Thousand Autumns

Chapter 34


Shen Qiao still closed his eyes slightly, his face was calm and calm. From the outsider's point of view, the bamboo stick in his hand could do whatever he wanted.

But it was such an unruly style of play that Duan Wenyang did not dare to be careless. His expression was even more dignified than when he fought against Li Qingyu just now. From the roof to the tree, the figure is erratic, the light and shadow are uncertain, sometimes gentle and sometimes sharp, and they fight with each other with incredible speed.

And it seems that so far, Shen Qiao has no sign of falling behind.

Taking advantage of Duan Wenyang's lack of time to pay attention to them, the Su family hurried forward to protect Su Wei, Su Qiao asked to send his mother and brother back to the inner room, and he endured the pain and stayed outside.

The more everyone looked at it, the more surprised it became, and the one who was most surprised was Duan Wenyang.

Before Shen Qiao didn't have a seizure under Duan Wenyang and Li Qingyu's taunting sighs, everyone thought it was normal, because not only Duan Wenyang, but other people also felt that Shen Qiao had reached this situation. In fact, it was almost half ruined. It is difficult to recover. A person without martial arts cannot stand on the rivers and lakes. If he can only rely on others to protect him, no matter how powerful the person who protects him, he is a waste in the eyes of others, and everyone has the qualification to look down on him. .

But it was such a "crippling person" who did something that even the vast majority of people present couldn't do - not only did he stop Duan Wenyang, but he was also able to draw a tie with the opponent.

Many people couldn't help thinking at this moment: Headmaster of Xuandu Mountain is Headmaster of Xuandu Mountain after all, even though the title of the first sect in the world is meant to be touted, it is not without reason that Shen Qiao can become the heir of Qifeng Pavilion.

But then again, if he could be on par with Duan Wenyang, how could he have lost to Kunxie and ended up like that? Could there be something else hidden in it

The chaotic thoughts swept through everyone's mind, and more people watched the two men's moves intently, for fear of missing the slightest bit, but they felt that it was brilliant, no less than the previous Li Duan's fight.

Shen Qiao in the battle circle was not as relaxed as outsiders imagined.

In fact, Duan Wenyang is indeed very strong, and his martial arts are indeed above Kunxie, which cannot be faked.

The reason why Shen Qiao can persist for so long is that he has the five successes to make the bottom line, and secondly, Duan Wenyang fought against Li Qingyu before, and he was indeed injured a little bit. Doushu, and even the stars in the heavens, are subtle and unpredictable. Duan Wenyang has never been in contact with them, so he will inevitably miss the opportunity and be circled in.

The outsiders looked at the flowers, Duan Wenyang whipped one whip after another, the whip whip was like a thunderous, unstoppable, domineering and tyrannical true qi was imposed on Shen Qiao's head one after another along with the whip shadow, making his pressure one after another, like a fragile porcelain , although beautiful but about to crack, vulnerable.

With a snap, the sound of the bamboo stick being broken in two came, Li Qingyu immediately threw the Qiushui sword in his hand at Shen Qiao: "Next!"

Shen Qiao listened to the sound to identify the position, without turning his head, he stretched out his hand to catch it firmly, the sword qi swayed, impartially, and just fell from the opponent's nine-fold whip shadow.

In an instant, the land collapsed and the ground cracked, thousands of ravines vying for the current, bursting the embankment and leaving, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and there was nothing to stop it!

Duan Wenyang's face changed slightly, and he had to let go and retreat, the whip shadow disappeared instantly, replaced by a white light.

This white light is not sword qi, just because it has no shape or quality, and it has no sense of true qi. It floats like a soft ribbon, but it follows the shape like a shadow, as if it has its own consciousness.

"What is this, is it also sword energy?" Zhan Ziqian couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"No, it's Sword Intent." It was Junior Brother Xie Xiang who answered him.

Zhan Ziqian: "Why is it different from what Li Qingyu used just now?"

Xie Xiang: "Li Qingyu is an invisible sword intent, but this is a tangible sword intent."

Zhan Ziqian: "The invisible is better than the visible, so Li Qingyu is better?"

Xie Xiang: "The sword intent is inherently invisible, so how can it be said that the invisible is better than the tangible? If you can cultivate a tangible sword intent, it means that this person has acquired the essence of kendo and is not far from the realm of the sword!"

Zhan Ziqian suddenly realized that his affection for Shen Qiao suddenly rose to worship.

Duan Wenyang took dozens of steps back when he retreated, but the white sword intent seemed weak and boneless, but it did not lose its edge in the slightest.

The whip tail and the sword intent met, this whip made from the skin of the South China Sea crocodile and dozens of medicinal materials was actually cut off by the sword intent!

