Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 10: Servant under the skirt


Li Zhongqian had a dark and sweet sleep, and when he woke up, the room was dark.

The tent was low, and the light was dim.

In the darkness, there was a light rustling sound of the dress, and a slender figure sat cross-legged in front of him, with his chin on his hands, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was staring intently at the incense box on the short table.

It was a clam shell incense box inlaid with gold chisel, flower and phoenix pattern.

The little lady was so fascinated by it that she couldn't help reaching out and gently flicking the lid of the box.

Immediately, a soft halo poured out like water, illuminating a room, shining like a candle.

It turned out that the incense box contained a luminous wall of Fulin Kingdom, which was as big as a pigeon's egg.

Li Zhongqian sat up and rubbed his shoulders.

"Like it?"

He asked with a smile, a bit of contentment on his face.

The night light wall is also called Mingyuezhu. When he saw this bead, he immediately thought of his sister. Her nickname was Mingyuenu, which was taken by Xie Wuliang.

Li Yaoying nodded with a smile on her face, her eyelashes dark and thick: "I like it."

Jewelry and jade are common. What is rare is that this bright moon pearl is round in color and beautiful in shape.

The shimmering light reflected on her snow-white face, which was originally very colorful, and the hazy pearl lining made her eyebrows more picturesque, soft and charming.

Li Zhongqian was stunned, as if he had just woken up from a big dream, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully looked at Yaoying.

Yaoying is afraid of the heat, her long black hair is pulled high, she wears a crown of peony and Biluo, her eyebrows are green, and her lips are tender. She wore eight long dresses of gold, with a silver towel embroidered on the white ground, embroidered with flowers and birds, and woven silver.

She has always been like this in private, being lazy and casual, never standing when she can sit, never kneeling down when she can lean on anything, her attitude is carefree, and she doesn't have the virtuous and dignified attitude that a noble woman should have.

Li Zhongqian reminded her several times.

Yao Ying is very well-behaved, she promised to change again and again, and after a while, she quietly changed her kneeling position, either rudely crossing her legs, or simply leaning back on the table to be lazy.

After saying a few words to her, she smiled casually, sat down on her knees, and returned to her old ways after a while.

Li Zhongqian loves Yaoying and doesn't care much about her.

She is his sister, and there is no need to suppress her nature.

In his eyes, Yaoying was still an innocent and charming child. She followed behind him tremblingly and asked him to carry her to pick ripe plums in front of the court.

At this moment, Li Zhongqian looked at Yaoying who was bathed in pearl light, and suddenly realized: Before she knew it, her sister had already grown up.

She is still carefree and sits cross-legged, but she is not vulgar at all, and Gu Panjian has a moving charm that is just right and difficult to describe in words.

With a beautiful face and a noble bearing, there is a soft and boneless enchanting charm in his bones.

In addition, the youth is just right, the complexion is fresh, and there is no need for makeup, just a slight brow and a smile, and half of the wandering children in Beijing can relax.

Li Zhongqian frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of those poems by Xue Wunian.

The state is strong and the meaning is far and true, the texture is delicate and the flesh is even.

I should have broken Xue Wu's other leg!

Li Zhongqian's eyes darkened slightly, and his heart was filled with evil fire.

Since he was in his teens, he has been swaying and walking around the platform. He knows what kind of woman makes a man the most irresistible, and he also knows what Xue Wu's group is thinking.

Yaoying glanced at Li Zhongqian inexplicably and asked with concern, "Brother, do you have a headache?"

Li Zhongqian murmured vaguely.

Yaoying patted his arm lightly: "I tell you to drink less, you won't listen!"

She called out Chunru's name.

The palace maid opened the tent in response, brought hot water towels to serve Li Zhongqian's grooming, and lit up the gilded lamp trees in the four corners of the house one by one.

Yaoying carefully put away the luminous wall and ordered the palace people to pass the meal.

She had already eaten, and she wanted to ask Li Zhongqian to get up to eat together, but she saw that he frowned in his dream, as if he was very tired, so she didn't call him.

The soup was always hot on the stove, and the mutton was simmered very badly. Li Zhongqian ate two bowls in silence and asked about Mundativa.

Yaoying had considered it before, and she didn't tell him about Brahman's fairy medicine, only that Munda Deva couldn't cure Concubine Xie's madness.

