Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 101: General Kim (new content, rewatch)


Although no one of the Beirong Mission was injured, they were still frightened.

Yuanjue called the officials of the inn and asked them to send the delegation back to the inn for custody.

The official said in embarrassment: "The Beirong people are detained for no reason. What should the Beirong people do when they make trouble?"

Yuanjue took out the confessions of the guards and Zhu Luyun, and sneered: "Let them make trouble. With these things, even if Wakhan Khan came to the holy city in person, these people have to be locked up!"

Seeing that he was confident, the official said yes.

All the personal guards were taken away with their hands tied. They found that each other's hands were good, and they realized that they had been fooled, and they all shouted, saying that Yaoying had been tortured to extract a confession, and the confession could not be counted.

The official lifted the guard's robe and looked at it, and said coldly: "You have not broken any oily skin on your body, where did you get a confession by torture? This is the holy city, and the Buddha is on top, so there is no room for your sophistry!"

In front of the courtyard gate, Yaoying walked downstairs, surrounded by her own soldiers, put on her veil, and mounted her horse in the saddle.

Zhu Luyun rushed up with the corners of her skirt: "Qiniang... Li Xuanzhen, he..."

Without waiting for her to step forward, the personal soldiers stepped forward to stop her, the scabbard gently blocked her, and she swayed and fell back on the snow.

Yaoying clenched the reins in one hand, sat on the back of the horse, turned her head and looked at Zhu Luyun on the ground.

"Princess Fukang forgot what I just said?"

Zhu Luyun raised her head, her face humiliated and unwilling.

Yaoying said word by word: "Princess remember, stay away from me in the future, it's better to walk around me, my personal soldiers will not be so polite all the time."

The personal soldiers stepped forward and made a movement of drawing a knife.

Zhu Luyun glanced at the long knife in the hands of the personal soldier and shrank.

Yaoying drove her horse a few steps forward, the soft whip in her hand dropped, and with a clatter, it hooked Zhu Luyun's arm and pulled her to stand up.

"Zhu Luyun, do you remember?"

Zhu Luyun waved her arms, trying to break free from the whip, her face gloomy.

The crisp sound of friction sounded slowly, and the long sword in the hands of the personal soldiers was unsheathed, and the cold air forced people.

Zhu Luyun stopped struggling, gritted her teeth, and nodded.

Yaoying said lightly, "What do you remember?"

Zhu Luyun suddenly raised her head and glared at Yaoying.

Yaoying looked down at her, her face covered with a scarlet veil, her eyes glittering in autumn water, her eyes were quiet.

An inexplicable embarrassment came to her heart, Zhu Luyun's face was ashen, and she said with restraint, "I will not pester Qiniang again in the future. When I see Qiniang, I will stay away from you."

Yaoying smiled: "you have to remember it."

Zhu Luyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Yaoying glanced at her, and suddenly the conversation changed: "Did you just say that Li Xuanzhen will avenge you? Just like that Mid-Autumn Festival, Li Xuanzhen vented his anger for you and killed my dog?"

Zhu Luyun was shocked, her lips pursed tightly, her face pale.

That was a few years ago.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the season for hunting. The young men of Wei County went into the mountains to hunt in groups in fresh clothes and angry horses. Zhu Luyun saw the scene of the children of the noble family in brocade clothes and robes shouting and galloping on the plain. She remembered the tragic situation of the Zhu family's withering, and the sadness came from it. She had a quarrel with the girl of the Li family. Annoyed, she threw off her entourage and ran into the forest on horseback. She happened to bump into Li Yaoying, who followed Li Zhongqian out of the house. She was frightened by her small dog and fell off the horse, hurting her hand.

Later, Li Xuanzhen came, and in front of Li Yaoying, bent a bow and shot an arrow, and shot her small dog with her own hands.

Zhu Luyun was full of bitterness and bitterness at the time. She only remembered that she was angry with Li Xuanzhen after her injury was healed.

Just a dog.

When Li Yaoying mentioned it, Zhu Luyun remembered the dog.

She was pale.

Yaoying pulled Zhu Luyun in front of the horse, leaned over, and looked at her: "Zhu Luyun, when you see Li Xuanzhen, tell him that I am waiting for him to avenge you."

There is always a break between them.

Zhu Luyun slowly opened her eyes, Li Yaoying was not afraid of Li Xuanzhen

Yaoying let go of her whip and turned her horse around.

Behind her, Zhu Luyun stumbled a few times and fell to the ground.

Before she could get up, Yaoying's personal soldiers walked in front of her and stared at her coldly: "Miss Zhu, we have heard what you said just now, you should stay away from our princess in the future, otherwise, we will see you once. , hit you once! We are rough people, and it's a big deal!"

