Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 95: Sanatorium 5


Xingyu's response has always been extremely quick. After Jiang Yiyi made the request, the other side of the independent space was quickly opened up as the research area. Many researchers in white coats appeared quietly. Of course, they never appeared in areas outside the research institute.

Unexpectedly, or not so unexpectedly, Cang Wendong was also one of them.

"I think Kong Yueze predicted my behavior." Jiang Yiyi glanced at Li Yihe who was flipping through a book, and said meaningfully.

Considering that Kong Yueze had just talked with Li Yihe not long ago, it was quite reasonable for him to have appropriate associations about this.

Li Yihe's way of reading is very interesting. He doesn't turn the pages step by step, nor does he read the whole book directly. Instead, he flips through the pages at random, and reads whatever page he turns to. It doesn't seem like reading, but more like a bored pastime.

Li Yihe kept moving, flipping to a page and scanning the text at a glance. The information of the arrangement and combination was automatically recorded in his brain.

"Not surprising, that's Kong Yueze."

He looked up at Jiang Yiyi, a little skeptical: "You don't think that the Star Prison can trap all the people with special abilities by luck, right?"

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyebrows slightly, but before she could speak, Li Yihe withdrew his gaze and flipped through the pages of the book, saying, "The reason why Xingyu can exist is because of Kongyueze."

"In fact, as a human being, he is the only one who makes me pay attention to him."

Li Yihe closed the book and looked at the fluctuations in the distance: "The space has opened. It seems that the person we are waiting for has arrived."

Jiang Yiyi followed his gaze and at the end of her sight, the shape of a low-lying aircraft vaguely emerged.

Li Yihe showed some interest in talking. Of course, he was always keen on dialogue - after all, dialogue was the most efficient way for him to acquire galaxies.

"It's not surprising that crazy people like Death God would be arrested by Xingyu..." Li Yihe: "If you have a chance, you should meet the search team directly led by Kong Yueze. That is a team that can arrest Death God and others."

"Teamwork, high-end command, and sophisticated equipment. Of course, most importantly, they never confront people with special abilities directly. In most cases, the arrest methods chosen by Sora Yueze are very circuitous and restrained."

Li Yihe spread his hands and said, "After all, for individuals, people with special abilities are extremely powerful."

"But guess how they caught me?" Li Yihe asked excitedly, "My presence is easy to detect. After all, my wisdom cannot be ignored even across the world. But being able to detect my presence is not the same as arresting me."

Jiang Yiyi said casually, "Kong Yueze."

"Of course it was him. I asked you to guess how I was caught, not who caught me."

Jiang Yiyi stared at the excited Li Yihe for two seconds: "I guess it wasn't him who caught you, but you chose to be caught."

Li Yihe showed an expression of "being guessed", but he was not surprised: "You are the only one who guessed the answer directly, but I guess it's because you are also such a person?"

"If you fail, it must be because you choose to fail." Li Yihe got a positive answer from Jiang Yiyi's face, and his bright smile widened a little: "You are very conceited."

"Generally speaking, this kind of arrogance comes from confidence in one's own strength." Li Yihe winked at him: "It seems that you understand this very well."

Before Jiang Yiyi could express her doubts, the other party immediately said, "Only when you are strong yourself can you be truly strong."

"Time can be reset, and everything that has happened can be erased, but there is one thing that cannot be changed." Li Yihe pointed at the place where Jiang Yiyi's heart was: "That is the self that is above the external things."

“So, even in a survival game like this, you still know this: if you fail, there is only one reason: you chose to fail.”

Li Yihe was very excited: "In the high-dimensional world where you are, there must be enough exciting stories to make you still firm in this point when you know nothing."

Although she was being praised, Jiang Yiyi felt as if the other party was praising her in a roundabout way - after all, the origin of the topic was the other party.

Li Yihe heard footsteps, and it was obvious that the person they were waiting for had come close enough.

He suppressed his excited expression and looked towards the direction where the footsteps came from.

Familiar figures appeared one after another in front of them—a group of high-risk individuals that were enough to give them a headache.

Lin Yi walked in front. He completed the formalities with the prison guard who brought them in, and brought this group of dangerous elements in - this was not a good experience.

Walking in front of the group of guys, he could clearly sense a depressing and heavy presence coming from behind him—wrapped in a bloody aura and carrying the shadow of death, following him like a shadow.

