Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 1: Seven princesses


In late spring in March, there are mixed peanut trees and warblers in Chang'an.

The light of the sky floats faintly, and Hyosung gradually disappears. The drum tower at the main entrance of the imperial city is the first to announce the dawn. The drum towers from Tianjie to the main roads follow in sequence, and the rumbling bells and drums roll across the vertical and horizontal lines. More than 100 square cities are neatly arranged, awakening this majestic imperial capital from sleep.

The curfew was lifted, the gates of the square were opened, and the cold and empty streets were soon filled with one after another of human voices.

The clouds in the sky are transpiring, and the golden morning light breaks through the clouds and pours down. Thousands of households are trapped in a dazzling splendor, which is a scene of peace and prosperity.

In the Tai Chi Palace, the maids walked through the curved corridor carrying the gilt bronze basins and dew flowers picked before sunrise.

The beautiful skirt Ju swept across the tiled floor that had been repaired not long ago, and the rustling sound was like drizzle.

Chunru opened the curtain, walked into the inner room, and put down the copper basin.

Just after opening the incense burner and changing a handful of incense, a few painful whispers suddenly came from behind the large screen inlaid with landscape figures.

"A brother... A brother... "

Chunru turned around the screen and hung up the gauze, her eyes fell on the face of the Seventh Princess, her brows furrowed.


She twisted the veil to wipe the face of the seventh princess, Li Yaoying, and called her name softly.

The Seventh Princess is frail and often has nightmares. No matter how many doctors are invited for diagnosis and treatment, the maids have become accustomed to it.

Hearing Chun Ru's gentle call, Li Yaoying woke up from a nightmare.

Tears dripped from between the thick eyelashes and slid down the fragrant cheeks.

Chunru asked distressedly, "Have you had nightmares again? Are you tired of the banquet in the palace last night?"

Li Yaoying's eyes were hazy with tears, staring at the mottled sun in front of the floor through the screen and entering the inner room, she was stunned for a while.

In front of him is a magnificent bedroom, not a battlefield like purgatory on earth.

In the dream, the terrifying sight of rivers of blood and corpses flying all over the place gradually faded away.

Li Yaoying slowly woke up, smiled, wiped her wet eyes, and got up to wash.

Just a nightmare.

Chunru picked up the Kalingpinga-patterned blond hair comb to comb her hair, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty and the King of Qin fought a great victory, and the news of Lubu's victory has spread throughout Guanzhong, and the King of Qin will be able to triumph in a short time."

When the seventh princess called A-xiong in her dream, she must be worried about the second prince, King Qin, who was traveling with the sage.

Every time the King of Qin went on an expedition, the Seventh Princess would have nightmares.

Li Yaoying picked up a half-opened peony hairpin by her temples, and took a picture in front of the Luodian octagonal bronze mirror, smiling: "I know that the second brother will return safely."

What she saw in her dream would not happen.

The girl in the bronze mirror had a smile on her lips. Although she didn't put on makeup in the morning, and there were still traces of crying on her face, she had a natural beauty and a face like Shunhua.

The reddish eyes added a charming aura that was difficult to describe in words.

Chunru looked lost, and felt that half of her body was crisp.

I wish I could be crushed to pieces, just to smooth the princess' frown.

Li Yaoying glanced at the maid with a smile in the mirror, her eyes wandered, revealing a naive and playful look.

At this moment, all the charm has disappeared, just like the hibiscus from clear water, naturally carved, cold and clear, and gentle and moving.

Chunru regained her senses, lowered her head and concentrated on pulling the seventh princess' hair.

After half an hour, the street market became more and more lively.

Li Yaoying, dressed in a green-forged Uighur robe woven with gold tufts and bead-patterned, with a drapery hat, rode through the noisy long street, stopped in front of a secluded courtyard, took off her hood, and looked back at the lively people behind her. Square City.

