Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 94: Sanatorium 4


Jiang Yiyi paused for a long time, and the "new world" that was restrained by him, or to be more precise, suppressed by him for a long time, struggled to poke its head out from the suppression and fulfilled Jiang Yiyi's will.

It is difficult to keep quiet when Li Yihe is around, because his brain is always working at high speed. What seems to be a long thought to ordinary people only takes a moment in his mind. The sequelae of thinking too fast is his high activity.

So, after Jiang Yiyi came to a pause, Li Yihe was ready to restart the conversation—after all, he still had many topics he wanted to discuss.

But this time, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. To be more precise, Li Yihe "froze" on the spot.

He was forced to be quiet—by some external force.

Li Yihe has experienced Jiang Yiyi's abilities - when they first met, he deeply understood why the other party was able to make Kong Yueze make concessions step by step.

Jiang Yiyi's ability is different from all the known people with abilities. It is stronger and more thorough.

Just as Jiang Yiyi had just relayed—the abilities he possessed came from the protagonist of this game, and he was the origin of all the people with special abilities in the Star Alliance.

His own uniqueness makes this point infinitely magnified, so that he can perform a crushing operation in the survival game with maximum difficulty.

Just like at this moment, Jiang Yiyi didn't even make any deliberate movements, but some external force still arrived as expected, freezing everything and plunging this place into silence.

Li Yihe lost control of his body.

He inevitably became excited—this kind of unimaginable problem was his favorite.

How did he do that

Li Yihe was extremely sure that he did not make eye contact with Jiang Yiyi - after all, the lesson from the past was still before his eyes - but he still lost control of his body.

At least one thing can be concluded, that Jiang Yiyi's ability may not be activated by eye contact.

Li Yihe was unable to speak, but this did not prevent his brain from continuing to function. It was also possible that some of his abilities required eye contact to function.

But how did he manage to disconnect the brain's commands from the body

Li Yihe deeply felt the feeling of being unable to control his body - it was as if this body was just a container, and at this moment, all the connection points connecting the brain and the body were cut off. He could not sense its existence, but he was absolutely sure that he was trapped in this container.

Vegetative state

The next second, Li Yihe rejected his own guess. After the connection points controlling his body were cut off, his mind was still functioning, his breathing and blood flow were still operating as required for survival, and all the organs of his body were still performing their duties.

Rather than being in a vegetative state, it would be more accurate to say that the person has temporarily lost control of his body.

The question is, how exactly is this done

Li Yihe's thoughts flashed through countless points, and finally stopped at a certain point - the abilities possessed by the ability users are mostly reflected in their mental and thinking states, and none of them are "superpowers" in the conventional sense.

And his current state led him to the conclusion that this was still part of mind control.

This brings Li Yihe back to his familiar territory—after all, he is also a person with special abilities and has sufficient understanding of them.

Perhaps he did not lose control of his body, but the other party made him "think" that he could not control his body, and the connection between his brain and body was objectively blocked by some existence.

Li Yihe did not try to regain his consciousness. He knew very well that in terms of fighting power alone, he might be on par with Jiang Yiyi, but if it came to comprehensive ability - then no one in this world could beat Jiang Yiyi.

After analyzing all of this in a very short time, Li Yihe also analyzed several doubts in the previous conversation, reorganized his thoughts, and finally got so bored that he began to hypothesize about the situation in the higher-dimensional world - because the information about this is very scarce, this is closer to a hypothesis than an analysis.

After this brainstorming session for his own entertainment, Jiang Yiyi ended his long silence.

The tense atmosphere relaxed slightly as Jiang Yiyi came back to her senses.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Yihe: "No, there is something wrong with what you just said."

Li Yihe blinked at him.

"If your goal is just to change the status quo of people with special abilities and start the evolution of mankind, then you don't need to come up with this plan for the second round."

Jiang Yiyi leaned forward, and the sharp edge that had been suppressed for a long time slowly spread out, bringing heavy pressure - especially Li Yihe's current state, which was enough to make him clearly realize that Jiang Yiyi could bring something more terrifying than death.

