Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 109: Where do you come from (xiu)


The felt curtain was lowered, and candles flickered in one room.

Yaoying walked in behind Tan Mo Luojia: "What does the Master want to say to me?"

Tanmaraga's figure condensed and suddenly stopped.

Yaoying almost stepped on his cassock, she quickly stopped and raised her head.

He looked back at her, his eyes fell on her face, and his blue eyes were deep.

"Bisuo is still guarding the guards in the Pancha Temple. The princess will be placed there. When it's dawn, Yuanjue will send you back."

Yao Ying was a little surprised. Was Tan Moraga leaving her just because she was worried that there were still gangsters lurking in the Wang Temple

A few days ago, he deliberately showed his weakness. There was a lot of fish and dragons outside the Wang Temple, so people would sneak into the temple. Now that he has cleared the imperial court and gathered military power, no one dares to openly peep at the Wang Temple. There is martial law everywhere in the city, and it should be fine.

Yaoying also thought that Tan Mo Luojia kept her because she wanted to discuss with her to guard against Bei Rong.

She felt warm in her heart and smiled, "Then I'm going to harass the mage again tonight."

Tanmaraka didn't make a sound, flicked open the brocade tent, and walked in.

Yao Ying didn't follow her in, she found the quilt outside with familiarity, found an inconspicuous corner seat, and sat cross-legged with the quilt in her arms. There are no high or large beds inside or outside the Zen room, only a low sitting couch with a fleece blanket on the floor, on which she slept last night.

She slept for too long yesterday, and now she doesn't feel sleepy. She took out the pen and paper, spread out the paper, and looked at it by the candlelight.

The brocade tent shook slightly, and the hem of the snow-white cassock flashed in the shadow of the candle.

Yaoying held the paper and raised her face.

Tamara stood in front of her, her eyes drooping, her eyelashes were black, and the candle flame was weak, casting a long shadow on the ground.

Yaoying couldn't see the expression on his face, rubbed her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Am I arguing with the mage?"

The corners of her eyes were reddish, as if she had been smeared with bright rouge. She was clearly not smiling, but there was still a smile on her brows. The dim candlelight shone on her face, which was vaguely charming, but her eyes were clear and clear.

Tanmaraka glanced at the quilt rolled up beside him.

Yaoying followed his line of sight, patted the quilt, and said, "I'll just sleep here."

She had eaten and slept in tents, carriages, sand, caves, woods, everywhere, and didn't care where she slept.

Tamaroka leaned over and removed the candlestick.

The only light source was taken away by him, Yaoying was stunned for a moment, and had to stand up.

Tamara walked into the inner room, placed the candlestick on the low table beside the couch behind the screen, and said, "I have never slept on this couch, and the princess can place it here."

Several layers of Persian brocade were laid on the low couch, and the quilts and pillows were complete, flat and neat, without a single wrinkle. It really looked like no one had ever slept.

Yaoying thanked him, saw him turn around and was about to leave, thought about it, and asked, "Can I borrow the pen and ink utensils on the magistrate's desk?"

She was afraid of accidentally messing up his bookcase or accidentally peeping at something she shouldn't have seen, so she was afraid to touch the things in the meditation room during the day.

Tan Moraga turned her back to her, nodded, and said, "The furnishings in the room, the princess can use at will, if there is anything missing, let someone send it."

He walked out, and the brocade curtain hung down, separating the inside and the outside.

Yaoying walked to the desk of Tanmoraga's book, picked up a pen, sat cross-legged, wrote and drew on the paper, and moved very lightly.

This time Tanmaraga rectified the four armies and did not let Sultan Gu show his face. There must be his consideration. He and Wakhan Khan are old rivals. Only he knows how to make Wakhan Khan take the bait step by step.

From her provoking Wakhan Khan and Haidu Aling, to the murder of Haidu Aling and Jinbo brothers, to Wakhan Khan setting an ambush to lure the royal court to send troops, and now the embassies of various countries have witnessed him personally come forward to gather military power... The game between him and Wakhan Khan has been ongoing.

All she has to do is wait patiently and look for opportunities.

Yaoying thought silently in her heart and drew one map after another, but she was still not satisfied.

