Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 56: Both parties


When Lou Lianxin appeared from Li Jingsheng, his eyes never left him.

When he left to look at her for the last time, his eyes were horribly deep, but his heart was beating hard because of that look, and his body was weak. What makes her strange is that the banquet is not over yet, where can he go now

Looking around, he didn't see Lou Qingwu.

Lou Lian's heart suddenly exploded, and he stood up abruptly.

Ruan Zhen glanced at her strangely, she was angry because of the dancer just now, at this moment she gave Lou Lianxin an angry look: "What are you doing?"

"Mother, I..." She wanted to follow Li Jingsheng to see if he was with that bitch Lou Qingwu!

Ruan Zhen dragged her back, and seeing that she hadn't attracted attention, she warned: "Don't make any fools tonight, as long as Lou Qingwu's matter is over, I don't care what mother you want to be!"

Ah yes! How could she have forgotten that Lou Qingwu should have been knocked unconscious by the people sent by Princess Zhaoxia and thrown into the empty room in the backyard at this moment, how could she be with Jingsheng? She was also impatient, seeing that something was wrong with Li Jingsheng, she thought he was with Lou Qingwu. Lou Lianxin felt relieved, and her mood stabilized a lot. At this time, a figure quietly walked over not far away, wearing a maid's gown, saw Lou Lianxin and Ruan Zhen, and waved her hands.

Ruan Zhen saw with sharp eyes that Liu raised her eyebrows.

The maidservant, Chun Tao, nodded, Ruan Zhen immediately smiled, and waved to Chun Tao, who immediately retreated.

But as soon as she reached the corner, a person popped up from behind Chuntao and knocked her on the back of the head without a sound. Chuntao rolled her eyes and fainted.

At this time, a person walked out from the place where she fainted. In the dim candlelight, he looked exactly like Chuntao.

Kicked that Chuntao hard, the person who came came out, but it was a man's hoarse voice: "Let you and those two mothers and daughters harm my master, I will kick you to death!" After kicking enough, Qianmiancai dressed as Chuntao Shutting down the messy hair, coughing and coughing, dragging Chuntao to a rockery, and then twisting her waist and walking towards the backyard.

Lou Lianxin also saw Chuntao, and after she left, her eyes lit up: "Mother, have you succeeded?"

"That's needless to say." Who is Princess Zhaoxia, she's looking for first-class guards, forgive that little bitch who can't fly off Wuzhishan. But after all, she still didn't feel relieved if she didn't see it, Ruan Zhen made a gesture to Lou Lianxin: "Go and have a look, make sure that the one inside is Lou Qingwu, I'll take someone there later."

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Lou Lianxin still had Li Jingsheng in his heart, got permission, and ran out impatiently.

She chased after Li Jingsheng in the direction he left, but it was only after she ran out that she remembered that the mansion was huge and she had no idea where he had gone.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind her and patted her on the shoulder: "Second Miss!"

Lou Lianxin was startled, and jumped far away, turned to see the person, and gave her a bitter look: "It's you, have you seen General Li?"

"General Li?"

"Chuntao" tilted her head, "I see it, it's just..."

"Just what?" Lou Lianxin was very impatient with her hesitation: "Say something quickly!" She was still waiting to see Jing Sheng, and finally she could see him again. Knowing his thoughts, I was afraid that he would hate me, but he was still willing to come to his father's birthday banquet, so he should not be angry.

"General Li Shen... went over there."

"Backyard? What was he doing there?"

"Chuntao" shook her head fearfully: "I don't know, this servant came out of the empty room in the backyard with the man in black sent by Princess Zhaoxia, and saw General Li just walking into another empty room next to him. I didn’t dare to follow up.”

"Okay, I got it! You hurry back and report to your mother, I'll be back later!"

As soon as "Chuntao" reminded her, she remembered her purpose of coming out, but since Chuntao said so, there shouldn't be any problems.

This Chuntao is the confidant sent by mother to Princess Zhaoxia, forgive her and dare not lie to her.

Now she is more anxious to know what Jingsheng thinks.

Knowing the exact location of Li Jingsheng at this moment, Lou Lianxin hurriedly walked towards the empty room in the backyard without having time to think about it. By the way, he might be able to see the miserable state of that bitch Lou Qingwu, but he couldn't let Jingsheng know, otherwise it would be bad. If something goes wrong, it's not good.

Behind her, "Chun Tao" looked at her impatient appearance, and the corner of her mouth raised a sarcasm that did not match her appearance.

Fanned the wind with his hands, twisted his waist, and left in a very strange movement.

On the other side, after Lou Qingwu was knocked unconscious, she was "submissively" taken away by those men in black until they reached the vacant room agreed by the man in black and Ruan Zhen's mother and daughter, Lou Qingwu calmly opened her eyes. Opening his eyes, the cuff slipped, revealing a pack of drugs. But before she could make a move, there was a sudden noise outside the empty room, and the dozen or so men in black looked at each other vigilantly before walking outside.

Lou Qingwu frowned, what happened

Then there were a few "thumps" outside, and the door was opened again, but this time, the man in black who came in was completely different from the one just now.

Lou Qingwu's expression moved slightly, just as she was about to act, she felt that the acupuncture points on her body were being tapped.

Before she fell into a coma, she only had time to hear a sentence: "Hey, you don't want to live anymore, the Lord didn't let you..."

The man in black who ordered Lou Qingwu's acupoint was reminded by his accomplices, touched the back of his head, and thought of his uncertain master, his heart trembled: "I, I forgot, I don't think she fainted, I'm afraid she might cry One sound, in case everyone is attracted, things will become troublesome."

"But what should we do now?"

"Take care of the outsiders first. As for Miss Lou, just... take her back and let the master decide." The master asked them to protect Miss Lou tonight, and taking them away from the dangerous place can be regarded as a kind of protection... I guess.

"...Forget it, that's the only way to go."

Later, a group of men in black had just dealt with the people sent by Princess Zhaoxia, and before they could leave, a person wandered over in a daze from the direction of the front yard. Li Jingsheng who left early. According to the location in his memory, and he drank too much wine, he circled around a few times before returning to this location.

Walking to the empty room where the man in black stayed, he shook his head, looked at the empty room in front of him, and then at the one next to him, "This one? Or that one?"

"Forget it, never mind!"

He opened the door and was about to walk into the room in front of him, but just after taking a step, there was a sudden noise from the empty room next to him.

He tilted his head abruptly, staggered and walked towards the side again.

Pushing open the door, walked in, walked all the way inside, but found that there was no one inside.

He was too lazy to go any further, and lay on his back on the only wooden bed in the vacant room, feeling uncomfortably hot all over his body. He pulled the front of his clothes and pulled off his clothes, revealing a large piece of his chest.