Thousand Face Demonic Concubine

Chapter 94: three crimes


Two days later, Lou Qingwu stood outside the criminal department.

He went straight to the lobby of the Ministry of Justice and rang the drum outside the door.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Zhou Chengtian, the chief prison officer, immediately appeared in the lobby with people, but he was still taken aback when he saw Lou Qingwu.

"Miss Lou, what are you doing?"

Lou Qingwu stood there, dressed in white, gentle and gentle, not like someone who would appear here.

But the next moment, when Zhou Chengtian heard clearly who she was going to sue, he was completely stunned, as if he couldn't believe it, and asked again: "Who do you think you want to sue?"

Lou Qingwu stood awe-inspiring, her cold eyes fell on Zhou Chengtian, who was in charge of the prison, and said, "I want to sue Li Xiangluan, the eldest daughter of Li Miao, the prime minister, with three major crimes! One is abducting and selling women from good families; the other is forcing her into prostitution." ; Third, bribe Dali Temple Qing Zongping to use torture privately, resulting in tragic death."

Zhou Chengtian was startled by these three things, "What you said is true? Where is the victim?"

Lou Qingwu pursed her lips slightly, after hearing this, she turned around and shouted outside.

Four people carried a stretcher covered with a white cloth to the lobby. After putting down the stretcher, they quickly stepped back. Then Lou Qingwu looked at Zhou Chengtian, "This is the victim I am going to avenge today, from the Su family in Jiangyin. Daughter Su Sheng is also the fiancée of Dali Temple Shaoqing Mu Yunqing six years ago."

Zhou Chengtian was also stunned when Lou Qingwu mentioned several people with high official positions.

Immediately ordered someone to check it, and when they reached the stretcher, they lifted the white cloth, and saw a blood-stained woman lying there silently, without breathing, apparently dead for a long time.

The person close to him returned to Zhou Chengtian's side and whispered something in his ear. Zhou Chengtian's expression became solemn, and he patted the gavel, "Quickly invite Mu Shaoqing and Mrs. Mu to come."


Not long after, Li Xiangluan and Mu Yunqing, who had just woken up and was still pale, were brought back.

It's just that the right ministers Li Miao and Li Jingsheng followed behind them.

Zhou Chengtian was originally on the main seat, but when he saw Li Miao, his expression changed, and he immediately stood up from the main seat, "Your Honor, why are you here?"

Li Miao glanced at Lou Qingwu expressionlessly, and then looked at Zhou Chengtian: "I heard that someone is going to sue the real daughter, but the real truth depends on who is so courageous. It turns out that she is the eldest daughter of the Lou family." , Niece Lou, is your father okay?"

Lou Qingwu didn't seem to see the coldness in his eyes, "My father is very good."

"Really? But the truth is not good at all."

Flicking his sleeves fiercely, Li Miao sat expressionlessly on the seat Zhou Chengtian had prepared for him, "Just sit here today and listen carefully. What crime did the truth's daughter commit? My lord, you arrested everyone and brought them to the mansion!"

Zhou Chengtian gave the prisoner a hard look. The latter was innocent, and they couldn't find anyone in Mu's residence. Later, when they heard that Mu Shaoqing and Mrs. Mu were both in Xiangye's residence, they went to arrest him.

But who knew that he happened to meet the right prime minister.

Zhou Chengtian laughed dryly: "This...hehehehe."

It's just that when his eyes glanced at Lou Qingwu who was standing there, he couldn't help but suffer a three-point smile. Is there another one

This really put him in a dilemma. In the end, he had no choice but to follow the itinerary, and slammed the gavel, "Who are the people in the audience? Please tell me their names."

Lou Qingwu: "The little girl, Lou Qingwu, is the eldest daughter of Prime Minister Zuo."

Li Xiangluan: "Official wife Li Xiangluan, wife of Dali Temple Shaoqing Mu Yunqing."

Mu Yunqing's expression was a bit dull, his handsome face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, his chest was still wrapped in white gauze, and he was barely able to stand still with the help of the servants in the mansion. After a long time, his thin lips moved, and his voice was very loud. Qing: "The Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Mu Yunqing."

Zhou Chengtian heaved a sigh of relief, and carefully glanced at Li Miao, seeing that he didn't respond, then coughed and continued: "Lou Qingwu, tell me again what you wanted to sue just now."

Lou Qingwu raised her head, her eyes were extremely dark, and if she took a few more glances, it gave people an inexplicably cold and subtle feeling.

"The little girl sued Li Xiangluan, the eldest daughter of the right minister, for three major crimes!"

Li Xiangluan's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at Lou Qingwu beside him.

Mu Yunqing didn't seem to hear it, her expression was still sleepy, she frowned and looked at the ground in front of her quietly.

Zhou Chengtian: "These three crimes, you can tell me."

Lou Qingwu didn't seem to see Li Xiangluan's gaze, and said every word, sonorously: "...First, abduct and sell women from good families;

As soon as her words fell, everyone suddenly looked at her.

A panic flashed in Li Xiangluan's eyes, Li Miao frowned, and Li Jingsheng looked at her complicatedly.

And Mu Yunqing was still sleepy, with a half-dead appearance, which made people look like a puppet.

Zhou Chengtian secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead, he always felt that some kind of hornet's nest was stabbed today, so many difficult characters came.

But since someone has been wronged, he, as the prison secretary, still has to hear the case.

"Ahem, I don't know who the dead person is."

Even if you know, according to the charter, you still have to ask again.

Lou Qingwu lowered her eyes at this moment, and after a while, raised her head again, but looked at Mu Yunqing, and said slowly: "The person who died... was Su Sheng, the daughter of the Su family in Jiangyin, who was Mu Yunqing six years ago. Shaoqing's fiancée."

Because she kept looking at Mu Yunqing, Lou Qingwu clearly saw Mu Yunqing's originally sleepy and lifeless expression, from dazed to stiff to unbelievable, and then approaching madness.

Looking at Lou Qingwu suddenly, her hoarse voice was filled with panic: "What did you say? You said Sheng'er is dead?!"

Seeing Mu Yunqing like this, Lou Qingwu clenched her fists, barely showing any flaws on her face, "Yes, Su Sheng is dead. Didn't Madam Mu tell you that she stabbed Su Sheng? You threw her into the sky prison in Dali Temple after one stabbing, and then sent someone to flog her to death overnight?"

Mu Yunqing froze all over her body, and looked at Li Xiangluan, who was barely maintaining her composure, with her eyes almost bursting: "Didn't you tell me that you sent her away? Ah, why did she die? Li Xiangluan, what did you do?" What? How did you promise me before I fell into a coma? You said you would let her be well! Is this how you let her be well?!"

Li Xiangluan bit the tip of her tongue fiercely before calming herself down: "Yun Qing, I didn't do this."

"Really?" Lou Qingwu took a cool look at her, turned around, walked slowly to the stretcher, and lifted the white cloth from Su Sheng's head little by little, "Then, do you recognize this face?"

As the blood-stained corpse appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Right Prime Minister Li Miao, who was still calm at first, sat up straight suddenly, and Li Jingsheng also frowned and looked at Li Xiangluan.

Big sister really killed that woman