But he couldn't take care of that for now.

Lin Yi quickened his pace, distanced himself from the people behind him, stopped beside Jiang Yiyi, and reported the situation in a low voice: "Jian Si fainted in the escort car..."

"That wasn't me." The masked man moved his ears and exaggeratedly distanced himself from the matter: "With Bai Cang here, I can't use my ability."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" The collector said slowly, "No one said it was you who did it."

The mask said confidently: "Is it not okay for me to help the doctor save time?"

Qiyuan stopped and looked around. Behind Jiang Yiyi and the others was a conspicuous huge building - this was the main building of this independent space, and around it were some independent buildings scattered around it, forming a semi-enclosed shape.

"What is the doctor busy with?" Origin's eyes swept across the building in front of him and fell on the farther distance, and asked casually: "Do you need to help the doctor save time in a hurry?"

The mask raised his voice and said, "Of course it is a major event concerning the whole world."

"You have no idea what doctors do." The masked man stared at Jiang Yiyi intently, his eyes exactly the same as the madman's - to be precise, Jiang Yiyi had seen this kind of eyes in countless people who had come into contact with him.

Mask said firmly, even abandoning his usual comedic tone: "He is the only correct choice."

Li Yihe gave a short laugh at this sentence.

The abnormal person's gaze paused on Li Yihe.

Eye contact.

The deviant slowly lowered his head, stared at the ground and whispered: "You know this too."

Li Yihe said as a matter of course: "Of course, there is no secret in the world that can be hidden from me."

Bai Cang walked into the paused crowd from further back, his eyes precisely fixed on Jiang Yiyi. He walked past the others and stood beside Jiang Yiyi.

"The magician sent Jian Si to the ward. His condition is a little strange..." Bai Cang frowned slightly. Compared with the other people with special abilities around him, he looked extremely normal: "His physical characteristics are normal. The cause of his coma is currently unknown."

"It wasn't done by a person with special abilities." Bai Cang was very sure of this, of course for another reason: "He is your man, and they won't touch your people - at least not for now."

Jiang Yiyi could probably guess the reason for Jian Si's abnormality - after all, he had just used Jian Si's ability to test how powerful their enemy was.

His eyes wandered and he exchanged glances with Li Yihe beside him.

Li Yihe closed the book and said slowly, "I think the more important thing right now is to assign rooms to these guys. As for Jian Si... he won't die in a short time anyway."

He glanced at the bored users and said, "After all, wild beasts always have a strong sense of territory."

Placing them in public spaces without demarcated territories is like sounding the clarion call to battle - the slightest negligence will lead to a melee.

The current calmness is not because they have become harmless, but because Jiang Yiyi is here.

Li Yihe rarely shows any emotional fluctuations in response to the strength of others - in his eyes, there are countless ways to make others die without knowing it.

Even a sufficiently powerful being can still be easily killed by wisdom.

But Jiang Yiyi is different.

His existence itself was enough to surprise Li Yihe.

He has seen weak people who cannot control their abilities, and he has also seen strong people who have reached the limits of human beings even without abilities. In this world, there are those who are worthy of admiration, and there are also those who are not worth mentioning.

But even in a crowded world, Jiang Yiyi is still the most special one - it has nothing to do with his ability, his attraction to people with abilities, or any external existence.

His existence itself is enough to surprise people. The self-restraint of moral standards and the unshakable firmness of his powerful strength. There is an incomparably brilliant soul under that skin, which never changes no matter which world he is in.

The terrible world, the endless dark oppression, and the powerlessness and weakness did not have the slightest impact on him - in the first round, he still became the one who dominated the plan.

The world is still terrible, the darkness is still oppressive, and it has the power to destroy everything, but it still has no effect on him - in the second round, he endured until the end, and then carefully made the choice to change Star Prison.

Compared with his strength, his soul that is not moved by external things is more eye-catching.

It was difficult for Li Yihe to determine whether his emotion was based on rational judgment or was influenced by Jiang Yiyi's strong personal charm - but what difference did it make

Jiang Yiyi was there, and everyone...

Li Yihe quickly glanced at the seemingly random people with special abilities.

Almost half of everyone's attention was on Jiang Yiyi.

"Let's arrange your next accommodation first." Jiang Yiyi accepted Li Yihe's suggestion after a brief pause and introduced the surrounding area: "Those around are single-family villas. There are also single wards on the second floor of this building..."