Who would have thought that a few months ago, this splendid capital for more than a hundred years was still a scene of ruins and ruins

Li Yaoying turned over and dismounted, took out the soft whip, knocked the dust on the soap leather boots, smelled the rich ghee fragrance in the air, and smiled slightly.

There will be peace soon.

I'd rather be a peace dog than a chaotic person!

The last emperor of the previous dynasty was arrogant, extravagant, cruel and tyrannical, frequently launched wars, and oppressed the people. After more than ten years in office, he led to chaos in the world, uprisings broke out in various places, and noble families rebelled one after another.

Thus opened the prelude to several years of troubled times.

In the chaos of the Central Plains, the nomads took the opportunity to invade the south.

In the year when Li Yaoying was born, her father Li De, with the support of an aristocratic family, became the overlord of a party with a million troops.

Fourteen years later, Li De fought in the north and defeated the opponents in the north one after another, and finally led his troops to occupy Chang'an in the twelfth lunar month of last year.

The last emperor had already died at the hands of the rebels while fleeing to Jiangnan a few years ago. In the past few years, Chang'an City has changed one after another, and even aliens have ruled here, burning, killing and looting.

After several wars, this magnificent capital city has long ceased to flourish.

After the Wei army entered Chang'an, the military discipline was strict, and there was no offense to the common people. Li De continued to send messengers to befriend the alien races in the north, regained small forces from all sides, and attracted local aristocratic families, gradually stabilizing the hearts of the people.

The general trend of the world, divided for a long time, must be united. After several months of governance, the people in Guanzhong became stable, and the tribes from all directions came to vote. The city of Chang'an began to recover little by little, and the prosperity and prosperity of the past were just around the corner.

Aristocratic families, celebrities of the Qing Dynasty, and elderly folks jointly requested Li De to be named emperor several times.

After Li De made concessions again and again, he chose an auspicious day to formally ascend the throne and established the Wei Dynasty.

Li Yaoying was Li De's seventh daughter, Aye became the emperor, and she was the seventh princess.

Li Yaoying felt very lucky after seeing a lot of people living in troubled times and finally looking forward to peace.

As a girl of the Li family, she has no worries about food and clothing, and is protected by tyrants and soldiers. It is fortunate that she can grow up safely and smoothly in the troubled times.

A mother is gentle and loving, and her brother is loving and caring.

It's not too bad to come from the stable modern times to this strange world and become the Qiniang of the Li family.

Unfortunately, Li Yaoying soon found out that she had an eldest brother named Li Xuanzhen with a different mother.

Li Xuanzhen, the famous Emperor Taizong of the Wei Dynasty.

Li Yaoying has read the book "Great Wei Li Xuanzhen".

At the end of the book, the male protagonist, Li Xuanzhen, led his troops to defeat Southern Chu, Xiyue and more than a dozen small regimes. After winning, he immediately returned to Chang'an to force his father Li De to abdicate and become emperor. The Han people, with their culture and martial arts, laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Great Wei Dynasty.

After confirming again and again that Li Xuanzhen was really his eldest brother, Li Yaoying shivered.

She and the male protagonist Li Xuanzhen are not just different mothers.

They are enemies.

The Li family has guarded Wei County for generations and is a noble family in Wei County. Li De was a concubine in the family. He was lonely when he was a child. At the age of 25, he married the merchant's daughter Tang Shi. At the age of 28, he joined the army and gradually emerged in the army. Make.

Later, there were turmoil and chaos in various places. Li De followed the current situation and recruited troops and horses in the name of defending his hometown. He led a clan uprising, gathered tens of thousands of people, and won a few small victories.

Li De often led troops away, while Tang stayed in his hometown to take care of his son Li Xuanzhen.

When Li Xuanzhen was two years old, a group of rebels fled to Wei County in a hurry.

The servants who stayed behind in Wei County sent a message: Tang's mother and son died tragically under the saber of chaos.