For example, what is more terrifying than disappearing in an instant is being trapped forever in an uncontrollable body.

"Just like what you said just now, no matter which ending it is, it will develop like this, and the new world will inevitably replace the old world." Jiang Yiyi stared at Li Yihe intently, trying to catch some reaction from his unchanged expression: "But you were the one who first proposed to give up the first round that could not defeat this world and start the second round."

After Jiang Yiyi's powerful words came out, there was no response.

Li Yihe looked at him silently.

Jiang Yiyi blinked, almost at the moment he realized that something was wrong with Li Yihe's situation.

The real external force suddenly dissipated, and all perceptions returned. Every organ in the body gave enough feedback, allowing Li Yihe to confirm that he had regained control of his body.

As soon as Li Yihe returned to normal, he immediately said: "Considering that this is just a game for you. Then, it is obvious that your rights as a player are fully protected." Completely avoiding the possibility that Jiang Yiyi might be affected by the "skills".

Jiang Yiyi ignored Li Yihe's words and continued to ask: "So, what is your real purpose?"

"You made the right choice." Li Yihe said excitedly: "Following my thinking is not a good choice for most people."

He smiled at Jiang Yiyi: "But if you don't follow my train of thought, you have already lost the necessity to talk to me."

He pointed to his head and said, "The reason you chose to talk to me is because you need to get an answer from me, right?"

Li Yihe's tone was very relaxed, and there was never any fear in his voice.

Jiang Yiyi raised his eyes and looked at him. He knew this very well, and he knew even better the reason why Li Yihe could become 1-003 - in a sense, wisdom is the most powerful weapon.

Beings that are powerful enough will not try to kill Li Yihe - because they know the value of the other person's brain.

Those who don't care about the value of Li Yihe's brain cannot kill Li Yihe - unless they can ignore what Li Yihe says, but no one can do that.

Of course, Star Prison is different from the outside world. People with special abilities will not think so much and will patiently listen to the last words of the deceased before killing someone.

But this small difference had no chance of becoming a reality under the strict guard system of Star Prison and the special security treatment that Star Prison provided to Li Yihe.

Of course, Jiang Yiyi is an exception among exceptions.

Therefore, at this moment, he controlled the rhythm of the conversation with Li Yihe, and threatened him personally with an existence more terrifying than death.

"Do something before I mark you as an enemy." Jiang Yiyi's tone did not even contain any threat. He calmly informed the other party: "You should understand this well enough."

"I have no living enemies."

A quiet threat that comes from a certainty of the power he possesses.

Li Yihe's thoughts raced, he was aware of the strength of this threat, even if he was not afraid of death, he would still stop having inappropriate thoughts because of what the other party could do.

For a "player who shouldn't exist" who is trying to destroy the entire world, the world's most precious brain cannot have the privilege of being immune to threats.

After a short silence, Li Yihe spoke again: "Although I don't have the memory of the first week, everything you told me before is enough for me to draw a conclusion."

"Based on my understanding of me," Li Yihe looked at Jiang Yiyi, "There is only one explanation for why I proposed the second round plan."

"It's not for doing something." Li Yihe spread his hands and said, "Don't forget, I am also a person with special abilities."

He said lazily: "Although my rationality may give you some illusion that I am normal, but..." Li Yihe smiled brightly: "I am also a person with special abilities, one of those failures."

"They pursue danger and excitement, while I pursue unsolved mysteries and am willing to give everything for them." Li Yihe: "What mystery is more interesting than the truth of this world?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at his expression and said calmly and without any disturbance: "Continue."

"The truth I'm talking about is not the so-called true ending—that kind of fake stuff..." Li Yihe smiled disdainfully, and did not make any radical remarks. He changed the subject and said, "The truth I'm talking about is the ability you have to enter the game."

He leaned forward slightly, closing the distance. "How did it appear, and how does it work? Why did it choose you? What is its purpose?"

"The existence of higher dimensions is contained in lower dimensions, and the false and the real are integrated, and finally it becomes the world we exist in." Li Yihe's face was full of interest: "Aren't you curious?"

