Thousand Autumns

Chapter 64


Shen Qiao stood still, and the other party did not take a step forward. The two faced each other, forming a strange atmosphere.

Shen Qiao had already seen these green eyes on the ape just now, and it is not too surprising to see such eyes again at this time, but it is a little strange, why such a closed and barren ancient city ruins appeared for many years So many apes

Can they survive here for hundreds of years without eating or drinking

Seeing that Shen Qiao was standing still, and didn't show the slightest impatience, those eyes couldn't hold back, they flashed in the darkness, the green disappeared, everything returned to darkness, and the smell of blood soon gradually disappeared.

gone so easily

The stairs are very long, and Shen Qiao found out that there are more or less pattern carvings on the walls on both sides of the stairs. It can be seen that this place was once a prosperous city. After Ruoqiang was annexed by Loulan, it disappeared from the history books. Above, even those subjects and people and countless gold and silver treasures, I don't know whether they were plundered by Loulan or just disappeared.

He carried Yan Wushi on his back and walked down step by step. In the darkness of the sky, his steps were infinitely magnified. Yan Wushi's breath, which couldn't be surprising because of his injury, was slightly heavy, and it kept lingering in Shen Qiao's ears, with a slight heat. There was also the sound of the mountains and rivers falling to the ground to explore the path. These details gave Shen Qiao an illusion: this road seemed to never end.

Since you can't finish walking, why not stop and take a break

No matter how far you go, you can't get out anyway.

There was a burst of coldness on the back of the neck, and Yan Wushi's hand suddenly touched, causing Shen Qiao to shiver involuntarily.

The breath here is closed all the year round, people will inevitably feel suffocated after staying for a long time, the brain will become dull, and naturally it is easy to become drowsy.

Just now, Shen Qiao had been thinking about the ape, but he was not paying attention for a while, and almost got caught.

"Thank you," he said.

Yan Wushi didn't answer.

Shen Qiao was also used to it. This person's infuriating qi is disordered in his body now, and he can't control himself. He often switches between several temperaments. Now this kind of person must not like to talk.

The two walked for a while, and suddenly, Shen Qiao felt that the stairs under his feet had disappeared, replaced by a flat ground, and the walls on both sides were gone, but this situation was even more uncomfortable, because no one knew the end of this open space. How big is it, will a trap appear suddenly under your feet

A sword was handed to Shen Qiao's face, silently, and the sword that was as cold as Qiushui didn't show any luster in the darkness.

But Shen Qiao had been in the dark for a long time, he was used to listening to everything with his ears, his ears were extremely sharp, the tip of the sword was still an inch away from his eyes, he had already jumped up, flew backwards, and shot out the sword. With a loud bang, the opponent's menacing approach was instantly turned invisible.

"Where is the evildoer! Sign up!"

Shen Qiao hadn't spoken yet, but the other party questioned first.

He laughed and laughed: "Who is your Excellency?"

The other party could hear his voice: "Shen Daochang?"

Shen Qiao: "Who are you?"

The other party: "I'm Chu Ping, I came with the lord."

There were about a dozen people who followed Chen Gong. Except for Murong Qin, who had known each other from the beginning, the others had almost no communication with Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao hummed: "Where's Chen Gong?"

Chu Ping: "My lord and the others are in front, and just now a monster like a monkey took away our two companions. I thought you were too... I'm sorry, Daoist Shen, please come with me!"

His voice was terrified, and his words were still panting. It could be seen that he had also gone through a fierce battle just now.

Shen Qiao: "Is there a trap here?"

Chu Ping: "No, this should be a terrace, but there will be a corner in front of it, and the lord and the others are behind the corner."

Shen Qiao judged the direction based on Chu Ping's footsteps, followed him all the way, and after walking for a while, he heard someone say, "Who?"

Chu Ping: "It's me, Patriarch Murong, who found Daochang Shen and the others."

Murong Qin's voice was a little tense: "Come here!"

Chu Ping also became nervous: "What's the matter, is the monkey here again?"

Murong Qin didn't speak, and then there was a slam in the darkness, and there was a fire in his hand.

By the light of the fire, Shen Qiao saw that there were other people standing beside Murong Qin, but the number was obviously less than when he came in.

Chen Gong saw Shen Qiao and the others with a relieved expression on his face: "Fortunately, you are all right."

Shen Qiao: "What's going on?"

Chen Gong: "The strong wind blew away the deep pit that was originally covered with fine sand, and the ancient city of Ruoqiang was connected below, so we fell down, but the head here is very big, and our orientations were not the same when we fell, so we were separated for a while."

Shen Qiao: "Where should we go now?"

Chen Gong answered any questions: "I just checked it out, if I guessed correctly, this should be the original city entrance, the chalcedony grows in the ground, we have to find the passage from the city to the underground, and continue to go down. ."