Li Zhongqian didn't ask more, but asked again, "Did he give you a pulse? What did he say?"

Yaoying smiled and said, "The Master said that I was born weak, but if I take care of me the day after tomorrow, and I keep exercising, it's not a big problem."

When Xie Guifei was conscious, she guarded her and took care of her.

She was always clean and fresh.

Later, Li Zhongqian took her to take care of her and searched for famous doctors for her. As long as Langzhong prescribes a prescription, no matter how weird the prescription is or how many expensive and rare medicinal materials he needs, he will find a way to collect it and let Langzhong prepare a pill for her to take.

She was well taken care of, and her body was much stronger than when she was a child. She could run, jump, ride a horse, and run fast.

Li Zhongqian was not at ease, so he asked people to take the prescription left by Munda Deva and sat in front of the lamp to look at it carefully.

Those were just a few recipes for warming tonic and conditioning. He read them one by one and nodded.

"Mingyue slave, come here."

Li Zhongqian sent away the palace servants, motioned Yaoying to sit in front of him, and said solemnly: "I talked to Zheng Xianggong last night and ordered a marriage for you."

Yaoying was stunned for a long time, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Is this too urgent

Li Zhongqian was very stubborn in some respects and insisted on finding a suitable marriage for her.

She had already told him that she was still young and did not want to marry.

With a knife hanging over her head, she really didn't want to talk about marriage.

However, Li Zhongqian's attitude was very firm.

He mentioned this before the expedition, but she did not agree at that time.

Yaoying thought for a while, but insisted on her decision: "Brother, let's talk about it in two years."

She hasn't found out the truth about Tang's anger and suicide, and she hasn't found the villain who poisoned Concubine Xie to go mad.

Li Zhongqian raised his hand and rubbed Yaoying's head: "Don't be afraid, just get married first, and then discuss it after you get married. Zheng Jia Saburo is a direct descendant, with a good personality, a handsome appearance, and a friendly person. He has been familiar with poetry, books, and regulations since he was a child. The system is all memorized in my heart, although I have only taken a job at Honglu Temple now, I will definitely be promoted in the near future."

Is it really Zheng Jing

Yaoying stayed for a while.

After leaving Pingkangfang, Xie Qing calmly told her that the young man who escaped by climbing the window was Zheng Jiasanlang.

Yaoying didn't remember Zheng Jing's appearance, she didn't recognize her at the time, she just thought that the other party was a scholar who visited the fireworks field for the first time. , fell right in front of her.

Recalling how Zheng Jing was disgraced and ashamed at the time, Yaoying couldn't help but smile.

Who would have imagined that the shy and mediocre Zheng Jing would rise to the top in the future, become a powerful Zaifu, and be bold enough to hold the wat board and slap the mouth of the little emperor

She leaned against her, smiling so much that the branches trembled, and the candles in the room seemed to light up a little in an instant.

Li Zhongqian immediately frowned alertly: "What are you laughing at?"

Yaoying waved her hand and said in a perfunctory tone, "Nothing."

Li Zhongqian's long and narrow phoenix eyes twitched slightly, he suddenly bullied him, grabbed her shoulders, and asked in a loud voice, "Xiao Qi, have you seen Zheng Jing? What did he tell you? What are you laughing at? "

Yaoying smiled without saying a word, her cheeks flushed slightly.

She didn't dare to tell him about seeing Zheng Jing visiting the brothel, otherwise he would hammer Zheng Jing to death in a fit of rage

Li Zhongqian's face was gloomy, and when he thought of a possibility, the undercurrents in his eyes were surging.

"Do you like Zheng Jing?"

Looking at her like this, could it be that she has an affair with Zheng Jing

Yaoying was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained: "I've only seen him a few times..."

Li Zhongqian's voice was cold: "So, you did meet him? How many times? What did Zheng San tell you?"

Yaoying couldn't help but glance at him, put away her smile, and pushed him away: "I've seen him a few times, but I didn't speak."

He has decided on his own initiative to settle the marriage, and what does he still care about

She hasn't lost her temper yet, why is he crazy

Li Zhongqian was silent for a while, knowing that he had overreacted, and let go of his hand resentfully.

