Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 148: Ask for a dowry


Ruan Zhen stared in disbelief at the beautiful woman who walked out slowly from behind Ruan Xiuren, Yingying stepped forward, took Ruan Zhen's hand and smiled slightly: "Zhen'er, I haven't seen you here for a long time."

"Nine, sister-in-law nine?" Ruan Zhen's face turned pale.

How can it be

But what she thought was impossible actually happened.

She stared blankly at Mrs. Ninth for a long time before she raised her head and looked over Mrs. Ninth at Ruan Xiuren behind her who seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He stepped forward calmly, hugged Mrs. Ninth's shoulders, pulled her back, and embraced her in his arms.

Ninth Madam blushed and pushed him, but did not break free, and heard Ruan Xiuren's voice above her head.

"Ning'er, you go back to your room first, my sister and I have something to talk about."

"That's it, that's okay." Madam Nine felt a little regretful, she didn't see people very often on weekdays, and she finally saw Ruan Zhen who was waiting, but she was about to go back.

But after so many years of resignation, she didn't want to go against Ruan Xiuren's words, so she reluctantly left.

It wasn't until the figure of Mrs. Ninth was out of sight that Ruan Xiuren put away the smile on his lips, and looked coldly at Ruan Zhen who was completely stunned. The tall and majestic figure walked to the main seat, sat down idly, raised his sword eyebrows, and said ironically: "Sit down, it seems that my Ruan family doesn't treat guests well."

"Big brother..."

Ruan Zhen thumped in her heart, and her momentum lost half inexplicably.

"Hey, Ruan Zhen, this is not like you, what are you upset about?"

"Big Brother, Ninth Sister-in-Law?"

"Awake, didn't you see?" The coldness in Ruan Xiuren's eyes grew stronger.

Ruan Zhen saw it naturally, she wanted to ask, why did she wake up? Something went wrong, it shouldn't be like this.

If Mrs. Ninth wakes up, what leverage does she have to threaten Big Brother? But if she admits defeat at this time, she really has nothing. Reluctantly cheering up, Ruan Zhen walked to the position below Ruan Xiuren step by step, as if she hadn't seen Mrs. Ninth at all just now, she raised her eyebrows and looked calmly at Ruan Xiuren.

"Brother, Lian'er's big wedding day is coming, I wonder when will the dowry arrive at Lou's house?"

"Dowry?" Ruan Xiuren glanced at her coldly, picked up the tea at the side, took a sip with his eyebrows closed, and then said quietly, "Ruan Zhen, the Ruan family is not as good as before."

Ruan Zhen felt a "thump" in her heart.

"But we agreed at the time."

"Is it a deal? Didn't you, Ruan Zhen, force me to agree?" He suddenly put the cup in his hand on the table heavily, and made a "boom".

Ruan Zhen bit the tip of her tongue hard, so that she could not show any panic on her face.

"Brother, although I know that I did something wrong, the poor girl is your own niece anyway, you can't just watch her marry like this? If she goes to the Li family like this, she will be looked down upon by others." Ruan Jane lowered her eyes fiercely, lowered her head, and her tone was somewhat pleading.

"But you also need to know that I am also very embarrassed when something happens to the gold shop."

"Brother..." Ruan Zhen frowned at him.

"... After this matter is over, I will naturally make it up to her." If it wasn't for the gold shop's accident, he wouldn't be so heartless, but Ruan Zhen pushed him so hard back then, wouldn't he be annoyed? His expression was a little indifferent.

"But at that time, Lian'er had already been classified by the Li family! She won't think highly of her at all!" Ruan Zhen growled anxiously.

"Then what do you want me to do? I can't hand over the goldware from the First Jinsi Building. Do you know what kind of disaster my Ruan family will face? It's not that you Ruan Zhen has a daughter, I also have a family to support, I can't Let the Ruan family's hundred-year-old foundation be ruined! Besides, anyway, the situation has already happened, she and Li Shen will have an affair first, even if I prepare a large amount of dowry for her, it won't change anything."

"But without these dowries, she would be nothing." Not even a concubine!

"I can't do anything about it. Why, Lou Mansion is so poor that they can't afford a dowry? Lou Qufeng, after all, is also a chancellor to the left." The semi-sarcastic voice made Ruan Zhen's face pale.

Since the fourth lady became pregnant, all the master's attention has been directed to the fourth lady, and he doesn't care about Lian'er at all. What's more, even in normal times, Lou Qufeng would not be willing to take out his money, so how could he? Dowry for Lian'er? She saw it too clearly, so she planned everything for her early in the morning, but unfortunately, Lian'er was designed to have an affair first, but now...doesn't she even have the last backing

"Brother, you are trying to force our mother and daughter to death." Ruan Zhen's eyes were gloomy, and she looked particularly penetrating.

"Ruan Zhen, don't force me. When I seized the position of head of the family, I didn't have blood on my hands. I want to support the Ruan family. It's not what I say or what I say. Oh, by the way, you probably don't care The Ruan family, after all... you are not from the Ruan family either, right?"

"..." Ruan Zhen's eyes flashed fiercely, "Brother, are you determined not to help me?"

"Don't speak too harshly. If Mother hadn't insisted on me taking care of you before she died, do you think you can still enter and exit Ruan Mansion safely?"

"..." Ruan Zhen looked at the indifference in his eyes, and finally realized that she was really stumped this time, she stood up slowly, and smiled coldly, "Okay! Brother, today, I will remember."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Zhen suddenly turned around, walked out of Ruan's mansion with her ten fingers clenched, her face was gloomy as if it was the prelude to a storm, it was terrifying and ferocious. Arriving at the Lou Mansion, almost frightened the servants and maids along the way, until Ruan Zhen walked into Fuxi Garden, waved everyone away, Ruan Zhen went back to her room, and took out the mother Gu worm again, but the Gu worm was intact Non-destructive, why did Mrs. Ninth wake up

The raised hand almost directly destroyed the mother Gu worm, but she endured it at the last moment.

A little intolerance can lead to big plans, since Qian Ri Zui is one of the three Gu worms, it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

She lowered her eyebrows and waited for her thoughts to calm down before she put the Gu worms away again, but just as she sat down, she heard a sound from outside the door, and then the door was pushed open in response.

"Mother, I heard that you have gone to the Ruan Mansion, do you want to bring the dowry?"

Lou Lianxin's words reached her ears, Ruan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, when Lou Lianxin mentioned the dowry, her face darkened, "No!"

"Ah? Then when will it be delivered? I'm going to get married in two days." Lou Lian sat aside dissatisfied. She was almost suffocated to death by being honest in her own garden for the past few days.

"I won't send it over again." With a calm gaze, knowing that she couldn't hide it, Ruan Zhen simply told Lou Lianxin everything.

"What, what?" Lou Lian was stunned, her eyes widened in disbelief, and then she roared angrily, "How can I get married without a dowry?"