Li De burst into anger, fell into other people's traps by mistake during the battle, lost his soldiers, and all his personal soldiers died in battle. He was seriously injured and lost several cities within a month.

Seeing that the Wei army was defeated like a mountain, the Li family's long-term foundation was about to be in vain. The clan urged Li De to unite with the family to consolidate the power.

The Li family is a wealthy family, but it is not an aristocratic family, and has never been accepted by the aristocratic family.

After recovering from his injury, Li De took the advice of his advisers and went to the Xie family, the most powerful family in the family at that time, to seek marriage, and promised that if he could achieve great things in the future, he would definitely enshrine the daughter of the Xie family.

The Xie family was rich and famous, but they lacked generals who could lead troops to fight. They promised to marry their daughter to Li De.

Little did they know that Tang was still alive.

She was a weak woman, and took Li Xuanzhen to escape the chaos of the soldiers. She was displaced and suffered a lot. Finally, she found Li De. She happened to witness the daughter of the Xie family, Shili Hongzhuang, and she married her husband.

The Tang family made a big fuss, but the big gift was done, and Li De could not regret his marriage.

With the support of the Xie family, Li De quickly expanded his power and regained his strength.

Invincible on the battlefield, the backyard is lit with fire.

The Xie family came from a famous family, and looked down on the Tang family whose ancestors made a fortune by selling wood. Tang hated the Xie family for taking her husband, and cursed Xie all day long.

One was the daughter of the Xie family, the other was his wife, Li De, both women were not easy to offend.

Li De is embarrassed, and it is even more difficult to subordinate people. Under the circumstances, the two wives are regarded as the main wife of Li De's three media and six marriages. What should they be called

In the end, only one could vaguely call Mrs. Tang and the other Mrs. Xie.

The two wives fought for several years, and the second husband, Li Zhongqian, who was born by Dalang Li Xuanzhen and Xie's family, gradually grew up, and the war extended to the throne of the prince.

The Xie family is of noble family, and it has survived several dynasties and generations. Li De’s fortune cannot be separated from the strong support of the Xie family. The elders of Li think that the Tang family’s status is low, and the son of Erlang Li Zhongqian, because his mother is noble, should inherit the position of the heir. .

Seeing that his son could not compete with Li Zhongqian, the violent Tang Shi wore the wedding dress that he married Li De, and died.

Before she died, she laughed a few times: "Lang Jun, Lang Jun, you have lost me after all!"

Li De was in the army at the time, and the news of Tang's death was sent to the tent. He vomited blood on the spot and fell to the ground and fainted.

Within half a month, this generation of hero who has been on the battlefield for many years has aged by more than ten years, and his hair has turned black and half white.

Only then did the world know how affectionate Li De was to his wife Tang Shi.

Li Xuanzhen became the heir.

Xie's heart was ashes.

The son did not kill Boren, but Boren died because of it. Li Xuanzhen felt that Xie was the culprit for killing Tang, and hated Xie and the children she gave birth to.

Li Yaoying's biological mother is the Xie family, and Erlang Li Zhongqian is her compatriot brother.

Before his death, Tang Shi told his son that he must avenge her in the future.

In the book, Li Xuanzhen has always remembered her mother's entrustment, to use the hands of others to force Xie to death, set a trap to kill Li Zhongqian, and even spare the Xie family's distant support.

As for Xie's youngest daughter, it was only mentioned in the book, and she didn't even give her name. She might have died at a very young age.

Li Yaoying was speechless.

What should I do when I find that I am an unknown character who died young, and the eldest brother who holds military power is always thinking about how to torture his mother and brother, and he will definitely kill him.

Li Yaoying once tried to reconcile with Li Xuanzhen, but found that the way was not feasible.

Li Xuanzhen's hatred for the Xie family could not be resolved at all.

She can only strike first.

As a result, this road is even more impassable.

