Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 103: succession


General Hei Ying Jin shrank in Yao Ying's arms, shivering, his eyes dull.

Yaoying touched General Jin distressedly, looked up at the scaffolding under the porch, and looked puzzled: Wang Temple faces a steep cliff on which eagles nest. Passing news, so many courtyards in the temple have scaffolding for the letter eagles to watch and rest. The goshawk has never bullied other letter eagles. Why did he suddenly go crazy and chase General Jin to bite

Ashi Nabi Suo, who was on the side, glanced at the scattered bird feathers on the ground and said, "I will send the princess back."

Yaoying regained her senses and shook her head: "The guards can send me off. The general and the Buddha have important matters to discuss, so don't bother the general."

She smiled at Bi Suo and left with General Jin in her arms.

Bi Suo stood there, watched her back go away, and went out for a while.

Yaoying had just turned out of the corridor, when there was a sound of footsteps behind her, Yuanjue caught up, holding a clams box with gold foil in her hand.

"Princess, Garuda lost his temper and scratched you. Don't be angry with it. You keep this mussel box. Prajna used to take care of Garuda, and if it scratched you, you should apply this medicine."

Yaoying thanked him, took the mussel box, and said, "It's okay, Garuda has never seen General Jin, maybe he's frightened. I won't bring General Jin here in the future."

Perhaps the goshawk has a territorial awareness and will only attack the black eagle when it sees an unfamiliar eagle appearing in the king's temple.

"It's fine if you don't get angry."

Yuanjue scratched her scalp and sent Yaoying back to the courtyard.

After descending the stone steps, bypassing the snow-covered Buddhist pagoda forest, a monk and soldier came running out of breath, met Yuanjue, and said in a low voice, "Princess Chima is here."

Yuanjue paused and glanced at Yaoying, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Yaoying asked, "Is there any other way to go back to the yard?"

Princess Chima must have come to see Tanmo Luojia. The Tanmo one clan was almost wiped out by the Zhang clan, and only two brothers and sisters survived. This princess has always hated the Han people, so it is better for her to avoid it.

Yuanjue breathed a sigh of relief, "Princess come with me."

He led Yaoying into a narrow and cramped passage, and whispered, "Thank you princess for your understanding."

Yaoying smiled and indicated that it was all right.

The royal court people hated the Han people, especially the royal court nobles. She usually does not have much contact with the royal court nobles, and she has not encountered any difficulties, but it can still be seen from the conversations of Yuanjue and Prajna that Tanmaraga's maintenance of her has attracted a lot of criticism.

She has already caused a lot of trouble for Tan Moraka. Now that the royal court is worried about internal and external troubles, he is exhausted, and there are too many things to worry about. She doesn't want to let him be in a dilemma because of these small frictions.

Just after Yaoying and Yuanjue left, Princess Chima walked quickly into the pagoda forest, ignoring the dissuasion of the monks and soldiers, and went straight into the main hall.

When the guards went in to report, Bi Su was shocked, and ran out of the main hall in three steps in two steps, stopping Princess Chima.

"Wang is busy with government affairs, what are you doing here?"

Princess Chima raised her head, her eyes stern: "What am I here for? I'm here to seek justice for you!"

Bi Su's face darkened.

Princess Chima said angrily: "Sultan Gu is dead, you are the best candidate for the regent, if Luo Jia had established you as the regent earlier, the court would not have been in such a mess! He has not established a new regent, and now The Xue family, Kang family, An family, and Meng family all became troubled. The left army, the right army and the former army were controlled by the aristocratic family. They moved their minds, and the four armies in their hands were also restless. The holy city was surrounded by many. The family can break into the King Temple at any time!"

"Now people in the city are panicking, even the servants in my house say that he has been taken over by the noble family again, why does he still drag you down and make you the regent? The king's best choice! Does he have to wait for the Fourth Army to rush into the king's temple before he is willing to hand over power to you?"

Bi Suo's heart skipped a beat, grabbed Princess Chima's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "The king has his plans, don't disturb his plans!"

Princess Chima looked at him, looking disappointed and annoyed, "I'm all for you!"

Bi Suo looked cold and stern, and said solemnly: "You don't know the inside story, don't interfere in the government."

"What's the inside story?" Princess Chima broke away from Bi Su's hand and continued to walk in, "I only know that the situation is critical and imminent, the Fourth Army is about to enter the Wang Temple! Go to the city wall and take a look, on the snow field outside the city. It is densely packed with tents from the four military forces, and the post road in the holy city for a hundred miles has been planted with their flags!"

Bi Su grabbed Princess Chima, "Chima, I will explain to you, don't disturb the king..."

The two were entangled, and the guard lifted the felt curtain and said softly, "The king invites the princess to enter."