Shen Qiao: "This city has been submerged under the wind and sand for hundreds of years. Even if there is a passage, it would have been blocked long ago. Even if the dry food is exhausted, it may not be able to be found."

Chen Gong: "Don't worry, I have seen the rough terrain of Ruoqiang's city before I came here. I don't know where the passage is. The Ruoqiang people built an altar in the north of the king's city, and the passage should be under the altar. , now we just need to find the altar to the north."

"There are some monsters here. You should have met them just now. They should be apes and monkeys that live here all year round. They are sensitive to their ears and eyes, and they are accustomed to the dark environment. Mistakes."

These words were not only for Shen Qiao, but also for those subordinates in the same industry. Presumably just now, a few people were lost for some reason. Everyone immediately responded in unison, and Murong Qin led the way and followed the fire.

As soon as there were more people, everyone seemed to be relying on each other a little, and they felt a lot at ease, especially when Shen Qiao joined. Allocated to the level of first-class masters.

At this time, Kunxie's death has not been known to many people yet. When the news spreads, I am afraid that no one will dare to look down on Shen Qiao with the eyes of the past.

Jianghu is such a reality, hidden in pride and ambition, under the sword of three feet, it is also a big wave to rush for gold, and the strong are respected.

Those apes who were hiding in the dark seemed to be afraid to come out because they were afraid of their large number of people. Where to go, this distance is enough for them to walk from the south of the city to the north.

But although everyone had doubts, because of their different identities, they did not dare to ask Chen Gong easily, only Shen Qiao said, "How long do we have to go?"

Chen Gong was also a little unsure. After all, what he saw in the palace of Qi State was the incomplete topographic map left over from the Han Dynasty: "It should be coming soon."

However, not long after these words were finished, someone in the group suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Rokuro is gone!"

Then there was another exclamation: "What is this!"

In order to save the fire box, only Murong Qin ordered one in the group. Before Murong Qin greeted the fire box, some people were already in a hurry to find one from their arms and wanted to light it, but because they were too nervous, their hands were trembling. The fire box fell directly to the ground.

Murong Qin walked over quickly, and the light of the fire hit the ground, but saw that there was a hairy spider on top of the Huozhe that had just fallen, and its body was gray-black. There are three white marks on its back armor, it looks like a person with closed eyes, when the spider crawls, the "eyes" will open again, like blinking.

Everyone had seen such a bizarre situation before, and they couldn't say they were afraid, but they only felt cold hairs standing upright at the time, which was unspeakably disgusting and uncomfortable.

Someone couldn't help but swung his sword over and cut the spider in half with one sword, but in an instant, more little spiders poured out of its belly and crawled towards everyone's feet.

"Rokuro! That's Rokuro!"

Someone else lit the fire, and the fire swayed far away, and they saw a corpse lying there, still wearing their familiar clothes, but the whole person was shriveled, and the skin was directly attached to the bone, which was quite interesting. terror.

"Don't let these things get close!" Murong Qin said sharply.

As soon as he spoke, his sword was already unsheathed, and as soon as a few sword lights passed, all the spiders that tried to climb towards him and Chen Gong were killed on the spot.

But other people are not so lucky. The little spider crawls extremely fast. It climbs up the leg of the trousers, and when it sees a gap, it drills in. Once it touches the warm skin, it will inject venom, causing people to produce I felt paralyzed, so I was completely absorbed in blood and I didn't even notice it, and I didn't even make a sound.

In the blink of an eye, two or three more people fell down. These people only knew how to do their fists and kicks. They ran around Chen Gong like a handyman. At this time, it was too late to resist, and they were as silent as that Rokuro. fall down.

The others were horrified when they saw this, and they all dared to be careless, and they all showed their weapons to kill the spiders, but the spiders were too small, and some of them kept pouring out from nowhere. , chopped a few big ones, and inevitably another small one climbed out, which was inexhaustible and hard to guard against.

Only on Shen Qiao's side, under the sword curtain of the mountains and rivers and the sad sword, no spider could get close. He protected Yan Wushi behind him, and the sword qi surrounded both of them so that no water leaked, and the darkness was like a white waterfall. , dazzling, it is impossible to take your eyes off.

The spider bullied the soft and was afraid of the hard. Seeing that it couldn't get close to Shen Qiao's body, it turned around and rushed towards others.

Chen Gong was angry and reprimanded his subordinates: "Who asked you to stab it in the stomach, just set it on fire and set it on fire!"

He himself was not idle either, holding a sword in one hand, and swinging the fire stick to the ground with the other. The spider was afraid of the fire, so he didn't dare to go forward. He took the opportunity to burn part of it, but the fire stick was limited after all. Undoubtedly, several people on Chen Gong's side had already died, and he had to command everyone: "Run forward!"