After saying that, the long knife in his hand slammed towards Zhu Luyun.

The blade wind was fierce, thirsty for human blood, and Zhu Luyun's heart skipped a beat.

The tip of the knife, which was flickering with cold light, stopped abruptly when it was a few inches away from the tip of her nose.

Zhu Luyun sat in the snow with lingering fears, but she couldn't return to her senses for a while.

The inn official stepped forward and motioned for Zhu Luyun to accompany him back to the inn: "Princess, please."

Zhu Luyun looked around.

Since arriving in Illinois, all the attendants around her from the Central Plains have been transferred by her aunt, and the personal guards who escorted her to the royal court are all from her aunt, and there is no one around her who can be used.

No one really took her to heart, only Li Xuanzhen was obedient to her.

Zhu Luyun bit her lip and had no choice but to follow the officials away.

In the depths of the long street, a few sneaky figures probed their brains, watched for a while, and whispered.

"Go back and report to the princess!"

One person agreed and ran in the direction of the inn.

Before leaving the shop, Yaoying picked out a few pieces of Persian brocade with beaded patterns and asked her personal soldiers to send them to Yuchi's sister and brother.

The two sons and daughters of Yuchi Damo were placed in the caravan. The two brothers and sisters are now the nephews and nieces of Persian merchants. The people in the caravan do not know their true identities.

In the first few days after leaving Gaochang, Yaoying received several letters from Yang Qian one after another, and then cut off contact. The two places are separated by the gravel Gobi desert and large expanses of quicksand, and it is impossible to see the direction in the ice and snow. The only way is to use animal bones and camel dung as road signs, which is inconvenient to travel, and it is difficult to communicate with each other.

Now relying on the caravan to deliver news is the safest way, but the caravan is going too slowly, the situation is changing rapidly, but it takes them two or three months to bring the news.

So Yaoying still doesn't know what happened to Beirong these days.

For better or worse, Wakhan Khan must have blocked the news.

Yaoying frowned in thought.

Yuanjue followed her, and when she saw her frowning, she didn't dare to say a word.

The team exited the long street and slowly headed north.

The voices were gone, the roadside was sparsely populated, and the long walls stretched across the undulating rocks. Yaoying recovered from her thoughts and found that the rows of two-story buildings in Shifang could no longer be seen around.

She turned her head and asked Yuanjue, "Where is this going?"

After getting the confession, she was going to go directly back to Wang Temple.

Yuanjue replied, "Go to the sand garden."

"Where is the sand garden?"

Yuanjue betrayed: "The princess will know when she goes."

Yaoying raised her eyebrows.

Yuanjue asked a few royal guards to return to the Wang Temple to report the news, and continued to go north with Yaoying. They rode up a high earth cliff and came to a cliff. There was a flat earth platform on the cliff.

Yaoying wrapped her cloak tightly and shivered from the cold.

Yuanjue pointed to the valley under the cliff: "Princess, look, there is a sand garden."

Yaoying looked in the direction of his finger, there was a river passing under the cliff, and now there is a thick layer of ice on the river. There is a large open and gentle snow field by the river, and there are many undulating and neatly arranged cone-shaped small piles. .

"what is that?"

Yuanjue said: "Those are eagle piers. Eagles only build their nests among the cliffs and are not easy to tame. These are stone piers that allow young eagles to rest their wings and look out. Now the eagle has not returned to its nest. In the evening, these eagle piers It will be full of eagles."

Yaoying's face showed a longing look.

Yuanjue continued: "Princess, the sand garden is where the royal guards tame letter eagles and falcons. The best letter eagles and falcons are here in the north and south of the Congling Mountains."

He paused and looked at Yaoying.

"You can pick an eagle."

Yaoying's eyes widened.

After half an hour, Yaoying returned to Wang Temple with an eagle.

Along the way, she stumbled tightly, for fear that she might accidentally let the eagle she chose.

She was worried that she didn't know how to communicate with Yang Qian and Yuchi Bodhidharma. With this letter eagle, she could just solve the problem that troubled her.

Yuanjue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Princess, don't worry, the eagle in the sand garden is well-trained. Even if you let go of your feet, it will fly back."

Yaoying thought about it for a while, but still didn't dare to let go of her stumbling fingers, touched the eagle's wings, and whispered, "What if this eagle doesn't like me and really flies away?"

Her expression was serious.

Yuanjue was stunned for a moment, and found that she was really worried, so she couldn't help laughing.

Yaoying knew that he was laughing at herself, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, she followed with a smile, and fed the eagle on her shoulders a piece of jerky.