Princess Chima sneered, raised her chin, and walked into the felt tent.

Bi Suo frowned and followed.

There were a few low-pitched cuckoo bird calls from the felt tent, and the shadow shook.

Tanmaraka sat in front of the long desk and wrote scriptures, her brows and eyes calm.

There was a scaffolding on the front of the window. Garuda the goshawk was parked on the scaffolding. He spread his wings and wanted to fly high, but was pulled back by the stumbling of his feet. Screaming, stumbling and stumbling, the hook on the leather rope hit the scaffolding, clanging loudly.

In the midst of the noise, Tanmaraga's writing movements were calm and elegant, as if he was outside the world, and he couldn't hear the noise of the goshawk at all.

The goshawk did not dare to stumble again, and stood on the scaffolding honestly, with a sluggish demeanor.

Princess Chima glared at the goshawk in disgust and stepped forward.

Bi Su tugged at her sleeve, reminding her to remember to salute.

A look of anger flashed on Princess Chima's face, she gave a vague salute, sat down, and said directly: "Luo Jia, Sultan is dead, why don't you make Bi Su the regent?"

Tamara did not stop writing.

Bi Su hurriedly knelt down on one knee, clenched his right fist on his chest, and said respectfully, "King, this minister is frivolous and reckless, and I can't bear the heavy responsibility of the regent."

Chima turned back, her eyes widened, and she refuted: "You joined the Central Army when you were young, guarded the monarch, saddled the monarch's front and rear, inserted swords in both sides, fought on the battlefield since the age of fifteen, and made many achievements in battle, and now you have become the capital. If you can't afford it, who else in the DPRK can afford it?"

Bi Suo calmly said: "The regent not only needs to lead troops to expeditions, but also to preside over the government, to take charge of punishments, and to break prisons. There are too many things to deal with. I only know how to fight, but not government affairs."

Chima was trembling with anger, and she hated that iron could not be made of steel: "Sultan Gu is the same as you as a guard of the Central Army. His status is low. After you are a nobleman, he can be the regent, why can't you?!"

Bi Su looked icy cold, and was about to open his mouth to refute, when Tamara put down the pen and looked at him.

He closed his mouth immediately.

Tanmaraka's blue eyes glanced at Chima lightly, and asked, "Chima, who was the regent who was loyal to the Tanmo family in the previous generation?"

Chima was startled, since her grandfather's generation, the Tamma royal family was gradually overseen by the family, and the government was controlled by the family until the Tamara regained the royal power in one fell swoop. The previous generation of regents who were loyal to the royal family dates back many years ago.

She thought for a while, then sneered: "It's General Saisang Er, he is the senior brother of Master Porolyuzhi, he is also a guard of the Chinese army, and like Bi Suo, he has served the previous generation of Buddhist disciples since he was a child."

"How old was he when he died?"

Chima recalled, "Twenty-nine years old."

"What about before General Saissan?"

"General Maha."

Tamara looked at Chima.

Chima recalled the life of General Maha, and his face suddenly turned angry: General Maha tried to reform the military system of the royal court, but was overthrown by the family, and five horses died.

She fell silent, thinking carefully.

Most of the regents of each generation in the royal court had a bumpy life. No matter how beautiful they were when they gained power, once they were suspected by the monarch or defeated by political opponents, they would either die tragically or be suppressed by aristocratic families, and they would never recover. The famous General Sai Sang Er was as strong in martial arts as Sultan Gu and had great military exploits. He was also a lay disciple. He was upright and had constant friction with the aristocratic family.

Chima's back was cold and her face was gray.

Tamara looked calm and said, "Chima, let Bi Suo succeed him as regent, that is, put him on the fire and roast him."

Chima's lips trembled, and she looked back at Bi Su.

Bi Su sighed, "Princess, do you know how many times Sultan Gu has been assassinated since he was the regent?"

Chima said nothing.

Bi Suo looked at her and said word by word, "The end of the year, all the time."

Chima was shocked, bit her lip, stood up slowly, and left without a word.

Bi Suo sent her out, stood under the felt curtain, and grabbed her arm.

"Princess." He said coldly, "Do you remember the days when Mrs. Zhang was in power?"

Chima raised her head abruptly and glared at Bi Suo: "I was bullied by the Zhang clan since I was a child, and I watched the Zhang clan slaughter my clan, how could I forget those days!"

Bi Su's expression was gloomy: "Then don't forget, who defeated the Wakhan Khan at the age of thirteen, regained his position, avenged the Tanmo family, and gave you the honorable status of a princess."

Princess Chima's face sank.

Bi Su dragged her out of the main hall: "The king has been sent to the Wang Temple to be imprisoned since he was born. When you enjoyed the service of servants in the palace, he starved in the cold execution hall. Before the age of thirteen, he did not step on One step out of the prison!"