"I don't care." The collector found a good position to stare at Jiang Yiyi, and asked without blinking: "But where do you live, doctor?"

Jiang Yiyi subconsciously looked back at the building behind him.

Several voices sounded at the same time.

Mask: "Then let's go here."

Origin: "I think it's nice here."

Outlier: “I like it here.”

Li Yihe looked at Bai Cang: "Bai Cang?"

"The single wards on the second floor should be large enough to accommodate the people with special abilities at present." Bai Cang said concisely, "If the doctor decides to stay here."

Li Yihe turned to Jiang Yiyi and said, "It seems that they have reached an agreement."

Jiang Yiyi once again had the illusion of being in a vague love game - under the open gaze of the people with special abilities.

"Let's go to the second floor." Li Yihe took the lead and walked into the building. As he walked, he said, "But, indeed, compared to those unimportant material conditions, I think they care more about where you are."

The crowd entered the building and headed toward the second floor.

Bai Cang took a long step, walked past the other people with special abilities, walked to Jiang Yiyi's side, and occupied the position closest to Jiang Yiyi.

From behind, I could faintly hear the unique laughter of the god of death and some undisguised whispers.

Mask lowered his voice and said to Origin: "I don't like Bai Cang."

"No one likes him." The Deviant whispered, "Find a chance to kill him."

Jiang Yiyi paused.

Origin was quick to notice this and said with a smile, "Just kidding, Doctor. We can't beat him."

"Of course if we join forces..." The Collector turned to ask the Grim Reaper: "Grim Reaper, do you want to join?"

"The doctor will be angry." Death rejected them.

Origin showed a regretful expression and said in a relaxed tone: "Then this is just a joke."

No, if Death agreed, it wouldn't be just a joke.

Everyone knows this.

Even if the beast's limbs are bound and it is forced to retract its claws and fangs, it is still a beast. The pursuit of danger and blood lurks in its blood. As long as there is a slight distraction, the seemingly tamed beast will seize the opportunity to create blood and death.

Jiang Yiyi was well aware of this, and the professor had already warned him.

These are wild beasts that cannot be tamed.

"Don't joke about this." Jiang Yiyi stepped up and warned everyone present: "I don't like it."

The scene was silent for a few seconds, and the invisible existence suddenly tensed up, and an oppressive feeling of impending storm emerged in an instant.

Li Yihe turned his head to glance at the people with special abilities following behind them. They looked lazy and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

But there is no doubt that the danger already exists, just waiting for a moment when the beast will be released from the cage.

"A madman is a madman." Li Yihe slowly added fuel to the fire: "Even if he was staring at you with great persistence in the last second, he could kill you without hesitation in the next second."

Even Jiang Yiyi could clearly feel the sudden tightening of the string. Just as Li Yihe said, for them, joy and anger are only a moment, and restraining impulses and obeying instincts are also only a fleeting thought.

The beast is a beast because it cannot be tamed.

The reason why madmen are madmen is that their madness is rooted deep in their souls.

Jiang Yiyi stopped and looked back at the crowd.

"Be more restrained," he warned everyone again: "Don't forget, the reason why I can say 'I don't like it' to you is because I am better than you, not because of your so-called tolerance."

The desire to try suddenly spread, and after being declared forcefully by a sufficiently powerful being, their choice was not to retreat, but to take another step forward.

The taut string is about to break.

The Grim Reaper took a step forward holding the sword, then turned around and looked down at everyone.

The masked man laughed out loud, brushed past them, and walked towards Jiang Yiyi: "Before that, you should find a way to kill the Grim Reaper first."

His position was very clear and never wavered from beginning to end - after Jiang Yiyi helped him "make a choice".

"But if you don't have the ability, it might be a little difficult." Mask reminded them in a friendly way: "Why not pull Bai Cang to your side first?"

Qiyuan tilted his head and glanced at Bai Cang.

Bai Cang, who has been steadily suppressing everyone's abilities from beginning to end, has already made his position clear with his actions.

The taut string relaxed again, as if the test had received a clear message, and the oppressive presence just now disappeared quietly.

Everything returned to its original state.

They looked at Jiang Yiyi, as if they loved him so ardently.

The Grim Reaper turned around and walked towards Jiang Yiyi.

