime of murder?"

Jiang Yiyi paused for a moment. He had indeed never thought about this—why was the “protagonist” wrongly treated

This is one of the settings at the beginning of the game, the direction for all players to pass the level, and one of the clues to the true ending hidden in "Star Prison Storm".

Jian Si’s question is correct, why

Since this is the setting at the beginning of the game, it is certain that it has nothing to do with the existence of the first and second rounds. No matter which round it is, Jian Si will be wronged and enter the Star Prison, thus kicking off the game.

So, what is the main plot of "Star Prison"? What secrets are worth digging into behind the "protagonist" being wrongly imprisoned in the Star Prison

This must be a puzzle game, Jiang Yiyi realized this clearly.

While Jiang Yiyi's brain was working rapidly, searching for clues, Jian Si readily betrayed the gatekeeper: "The gatekeeper said that they checked, but found nothing."

"Then maybe I can ask Kong Yueze next time." Jiang Yiyi stopped his meaningless thinking - after all, this was not his strong point.

He brought the topic back to the original thread: "But there is no doubt that you are shrouded in countless mysteries."

Jian Si nodded in agreement: "I just don't understand why?"

He looked at Jiang Yiyi sincerely, seeking answers from the only being who could answer: "Why me? What is different about me that is different from ordinary people?" He paused for two seconds: "Except for this face."

"I am no different from other people living in this world. I am neither special nor stronger than others. Why am I the only one?" This question has been lingering in his mind since he met the doctor: "Was I chosen?"

Jiang Yiyi clasped her hands together, and said in a strange tone: "Maybe I wasn't chosen?"

Jian Si didn't understand what he meant and looked at Jiang Yiyi in confusion.

What do you mean he wasn't chosen? Could he have taken the initiative

Jian Si paused in his thoughts and suddenly looked up at Jiang Yiyi.

Their eyes met, and countless doubts emerged in Jian Si's mind, and then dissipated again.

The atmosphere in 1-002 was extremely silent.

This guess is too shocking, so shocking that it cannot be easily revealed, as if saying it out loud would break something or completely change the world.

So Jian Si remained silent, and even for a moment, he felt that the whole world was extremely absurd... and fake.

Did everything that happened really exist

What's wrong with me, or with this world

Jiang Yiyi waited quietly for the other party to speak again, even though he looked extremely confused now.

This was not a guess that could be easily accepted, and it was not surprising that Jian Si would have any extreme reaction to it. However, to Jiang Yiyi's surprise - or rather, to his surprise again - Jian Si quickly calmed down, restored his superficial calm, and resumed the conversation.

"I can almost understand what the doctor meant." Jian Si carefully considered his words: "But this guess is ridiculous."

Jiang Yiyi: "This world has always been like this."

Jane continued slowly: "I think the doctor knows something I don't know."

He maintained his gaze and looked at Jiang Yiyi inquiringly: "Doctor, are you willing to tell me?"

"It's okay to tell you, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I need to confirm one thing."

Jiang Yiyi leaned forward, looked at Jian Si and said, "Do you mind if I break our previous agreement?"

Jian Si subconsciously widened his eyes. Perhaps it was just a conditioned reflex, and he didn't even have any extra thoughts in his mind. However, the face that was too pretty and too harmless magnified the non-existent "fear" in this subconscious action, making people subconsciously make negative judgments of fear or weakness.

Jane Si didn't know how the topic jumped here - was there any connection in the context

Why can a doctor say something like "Do you mind if I kill you" in a tone like "I want to have a sip of tea"

Jian Si stared at Jiang Yiyi blankly for a long while.

Considering that her request might be a bit unreasonable, Jiang Yiyi gave him enough time to give an answer.

Just as he was looking at the pair of dark eyes in front of him, he suddenly realized another point: Jian Si had been looking at him for too long, far beyond the time it took for "psychology" to react.

