Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 57: Caught cheating


Lou Lianxin walked towards the empty room in the backyard along the small path she had visited before, and when she reached the place where Ruan Zhen said that Lou Qingwu was being held, she hummed triumphantly.

I leaned against the door and listened for a while, but couldn't hear anything.

Curling his lips, he was about to take a sneak peek when he heard a noise next door.

She frowned, thinking of Chuntao's words, she slowly moved towards the empty room next to her, as she got closer, the movement inside was even louder, and at the same time, Li Jingsheng's painful voice came, Lou Lian was stunned, and hurriedly opened the door and walked away went in.

Walking all the way to the door, Li Jingsheng's suppressed growl sounded like a trapped animal, and she rushed in hastily.

But before he could see the scene in the room clearly, he was thrown to the ground by a black shadow...

The birthday banquet in the front yard was going on all the time, but all the guests had different thoughts. Looking at the tight dancer in front of them, Su Sheng's slender waist flashed in his mind. Turn and turn, where there is even the slightest thought.

Ruan Zhen was sitting there in a desperate situation. If you looked closely, you could see the smile in her eyes. She was relieved and relieved. Thinking of the tragedy that the woman's daughter was facing at the moment, she smiled even more comfortably, and pressed the corner of her mouth with a veil. , to prevent the proud corner of the mouth from being too abrupt. However, when she saw "Chuntao"'s successful gesture, she couldn't hide her cautiousness. She glanced around and nodded very slowly.

"Chun Tao" immediately began to pull the clothes on her body, and shouted in a thin voice: "Second Madam, it's not good! It's not good!"

Ran towards Ruan Zhen in a panic, and threw her nose and tears at Ruan Zhen's feet.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss, she...she..."

"Chun Tao" choked up and couldn't continue, her voice became lower and lower.

Ruan Zhen seemed to be anxious, she bent down and pressed "Chun Tao"'s lips, her face became more serious as she listened, all the guests stopped and looked at them strangely, even Lou Qufeng was bewildered. Ruan Zhen didn't know what she heard, and suddenly yelled: "What, did you really see the eldest lady being taken away by the man in black?!"


Ruan Zhen stood up abruptly, "No! I'm going to save Qing Wu, Qing Wu, you wait for Er Niang... Chun Tao, hurry up and lead the way, if it's too late, the eldest lady will really not be able to save her." I'm back!" Luckily, Ruan Zhen still thought that only Chuntao knew the way, so she kicked her out.

"Chuntao" stood up wiping her tears, staggering towards one direction.

Everyone looked at the scene, and started to run after Ruan Zhen, even if they were still in the mood to watch the singing and dancing.

As a result, people from the entire Lou Mansion rushed towards the backyard, and passed on all the way. In the end, the group of Hao Hao Tang Tang made Ruan Zhen very happy. I can't turn over at all!

However, is this Chuntao running too fast!

Ruan Zhen followed the figure in front of her, running out of breath, and she had to worry about getting the people behind to follow her, so as to achieve the best effect.

But she has been pampered and pampered for so many years, and her physical strength is not as fast as those old men. After a while, many people overtook her, followed "Chun Tao" to the empty room in the backyard, pointed to the empty room, and cried: "It's here, people!" It was here that I was caught..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the people behind panted heavily, but no one caught up.

What if... it's an assassin.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, but they refuse to be the first to break in.

Quiet, but heard some very strange voices.

The woman's painful groan was mixed with the man's faint low growl, which completely changed the faces of everyone who heard it clearly. Lou Qufeng couldn't wait anymore, kicked open the door and rushed in. He was still waiting for Qing Wu to win him over. Night King, if something goes wrong, it will be a big loss...

With his rush, everyone also rushed in!

Ruan Zhen pinched her waist out of breath, and when she got to the front, she couldn't tell which empty room it was, and ran in with everyone.

But she only heard a woman's shrill cry from the room, followed by all kinds of panic sounds, her eyes lit up immediately, and she pushed everyone away and squeezed in regardless of being so tired that she was about to be out of breath.

"Chuntao", who stayed at the end, saw this scene, smiled strangely, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Ruan Zhen finally squeezed to the front, but found that everyone was silent and stared ahead in astonishment. When she glanced over, she saw a woman squatting naked on the ground, trembling all over, most of her hair was covered by black hair. Li Jingsheng was also awake at this moment, standing there awkwardly, with only a long robe on his waist in a panic, the jade pendant with his hair had fallen somewhere, and his black hair was scattered , exposing a large chest.

Lou Qufeng stared at them with a frowning face, pointing with his fingers angrily, almost out of breath.

Ruan Zhen was stunned when she saw Li Jingsheng, she obviously found a low-level servant, how did she become Li Jingsheng? Eyeballs turned fiercely, looking at the woman, he naturally thought it was Lou Qingwu, wailed, and rushed towards the woman, "Qingwu, how could you do such a thing, it's your sister's Fiance, how can you do such a thing, how can you be worthy of your sister!" While talking, his feet tilted, and he just threw the woman who was still squatting down, and pressed her whole body to the ground.

But when everyone heard Ruan Zhen calling the woman "Qing Wu", their expressions became more subtle.

The woman didn't expect her to make such a move at all, she only had time to scream, and couldn't stop anything, so she fell to the ground...

Ruan Zhen was completely dumbfounded when she saw the woman's terrified and pale face by the light from the corners of her mouth that had been raised because of her trickery.

"Lian... Lian'er? Why are you?!"

"Ah—" In the empty sky, a piercing scream suddenly erupted in the empty room, and then stopped abruptly.

Like a crow that has been choked, it is piercing and shrill.

Ruan Zhen tremblingly looked at Lou Lianxin, who was hiding in the corner with her head covered and screaming hysterically, her face was as pale as paper, how... could this happen? Obviously it should belong to that dead girl Lou Qingwu, but why did she become Lian'er in the blink of an eye? Countless pairs of eyes behind her made her mind go blank, countless possibilities flashed quickly, and finally there were only a few big words: How will Lianer see people in the future

But she never thought that after she designed all of this, if Lou Qingwu was in front of her, how would she let her, a woman who had not left the court, meet people in the future.


"Ah-ah-ah-" the hissed voice was sharp and ear-piercing.

The guests behind seemed to be dumb, but turned away in embarrassment, thinking of the other protagonist in the room, with different expressions.