The Deviant took small steps. “But I still don’t like him.”

"There will always be a chance." Origin said casually.

Of course, whether the "opportunity" in his words refers to the opportunity to kill Bai Cang or... to kill Jiang Yiyi is debatable.

Murder and concern coexist, death and love coexist.

What is an abnormal operation for ordinary people is so common to them that they can even downplay the scene that just happened.

Just like the deaths that should have come out, they were just like this.

Jiang Yiyi stopped and looked around the layout of the second floor. A sense of familiarity came over her spontaneously—the imprint of Star Prison remained deeply rooted in every place here.

The people with special abilities didn't feel anything about this. They dispersed randomly and looked around.

The unorganized and undisciplined nature of the ability users was once again demonstrated. The rooms they chose were not adjacent to each other. To be precise, the front, back, left and right of each person's room were empty.

"Look, it's the instinct to circle the land." Li Yihe had already chosen the room, so he did not join the scattered ability users: "Beasts are beasts. Even if they disguise themselves as humans, they cannot change their instincts."

"Li Yihe," Bai Cang walked out of the room and heard this, reminding the other party: "Don't forget, you are also one of them."

"Of course I haven't forgotten." Li Yihe glanced at Jiang Yiyi and said, "The doctor also remembers this clearly."

"Of all the people with special abilities, the one he is most wary of is me."

His tone was smug, as if he had received a compliment worth showing off, and he did not try to hide his emotions.

"It seems that the doctor is rational enough." The abnormal person walked back to the corridor and said: "Li Yihe is the one who deserves the most attention among all people. At least our danger is obvious, and he..."

"After everything is over, if he is still alive, maybe he can review what he did."

"If the doctor needs it," the abnormal person stared at the ground and was once again enthusiastically helping Jiang Yiyi: "We can help you kill him."

"I have no objection." Qiyuan grinned and said, "It's a pity, but I have been unhappy with him for a long time."

The collector looked at Li Yihe, who was smiling happily, and said with a little concern: "I want to collect his brain."

The Grim Reaper, holding a sword, walked out of the room slowly and did not participate in their conversation.

"Death?" Origin called out to him, "You're not interested?"

"Didn't you used to love fighting?" The Collector turned his head and glanced at the Grim Reaper.

"The doctor won't like it." Death said slowly, holding the sword.

An unexpected answer, the Collector turned his head and looked at the silent Mask: "Mask?"

"Li Yihe is very important." Mask's reason for refusal was very original: "He must be alive."

"Doctor, he's been acting strange since what you did to him last time." The Collector said politely, "Perhaps you can make him return to his original state?"

"I'm afraid that won't work," Jiang Yiyi calmly rejected him: "After all, thoughts are free."

Mask glanced at the Collector: "You have no idea what I saw."

"You said it before," Kamen reminded the other party: "A new world."

Mask tried to say something to explain his current situation - his mind was not twisted, at least he thought so.

But he opened his mouth and realized that he couldn't explain it at all, just like the magician, their explanation would not gain any credence, but would only increase their suspicion.

Mask gave up explaining and said dryly: "You don't understand anything."

The collector rolled his eyes and turned to Jiang Yiyi to apply: "Doctor, I also want to see such a magical new world."

Jiang Yiyi rejected him: "I think it is necessary to respect freedom of thought."

Li Yihe watched their conversation, as if the main character they planned to kill was not him, and he was relaxed and happy to the point of being happy: "Doctor, now that we have chosen the room, should we go see Jian Si?"

"Jian Si won't die anytime soon anyway," Qiyuan repeated what Li Yihe had said before: "Doctor, why don't you tell me about the next arrangements? I'm a little curious."

Jiang Yiyi was reminded: "I think you should know that there is a research institute here."

No one looked surprised - compared to Jiang Yiyi's reaction, they seemed to have expected it, just like Kong Yueze's reaction.

Li Yihe said nonchalantly: "I'm afraid you are the only doctor who thinks that 'treating a disease' is just treating a disease."

And everyone except Jiang Yiyi knew very well what Kong Yueze's retreat meant - it not only meant that he was giving in to Jiang Yiyi's strength, it also meant that Kong Yueze was happy to see all this development happen.

Given Kong Yueze's obsession with human evolution, he would be happy to see it happen, for one reason only: he felt that Jiang Yiyi could bring a breakthrough.

