Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 11: Brother is about to go out again


It's night, everything is silent.

The restaurant selling Hu cakes in front of the cross street suddenly burst out with bright yellow flames, and the fire quickly spread to the neighboring walls.

The guards of Wuhoupu and the patrolling Jinwuwei hurried over to put out the fire, and the sound of gongs, drums, footsteps, shouts, and scolding rang out.

An ox cart was parked in the dark on a street corner across the street. A horn lamp was hung in front of the car, and the Zheng family emblem was on the lamp.

The driver looked nervous, and pushed Du Sinan, who had a livid face, into the carriage, and repeatedly urged: "Alang, let's go, you can't stay in Jingzhao Mansion any longer!"

Du Sinan's clothes are disheveled, his long hair is loose, his head is twisted over his head, and his sash is tied in a knot.

Before getting into the carriage, he looked back at the house ruthlessly swallowed up by the fire in the distance, his palms were cold.

The prince actually killed him.

Du Sinan knew that the prince suspected that he was too involved with the second prince, but he thought that the prince was broad-minded and would not care about this matter, and he was confident that he would definitely win the appreciation of the prince.

Unexpectedly, this time it was a miscalculation, and the prince actually killed him so quickly.

Is the prince so taboo against the second prince

Or... the person that the prince really taboo is actually the seventh princess

Du Sinan escaped from death, his thoughts turned, he opened the curtain, and looked at the strong guard beside the carriage.

He slept well tonight when Xie Qing suddenly broke into the house, pulled him out of the bed and carried him on his shoulders. He climbed the wall and fled to the bottom of the square. He was about to call for help when he suddenly smelled a strong wind The stench of burnt stench immediately reacted, scaring the liver and gallbladder to pieces.

He is a strategist, he has never been on the battlefield and is afraid of death.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Du Sinan didn't want to throw his life in Jingzhao Mansion, so he decided to go out to Beijing to avoid disasters, and then take advantage of opportunities.

Before leaving, he had a question.

"What can the princess teach me?"

When the Seventh Princess sent someone to rescue him, she would definitely force him to assist the Second Prince with the grace of saving his life.

Xie Qing said expressionlessly: "No."

Du Sinan sneered.

He fell into this embarrassing situation today, all thanks to the Seventh Princess, why should the Seventh Princess be so pretentious

Xie Qing handed a waist badge to the driver: "You go out of the city from the west gate. If anyone asks, they will say that you are the servant of the Zheng family. Her Royal Highness asked you to go out of the city to send a letter."

The coachman nodded like smashing garlic for fear that he would be burnt to coke if he stayed any longer.

Du Sinan sat in the carriage with a sneering smile on his lips, waiting for Xie Qing to give in and speak out.

The wheels rolled, and the carriage left the long street. After Xie Qing explained the matter, he turned around and left.

Du Sinan waited for a long time, then lifted the curtain of the car, his expression stiff.

The coachman persuaded: "Alang, the princess will not harm you. If the princess hadn't sent someone to wake us up in time, we would have been burned to death! Next time you see the princess again, don't be stern."

The princess's snow-skinned and flower-like appearance was like pearls and jade. When she stood there, she smiled sweetly, and all the flowers in Chang'an were eclipsed.

Every time he saw the princess, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, but Alang was so indifferent to the princess, it was really incomprehensible!

Du Sinan couldn't figure out what Li Yaoying wanted to do. He would neither win him over, nor get rid of him, but even rescued him... What medicine did she sell in her gourd

"What does she mean?"

The coachman asked, "Alang, you haven't heard the rumors in Beijing?"

Du Sinan frowned: "What rumor?"

The coachman sighed and said in a low voice, "People in Beijing say that the Seventh Princess appreciates your talent, but you are just a white robe with a humble background."

Du Sinan rolled his eyes to the sky, he most taboo others to discuss his origin.

Knowing that his son didn't understand his suggestion, the driver shook his head: "Alang... Xue Wulang and the others said that the seventh princess wants you to be her consort!"

Du Sinan's pupils shrank suddenly, dumbfounded.

The next moment, like a shrimp thrown into boiling water, his delicate face turned blood red.

Xie Qing sent Du Sinan away and returned to the palace to resume his life.

Li Yaoying sat cross-legged in front of the porch, bowing her head to check the accounts of the palace, her pale blue shirt, pomegranate red skirt, her pink breasts half-covered, and her fleshy muscles like snow.