Li Xuanzhen is the male protagonist. He has great luck and great opportunities. He is often in danger, and at the last moment he can always turn danger into danger, like a divine help.

Li Yaoying made several shots, not only did not hurt Li Xuanzhen in the slightest, but also ended up with bruises all over her body.

Sometimes she just silently pondered how to embarrass Li Xuanzhen in her heart, and she would immediately have a splitting headache and feel uncomfortable.

Li Yaoying remembered the two iron laws in the book:

Even if the male protagonist is stabbed with holes all over his body, he will not die.

Whoever hurts the male protagonist will be punished by heaven.

Li Yaoying rolled her eyes to the sky.

Could it be that he could only accept his fate and wait for Li Xuanzhen to wield a knife to kill himself and his second brother after taking power

Li Yaoying was not convinced, and while watching out for Li Xuanzhen, she looked for other strategies to save her life.

Over the years, she was careful with Li Xuanzhen's methods, and saved the lives of her mother Xie and her second brother.

According to what is written in the book, Li Zhongqian should have died a year ago, and Xie's will also commit suicide by taking poison soon afterward. Li Yaoying temporarily changed their fate.

She knew that she couldn't change the final outcome, she just let her brother live a few more years.

So what

An extra day is a day.

The street corner restaurants are crowded, the cakes are baked, the aroma is getting stronger and stronger, and the noisy human voices can be heard from afar, and the world is stable.

Li Yaoying put away her thoughts and set foot on the stone steps.

The soldiers stepped forward and knocked on the courtyard door.

There was a scolding voice from inside. A fair and thin young man in his twenties opened the courtyard door and glanced at the guards who were standing behind Li Yaoying. His brows were furrowed, "Your lord, what advice do you have?"

Li Yaoying smiled gracefully: "It's still warm in spring, I heard that Du Lang has a cough these days, I'll come and take a look."

The down-and-out young man in front of him was named Du Sinan, who was supposed to be Li Xuanzhen's right-hand man, and his plan to frame the second brother Li Zhongqian was his idea.

Li Yaoying found this unhappy scholar two years ago and prevented him from becoming Li Xuanzhen's adviser, allowing Li Zhongqian to live a year longer than the book.

Du Sinan's expression was icy cold, his eyes fell on Li Yaoying's floating smile, choked in his throat, sneering again and again.

"Du Mou is a humble person, and he can't afford the care of a noble master."

Li Yaoying didn't care about the undisguised sarcasm in Du Sinan's tone, she stood in front of the steps and glanced at the corner of the alley with a smile.

A sneaky figure stood there watching for a while, then turned and disappeared into the morning light.

It is Li Xuanzhen's person.

Li Yaoying's lips curled slightly.

She can't kill Li Xuanzhen's right-hand men, so it's okay to cause some trouble for them.

The author has something to say: The heroine wears the book, and she passed through it when she was a baby. The original book does not have the character of the heroine.

Open the text~Thank you to every little fairy passing by the collection~rolling, asking for caressing, asking for love and commenting~

Please ask for "I just want glory and wealth"

Everyone knows that she is greedy for vanity and will do anything for the sake of prosperity and wealth.

When her childhood sweetheart cousin was in trouble, she abandoned him without hesitation and threw herself into the arms of the king

The county king who has been in love for several years is imprisoned, and she seduces her former fiancé in front of the county king

They asked her with red eyes: How sincere are you to me

She smiled lightly: I just want glory and wealth

Only the prince knows that her life is destined to be the prey to be played by her own hands. No matter how many men she marries, she will never be able to escape from his palm.

People's hearts are changeable, there are too many wolves in human skins, only prosperity and wealth are the most reliable

A dog-blooded text in which the heroine first abuses the heroine, and the heroine resists revenge and abuses the scumbag, and some encounters will be very abusive


1. All kinds of dog-blooded Tianraiwen

2. Darkness, the female protagonist suffered a lot of abuse, and many readers will not accept it

3. Still Su Wen

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