Jiang Yiyi may not know enough about "psychology", but given "psychology"'s past performance, there is no doubt that any eye contact with Jiang Yiyi has the potential to trigger "psychology" to counterattack itself.

What’s more, it was such a long stare-eye contact

But no, nothing happened.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Jian Si's eyes carefully. His pupils were extremely dark, the same black color as Jiang Yiyi's.

It was so dark that no light could be seen. Only when Jian Si's eyes moved occasionally would a layer of soft water color appear, diluting the existence of the dark pupil itself.

Jian Si was pulled out of his messy thoughts by the overly focused gaze. The doctor's gaze was too focused, and Jian Si couldn't help but look away - this made him feel a little better, at least he didn't have the illusion that his brain was hot from being stared at before.

Jiang Yiyi retracted her gaze and reminded the other party: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The words of refusal were circling around Jian Si's lips, but when he spoke, it turned into another form: "If it's a doctor, I don't mind."

Wait, what am I talking about

Jian Si stopped for two seconds to think about what he had just said, the feeling of surprise still lingering in his mind - but there was nothing wrong with this sentence.

If it's a doctor...

Jian Si took a deep breath, it was nothing more than death.

He looked at Jiang Yiyi and repeated, his tone firm and unquestionable: "If it's a doctor, I don't mind."

Jiang Yiyi got the answer she wanted and had no interest in thinking about Jian Si's mental journey - to Jiang Yiyi, it was natural that he would agree.

Jiang Yiyi calmly waved her hand, silver light flashing at her fingertips, heading straight for Jian Si's throat.

There was no moment when one could feel the approach of death more clearly than at this moment. Amid the omnipresent murderous intent, Jian Si's heartbeat instantly accelerated to an alarming level - there was even an illusion that her heart would jump out of her mouth.

Not to mention the instinctive physiological reactions, all the reactions that humans should have when facing death emerged in him.

This made him look extremely cowardly - showing such fear just because he was facing death was extremely incompetent.

You have to know that at the bottom of the Star Prison, what is most lacking is people with abilities who are not afraid of death, or even have an extreme enthusiasm for death.

Ordinary people will only become more vulnerable here.

The blade appeared in an instant, flashing with cold light. Jian Si could smell the decaying breath of death, completely enveloping him.

There was no way I could get away, I was going to die.

This thought came to Jian Si's mind. He took a deep breath and calmly prepared to face death and eternal sleep.

There was no obstruction to the blade—of course, there was nothing that could hinder it.

But it still fell through.

Jiang Yiyi's hand stopped in the air, watching Jian Si who slightly turned his head to avoid the blade.

With extremely precise movements, without even making any big movements, just a slight tilt of the head, he just avoided the blade that should have been fatal.

Jian Si closed his eyes tightly, still fearing the impending death.

Jiang Yiyi looked at the blade, then at Jian Si, with pure confusion. He stretched out his hand again, and Jian Si turned his head again, still avoiding it.

Stretch again - avoid again - stretch again - avoid again, like a strange vicious circle.

Until Jian Si realized something was wrong—the shadow of death had been looming for so long, and he seemed to be still alive

Jian Si opened his eyes carefully, and then faced the blade coming towards him. He dodged it in a flash, revealing a horrified expression.

What are you terrified of

Do you understand the situation

Jiang Yiyi's hand stopped at the side of his face. With just a slight movement, he could open the save point - but there was no doubt that this was an illusion.

He had moved slightly numerous times, and still nothing happened.

After a moment of silence, Jian Si reacted. He turned his head to look at Dao Feng, then looked at Jiang Yiyi with a confused look.

"You dodged it yourself." Jiang Yiyi threw the pot back.

"Me?" Jian Si pointed at himself.

"But I didn't feel anything at all..." Jane thought for a moment and corrected herself, "Rather, I didn't do anything."

Jiang Yiyi stared at him for two seconds and suddenly waved her hand.