Xie Qing asked, "Your Majesty, why do you want to save Du Sinan?"

Yaoying straightened up, rubbed her waist, and a string of curly grass-patterned gold jumped off her wrist and tinkled softly.

"It's nothing, just a hand."

Nothing happened yet. She didn't want to kill a person because of something that didn't happen. Du Sinan in the previous life was ordered to act. In this life, he could no longer gain Li Xuanzhen's trust and would not threaten Li Zhongqian.

Yaoying did not expect that Li Xuanzhen would be cruel to Du Sinan.

In the eyes of the world, the prince is not a narrow-minded person. He is approachable, treats his subordinates kindly, respects advisers, and employs talents without sticking to one pattern. Therefore, there are so many generals from poor families who are willing to follow him.

Why does he hate Concubine Xie so much

Yaoying went out for a while.

As usual, Xie Qing stood quietly outside the half-rolled painting curtain in the corridor, his posture as straight as a pine tree.

Li Zhongqian came back from drinking outside, his footsteps were vain, his clothes were half-open, his honey-colored chest was dripping with liquor, and he stepped on the corridor with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Yaoying asked the maid to bring the sober cane juice and let him drink it.

Li Zhongqian walked over to her and sat down next to her. The sleeves of his wide robe swept across the books and documents on the books, and his calculations fell to the ground.

Yaoying gritted her teeth angrily, slapped his arm away, and rearranged her calculations.

"I've been counting for over an hour! Brother, please go and sit somewhere else and stay away from me."

Li Zhongqian was drunk and laughed. The more Yaoying despised him, the more he wanted to squeeze by her side.

Yaoying smiled and pushed him: "Brother, you are drunk, go clean and don't disturb me."

Naturally, her strength could not push the tall and strong Li Zhongqian.

After making trouble for a while, Li Zhongqian woke up a little, holding the table in one hand and the silver bowl in the other, drinking a few mouthfuls of sugarcane juice, his eyes turned on Xie Qing's face, and his brows twitched.

"Xiao Qi, yesterday the sage summoned me."

He put down the silver bowl and said softly, without the slightest expression on his face.

Yaoying's heart skipped a beat.

Not long after Li De ascended the throne, some ministers in the DPRK advised him not to fight again, but to rest with the people and resume production.

The land north of the Hetao in the west is barren and barren, and the further western states were occupied by different tribes decades ago.

Gone is gone.

The nomadic peoples in the north are strong and prosperous, and they can turn their battles into jade and silk by sending more gold and silver treasures to win over.

Why ask for it

In the south, Nanchu, Baiyue and other places and Dawei are separated by mountains, rivers and rivers. The government is corrupt, and there are endless internal fights. They definitely dare not go north to attack Dawei.

Not enough to worry about.

Some time ago, Li De returned to Chang'an, where he hosted banquets for the tribal chiefs and envoys from various countries, and dealt with the backlog of government affairs.

The minister was very pleased: the saint has now ascended the throne and is no longer the general of Wei County, so he should stay in the imperial city, instead of leading troops to charge into battle as before.

They were satisfied, but Li De had other plans.

His plan is far-reaching, and he is not satisfied with occupying only one place in Guanzhong.

However, the opposition from the DPRK and China was too strong, and the treasury was empty and could not support the military supplies, so he had to lead his troops back to Chang'an after recovering several prefectures and counties.

Li De is reluctant to give up.

The emperor cannot leave the capital, but the prince can. Li Jiaerlang grew up on horseback. He followed his father and brother to the battlefield since childhood. The prince, second prince, third prince, and fourth prince were all brave and good at fighting.

At the big banquet in the palace the day before yesterday, Li De gave Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian some things such as armor and swords.

At that time, Yaoying knew that her father was going to send several brothers to lead the battle.

In front of the corridor, apricot blossoms are in full bloom, and the clouds are steaming.

Flowers bloom and fade, year after year.

People and flowers are different.

Yao Ying made a plan and asked in a trembling voice, "Brother, are you going to go out again?"

Li Zhongqian looked down at her and nodded slightly.

Yaoying's heart is heavy.

She can be careful to watch out for Li Xuanzhen, but she can't affect the battle situation thousands of miles away.

Li Zhongqian twisted Yaoying's face and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Brother A is not a forward this time, he is just in charge of escorting food and grass."

The tip of Yaoying's nose is slightly sour, and the circles of her eyes are quietly red.