"The truth at the end of the world."

The first round did not give him the answer he wanted, so Li Yihe chose the second round, not to end this cycle, nor for the special ability user, but just to get the truth.

The truth at the end of the world? Perhaps only Li Yihe would be crazy about it.

Compared to this illusory and meaningless existence, other people care more about things that are closely related to them - such as ending the game, or the current situation of people with special abilities.

“So, our goals are indeed the same.”

Jiang Yiyi ignored Li Yihe's constantly changing topics - Li Yihe might not have changed the subject on purpose, he just... had an overly active mind, and too many things flashed through his mind in an instant, so he could always expand the topic to unexpected places.

"I need to defeat it..."

Li Yihe corrected Jiang Yiyi's words: "It is to close this game."

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the enemy symbol marked on the character panel and denied his words: "I don't have a living enemy, even if it is not considered alive at all."

Li Yihe was puzzled by Jiang Yiyi's stubbornness: "I explained to you that this world cannot be defeated... unless you intend to destroy it."

"But it's impossible," Li Yihe was very sure of this: "You won't do that."

Indeed, Jiang Yiyi would not do this. Destroying a world to bury the enemy is the worst choice - even if it is just a game.

Li Yihe got a positive answer from Jiang Yiyi's expression, so he asked again: "Since you don't plan to destroy the world, how do you plan to defeat this game without destroying the world at the same time?"

"Sometimes, I think we can think more simply." Jiang Yiyi tapped the table with his fingers and said calmly: "For example, let's try it first."

Li Yihe disagreed with his point of view - for a being that can easily come up with answers to most of the world's problems, thinking is an innate instinct, and giving up thinking is tantamount to rebelling against one's own instinct.

"Unless you want to start the third round."

Li Yihe: "I don't think this is a wise idea. You should know that resetting the time is not a fun experience, and every reset means an increase in variables. When we have already won half the game, it is very stupid to do it because of personal emotions."

"You are right." Jiang Yiyi nodded in agreement. He agreed with every word Li Yihe said, but this did not prevent him from being firm in his idea: "But I have the final say."

“Human beings always repeat known mistakes.”

After Li Yihe finished speaking, he did not have any emotional fluctuations due to Jiang Yiyi's stubbornness. He made a "please" gesture to Jiang Yiyi: "Then how do you want to try it?"

Jiang Yiyi looked out the window, his sight falling on the distant horizon.

The weather outside was very good, with blue sky, white clouds and bright sunshine, exactly the same as he remembered.

He used, or more precisely, his thoughts to open up a "new world". As usual, the game skills themselves did not give him any feedback.

In his eyes, the world has not changed.

But in the eyes of Li Yihe, who was closest to Jiang Yiyi, some kind of energy fluctuation suddenly rose from Jiang Yiyi, quickly spread, and crushed everything.

It is an energy that is extremely familiar and yet extremely unfamiliar.

Li Yihe was the first to be enveloped by it, but he did not act rashly - the most important thing was that this absolutely overwhelming existence made it impossible for anyone to have the thought of resisting.

He silently sensed the fluctuations of energy, and vaguely perceived an extremely vast existence - a thin but impenetrable barrier hindered his further perception, hiding that existence beyond reach.

What's this

Game system? Higher-dimensional existence? Or, that special substance

Li Yihe instantly gave three alternative answers, but he couldn't confirm what it was before further contact.

The energy emanated from Jiang Yiyi, but did not stop at Li Yihe. It kept extending into the distance, as if there was no limit, covering everything without anyone noticing.

Inside the Star Prison, the people with special abilities sensed something. Some were experiencing friction, some were bored and stayed in one building because of Jiang Yiyi's restraints, and some were even more people with special abilities that Jiang Yiyi had never seen before. They stopped their actions and, like Li Yihe, quietly felt this familiar yet unfamiliar surging presence.

Jian Si, who was in the special escort vehicle, fell into a coma almost the moment the energy began to spread.

