Thousand Autumns

Chapter 63


The monkeys rushed towards Tuoba Liangzhe and fell into the abyss. In the open space, there was only Tuoba Liangzhe's exclamation, which lingered for a long time.

Yan Wushi, who was supposed to be used by Tuoba Liangzhe as a shield, was leaning against the stone wall and gasping for breath, his face was as pale as a ghost, and there was a hint of indifference in the flickering faint candlelight.

Shen Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward to check his pulse: "Are you all right?"

The opponent seemed to be slightly stiff when he started, and then relaxed, letting him press on his wrist.

Shen Qiao's brows tightened, but it wasn't because of his reaction: "Why is the infuriating qi in your body becoming more and more disordered, like a group of heroes competing with each other!"

Yan Wushi: "I just got really angry."

Shen Qiao could not help but be surprised when he could hear the feeling of running out of fuel from his words in just a few words.

Before he could react, the other party was already crumbling like a jade mountain, and the whole person leaned towards Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao couldn't help but hug the person, his tentacles were cold, he was unprepared, and was shivered all his life.

This kind of situation is a bit like the reaction of Yan Wushi and Ru Yan Kehui after the fight against Chen Guo that day.

But in fact, the root of his illness today has indeed been buried since that day.

Yan Wushi was also trembling, which made him subconsciously want to get close to Shen Qiao and absorb a little more warmth.

Due to his previous situation, Shen Qiao did not dare to infuse him with true qi at will: "How do you feel, if you can't go, just rest here for a while."

Yan Wushi squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Go..."

Shen Qiao sighed, bent over and carried him on his back, leaned on the ground with his sword, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Sect Master Yan, who once stood alone in the martial arts and looked down on the heroes, would never have imagined that he would have such a day in his dreams.

There was no fire on them, but before it was extinguished, Shen Qiao saw that there was indeed a staircase under the entrance of the cave, which was extremely steep, but since there was a staircase, it meant that there must have been a place where people lived. It was indeed the Ruoqiang Ancient City that Chen Gong was looking for.

The person on Shen Qiao's back was still trembling slightly, but the other party's willpower was so strong that he refused to let out even a single moan.

The ape that attacked them just now must have been here for a long time, so it will fall down with Tuoba Liangzhe. Does it mean that the following is not the abyss they imagined, but another place

Shen Qiao walked down the stairs step by step, thinking distractedly.

Yan Wushi said dumbly, "I'm not your Ayan."

Shen Qiao hummed: "I know."

From the look of the other party watching Tuoba Liangzhe fall, to the reaction when he caught up with him, he knew that the temperament in Yan Wushi's body should have changed again.

After getting along for a few days, Shen Qiao also found some clues.

One is his original temperament, let's call it Yan Wushi.

One is "Xie Ling" who will call him the beautiful brother. This temperament is a little naive, but he is still very defensive. He doesn't like to talk, but he can trust him, maybe because he sees Shen Qiao after he wakes up. Perhaps it was because he could feel that Shen Qiao had no malicious intentions. In short, this "Xie Ling" let him do whatever he wanted, which was extremely worry-free. The real Yan Wushi would never do this.

One is "Ayan" who has been talking to him just now. This temperament is relatively mild and can discuss some things. It is the easiest to get along with among all the temperaments of Yan Wushi.

Shen Qiao: "Then who are you now?"

Yan Wushi replied with a specious remark: "I am him, but not him."

His true qi was running around in his body, and it must be extremely painful at the moment, but if he didn't want to focus on the pain, he had to divert his attention by talking.

Shen Qiao: "So you are not Yan Wushi, Xie Ling, or Ayan?"

Yan Wushi: "I don't know, my mind is a mess. Sometimes I think of some things, and sometimes I feel that those things didn't happen to me. Maybe I did something a quarter of an hour ago, and I don't even know myself..."

Shen Qiao was accustomed to this situation: "When you find Cistanche Jade, your situation should improve."

Yan Wushi: "Jade Cistanche can only treat external injuries, but it is ineffective for internal injuries."

Shen Qiao: "Then how can we get back to the original state?"

Yan Wushi: "Wait for me to make up for the flaws in "Fenglin Yuandian"."

Shen Qiao: "That flaw in the devil's heart, didn't you say before that it couldn't be repaired?"

The other party echoed in the aisle with a somewhat surprised voice.

Yan Wushi didn't remember many things at the moment, but he still remembered how "he" treated this person in the past. When he brought him to Sang Jingxing with his own hands, the other's eyes could almost show that his heart was withered. I said: I have been betrayed again and again, not because I am too naive, but because I believe that there is always goodwill in the world, if there is no fool like me, where would Sect Master Yan get fun

But how long has it been

What kind of mood does this person have to face "self" again

"I have found a way." He said lightly.

There seemed to be a little warmth left in the chest, which was left by "Xie Ling" and "Ayan", whenever I thought of this person.

But Yan Wushi forcibly erased it at the moment, and his eyes fell not far in front of Shen Qiao.

"There are people there," he said.

Almost at the same time, Shen Qiao stopped.

He heard it too, the fleeting heavy breathing.

"Who's there?" Shen Qiao said.

In the darkness, a pair of faint green eyes floated in the air like two ghost lights, staring at the two of them.

At the same time, there was a bloody smell that could not be dissolved.

This Ruoqiang ancient city, which has been neglected for many years, is indeed in danger.