Obviously, everything was within the other party's expectations.

"Before making the choice, they..." Li Yihe paused for two seconds and corrected his words: "We all know what this choice means."

"But if the research institute was useful, Xingyu would not have been in trouble for so long." Bai Cang reminded Jiang Yiyi of the fundamental reason why Kong Yueze regressed: "You are the leader of the 'treatment' process."

"They need to find a way out of the dilemma so that they can continue their research." Li Yihe took over the conversation: "And your role is to find a way to allow them to continue their research in the dilemma."

He noticed Jiang Yiyi's expression and explained considerately: "Don't be confused about this, just do what you want. Any impact you have on the ability users is what they want."

To some extent, Li Yihe's existence is really necessary - he directly broke down advanced mathematics into second-grade math problems and clearly laid out the problem-solving steps in front of Jiang Yiyi. If Jiang Yiyi couldn't solve the problem, then Jiang Yiyi should doubt his own IQ.

Li Yihe didn't think he had done anything surprising. To him, this was a normal daily routine.

So after answering the question, his attention quickly jumped back to the main point: "I think it is a good idea to start 'treatment' according to the order of arrangement, but considering Bai Cang's special nature, and the current situation that the Grim Reaper and the Mask have been affected..."

He tilted his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Between Death and Mask, I recommend Death."

The mask's expression moved slightly, and he wanted to say something, but then he endured it.

The Grim Reaper held the sword in his arms, unusually silent, without making any strange laugh.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Yihe, waiting for his next explanation.

"The Death God's 'ability' is not that strong - as the first guinea pig, even if there is a problem in the 'treatment process', it will not cause irreversible consequences; and his talent in cold weapons is very useful - although you don't need it, it is still enough to be a guarantee."

"After all, no one wants to face the god of death with a sword in his hand."

"The most important point is," Li Yihe turned his head to look at the Grim Reaper and said, "His attitude towards doctors is different from that of other ability users."

“He’s more controlled and more determined.”

Li Yihe explained everything clearly in front of Jiang Yiyi: "If the doctor didn't use his ability on him, then there is something abnormal with him."

Death laughed.

Li Yihe ignored him and concluded: "To sum up, he is the best choice."

This is why Li Yihe is the one who should be most vigilant - as long as he wants, everyone will follow his footsteps.

In the first week, I was actually the leader.

Jiang Yiyi suddenly understood why Jian Si repeatedly emphasized the phrase "You are worthy of it", because the same thought now occurred to him: in Li Yihe's plan, should he take the lead

As expected of me.

The author has something to say: I don’t know if you understand why the person with the ability suddenly has murderous intent.

Because for them, joy and anger are only a moment, and restraining impulses and obeying instincts are only a moment. , they will be full of good feelings towards Jiang Yiyi because of some special influence, and are willing to restrain themselves for this.

Because of Jiang Yiyi's suppression, he would also be filled with murderous intent in an instant.

The reason why madmen are madmen is because their madness is rooted deep in their souls.

The reason why Xingyu cannot cooperate with them is because they are truly uncontrollable.

This is true for Xingyu and also for Jiang Yiyi.

It’s just that Jiang Yiyi’s influence on them is countless times greater than Xingyu’s.


I got everyone's thoughts from the comments.

This is the story I wanted to write—and that has never changed.

But I also hope that readers can have a good reading experience during the reading process.

I created this world, and the readers watch it with me.


I will balance these two points and make it more readable - due to my limited level, it is difficult for me to change the writing flaws in a short period of time, so I can only say that I will try my best to do the best I can.


I feel that it is a bit inappropriate to say these things, and I will try not to talk about these irrelevant topics in the future.

Just focus on the article itself.

Thank you all for your comments and support.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-02 11:04:27~2020-03-03 11:12:24~

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Liu Mengyuan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: demeter 2; ^_^ 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ning Meng 38 bottles; Manzhu & Shahua 37 bottles; Poliwutang 35 bottles; xixigjy 30 bottles; Zihuaqingyankee, Zha, Baozhiyige, shertansale, Xiaomeigui, Huahu 10 bottles; Yusi 8 bottles; Yi Changyu 6 bottles; Yansheng, Miaomiaomiao, _(:3)∠)_ 5 bottles; Cheng 2 bottles; amon Little Monster, Mo Zhizhi 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!