Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 126: Desperately


"Do you really think that what he said to you today are just casual chats? No, he saw early on that you are not mine, and he just used those anecdotes to numb your nerves first, thinking that he treats me sincerely , Then, he inquired about everything about me, so as to find my weaknesses." This is what he is best at, and it is also the most difficult to guard against.

It was only because she had suffered too much in the previous life that she was so clear in this life.

Otherwise, when a handsome man who is dignified, gentle and refined without any flaws, and who is extremely considerate towards you appears in front of you, no woman who is waiting for a boudoir can resist it.

It's just that he is too perfect, and this perfection is the biggest flaw.

She didn't think that she was really that attractive, but just seeing her once or twice could make a prince fall in love with her.

He just wanted to use his own hand to send his so-called god-sister Ye Ji to the King of the Night, and then use the hand of the King of the Night to push him to the position of prince.

After hearing Lou Qingwu's words, Lan Bai's expression gradually became serious, his brows were tightly furrowed, and finally he said angrily, "Damn it!"

She originally thought that this man was a good man. The last time the master said that he had a crush on him, she thought that the third prince was not as good as the Night King, but seeing how concerned he is for the master today, she still thinks that the third prince is actually good. , but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a black fox, thanks to her original plan to match him with the master.

Don't let her see him next time, otherwise, she will give him a look.

Seeing Lan Bai's thoughts, Lou Qingwu rubbed the center of her brows helplessly, "I'm telling you these words tonight to let you have a clear idea of what he is like, but don't know his way, but next time The first time you see him, you still have to pretend you don't know anything."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because..." Lou Qingwu's gaze fell on one spot, and the shadow hit her face, making her expression unclear, "I'm going to destroy what he wants the most."

Lan Bai froze in place, not understanding the reason for the sudden coldness around her.

It stands to reason that the master has not had much contact with the third prince, so how can he know the third prince so well

But the master is omnipotent, she just needs to trust the master!

"Well, Lan Bai remembered."

Early the next morning, the butler walked into Qingge Xiaozhu with an exquisite lunch box, stood in front of the study in the Xiaozhu, and knocked on the door: "My lord."

"Enter." In the study, Feng Yege did not raise his head, and wrote quickly on a file with a Langhao pen.

The butler opened the door and walked in, standing respectfully in the center, "My lord, someone brought a box of snacks, saying it's for my lord."

"Who is it?" Feng Yege frowned unconsciously.

"I heard from the guard outside the mansion that it was sent by people from Loufu." That's why he dared to send it in boldly, otherwise, he would have taken care of it by himself. There is no one else in Loufu except Miss Lou.

Sure enough, when Feng Yege heard the word "Loufu", she stopped her movements and raised her head.

His eyes fell on the lunch box in the housekeeper's hand, and a strange light flashed in his bright phoenix eyes.

Nodding his head, "Take it here."

The housekeeper immediately stepped forward, put the meal box on the desk, opened it, and immediately, a fresh fragrance came to the nostrils, and when he took out the neatly placed plate of hibiscus cake in the box, Feng Yege's expression suddenly froze. , there was a faint smile on the originally indifferent expression, but when he thought of the scene of the two people looking at each other in the painting boat yesterday, he couldn't help but hum.

But he glanced at the hibiscus cake again, waved his hand reluctantly: "Go down."

The butler secretly glanced at Feng Yege's expression, knowing that the master was happy, he immediately responded and withdrew.

When the prince came back yesterday, he was so gloomy that he couldn't stand it any longer. He even stayed in the study all night correcting the files, and he didn't dare to disturb him. It happened that Miss Lou sent this. Now, the prince must be in the right mood. alright.

The housekeeper guessed right, Feng Yege's mood is indeed better.

Moreover, for the first time ever, he ate all of that plate of sweet and greasy Furong Cake.

When Lou Qingwu got up early in the morning, she was told that Lou Qufeng wanted to see her. After washing up, she took Lan Bai to the lobby. When she got there, she unexpectedly found that Lou Lianxin and Ruan Zhen were also there. Lowering his eyes, he walked to the center and saluted Lou Qufeng: "Father."

"Well, Qingwu, you are here, please sit down quickly."

"… yes."

Lou Qingwu looked around, and sat on the seat next to Lou Lianxin, and Lou Lianxin's back was straight, as if she looked like a lady of every family, and today she was wearing a cherry red gold silk smokey look The fairy skirt made a small face extremely beautiful. Noticing the way she looked over, he turned his face to look back, and smiled at her for the first time, with a respectful and gentle expression: "Sister."

Lou Qingwu raised her eyebrows and nodded.

Sitting down, she stared straight ahead. She wanted to see what day it was, but they were all here.

Lan Bai still had lingering fears about the last time Ruan Zhen planned to harm her, and kept watching her expression vigilantly. Seeing the corner of her mouth twitching triumphantly, she suddenly felt that she was going to play some tricks again.

However, Ruan Zhen really didn't care about Lou Qingwu's master and servant today.

She has more important things to do today.

Lou Qufeng also saw the harmony between Lou Qingwu and Lou Lianxin, and couldn't help but feel better: "Qingwu, Lian'er was young before, if she did something wrong, you have to forgive her Ah. Although as the saying goes, seniors and children are in order, you are not married yet, and your second sister should not have married first, but you also know that Lianer can't wait for something like that to happen. So, today The Li family will come to give the betrothal gift, and it will be a good day in five days. You don't mind, do you?"

Lou Qingwu lowered her eyes, covered the light in her eyes, and shook her head: "My daughter is naturally happy for my sister."

It's just that she was afraid that her good sister would be unhappy on the day she got married.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a sound of gongs and drums outside the door, followed by the sound of firecrackers. Lou Qufeng stood up when he heard the sound, "People are coming, good! Good!" Lou Qufeng said a few good words After all, this happened before his second daughter was married. He was worried that the Li family would withdraw directly, but fortunately, he chose a date in the end. Because it was in time, everything was kept simple.

Lou Lianxin's small face also turned red, the excitement around her affected her mood, she didn't know what to think of, she turned her head to look at Lou Qingwu, with a smile on her face, with a look of innocence: "Sister, you are as good as Ji At that time, my younger sister may not be able to be there, and after marrying Jingsheng, she will no longer be able to walk around at will. I wanted to tell you in advance, but who knows that you have gotten too close to the third prince recently."

Lou Qingwu didn't seem to see the pride and mockery in her eyes, she smiled and didn't answer her.