Anger swelled in his chest, his teeth rattled.

"When he was thirteen years old, he carried the entire royal court. For more than ten years, he did not dare to relax for a moment. Look around, a powerful empire like Persia was destroyed at one time, and the royal family could only go into exile until it was completely destroyed. Forgetting, there are also dozens of tribes in the eastern grasslands, which were overthrown overnight, the elderly were slaughtered, the men were enslaved, and the women were enslaved after being raped. In this troubled world, which country can survive alone? How can the royal court be so peaceful and stable?"

"Because the king didn't fall!"

Bi Suo's voice trembled, "Chima, it's only been ten years of stability, and you have forgotten the old days. Do you think the family is obedient and obedient like a flock of lambs?"

Princess Chima's face was pale.

Bi Suo's chest rose and fell violently, and he let go of Princess Chima.

"The prince regent has too many things to bear. I am impetuous, idle, horse-riding and hunting. I can't be idle for a moment. I can't be the prince regent. I just want to be a general in my life and help the king to manage the royal court."

Princess Chima looked gloomy.

Bi Su turned back to the inner hall.

The blue smoke curled up, and Tamara was still writing scriptures with his head down.

The goshawk on the shelf flapped its wings, trying to arouse his attention, but he did not lift his head and wrote like a flower.

Bi Suo whispered: "Wang, don't take what Princess Chima said just now."

Tamara raised his eyes and asked, "Bisuo, have you ever thought about taking over as the regent?"

Bi Suo knelt down on one knee, clenched his fists and saluted, "I thought about it. King, since everyone in the world thinks Sultan Gu is dead, it's better for this minister to take over as the regent, and the minister must be careful!"

Tamara shook his head.

Bi Suo said loudly: "I know that I am reckless and impulsive, and I can't use it. I can change it, and I can slowly learn how to be a regent and share the pressure for the king."

Tamara stopped writing and looked at Bi Su.

"Bisuo, with your ability, you are enough to take over as the regent."

Bi Suo was overjoyed and said loudly, "King, then let me be loyal to you!"

Tamara shook his head, "The candidate for the regent cannot be any general of the royal family."

Bi Suo was stunned, and said excitedly: "King, although I inherited a Turkic surname, I am a member of Wangting! So are my people!"

Tamara put down the pen, "Bisuo, I'm not doubting your loyalty."

He stood up and walked to the scaffolding.

The goshawk pecked the sleeve of his cassock flatteringly.

Tamara didn't look at the goshawk and said, "Look, for the selection of the prince regent, the five armies have been in chaos and the four armies have been in chaos, and the families are fighting with each other, and even secretly sent troops to surround the holy city, just to force me from them. Choose a regent among them."

Bi Su sighed secretly.

Tamara turned his back to him, and his voice was cold: "Really choose a regent from among them, do you think the situation can be stabilized?"

Bi Su's eyes widened.

The family will not stop, they will continue to fight openly and secretly until they have the power firmly in their hands. No matter what the external situation is, the family will never stop grabbing benefits for the family. Even when the Bei Rong soldiers are under the city, the family is still intriguing.

Therefore, Bi Su, who was born as a nobleman, cannot serve as the regent. Once he succeeds, he will definitely be involved in the whirlpool of family battles, unable to withdraw, and the court will fall into chaos again.

Only with a suitable identity like Sultan Gu, not only is he highly skilled in martial arts and has an iron fist, he can evade the pursuit time and time again, he is not from an aristocratic family, he is single, and has no clan involvement. A way for the family to surrender temporarily.

Bi Suo closed his eyes. The last time Tamara was out of control, how long could he hold on like this

"King, you can't go on like this any longer."

He trembled.

Tamaroga lowered her eyes and looked at the goshawk.

"That's right, if this goes on like this, you'll end up drinking poison to quench your thirst."

The royal court is different from the Han land. Here, the family is the lord of various places, and the military is in control. Except for the central army, the other four armies belong to the family. Once the king is weak, he will be completely overthrown.

And once the family gets into infighting, it is an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of.

Without fundamental changes, it will not last long.

Now that you know where the disease is, you have to find a way to cure it, otherwise, when he leaves, the seemingly prosperous royal court will be vulnerable.

Tamara didn't know how long he could hold on, but before that, he had to find a way out for his subjects.

"The seven-day period is almost here."

Tamaroka raised her head and looked at the snow light reflected in the window.

"If things change, you can escort Princess Wenzhao to Gaochang."

He paused.

"Find a way to send her back to Handi."

Bi Suo raised her head in surprise, looked at Tamaroka's back, her eyes flickered a few times, and after a while, she said yes.