While the world was quietly moved by it, Jiang Yiyi was still gazing at the unchanging scenery outside the window, waiting for the answer after "giving it a try".

He didn't understand the ability of "New World", but he knew how to use it. As a skill, clicking and activating it was the only way to use it.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyi was thinking about a serious question - had he made such an attempt last week

He soon got the answer.

Impossible, because he didn't have this skill last week.

That's really exciting, what happens next.

The world map that Jiang Yiyi had caught a glimpse of once jumped out in front of her eyes. The black shadow that enveloped the world became increasingly thicker, almost merging with the world below - but the word "almost" meant that they had not yet completely merged.

The world map is not the point; the point is the prompts that pop up along with the world map.

"Network connection failed, please try again later."

Jiang Yiyi stared at the line of prompts for a few seconds, and with a sudden sense of absurdity spreading, she closed the prompt.

Then the next prompt popped up.

"The player has not yet completed the game. Do you still want to quit the game?"

Below are two unremarkable options, the lit one is "No" and the gray one is "Yes".

Jiang Yiyi did not choose any option, he closed the prompt without hesitation.

Then the third prompt popped up.

"Uninstallation failed, please exit the game first."

Jiang Yiyi clicked on the prompt without any emotion, and even began to doubt what they were going through all this for.

The feedback given by this game system makes it seem like the game can be uninstalled very easily.

"It seems that you have reached a conclusion beyond your imagination."

After the surging energy slowly faded away and disappeared from perception, Li Yihe quickly came back to his senses and noticed Jiang Yiyi's abnormality.

Jiang Yiyi sorted out his thoughts. The world and shadow that had not yet merged floated through his mind, followed by Li Yihe's conclusions.

"I can easily quit the game, or even uninstall it." Jiang Yiyi: "The prerequisite is to complete the game."

Li Yihe understood: "Does it make you more like a player?" He stared at Jiang Yiyi and said in a relaxed tone: "That only means that it knows the power you have and chose to give in in the face of your power."

“It’s not a solution to everything.”

Li Yihe stared at Jiang Yiyi's expression and spoke quickly: "End this according to the enemy's instructions? That won't give you the answer you want. Everything the enemy does is not credible. It is a sweet shell wrapped around a deadly poison."

Li Yihe spread his hands: "Compared to the advice given to you by the game, I think I am more trustworthy."

"At least I have confirmed one thing." Jiang Yiyi never considered quitting the game directly - after all, he clicked on the notification without hesitation.

"It's stronger than me." Jiang Yiyi: "I tried, but I couldn't make any impact on it."

"No, in fact, this influence already exists." Li Yihe took over the conversation: "Just now, I clearly felt the existence of that special substance."

Jiang Yiyi looked at him.

"Since you have never been affected by this ability from the beginning, perhaps the person who is truly affected by this 'give it a try' is not here."

Jiang Yiyi responded quickly: "Jian Si?"

"As for his feelings, we can talk about it after he arrives," Li Yihe said. "What's more important right now is that its reaction to your 'give it a try' is enough for us to confirm that it is not stronger than you."

"It chose to back down in front of you and give you the option to quit the game. This in itself means that it has confirmed your strength and is willing to appease or deceive you in order to avoid something it doesn't want to see."

Li Yihe was in high spirits: "It seems that you are indeed capable of destroying it."

Jiang Yiyi listened to the other party's conclusion and once again gave up the idea of killing Li Yihe - although his personality was extremely bad and, to some extent, extremely dangerous, but...

This game has completely different difficulty levels with and without Li Yihe.

The former is easy difficulty, and the latter is hell difficulty.

Li Yihe may know what Jiang Yiyi is thinking, or he may not. Anyway, he did not mention it, but continued with his words: "It reveals a message. He hopes you can play out the ending."

"And our original plan was to play the true ending."

Li Yihe looked at Jiang Yiyi: "No matter how to destroy it, there is no doubt that the true ending is very important."

“For a game, a true ending means that the player knows what the game really wants to express.”

"Of course, I don't expect the true ending to show us anything interesting, but the true ending itself means the end of the game. If there is only one place where you have the chance to defeat it, then this is it."