With a light pop, a wisp of blue smoke rose up, the candle went out, and the room fell into darkness.

Yaoying regained her senses, rubbed her fingers, packed up the paper, crept back to the bed, opened the brocade tent and glanced out.

It was dark outside and the light was dim. Tanmaraka sat in front of the long desk, closed his eyes and meditated.

Do monks sleep like this at night

Yaoying muttered in her heart, lay down and closed her eyes.

After falling asleep for a while, she turned over and felt a vision condensed on her body in a daze, and woke up with a shock in her dream.

On the scaffold, a pair of eyes shining in the dark stared at her faintly.

A shudder rolled over Yaoying's body, and she immediately realized that it was the goshawk Garuda raised by Buddha's son. She couldn't help laughing, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Before she fell asleep, there was a sound of wings flapping in her ears, and the goshawk flew to the low couch, its sharp claws caught the quilt and was torn apart, and the bird's beak lightly pecked at her arm.

Yaoying hurt a little from being pecked, so she sat up helplessly. The goshawk hooked her shirt, and its wings fluttered violently, as if to pull her up.

"Are you hungry? I feed you jerky?"

The goshawk was unmoved and continued to peck Yaoying.

Yaoying was so disturbed that she couldn't fall asleep, so she could only stand up, opened the brocade tent, and wanted to ask Tanma Luojia for help. She glanced at the place where he was meditating, and was startled.

Tamara's body trembled slightly, sweat was pouring down like rain, his face and neck were dripping with sweat, and even half of his cassock was soaked.

He doesn't look right.

The goshawk woke her up because of this

Yaoying went down to the ground barefoot and walked quickly to Tanmaraga's side.


She called him softly.

Tamara's eyes were closed, and there was no response.

Yaoying stretched out two fingers and gently touched his shoulder.

Tamara has entered into concentration.

He violated the precept of killing and went to the execution hall to receive the punishment.

He should be punished for making such a choice.

He had been accustomed to this kind of pain for a long time, and he didn't feel it. From the torture hall back to the meditation room, no one noticed his abnormality. Only when he suddenly saw the girl's charming face with a smile, he was stunned for a moment. .

He settled her and read the scriptures silently, feeling as if his soul was drifting away, his consciousness was drifting, the spiritual platform was empty, and the boundless darkness engulfed him.

In the darkened cell, a child in a gray monk's robe stood in front of a wrinkled old man reciting scriptures, his voice clear.

Thamaraga recognized that it was her childhood self.

He has been imprisoned in the torture hall since his birth. His master, Balaliuzhi, came to teach him the Dharma every day.

He could recite those scriptures after reading them once, and he could quickly master the words taught by the master. The monks in the monastery asked him to test him, and he answered them fluently.

The monks all said that he was wise and talented, and would surely become a great weapon of the Shimen generation.

The master was ecstatic and had high hopes for him.

"Luo Jia, you are the monarch of the royal court, the reincarnation of the Buddha, you will surely be able to calm down the troubled times and rescue the toiling people who are displaced by the war!"

"Although the Zhang family is in control of the government, they are unable to control the situation. They only know that they are extorted and looted, and they are not popular with the people. The people only recognize the king of the Tanmo family. When you grow up and take charge of the government, you can reform the disease and let the people out of the sea of misery."

"Luo Jia, you must practice the Dharma well, and take charge of the government as soon as possible!"

Tanmaraka devotes himself to practice and earnestly learns how to be a qualified Buddhist son and monarch.

When Zaohui's reputation spread, the people began to look forward to him being able to govern soon, and the aristocratic family became angry and tried their best to torture him, trying to defeat him completely.

The guards did not give him food, and he was so hungry that he was dizzy, and relied on a book of Buddhist scriptures to get through his physical torment.

The soldiers deliberately flogged the prisoners in the cell separated by a wall, and the screams could be heard.

At a young age, he recited scriptures, read the classics, and was able to export chapters and preach Buddhist verses.

The world admires and loves him, looking forward to him growing up quickly and leading them to live a peaceful and happy life.