But the house leak happened to be raining overnight. At this moment, everyone felt a cool breeze behind them. Before they could react, someone else screamed and fell forward.

"It's the demon monkeys! Those demon monkeys are here again!" Someone shouted in shock.

There was a tiger behind the wolf, and they couldn't run even if they wanted to. In fear, everyone subconsciously gathered towards Murong Qin and Shen Qiao, because they were the strongest in the team, and they still managed to do it without any damage.

But Shen Qiao himself was not easy. Two apes rushed towards him at the same time. On the one hand, he had to deal with the spiders in front of him, and on the other hand, he had to deal with two apes, and he also had to protect Yan Wushi.

Those apes, as Chen Gong said, have been in the dark for a long time, and have developed the ability of night vision. They are like cunning hunters in the dark, watching everyone turn around under the siege of spiders, waiting for the best time to shoot, Make sure you hit it.

The clanging sound of the sword resounded endlessly, but many people found that a sword pierced through the chest of the ape, but it was either not blocked by the hard skin like iron under the fur, or the ape often They can always escape at the last moment. After a few rounds, they have to worry about those blood-sucking spiders, and they have to deal with the apes with endless energy.

The ape's fingernails also seemed to have some kind of toxin, and the wounds they scratched immediately began to feel hot and painful.

"These apes and spiders are natural enemies. As soon as they appear, the spiders all retreat."

Yan Wushi suddenly said, his voice was dull and weak, without the arrogance that he used to control everything, but when he spoke, there was always a power that made people involuntarily concentrate and listen.

Everyone who heard this sentence was stunned for a moment. In the gap between the fight with the apes, many people looked to the ground, and sure enough, they saw that the spiders that were discolored were all gone.

Without the constraints of the spider, it seemed as if the heart was relieved, and everyone's spirits were instantly lifted.

But the good times didn't last long. With the sudden sound of a long neigh in the dark, like a woman crying, the ape's attack became fierce again. There is a posture of immortality.

Shen Qiao said to Yan Wushi: "This must be because the ape leader is in command, he must be captured to be peaceful, you hide with Murong Qin, I'll go look for the leader, maybe I won't care about you for a while. ."

Yan Wushi hummed, and there was no extra sentence.

But the two of them are not friends at all, and of course they can't talk about enemies at present. In terms of their current temperament, they are different from the deity, but they are equally cool. If they say something like "be careful", Shen Qiao will To be surprised.

Seeing that Yan Wushi was hiding against the wall and hiding in the protruding crevices, he would not be discovered by the apes for a while, so he jumped up on the wall, using the protruding cracks as a foothold, ups and downs for a few rounds, He jumped towards the source of Fang Cai's cry and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Shen Qiao's Taoist robe flutters, there is no dust under his feet, and he holds a sword in one hand. If it is changed to the environment in broad daylight, I am afraid that he has the demeanor of an immortal and will definitely attract countless attention. It is a pity that here, everyone is still too busy to take care of themselves, only Yan Wushichao His disappearing figure took a deep look, and then he did not take refuge in Chen Gong and Murong Qin as Shen Qiao had explained, but bypassed the crowd and walked deeper into the darkness.

No one noticed his disappearance, and Shen Qiao didn't even know it. He closed his eyes and turned his ears to search for the existence of the ape leader, but the other party has been silent since the call, so he could only rely on his impression to search forward.

The sound of the short handover from below was getting farther and farther, Shen Qiao held her breath, and merged herself with the ruins behind her, and felt the boundless silence and unknown brought by the darkness.

Suddenly, the cry sounded again!

The mourning was long and sharp, like a horn and a signal, causing the apes below to attack Chen Gong and the others frantically again.

It's now!


The phoenix chick sings like a clear voice, and the mountains and rivers are unsheathed with the sword of sorrow!

Shen Qiao tapped his toes, and the whole person jumped into the darkness.

There is no help in the darkness, but he can walk in the air. This sword is not fancy, but it is extremely fast. The sword light almost wraps the whole person in it, turning into a white rainbow and passing through the air, the white is purple and purple. The air comes from the east, and shoots towards the source of the sound!

When it was mid-air, the sword light was prosperous. The ape was not a dead thing, and naturally he was aware of the danger, but as the leader of the ape, he was the king in the ruins of the ancient city. The first reaction was not to turn around and run away, but to pounce at Shen Qiao angrily.

Under the light of the sword light, Shen Qiao discovered that the ape was actually a monkey with a human head. It was different from other apes. What was even weirder was that the furry man had a pair of green eyes on his face, staring at Shen with resentment. Qiao, a pair of sharp claws carried a bloody smell and an inexplicable strange smell, completely ignoring Shen Qiao's sword light, and pressing down like a mountain!