Duan Wenyang's complexion changed slightly, and the palm wind slapped towards Jianyi. In an instant, it was like a cloud rising from a cliff, training across the river, and the sky and water met.

The monstrous waves turned into reality and rushed in all directions, and everyone who saw them changed their color and retreated. After taking a few steps back, they realized that the waves coming towards them were not real waves, but the residual sword intent like waves.

Everyone came back to their senses, but there was still a sense of cold water vapor on their faces, and only then did they realize the power of the sword.

Zhan Ziqian found it interesting and couldn't help but smeared it on his face, but there was nothing in his hand, but Xie Xiang said to him: "This is because his tangible sword intent has not yet been achieved. When it reaches the realm of transformation, it is difficult to guarantee that bystanders will not be hurt by it.”

Zhan Ziqian has always admired this junior brother's insight, so he heard the words and asked: "I see that his inner strength and true qi seem to be inconsistent with the sword intent, what is going on?"

Xie Xiang snorted, his eyes still on the field: "He should be suffering from an old disease, and his internal strength is not as good as before. Even if he cultivates sword intent, he will not be able to exert the best state of sword intent, and I am afraid it will not last long."

Zhan Ziqian hurriedly looked at Shen Qiao, he had a good impression of Shen Qiao, and naturally he didn't want the opponent to lose, but in the shadow of the epee, it was difficult to take a closer look at the expressions of the two.

Duan Wenyang was a little tired, his whip was cut off, and he was injured a little in the fight with Li Qingyu. At this time, he regretted looking down on Shen Qiao. Even though the opponent's internal strength was a little weak, his sword intent was extremely fierce. No matter how strong Duan Wenyang's internal strength is, it can't be continuously output. Seeing the sharp increase in the color of the sword, I am afraid that there will be a comeback. Even if he is no longer in love, he will let go and step back, smiling: "Shen Zhangjiao really lives up to his reputation, today is not allowed. Empty, come to ask for advice another day, and leave it here!"

He wanted to leave, but no one could stop him. Although he was born in Turks, his Qinggong was surprisingly high, with a strange number of paths, and a treacherous movement. No one present could see his history.

Shen Qiao did not catch up.

He is the only person who has played against both Kun Xie and Duan Wenyang at the same time.

Kunxie's martial arts are not high, but if Shen Qiao was not poisoned by the plot, the one who lost in the battle of Banbu Peak must be Kunxie.

However, Duan Wenyang is different. Although Shen Qiao has lost most of his martial arts, his vision is still there. The terrifying level of this opponent surprised Shen Qiao. Although he seems to have the upper hand, he has not been able to test the opponent's limit. Shen Qiao would definitely lose, but Duan Wenyang chose to withdraw at this time.

He stood on the spot to adjust his breath, and found that he had just used the physical sword intent to consume most of his true energy. At this time, his body was very weak, and he was extremely reluctant to maintain his normal walking. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

Li Qingyu walked up to him: "Headmaster Shen."

Shen Qiao handed back the Qiushui sword in his hand, "Thank you, Young Master Li, for borrowing the sword just now, but it's a pity that Shen's skill is not good enough to humiliate this good sword."

Li Qingyu took the sword: "I just slipped, don't take it to heart."

At first glance, he was a person who seldom humbled himself, and even his words of apology were a little cold.

Shen Qiao smiled and said, "Young Master Li is polite. If you hadn't borrowed the sword in time, I'd be in the corpse field by now."

His eyes could vaguely see some scenes, and over time he developed the habit of squinting to look at people. Even so, his eyes remained dull, but they seemed to have a shimmering luster in the sun, which made everyone who saw them sigh and regret.

Li Qingyu looked at him for a moment, and suddenly said: "If you have nowhere to go, Chunyang Temple can provide you with a place to live. You don't have to feel wronged and depend on people you don't like."

Su Qiao on the side couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. Who knows in Chunyangguan that this junior brother is as cold as iron, and he only values martial arts. Maybe he will be a little warmer to his master and fellow disciples, but it doesn't stop there. I have never heard him say a little bit of false words to anyone, let alone invite someone to come back to Chunyang to live there. How can I know that Shen Qiao, who has never met before, will treat him so differently.

Shen Qiao also seemed to be a little surprised. After a slight stun, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Young Master Li."

Thank you, thank you, but did not say whether I needed it or not, but declined.

They met by chance and didn't have much friendship with each other. Shen Qiao didn't want to cause trouble to Chunyangguan because of his own affairs.

Li Qingyu nodded, didn't say any more, and left with his sword in hand.

Fang Cairen didn't talk about it, and he couldn't help but look down on this poor former headmaster, but after Shen Qiao and Duan Wenyang fought, this kind of thinking disappeared.