This eagle was chosen by herself. The feathers were dark black, with an inky luster. There was a touch of golden soft fur on each of the wings. The underside of the wings was snow-white.

When Yuanjue took her to choose the letter eagle, she picked this one at a glance.

Several people returned to Wang Temple through the side gate guarded by the guards, and the eagle on Yaoying's shoulder attracted the attention of many people.

The guards lead Yaoying and Yuanjue to see Tanmaraga.

A tall figure lingered in front of the promenade, saw Yaoying, and greeted her, his eyes fell on the black eagle on her shoulder, and he was stunned.

"General Ashina!"

Yaoying quickened her pace, greeted him with a smile, and let him see the eagle she chose.

"Thank you General for your generous gift of the eagle."

Yaoying said with a smile, Yuanjue told her that the sand garden and animal garden in the holy city were under the jurisdiction of Bi Suo, and Bi Suo gave this eagle to her.

Ashina Bisao looked blank.

Yuanjue stood behind Yaoying, pointed to the eagle, and pointed to the top of his head, making a gesture of clasping his hands together, and kept winking at Bi Suo, his eyelids blinked, and the whites of his eyes almost rolled out.

The king had instructed not to tell the princess that the eagle was sent by him.

Bi Suo's eyes narrowed slightly, she understood, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said with a smile, "Just if the princess likes it."

There is a scaffolding under the front porch, Yaoying put the black eagle on it, fastened his feet, and fed it jerky.

Ashina Bisuo stood beside her, reached out to tease Black Eagle, and just raised his arm, he let out a groan.

Yaoying glanced at him, seeing that he didn't seem to be pretentious, and asked with concern: "I heard that the general was injured a few days ago. Is the general better now?"

Bi Suo smiled and patted his arm: "I accidentally scratched the skin, and it's almost healed."

He raised his other hand and touched the black eagle.

"Did the princess name it?"

Yaoying pointed to the dazzling golden yellow on the eagle's wings, and said with a smile, "When it starts, it's called General Jin."

Bi Suo laughed, thinking that the princess would be given names such as "Chasing the Wind" and "Ling Yun".

Yaoying remembered something and asked, "What is the name of the mage's eagle?"

She didn't seem to have heard the goshawk that Tumaraka called out to him.

Bi Su replied, "The king didn't name the goshawk, but the guards of the Central Army and the people of the royal court call it Garuda in private."

Yaoying chuckled lightly, Garuda is the legendary king of birds, and the goshawk of Tanmaraga is a divine bird in the eyes of the common people.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden noise from the front yard, the monk soldiers were entangled with someone, and the footsteps were chaotic.

The quarrel grew louder and louder, and a guard quickly walked across the corridor with a solemn expression.

Bi Su stopped him, "Who is making a noise outside?"

The guard trotted to his side and whispered a few words.

Bi Suo's expression changed slightly, she frowned and glanced at Yaoying.

"Princess, you go to the side hall first, the king has something important to deal with."

He motioned Yuanjue to take Yaoying away.

Yaoying didn't ask any further, and immediately exited with Black Hawk.

She had just turned around the corridor, and a large group of people poured into the other end of the corridor. Judging by their clothes, they seemed to be princes and nobles.

Bi Suo greeted those people and asked a few words in a low voice.

The expressions on those people's faces were excited, and they didn't care to talk to him in detail.

"Don't stop me from anyone!"

"It's not too late, just wait for the king's order!"

"Is the king afraid? If Sultan died, the king will not be able to retreat?"

Bi Su couldn't stop the crowd, her face was gloomy.

A group of people rushed forward, opened the felt curtain, and scrambled to get into the main hall.

The monk soldiers in the corridor did not step forward to stop them.

Yaoying retracted her gaze and went to the side hall following her fate.

The side hall and the main hall are separated by a courtyard, and the walls are solid and thick several layers of stone walls, but Yao Ying, who is sitting by the fire in the house, can still hear the noise from the main hall.

For half an hour, quarrels, curses, and roars passed through the courtyard walls and echoed in the empty courtyard.

Yuanjue looked worried, standing up from time to time and walked outside the door to check.

Yaoying saw that he was restless and said, "I'm waiting here, and I'm not going anywhere. Go to the Buddha's side and see if you can help."

Yuanjue shook his head: "The king wants me to protect the princess. I can't leave the princess without the king's order."

With a nervous expression on his face, with a saber in his hand, he walked back and forth in the room for an unknown number of laps, and the clamor slowly stopped.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

He walked into the house with the swordsman and soldier, and motioned to Yaoying: "Princess Wenzhao, General Ashina, please come over."