However, when the Zhang family took him to the square and cut off the heads of his relatives, men and women, one by one, he could only stand there, watching the people die one by one.

The people of the tribe were frightened, knelt down and begged for mercy, trembling under the blood-stained knife.

"Fafa's kindness, Fafa's kindness, let go of my child!"

"He's not as high as the wheel, kill me, let him go!"

"Send kindness..."

"Qianhu spare your life, spare me, I will treat you as a cow and a horse..."

"Please, don't kill my mother, don't kill my mother..."

The knife rose and fell, the flesh and blood flew, the begging for mercy stopped abruptly, and more screams and crying sounded, merged into one piece, and echoed over the square for a long time.

Tamara stood among the fallen corpses on the ground, blood splattered all over his face, and sticky blood beads slowly dripped down the monk's robe, tick, tick.

The ticking sounded for a long, long time.

After a long time, all the begging voices stopped, and there was only a stump in front of him.

A piece of fresh life, just disappeared in front of his eyes.

Chima's cries were hysterical, desolate and desperate.

She squeezed him tightly, her fingers spasmed, and screamed at him.

"Why didn't you cry? Why didn't you have a single tear?"

"You've been a monk since you were a don't care about don't get sad..."

She hugged her dead relatives and cried.

Tamara was seriously ill, and he was in a daze. Countless demons and ghosts danced around him to celebrate, and the ghosts transformed from dead relatives screamed in pain in his ears.

He sank and struggled during the illness, as if he was in the gloomy Avici Hell.

The master sighed deeply and said that at such a young age, he saw the death of his clan with his own eyes, and was greatly stimulated. I am afraid that he already has a demon, and it is impossible to make further progress in the Dharma in the future.

After he recovered from his illness, he picked up the Buddhist scriptures again and studied the scriptures.

The master cried with joy.

"Luo Jia, you are able to pass this test, it is really extraordinary! This is the tempering of the Buddha for you, you are the reincarnation of Ananda, and you should have experienced one after another hardship, so that you can be tough in your heart, cut off love, get rid of troubles, and enter into Nirvana, attain Bodhi."

Tamaroka is strong-willed and drives away demons. Just like before, he firmly believes in the Buddhadharma that will ultimately save all sentient beings.

But there are also things that Buddhism cannot do.

The Buddhadharma can guide him from birth and death, out of the three realms, to realize the truth of extinction, and to be free from the suffering of the six realms of reincarnation forever.

But Buddhism cannot make the wicked put down the butcher's knife, scriptures cannot save his relatives, and Sanskrit cannot save all peoples from fire and water.

The war was raging, the corpses were everywhere, the smoke filled the air, and the eyes were devastated.

The old and the weak are slaughtered, people are like ants, and their names are like grass.

He is not only the son of Buddha, but also the monarch of the royal court.

Without real power, the slaughter cannot be stopped.

In addition to studying Buddhism, he began to learn how to manage the government, how to mediate with aristocratic families, and how to speculate on people's hearts.

Polo Liuzhi secretly went to Chencang, trained his guards, selected a group of children from nobles, and also selected a group of slaves who were sold as livestock.

Bi Su was one of them. He took the initiative to ask Polo Liuzhi to be his teacher, and swore that he would be born and die for him.

They practiced martial arts diligently and became his most loyal personal soldiers.

Polo Liuzhi was very worried: "Just us people can't shake the family, Luo Jia, you grow up day by day, they will not let you go."

"Even if you can be in power, you won't be able to regain power. You'll be trumped up and become a puppet for them to play with."

"You need a helper, someone who can shock the family, bear all the killings for you, and always be loyal to you. He must be ruthless, without relatives or reasons, without weaknesses, without burdens."

"He must also be strong in martial arts. No matter how many bloody storms he encounters, he can save himself from danger and follow you firmly."

Bi Suo and Yuanjue asked curiously: "Is it like General Sai Sanger, Shizun's senior brother? He is the regent king, loyal to the royal family all his life, dedicated to the king, and his entire life. He is the most powerful in the royal court's hundred years. warrior!"

A look of melancholy flashed across Porolyuzhi's old face.

"Yeah, just like General Cesar."

