Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 29: Four-clawed golden dragon


I saw that the flying dragon had only four claws.

As the saying goes, five claws are a dragon, and four claws are a python; one dragon soars in the sky, and the other rolls to the ground.

Doesn't this... mean that the emperor is not worthy of sitting in that position? It shouldn't be over the top, it should be...

Everyone looked at each other, and they all shut their mouths tightly. Opening the mouth at this time is simply courting death. I am afraid that the left minister is doomed tonight.

A dark light flashed in Li Miao's treacherous and cunning eyes. He glanced warningly at Li Jingsheng who opened his mouth and wanted to say something to him. The latter's eyes flickered, he nodded slowly, lowered his eyes, and remained silent. Liu Miao's mind was extremely heavy. When Lou Lianxin came out just now, he thought that his original decision was right, but looking at it now, the concubine of the Lou family is so stupid that she can even provoke so many people by embroidering a birthday gift. Come on, it's really...

His eyes were narrowed dangerously, his heart was full of calculations, but his face could not reveal his thoughts.

On the other side, Lou Qufeng obviously saw it too, and almost lost his courage, and immediately shouted: "The emperor calms down, the emperor calms down! My little girl never meant that, this... this must be a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? What a misunderstanding! Lou Qufeng, I doubt your loyalty very much now!" If the Ninth Five-Year Lord of the Eastern Yu Kingdom is only worthy of this four-clawed golden dragon, then who is worthy of five-clawed? Could it be that his Lou Qufeng still has the heart of treason? ! As soon as Emperor Zong's words fell, Lou Qufeng's face was pale and he was suspected of being unfaithful by the emperor. Have no second thoughts towards the emperor! Never second thoughts!"

Lou Lianxin on the side still doesn't know what happened to him? Staring blankly at Lou Qufeng kowtowing his head, his face was frighteningly pale, but even if she didn't know the reason, she could tell it was because of her, but...but what happened

On the other hand, Lou Qingwu beside Lou Qufeng was much calmer. She raised her head at some point, her cold gaze carried a gleam of light, and everyone's attention was on Lou Qufeng and the emperor. No one noticed her except the second prince Xia Hourui who was not far away from her.

He was also attracted by Lou Lianxin's flying dragon in the sky at first, but now seeing the four-clawed golden dragon, he couldn't help but feel sad. I'm afraid Prime Minister Zuo really fell for it this time.

Just seeing Lou Qingwu's gaze inadvertently, the thought just now was denied again.

For some reason, looking at her quiet and indifferent side face at the moment, he suddenly had a feeling that she would definitely be able to reverse the current situation...

Even he thought he was crazy, but he had such confidence in her in his heart. The woman who was forced by the concubine in the mansion but still calm and calm flashed in his mind. Xia Hourui's eyes became deeper and deeper, and finally turned into a deep dry well, with incomprehensible emotions precipitated.

When the situation was about to collapse completely, Lou Qingwu finally spoke: "The emperor calms down, my daughter has something to say."

Her voice was very soft, but in the peony garden where you could hear the drop of a needle at this moment, it was extraordinarily clear, low and cool, as if it could penetrate into the bottom of my heart and extinguish everyone's dissatisfaction and restlessness.

Attracted by Lou Qingwu's voice, Emperor Zong lowered his eyes, and when he saw the woman with drooping brows and eyes, but couldn't hide her overpowering face, he was stunned for a moment, although his complexion was still not good, he twisted His brows were still loose, "Who are you?"

"The courtier's daughter is Prime Minister Zuo's eldest daughter, Lou Qingwu."

"Lou Qingwu?" Emperor Zong repeated, looking at the soft and gentle woman who looked like a little white rabbit, he reluctantly waved his hand: "What do you want to say?"

Lou Qufeng didn't expect Lou Qingwu to speak at this time, and couldn't help worrying that Lou Qingwu would say something outrageous. But he also knew in his heart that no matter how bad the situation was, it would not be more serious than the crime of treason and disloyalty. He lay down even lower, almost lying on the ground, feeling uneasy in his heart, what on earth would he do now? To appease the emperor

At the same time, Lou Qingwu's voice came from the side very calmly, like a cool breeze, ironing and comfortable, soft and soft, so that no one would be willing to interrupt: "Your Majesty, there are two things you want to say, my lady." First, if my father had been disloyal, he would not have given such an obvious birthday gift. Instead, he would have kept a low profile and waited for the opportunity. This time, it was just my sister who did it carelessly. I implore the emperor to learn from him; second, This is what the courtier accidentally heard during the day. My father knew that the emperor was worried about the shortage of food and wages at the border recently. In order to relieve the emperor's worries, my father originally planned to take out one hundred thousand taels of gold with Patriarch Ruan as a real birthday gift to the emperor. If that is the case, how could my father have the intention of treason? I implore the emperor to think twice, and give my father and sister-in-law another chance."

As soon as Lou Qingwu's words fell, the entire Peony Garden fell into a dead silence that was even more silent than the previous moment.

One hundred thousand taels of gold, then... Isn't it one million taels of silver

God! Is Prime Minister Zuo crazy? It turned out to be such a big deal! However, at this moment, they all knew in their hearts that the eldest lady of the Lou family was probably trying to use the one hundred thousand taels of gold to buy the lives of Lou Qufeng and Lou Lianxin. After all, making the emperor suspicious is definitely a disaster for a courtier. So if you want to save your life and show your loyalty at this time, you can only spend all your wealth.

One hundred thousand taels of gold is not one hundred and two thousand taels. When piled up, it can dazzle people's eyes!

Sure enough, Emperor Zong's tight lip line loosened, he stared at Lou Qingwu, his eyes flicked back and forth from Lou Qufeng and Lou Qingwu, but in the end he remained calm. But his attitude is obviously moved, but he is a majestic ninety-five-year-old, and he has already said what he said just now. If he is asked to speak Lou Qufeng now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face? But in his heart he was reluctant to part with the one hundred thousand taels of gold. He had been worried for many days because of the urgent border crossing and the shortage of food and wages.

It's hard for Emperor Zong to say, but the empress beside him saw it clearly, and said at the right time: "My lord, from my opinion, this is your birthday, and it is not appropriate to see blood. What's more, your majesty has always been benevolent, and Zuo Xiang has always been extremely loyal, I am afraid this time it is entirely because of the ignorance of the second lady of the Lou family that this misunderstanding was caused."

A light sentence of ignorance gave Emperor Zong a step up, but he still needed someone to vent his anger. His majestic gaze turned coldly to Lou Lianxin who was kneeling and trembling, and said in a deep voice: "What the queen said , It’s true that I thought too much, Mr. Lou has always devoted himself to the country, and I didn’t believe it at first. It seems that someone is overconfident and almost harms others and himself! Since he can’t embroider, he won’t need to use needles and threads anymore! Yes, I don't want to see her again in the future!"