Jian Si turned his head and once again brushed past the blade with a tiny amplitude - only with his delicate and extremely precise control of position could he avoid the threat of death just right without wasting any extra energy.

But Jiang Yiyi had been dodged by the opponent with the same move countless times, so this time, after he dodged it, Jiang Yiyi bent his wrist strangely, and the blade suddenly stopped at the place newly chosen by the opponent - it was as if he had offered it himself, and the blade cut through the skin and embedded itself into it.

This time, it was Jiang Yiyi who stopped.

"Psychology" is out of control.

The vortex in the depths of the darkness suddenly expanded, absorbing endless energy. Almost before Jiang Yiyi realized it, it spread instantly, passing 1-002, passing one building, passing the Star Prison, and extending towards the entire world.

It was an extremely strange feeling - it was as if a closed world map was opened again in front of Jiang Yiyi, and he could see the entire world clearly and completely in his eyes.

A vast territory shrouded in darkness.

To be precise, it should not be called darkness, but a kind of indescribable "existence" that covers the entire world, but is clearly separated from it. The two remain in a strange state - a state of being covered but not covered.

Jiang Yiyi caught a glimpse of the world map and it disappeared from her eyes. The expanding energy was retracted at a faster speed and shrank back into the vortex.

The subtle sound of blood dripping on the ground brought Jiang Yiyi back to her senses.

He looked at Jian Si, his gaze lingering on the other's wound. The wound was not deep, because Jiang Yiyi stopped in time, leaving Jian Si with only a wound that looked scary but not life-threatening.

Jiang Yiyi wiped the blood off the blade with Jian Si's clothes, then retracted his hand and said, "It seems that you don't want to die."

I think normal people don’t want to die

Jian Si pressed a button on the coffee table, took out gauze from the medical box that appeared, and bandaged her own wound - very skillfully.

"Maybe we can try another approach?" What am I talking about

Jian Si withdrew his hand and seriously thought about the fatal plan, which was full of absurdity and extreme seriousness.

These two split emotions did not make Jian Si feel split. Although it was absurd to do so, if it was a doctor...

"No need." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "I have already got the answer."

Jian Si was surprised and asked, "What's the answer?"

"Let me introduce myself to you again. I'm Jiang Yiyi, your partner in last week's show."

Jian Si became increasingly confused.

"It seems that I only have the right to kill you once." Jiang Yiyi thought for a moment and corrected himself: "It should be said that you can only be resurrected once."

Jiansi's confusion gradually materialized.

"The problem now is that you seem to know nothing." Jiang Yiyi said to herself: "This is not a good thing for us."

Jian Si opened his mouth and even began to doubt himself.

Maybe it's not that there's something wrong with the world, but that I've finally gone crazy

Otherwise, why didn’t I understand a word the doctor said

Jiang Yiyi's thoughts soon yielded the answer.

He reached out and patted Jian Si's shoulder: "Look at me."

Jian Si looked at Jiang Yiyi reflexively.

Their eyes met again, and nothing seemed unusual.

But this time, Jiang Yiyi took the initiative to use "psychology", and darkness surged out and rushed towards Jian Si.

This eye contact was destined to last a long time.

Because Jian Si is like a bottomless pit, unmoved by the influence of "psychology".

Before Jiang Yiyi began to doubt whether she had guessed wrong, the paused picture finally changed.

Jian Si blinked, and Jiang Yiyi's appearance was reflected in his dark eyes. He chuckled.

Some people are just special in this way. Even if there is no change, just a low laugh is enough to make people shudder instantly and feel something unusual in front of the same beautiful face.

After the low laugh, Jian Si did not make any other moves. He continued to look at her in silence.

Jiang Yiyi has never felt the limits of "psychology", neither before nor after - because psychology is an extremely abstract existence to him, and he knows of its existence only to this extent.

He never had a real sense of owning it.