Polo Liuzhi told his students: "General Saisanger is practicing a secret and unannounced practice of Wangting Buddhism, which has been passed down from generation to generation. This practice is the Vajra practice, which is domineering and fierce. If you can practice it, you will definitely To become a top expert, but the practitioner must be a person of pure heart, and must also have a strong will and self-control. Otherwise, once the mood fluctuates, it is very easy to go crazy, be attacked by the practice, and become a ruthless and slaughtered demon. Those who practice this method are all Buddhist disciples.”

The young men are scrambling to learn the exercises, and they all want to become heroes like General Saisang.

Porolius shook his head and sighed.

"From the beginning of practicing this method, you need to insist on taking pills to suppress the method. Every time the medicine is scattered, it is extremely harmful to the body. At first, only the limbs are weak, and the pain gradually becomes more and more painful. The bones of the whole body are like being crushed by an elephant. It was the same, until later, my legs were swollen, and I gradually couldn't walk, until at last, it was like a withered shape, and the oil was exhausted."

"After practicing this kind of exercise, you are destined to die in your prime. Do you still practice?"

The boys hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly.

For the sake of the Buddha, they are willing to practice!

Pololiuzhi began to teach the boys to practice the exercises.

The exercises are really too evil. The first few teenagers who learned the exercises for a few months lost their temper in one exercise, and there were faint signs of losing control.

Polo Liuzhi was afraid that they would learn something wrong, so he did not dare to let them continue to learn, and began to teach Bi Su and Yuan Jue.

The two of them were also not suitable for practicing the Vajra exercises and could not bear it, and the other ones who learned first also gradually showed various symptoms of discomfort.

That day, in order to break through the exercises, a boy from a slave background secretly took an overdose of drugs, and his seven orifices bleed and almost died. Although he was lucky to save his life, he became a waste.

And the young man who is most suitable for practicing the exercises is impetuous. He almost killed his brother by mistake in a martial arts competition. After sobering up, he has no regrets. He just wants to practice the exercises as soon as possible.

Porolius almost despaired.

Tanmaraga found him: "Master, you once said that I have a good foundation, let me try it."

Polo Liuzhi was shocked: "No, you are a Buddhist son, a king, how can you practice this kind of practice? After practicing this practice, your life will be finished! You study the Buddha Dharma carefully, don't worry about these things."

Tanmaraka looked at the young men who were seriously practicing outside the cell, folded his hands together, and had a calm expression on his face.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

If only by means of thunderbolts can the heart of a bodhisattva be achieved, he is willing to bear all the karma and kill the thief himself.

Polo Liuzhi was shocked, stared at him for a long time, sighed, and tried to let him practice the exercises.

Three months later, Tanmaraga showed no sign of being affected by the practice, and he was able to get through the pain after dispersing the medicine.

He is the most suitable regent.

Porolius let out a long sigh.

"Maybe this is God's will..."

After regaining the kingship, the Zhang family was punished.

Chima asked him to exterminate the Zhang family, men and women, young and old, old and weak women and children from remote branches, don't let any of them go.

He refused.

The pain that has been inflicted on him is so deep, he will not take revenge on innocent people.

Chima cursed him in disappointment.

"Have you forgotten those who died before your eyes? You don't care about the Tanmo family! You don't deserve to be king!"

Tamara never regretted his decision, so he rarely recalled the past over the years.

He looked at his youthful self to stop Chima from chasing innocent civilians, turned and left indifferently, letting her cry and curse behind him.

The vision in front of him gradually faded away.

A faint warm light shone through the darkness.

A soft call echoed in his ears.


Tamara opened his eyes.

The girl's anxious face came to him, her slender eyes reflected his sweaty face, she held a handkerchief in her hand and gently wiped the sweat from his brows.

He held her hand and looked into her clear eyes.

"Where are you from?"

Yaoying was stunned, blinked her eyes, looked a little dazed, and said softly, "... from the Wei Kingdom of the Central Plains."

Tamaroga stared at her for a while, then let go of her hand.

Ten thousand miles, so far away, separated by vast deserts, towering mountains, and vast rivers.

Why did she come to him.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to round up an integer of 5000... it was too late...