He sighed and stretched out his hand to help Yaoying sort out the towel that slipped from his shoulders, moving cautiously and courteously.

Yaoying snorted with a straight face, and took the towel away so that he wouldn't touch it.

Li Zhongqian smiled wryly, holding on to the towel tightly, his voice was harsh: "Xiao Qi, remember, don't be like A-Niang..."

Don't give your whole heart to the throbbing and impulsive moments of your youth, moths to the flames, only to get nothing.

Even if you like someone, you should protect yourself, be selfish, and cool.

Don't be foolish to plunge headfirst into it.

Yaoying was stunned.

Li Zhongqian smiled and did not continue.

In fact, he didn't need to be so nervous, Xiao Qi was never like Concubine Xie.

But he still couldn't help worrying.

Yaoying sighed and gently held Li Zhongqian's stiff hand.

"Brother, don't worry."

She suddenly understood why Li Zhongqian had been reluctant to marry a wife.

He looks rough, but he is actually sensitive.

When he was born, Li De and Concubine Xie were in the most loving time. He witnessed the disputes between the Tang family and Concubine Xie, and Concubine Xie woke up from a dream, was disappointed, and finally became ashes. He witnessed the prosperity of the Xie family. to annihilation.

After so much, he doesn't care anymore.

The brothers and sisters had a little awkwardness, and Li Zhongqian knew that he was wrong and promised Yaoying not to mention the Zheng family first.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since she knew that she was Li Xuanzhen's sister, she had observed carefully and found that some things were the same as what she knew: Tang Shi died before she was born, after Li De ascended the throne, Tang Shi was enthroned as the queen, and all the princesses of the Li family had no titles, only Only Zhu Luyun has the title Fukang, Li Xuanzhen and Zhu Luyun are really entangled.

But there are also some things that are different: for example, Li De became emperor two years earlier than his previous life, and he has had three more sons and two daughters in this life than in his previous life...

Yaoying herself is also a variable.

Now she just wants to find out the entanglement between Tang and Concubine Xie, and doesn't want to recreate the ramifications and involve more irrelevant people.

East Palace.

Li Xuanzhen didn't sleep all night, and when she returned to the East Palace, the attendant reported that the Crown Princess Zheng Biyu had been waiting until midnight last night.

He rubbed his brows, knowing that Zheng Biyu must have prepared a lot of persuasion, and he didn't want to listen to his wife's lesson, so he turned around and went to the study.

Wei Ming organized the reports during this period into a list, and asked Li Xuanzhen to take a look.

Li Xuanzhen glanced at ten lines, saw half of it, and frowned: "What's wrong with Du Sinan?"

Du Sinan is a rare talent. He instructed the vassals of the East Palace to find a way to recruit Du Sinan. It has been a few months, why is there no news at all

Wei Ming replied blankly, "Your Highness, it is said in Beijing that Du Sinan has already served as the Second Prince."

Li Xuanzhen smiled: "Du Sinan will not join Li Zhongqian and send someone to invite him..."

He thought for a moment.

"No, don't send someone, go and invite him in person to show solemnity."

Wei Mingmei's heart skipped a beat, with an embarrassed expression on his face: "Your Highness, Du Sinan may not have served the Second Prince... But there is still a rumor in Beijing... It's about the Seventh Princess."

Li Xuanzhen did not speak.

Wei Ming glanced at him, then continued: "It is said that the seventh princess loves Du Sinan's talent, and visits every now and then. Du Sinan is so flattered that she has already bowed down under the pomegranate skirt of the seventh princess."

Li Xuanzhen slowly raised his eyes, the phoenix eyes were slender and bright.

Wei Ming said: "His Royal Highness, if Du Sinan really becomes the official under the skirt of the Seventh Princess, it must be a serious problem for his confidants, and this person cannot be kept."

Li Xuanzhen asked lightly, "Is the news true?"

Wei Ming nodded.

Li Xuanzhen didn't say anything, and continued to read the document with her head down.

Wei Ming was not in a hurry, he bowed and retreated outside the screen.

After a while, he saw Li Xuanzhen summon the dark guard.

A plain command came from the quiet study: "Kill."

A simple word, chilling and chilling.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: ECHO Gaoxi Mo Zhaoyu, the mousse-flavored little fairy