Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 117: Resurrected from the dead


I don't know how long it has passed, but time seems to stand still.

There was a sound of even breathing from beside her. Feng Yege turned her face sideways and looked at Lou Qingwu's closed eyes. After relaxing, Lou Qingwu who fell asleep looked extraordinarily quiet. He couldn't help but turned sideways, propped his head with one hand, raised his hand to brush away a strand of black hair blown by the wind on her face, and gently hooked it around her ear, his fingertips inadvertently slid across her face, skin Feng Yege's slightly restrained phoenix eyes slightly narrowed due to the slippery smell coming from the room.

The fingertips moved slightly, and finally landed on her bright red lips, and the fingertips caressed gently.

Finally, with a silent sigh, he withdrew his hand.

Watching quietly, not long after, she stood up, bent down to hug Lou Qingwu, jumped up a few times, and soon her slender figure disappeared into the night sky.

Feng Yege quietly put Lou Qingwu back on the bed in the room before turning around and leaving.

When Lan Bai and Qian Mian saw him coming out, they quickly surrounded him and whispered, "Ye Wang, how is the master?"

"It's all right."

"The Night King has a solution."

Lan Bai patted her chest in reassurance. Earlier, the expression of the master went out, which frightened her and Qian Mian, thinking that something had happened, but until they saw that scene, they only knew that Mrs. Ninth might be It has something to do with the master, but I don't understand why the master saw such a complicated expression on the portrait

Fortunately, the master came back safe and sound.

Feng Yege looked back at Lou Qingwu's room, "If you need anything in the future, please come and tell me anytime."

Lan Bai: "Yes!"

The movements outside the room gradually became silent, and Lou Qingwu, who was already sleeping in the room, slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were sober and sober, there was no trace of sleepiness.

She didn't know what to think of, raised her hand, and put her fingertips on her lips, in a daze.

For a long while, complex emotions flowed quietly in his eyes.

In the end, she regained her composure, turned over, and closed her eyes again, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

The next day, when Lou Qingwu walked out of the room, she just opened the door and met Lan Bai's face.

She took a step back, "Lan Bai, what are you doing standing here?"

Lan Bai pitifully leaned her head against the door frame, and pointed to her dark circles, "Master, where did you go with the Night King last night? I've been thinking about it all night and I'm still curious." Since she followed the master, she also Having met the Night King once or twice, how did the Night King know where the master went when he was in a bad mood? She doesn't know.

This made her feel very incompetent.

"This." Lou Qingwu folded her arms around her chest, and thought for a while while propping her chin with one hand.

Lan Bai opened his eyes wide and stared at her to answer, but Lou Qingwu raised the corner of his mouth and only answered two words: "Secret."

Lan Bai froze immediately: "Oh, master, don't bring such ones, tell me, tell me." After finishing speaking, she was about to rush towards Lou Qingwu, and was held up by the collar by Qian Mian who appeared at an unknown time Pulled away, at the same time Qian Mian stood in front of Lou Qingwu, "Master, I'm more curious about who is the woman in the portrait?"

"Oh? You want to know?"

Qianmian nodded desperately: "I want to!"

Lou Qingwu's expression became more casual, "My mother."

"Huh?" Qian Mian and Lan Bai didn't realize it, but when they did, they suddenly stood up straight: "What? Your master..."

As if afraid that they didn't hear clearly, Lou Qingwu answered again: "You heard me right, my biological mother is also the eldest lady of the Lou Mansion." Even though there are many similar people in the world, one person's The demeanor and the temperament that has been tainted by time are unique, and the impression of her mother was too deep when she was a child, so she could recognize it as her mother with just one glance.

The two were completely stunned, "But... the eldest lady has already..."

Then how did she become the Ninth Lady of Patriarch Ruan

This span is a bit big, their small hearts are limited, and they feel so complicated...

"Yes, I really want to know the reason why my mother appeared in Ruan's house after her death. However, this is not our purpose now."

"what is that?"

"Now that we know who Ruan Xiuren's Ninth Madam is, we can prescribe the right medicine. Since Ruan Xiuren asked the doctor to treat the Ninth Madam, let's go and see for ourselves."

Qian Mian was the first to shake his head: "Master, Ruan Xiuren's main courtyard is like an iron wall, and moths can't fly in."

"Of course we don't go in like this."

Qianmian's eyes lit up: "Then what shall we do?"

"Madam Nine has an accident, Ruan Xiuren will definitely find a way to find someone to treat him. Qianmian, go and find out who the Ruan Mansion will invite next time, we will replace him, and go in to see what happened?"

Qianmian was overjoyed immediately: "Yes! This subordinate will do it now!"

It wasn't until Qian Mian left that Lou Qingwu quietly looked at the dead tree in front of her. In a trance, she seemed to see the elegant and gentle woman back then, smiling lightly at her and dancing lightly.

Qian Mian came back soon, this time it was not difficult to inquire, because he was already familiar with the people in the mansion, although it took a lot of effort to get the news, it was much easier than getting the picture scroll. As soon as Qian Mian got the news, he went back to Yifeng Pavilion, "Master, Master Ruan sent someone to find a quack Taoist priest who is said to be able to treat various intractable diseases. I don't know where he got it from, and he is being escorted to Beijing now." .”

Lou Qingwu pondered for a while, and then said: "Qianmian, you help Lan Bai dress up as me, and you and I will go outside Beijing to guard."


Half a day later, a carriage slowly drove into the capital. In front of the carriage was the housekeeper of the Ruan Mansion, who welcomed the carriage all the way into the Ruan Mansion. The carriage stopped only outside Ruan Xiuren's main courtyard. The butler dismounted from his horse, lifted the curtain himself, bowed his head respectfully and said to the people inside: "Master Daoist, we're here, please!"

Sitting inside was a middle-aged man, with gray hair combed meticulously, wearing a Taoist robe, a jade crown on his head, eyes closed, and a dust whisk on his left wrist. Seeing this, the housekeeper's eyes became brighter. He only hoped that this time the head priest would be able to wake up Mrs. Ninth. In this case, the head of the family would no longer need to be controlled by others, and he could replace the dowry to solve the current gold shop. urgent.

The Taoist priest opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and wise.

He is a person with some ability.

In response, he stepped out of the carriage, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the medicine boy from this way?"

"Eh? Master, I'm here!"

A man with disheveled clothes and hat hurriedly ran from not far behind. When he came to the Taoist priest, he quickly plucked his hair, "Master, I'm fine."

Daoist frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Hey, I feel sick to my stomach, hehehehe." The drug boy smirked a little bit, and in a blink of an eye, seeing the butler was looking at him, he snorted and laughed even more stupidly.