At certain times, Li Yihe can also be extremely reasonable - for example, when he needs to gain the other person's trust. Of course, this doesn't happen often, but life is always full of surprises.

"And you don't need to worry about my position, because I'm on your side."

"After all, only 'players who do not exist in this world' can truly touch those truths."

Jiang Yiyi frowned slightly, remembering another important point: "In that case, you lied before?"

"Lying?" Li Yihe thought for two seconds before he recalled what Jiang Yiyi meant by lying: "You mean what I said - the most important thing for us is to change the current situation of people with special abilities and start the evolution of mankind?"

"This is not a lie." Li Yihe laughed: "I don't have to lie."

"For 'us' - the first half of the sentence refers to people with special abilities, and the second half refers to the Star Alliance. If we talk about a more specific existence, it would be the Star Prison."

"They are part of the true ending." Li Yihe said nonchalantly: "Otherwise, what do you think this so-called true ending should be?"

"What's the rest of the true ending?"

"Those hidden endings you haven't gotten yet."

Li Yihe said casually: "You are doing the right thing. An independent space with a group of people who are deeply troubled by the side effects."

"To change the status quo of people with special abilities, starting from exploring new directions for human evolution, until the beginning of human evolution."

"This is difficult for others, but it is not difficult for you because you already have the ability to think simply as a fully evolved human being."

Li Yihe caught a glimpse of Jiang Yiyi's thoughtful expression and said considerately, "So, we have reached an agreement?"

"If you mean to get the true ending," Jiang Yiyi rubbed his brows and recalled what Jian Si had said at the beginning: "Then everything has returned to the beginning."

He looked at Li Yihe and said, "In your plan last week, in the second round, all we have to do is to get the true ending, and then find the only chance to defeat it."

Li Yihe showed a matter-of-fact expression: "Is this surprising?"

After trying and taking steps, I came to the same conclusion as last week - rather than finding that I was back to the original starting point, it would be better to say that the only answer had already been marked by the other party.

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyebrows slightly: "I hope that this time, we can really reach an agreement."

Jiang Yiyi lightly threatened Li Yihe: "The second chance you have is earned by your brain. There will not be a third chance."

"No one is indispensable, not even you."

The author has something to say: After reading the comments, I found that the problem may be that I don’t think Jiang Yiyi was suppressed by Li Yihe, whether in dialogue or other aspects.

But readers feel that Jiang Yiyi is being suppressed.

If being suppressed is due to IQ, then the limit of human IQ is the character setting of Li Yihe. In the previous chapter, I also wrote that Li Yihe is the most dangerous one - but in essence, the other party exists as a think tank to promote the development of the plot.

Moreover, he is Jiang Yiyi's collaborator, and together with Jiang Yiyi, he defeated the brain of this game.

Moreover, Jiang Yiyi had been in control of the other person's life and death from beginning to end, and the reason why he was alive was because Jiang Yiyi didn't want him to die.


But since the comments all hate him and feel uncomfortable with this, I will reduce his presence and involvement in the plot, hoping to give everyone a good reading experience.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-29 18:19:51~2020-03-02 11:04:27~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: 1 for Lanqi;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 40765505, demeter 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Maoqiujun 80 bottles; Miaowu 30 bottles; Funnyjun 25 bottles; Ximoer 22 bottles; The Cow Who Loves Meat, Ye 20 bottles; Joy, Jianmo Ruyan, Ziran Nishang 18 bottles; o(≧v≦)o, fiarmoay 15 bottles; Yilian, Qianbenju, kaoyeo, What's the Name Today, Qianyuwu, Yisheng 10 bottles; Konghe 9 bottles; Chenxi 6 bottles; Yiyi Baby, Yaya, Guess, Wife Cake 5 bottles; A Little Lazy Cat, Wenran 4 bottles; Denggu Denggeng, Baby's Egg 3 bottles; Watermelon Essence, Circle 2 bottles; Lingfengjun, Naming Is Really Troublesome, 40765505, Qingshu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!