Every time Li Zhongqian went out on an expedition, she would have nightmares.

Dreaming of the yellow sand filling the sky, he was holding a blood-stained golden hammer and a tattered armor, moving with difficulty step by step.

All around are the Beirong cavalry.

His personal soldiers died one by one, surrounded by fallen corpses.

□□ penetrated his chest, and blood spurted out.

The enemy general was waiting for him to surrender, and he sneered with a crossed brow.

When the cavalry retreated, he stood in the sand, long dead, but his figure remained motionless, guarding the vast rivers and mountains behind him.

After a while, the vultures began to peck at his bones.

The majestic figure fell down suddenly, and the bones were thick.

Yaoying closed her eyes, covered her sadness, and raised her hand to straighten the loose front of Li Zhongqian's clothes.

"Brother, swords on the battlefield have no eyes and are changing rapidly. You have to listen to other people's opinions and don't act recklessly."

Li Zhongqian responded with a smile.

After talking for a while, he made an excuse and asked Yaoying to help him find something. When Yaoying got up and entered the room, he turned to look at Xie Qing who was standing in front of the porch, phoenix eyes narrowed, and his expression was cold.

"You are good at it, why don't you go to the battlefield with this king."

Xie Qing did not move.

"Why don't you say anything?"

Li Zhongqian seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his phoenix eyes slanted, revealing his radiance.

At this moment, he did not hide his unequivocal domineering and condescending arrogance and arrogance.

"After you became a general of the Xie family, you swore allegiance to this king. Can this king be your master?"

Xie Qing knelt down, sweating in cold sweat, but his waist was still straight, and said, "Your Majesty, this servant is the guard of the princess, and only obeys the princess's orders."

Li Zhongqian raised his eyebrows lightly, and his arrogant attitude took a few points: "Good son, you should gallop on the battlefield and make contributions. With your martial arts, as long as you join the army, you will soon be able to emerge. This king will cultivate you well, and in less than a year, you can also Order a team."

Xie Qing had a square face and said solemnly, "Everyone has their own aspirations."

Li Zhongqian's face darkened, his eyes were like knives: "Your ambition is to be a guard for the Seventh Princess?"

Xie Qing knelt in front of the porch, with a determined expression, and said loudly: "Yes, my ambition is to protect the safety of Qiniang, follow Qiniang around, this heart can learn from the sun and the moon!"

Hearing his name change, Li Zhongqian frowned.

Xie Qing is a child of the generals of the Xie family. According to the rules of the Xie family, the children of the servants can participate in the annual competition from the age of thirteen. The winner will be sent to the army and be promoted and reused.

The Xie family was full of heroism, the trees fell, and many families quietly changed their surnames and went their separate ways.

Some people chose to stay. Some of them stayed in Jingnan to guard the tomb of the Xie family, and some of them became Li Zhongqian's personal soldiers.

Xie Qing is the son of one of the family.

As soon as he turned thirteen, he challenged other teenagers older than him, losing more and winning less. When he was seventeen, he finally defeated everyone and won the competition.

Li Zhongqian asked him what reward he wanted.

He shook his head and said that he didn't want any reward, he just wanted to be Li Yaoying's bodyguard.

Li Zhongqian was furious, thinking that Xie Qing had committed the crime and Xiao Xiangyaoying, and he would cut him when he drew his sword.

Later, the misunderstanding was resolved, and Xie Qing became Yaoying's bodyguard.

His former defeated generals were on the rise in the army, and he was unmoved and willing to follow Li Yaoying.

Thinking of Xie Qing's performance in the past two years, Li Zhongqian's expression softened a bit.

This kid has a single tendon, his mind will not turn, he is very loyal to Xiao Qi, he listens to what Xiao Qi says, and he always remembers the duty of a servant, and never oversteps it. Usually clean and self-righteous, taciturn, not drinking, not lingering in the wind and moon, in addition to practicing martial arts or martial arts.

Is a loyal servant.

Since he is willing to stay with Xiaoqi as a guard, let him stay for a while.

The sound of the rustling of the long skirt of the scarf and the long skirt came from the corridor, and Yaoying came out.

Li Zhongqian waved his hand and motioned for Xie Qing to get up.

Xie Qing stood up without a word, returned to the corridor, and continued to be on duty.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Impatient, Yanmei, don't stay up all night to hurt your body, Zhi