Shen Qiao suddenly remembered what the strange smell was. It was the smell that came out after the spider had died. These monkeys had been underground for so long and had no other source of food. They used spiders as their belly for Chinese food. It is the natural enemy of spiders, so as soon as they appear, the spiders will run away.

But now that there are so many people suddenly, in the eyes of the monkeys, it is like an extra pile of food, and they are naturally attracted and pursued.

The ape doesn't know how powerful the sword light is, and thinks that his fur is comparable to a copper wall and an iron wall, and he is fearless.

The two met on a narrow path, and the infuriating energy wrapped around the sword light, which directly broke the fur and skin of the ape's chest, and the tip of the sword pierced an inch.

The ape leader was surprised and annoyed, and immediately screamed sharply. The apes who had been surrounding Chen Gong and others heard the sound and abandoned Chen Gong and the others. They jumped on the surrounding walls a few times, aiming directly at Shen Qiao!

These apes are not only strong in attack, but also sharp in shape, and their fur is as hard as iron. Ordinary weapons can't be broken at all. They are mountains and rivers and sad swords, and they have to be injected with true energy to hurt them. There is no fear, but if dozens of them rush up together, I am afraid that a master-level master like Zen Master Xueting will not be able to bear it.

He immediately retracted his sword and retreated, but the ape leader was injured by him, how could he escape easily? Not only did he pounce on Shen Qiao himself, but he also ordered the rest of the apes to attack Shen Qiao together.

Seeing that the monkeys were all led away by Shen Qiao, Murong Qin hurriedly said to Chen Gong, "My lord, let's go quickly!"

Chen Gong said, "No, go and help him!"

Murong Qin was a little surprised: "Master?"

Chen Gong frowned: "We are on the same boat now. Shen Qiao has helped a lot. If you can help, you must help!"

After he said that, he took up his sword and jumped up.

Murong Qin and the others couldn't, so they had to grit their teeth to keep up.

But the ape leader deeply hated Shen Qiao for hurting himself, and wanted to tear him to pieces. Under the pressure of the leader, the other apes also had no intention of fighting with Chen Gong and others, and rushed towards Shen Qiao impatiently. , the addition of Chen Gong and others made them even more frantic and impatient, and they were not afraid of death. Even Chen Gong was not careful, and his arm was cut with a deep hole.

Seeing this, Murong Qin hurriedly said, "My lord!"

He was busy giving Chen Gong medicine, and the others retreated when they saw this.

Shen Qiao had nothing to do with them, even if he was trapped in order to capture the thief and the king first, it just relieved their crisis.

Murong Qin whispered to Chen Gong: "My lord, it's not too late, wait for these demon monkeys to kill Shen Qiao and then turn around to deal with us, it will be bad, let's go!"

Chen Gong was silent for a moment, and finally no longer hesitated: "Withdraw!"

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked up. Amidst the wild and treacherous cries of the monkeys, several sword lights were sharp, but they seemed a little helpless, and he didn't know how long it would last.

Chen Gong withdrew his gaze and walked away with Murong Qin and the others without looking back.

Shen Qiao killed two apes, and indeed gradually felt exhausted.

After all, his skill has not recovered to its full potential, not to mention that these apes just ignore it like crazy, and rush to the sword qi one after another, but the sword qi can't be endless, Shen Qiao slashed a line on the chest of one of the apes. From the long opening, the opponent's blood splattered on his face, and the fishy smell rushed to his face, which made people want to vomit.

Taking advantage of the other apes attacking Shen Qiao, the ape leader kept his troops still, waiting for the opportunity, and managed to spot the gap.

Shen Qiao was directly hugged by it, unable to break free, the whole person fell back involuntarily, stepped on the air, and fell into a deep pit.

At this moment, the ape leader took advantage of the situation to let go of him, and when the other apes grabbed his tail, he pushed Shen Qiao into the deep pit, and then screamed loudly, as if celebrating the victory!

The mountains and rivers and the sword of sadness carried Shen Qiao's weight, and almost drew a spark on the wall of the pit, but Shen Qiao still couldn't stop the trend of falling, it seemed like a real abyss, and I didn't know when it would end, Shen Qiao's arms were sore and numb , Every wound on his body is hurting, it was injured when he was fighting with the ape group just now, and at this time he only felt hot and uncomfortable.

Shen Qiao looked down, and there was a faint red light underneath, not knowing what it was.

His arm has completely lost the feeling, and if he doesn't notice, the mountains and rivers and the sword of sorrow fall in the narrow wall, and the whole person falls down!

But this feeling of falling has just happened, and his other arm was firmly grasped!

Shen Qiao raised his head, but saw Yan Wushi appearing out of nowhere. In order to catch Shen Qiao, his upper body was stretched out.

"Hurry up!" he said sharply to Shen Qiao.