Even if Shen Qiao took advantage of the latter, under the circumstances at that time, if he hadn't taken the shot, who would have stopped Duan Wenyang

Who dares to say that he will definitely be able to make Duan Wenyang retreat

The old lady Qin came over with the help of the maid, and brought Su Wei Su Qiao to give Shen Qiao a big gift: "Thank you Mr. Shen for rescuing my son in time, and please accept the old man!"

Shen Qiao hurriedly supported her: "Old Madam, don't be polite, Duan Wenyang left and returned, trying to take Meiyang County as a hostage, it is inevitable that I would be kind, since I am a guest in the mansion, I naturally want to help, and this is my share. Things!"

Mrs. Qin: "In any case, from now on, you will be the great benefactor of the Su Mansion. The door of the Su Mansion will always be open to you. If Mr. Shen has any request, the Su Mansion will try its best to fulfill it for you."

Even though there may not be so much that the Su family can do, it can be seen that Mrs. Qin is truly grateful for making this promise.

A birthday banquet ended because of Duan Wenyang's intervention. Everyone came here in good spirits, but returned in disappointment. Pu Liurujian and Shen Qiao walked out of the Su Mansion together, and invited him to another day as a guest before leaving.

Shen Qiao was about to get on the carriage, but was stopped by Zhan Ziqian: "Shen Langjun stay!"

Zhan Ziqian bowed: "I've always wanted to talk to you just now, but I couldn't find the opportunity. Please grant me a request!"

Shen Qiao asked curiously, "Why is it so solemn?"

Zhan Ziqian smiled and said, "I want to ask you to allow me to include you in the painting."

Shen Qiao: "Into the painting?"

Zhan Ziqian: "Exactly, I have always loved Danqing together, and I like to draw immortal characters the most, but there are so many living beings in this world, who are the real immortals, until I saw Shen Langjun, I felt that you were the immortal characters in my mind. It's the closest, so I want you to let me copy it, okay?"

Shen Qiao had seen thousands of strange requests, but he had never met anyone who wanted him to be included in the painting. He was dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer.

Before Zhan Ziqian could convince him further, Xie Xiang had already walked over: "Shen Langjun, don't take offense, senior brother loves to paint and is crazy, often like this!"

After saying that, he cupped his hands, grabbed Zhan Ziqian's arm and was about to leave.

Zhan Ziqian shouted twice, but Xie Xiang's strength was not enough, so he had to turn around and shout to Shen Qiao: "Shen Langjun, please don't leave the capital too soon, Zhan will definitely visit him on another day!"

Shen Qiao laughed and shook his head, got back into the carriage, took out the handkerchief and spit blood on it, his expression immediately became tired.

Duan Wenyang was injured by his sword intent, and it took about half a month to recover. He couldn't take advantage of it himself. He also hurt his vitality, but he just couldn't bear it.

Xie Xiang must have seen this too, so he didn't let Zhan Ziqian entangle himself.

Yan Wushi was so fond of luxury, the people below did what he liked, and the interior of the carriage was also comfortable and gorgeous. Shen Qiao asked the driver to set off for the young master's house, so he didn't need to cover it up any more. Mei, unconsciously fell asleep.

Because of the exhaustion, I slept very deeply this night, and I didn't know about foreign affairs. When I woke up, I found that the wheels seemed to be still rolling under me, and I couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

He lifted the curtain of the car to look outside, and vaguely saw that the carriage seemed to have left the city and was already driving in the suburbs.

"Old Wei, is it you who is outside?"

No one answered, but the car slowed down until it came to a complete stop.

The driver turned his head, still wearing Lao Wei's clothes, but his face was changed. He was pretty and pretty, with dimples on his cheeks when he wasn't smiling.

Even if he couldn't see clearly, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, Shen Qiao knew who it was.

"It's not me, Su Mansion's vigilance is really common. I'm wearing Lao Wei's clothes and a hat on my head. As long as I learn a little bit like my voice, and I don't even have to change my makeup, they have no doubts about such a place. , anyone can come and go freely, you help others drive Duan Wenyang away once, but you can't drive away the second time."

Shen Qiao: "Where's Old Wei?"

Bai Rongjiao said angrily: "How can Zhangjiao Shen know that he cares about an old man, a beautiful woman from the slave family is right in front of you, and you don't care about me? I'm dead, naturally, I will kill you!"

Shen Qiao smiled: "It's me who talks too much. I don't need to ask this. A smart person like you won't get along with Yan Wushi for a driver."