After a very long period of silent staring - there was once a test whose reliability was unclear, which said that if two people stare at each other for more than three minutes, they are very likely to fall in love with each other.

However, for Jiang Yiyi and Jian Si, the situation was a little different.

Because their gaze is different from that of ordinary people.

The surging existence in the dark eyes was where their gazes paused—unless this test was also effective for a bunch of unknown existence.

This long staring contest ended only when Jian Si rubbed his brows and broke off the eye contact.

"Don't tell me it's useless." Jiang Yiyi calmly warned the other party: "You wasted a lot of my time."

"But this waste is worth it." Jian Si rubbed his brows, opened his eyes again, and gave Jiang Yiyi a lazy smile: "Long time no see, I'm back."

Jiang Yiyi looked at the person in front of her. He was completely different from the one just now. It was the same face, but with a different expression. However, no one would think that he was a weak person. On the contrary, just one glance was enough to confirm that he was dangerous.

Meets the system's label of "extremely dangerous".

"It can't be called long time no see, after all, we have never met before."

"You still care about these things at this time?" Jian Si smoothed his hair, and his aggressive temperament instantly spread. He leaned back with a big sword: "Remind you, I don't have much time..."

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyebrows.

"What a hassle." Jian Si said with a "tsk". "Can't you just make a backup like I did? I have to explain it all over again, which will take a lot of time."

Do you think everyone is like you, the protagonist of the game? And you can also be a backup

Jiang Yiyi feels that defending his rights as a higher-dimensional creature is of great significance to him.

"But before that, let me confirm the situation."

He asked a question that was beyond Jiang Yiyi's expectation: "Is Li Yihe still alive?"

Will Li Yihe die

Jiang Yiyi was a little confused: "He is still alive."

"So you have met?"

Jiang Yiyi nodded.

"So you didn't do anything?" Jane Si's face showed pure admiration: "You are worthy of it."

Jiang Yiyi had some guesses: "Why are you asking this?"

"I made a bet with him before..." Jian Si said angrily, "I won't bet with him next time."

Jiang Yiyi was silent for two seconds: "What gave you the illusion that you might win?" And you won Li Yihe by betting

"Of course it's because of you."

Jian Si held his chin with his hand and looked at Jiang Yiyi, saying nonchalantly: "You can kill him, but Li Yihe's existence itself is synonymous with provocation. In this case, there is a great probability that he will die when you first meet - after all, at that time, you have no reason to tolerate him."

"I can only say that you are worthy of being the leader."

Leader? Jiang Yiyi's thoughts paused on this word.

The other party continued to speak: "However, it's a good thing you didn't do anything. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome next."

Jiang Yiyi reacted: "Li Yihe..."

"He is the limit of human wisdom. It would be very interesting if this plan didn't have him."

Jian Si said lightly: "In fact, he is the one who set the beginning of this round. Given the influence of that unimaginable factor, no one can predict what this round will turn out to be like."

"So, the rest of the plan for the second week is in his mind."

"In other words, only if Li Yihe is alive can we modify and improve the previous plan according to the current situation and achieve our ultimate goal."

“Let the new world completely replace the old world.”

The author has something to say: Last week’s collaborators (known): Jiang Yiyi, Jian Si, and Li Yihe.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-25 10:21:00~2020-02-26 11:06:48~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: demeter 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xihe 232 bottles; Jiushi 29 bottles; Mengmengda Danggui, Chaqijiuba, Hypocrite 20 bottles; Linsha Luo 18 bottles; 40377689 15 bottles; Yuerun Yinglan, l, →_→, ys, Zhongtang Yuanbai, Lehu, Mo Yinling, 34618664 10 bottles; Yuguotianqing, mini 8 bottles; Shunxing 5 bottles; Xiaoheihua Xiaopingxie, Jiu, Erbanhua 2 bottles; Chenshui, Buzhi, Yuesheng, Qiannianyuxi, Qimingzhennioren, Xingxingliangjingjing 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!