Bai Rong smiled and said, "I even kidnapped you, let alone a driver. Are you afraid that I won't tell the truth when you say this? It's okay, it's okay to tell you, I didn't kill such a small person. After he became interested in him, I knocked him unconscious and threw him in the Su family's stable. He let him die on his own, and I didn't care if he was trampled to death by a horse! But then again, Yan Wushi didn't treat you very well, knowing that you Now that you are not in good health, you vomit blood and faint at every turn, and only let a coachman follow you, do you think of today?"

Shen Qiao shook his head: "My relationship with Yan Wushi is not what you think, you don't have to deliberately provoke it. What is the precious thing for Lady Bai to bring me here?"

Bai Rong suddenly stepped forward, the warm and fragrant breath was close at hand, Shen Qiao subconsciously frowned and turned away, the other party reached out to grab him, his bamboo stick had been broken in Su Mansion, and he blocked with his bare hands at this time. , the two sides passed dozens of tricks in the blink of an eye.

Bairong's hands are very fast, and her fingers are like a flower that changes countless times. In a breath and a breath, this flower has gone through the process of blooming from bud to full bloom, and from blooming to withering. Moment.

However, the exquisite "Qinglian Seal" was actually blocked by Shen Qiao. The other party seemed to have expected her every move, sooner or later, just a little bit faster than Bairong's shot every time.

Bai Rong didn't see Shen Qiao and Duan Wenyang fighting. In her impression, the other party was still in a state of serious injury and weakness in Huaizhou City. At this time, seeing that the "Qinglian Seal" that she was proud of was completely blocked by Shen Qiao, she felt in her heart. Surprise goes without saying.

"When I heard that you killed my senior brother, I didn't quite believe it. Now it seems to be true. Has your martial arts recovered?"

After saying these words, Bai Rong avoided the palm wind from the other party, went around behind Shen Qiao, tapped the other party's acupuncture point, and suddenly hugged him from behind, wrapping her head in front of him: "Obviously he is a Taoist priest, but You are so beautiful, how can you let the people from the Demon Sect get along?"

While talking, he even kissed Shen Qiao's nose!

This series of actions happened too fast, and Shen Qiao's vitality was severely damaged, and it was already reluctant to fight her. He didn't expect her to act like this, and immediately startled the boss, his face was full of shock.

Bai Rong giggled: "I've wanted to do this since the day I saw you, and today I finally got what I wanted!"

The acupoints were restrained and unable to move, Shen Qiao simply gave up the unnecessary struggle: "How are you doing?"

Bai Rong: "You killed Huo Xijing, and you asked me how I wanted to treat him. Huo Xijing's servant is usually flattering, and the master likes him. When this happened, the old man was very angry and asked me to take you back to deal with it. !"

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that Shen Qiao was good-looking. In the Hehuan Sect, both men and women were beautiful, but because of practicing charm and acting without any scruples, this kind of beauty could never give people the feeling of being cold and out of the world.

If it is said that the people of the Hehuan Sect are succubuses who are immersed in the six desires, then Shen Qiao is like a goddess who is high above the temple, without sadness and joy.

But for blasphemers, the more so, the more they want to defile the idols.

Bai Rong said happily: "But I'm a little reluctant now. You were born so beautiful and fell into the hands of my master, I'm afraid you will be tortured, and you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die. The content of the last "Zhu Yang Ce" I can't remember it all, if you are willing to compare it with me and recite it to me again, I will let you go, go back and tell the master that I can't beat Sect Master Yan, how?"

Shen Qiao: "Xuandu Mountain has the "Zhu Yangce" wandering soul scroll. Since you know that I am Shen Qiao, why don't you let me recite the wandering soul scroll to you?"

Bai Rong smiled and said: "Do you think I'm stupid, I haven't heard of the wandering soul scroll, you just messed up the order and memorized it, I don't know if it's true or not, I've memorized most of it. , I just couldn't remember it all, if you deliberately mix up the order, I can tell the difference."

Shen Qiao: "What if I refuse to cooperate?"

Bai Rong Jiao said: "Then the slave family has no choice but to hand you over to the master. Haven't you heard about the reputation of my master, Sang Jingxing? He is several times more cruel than my senior brother Huo Xijing. Ji, I like to pick up supplements the most, and I also like to torture people to their last breaths in the bed, if a beauty like you falls into his hands, I can't imagine it."

Shen Qiao sighed: "You all think that I am a tiger and Pingyang, and I am bullied by others, so you can do whatever you want, as if you are treating me as something in your pocket, in this situation, how can I not cheer up, even if I don't go to fish and meat others, at least It's better not to let people fish!"

Bai Rong was stunned for a moment, and before she had time to understand the meaning of Shen Qiao's words, she saw that the other party suddenly shot, and her slender index finger pointed at her!

"Chun Shui Fingering?! How can you know Chun Shui Fingering!"

Bairong changed color in shock, and quickly retreated.