Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 110: My way is not alone (supplementary word count)


It was almost the fourth watch, and everything was silent, with the faint sound of rustling wind blowing.

A faint scent of agarwood floats under the lotus vine-patterned brocade tent.

Yaoying knelt down in front of Tan Moraka, leaned forward, and retracted her hand holding the veil.

Tamara looked at her. The room was dark, but she was so close that she could see the fluffy halo on her snow-white skin. His eyes fell on the side of her slightly scattered black hair. Word.

Didn't the Buddha send her here

He remained silent, his eyes were a little strange, Yaoying leaned closer and asked with concern, "Is the Master ill? I'm going to ask Bamir to come in?"

The voice was soft, and the eyelashes trembled slightly.

Every time it trembled, it was like a water lotus swaying gently in the wind next to Sansheng Pond.

Tamara regained his senses, gradually restrained the thoughts floating like a gossamer, and his consciousness slowly returned to clarity.

"no need."

He said softly, his voice hoarse.

Yaoying glanced at the sweat-soaked cassock on his body, and returned to his face. His face was pale, and when he first came back, he looked tired and frowned slightly. Now he looks even more haggard than before.

"Is the Master an ascetic?"

she asked.

Tamara looked down at her.

Yaoying said earnestly: "I heard people say that ascetic monks use asceticism as a means of practice. They often wander alone, live in no fixed place, have unkempt hair, ragged clothes, fast for a long time, sleep on beds full of nails, and walk barefoot over red burning coals. , using various tortures to achieve the purpose of self-cultivation.”

Tamara rubbed the bead with his finger and said, "That is a way of asceticism in Tianzhu. Asceticism among ascetic monks does not advocate this kind of useless extreme suffering, but only requires giving up greed."

Yaoying raised her eyebrows, met Tan Moraga's gaze, and looked straight at him.

"Then the mage is unwell, why didn't he ask the doctor to take medicine, but planned to get through it like this?"

"Master, are you really not an ascetic?"

She asked in a tone of voice, but there was a bit of a playful smile on her face.

Tamaroka looked away.

Yaoying followed him, and Qi Liang stared at him with her eyes fixed, and looked at him, "If the Master is not an ascetic, why should he endure these useless sufferings?"

Tanmaraka lowered his eyes and said, "These are not useless sufferings."

The way he practices is strange, and receiving the punishment is also a reminder to himself, lest he lose his reverence for life.

Yaoying pondered for a while, seeing his solemn appearance, knowing that he could not be persuaded, she sighed secretly, and said, "I dare not argue with the mage, but the robe on the mage's body is soaked with sweat, so I have to change clothes."

Anyway, he had to take off his sweaty cassock.

After she finished speaking, without waiting for him to say anything, she got up, walked to the door, and opened the door.

"Send a bucket of hot water in, and a clean monk's robe. The mage needs to change."

Bamir's eyes widened: In the middle of the night, why do you suddenly need hot water and change clothes? Why did Wang change his clothes in the middle of the night

He quickly glanced at Yaoying, and saw that although her temples were furry, as if she had fallen asleep and woke up again, but her face was calm and her clothes were neat, and he secretly scolded himself for thinking too much. With her bare feet, her eyes widened again.

As if he had been stung, he turned around suddenly and ran away. After a while, he carried a bucket of hot water with one hand and returned to the meditation room, as well as the monk's robe of Tamara.

The Zen room was dark. He put down his things and looked around quietly. He didn't see Yaoying, so he quietly exhaled and walked out respectfully.

Yaoying had already avoided entering the inner room, sitting in front of the low couch, listening carefully.

There was a rustling sound of water outside, followed by a rustling sound. She was relieved, relieved, lay down and went to sleep.

Just next to the soft pillow, there was a loud bang outside the tent, and the water splashed, as if something heavy fell to the ground.

He is so weak, and there is no one around to take care of him, so he won't faint, right

Yaoying quickly got up, opened the brocade tent, saw the scene of the Zen room, and stayed for a while.

In the dim light, a thin figure turned his back to her, slowly taking off his cassock, revealing his broad shoulders.

Tamara is tall and straight. He usually wears a wide cassock. He looks thin and thin. He will take off his cassock. Yao Yingcai noticed that his body is well-proportioned and firm, with smooth and distinct lines. Like a layer of oil, a honey-colored light flickered in the dim light.

But what surprised Yaoying even more was that Tan Moraga's back was actually red and swollen, covered with criss-cross scars.

It turned out that he was not ill, but sweating because he had just been tortured by a cane.

Yao Ying stood under the brocade tent, staring blankly at the slender and sturdy shoulders of Tan Moraka, and she was taken aback for a while.

Tamara seemed to feel something, paused for a moment, turned her back to her, turned her face slightly, her profile was clear, her brows were high, she looked cold and cold, and her half-off cassock hung on her waist and arms. In between, the water vapor is hazy, and there is a feeling of clouds covering the fog, like the naked Bodhisattva on the mural, with a slender and elegant posture, solemn, quiet, and there is a faint vigor in the inner coagulation.

Yaoying stared at him stunned.

He stopped there.

An eagle chirp broke the silence, the goshawk flapped its wings, bringing a breeze, and the brocade tent swayed lightly.

Tamara pulled up the cassock that had slipped, and glanced at the brocade tent casually from the corners of his eyes, as if intentionally, but also casually.

Yaoying couldn't help feeling guilty for a while, her heart was beating fast, she quickly put down the brocade tent, lay back on the low couch, pulled on the quilt and was tightly covered from head to toe, so she didn't move.

Behind the brocade tent, Tamara raised his eyes, glanced at the slightly swaying tent, leaned over and picked up the candlestick that had been knocked over accidentally, and put it on the side of the table.

After changing into a clean monk's robe, he felt much more relaxed.

He continued to meditate, this time without falling into a dream.

The next day, when Yaoying fell asleep, she was woken up by a sudden high-pitched voice.

There are many figures outside the Zen room, and someone is arguing in a low voice.

She got up and went to the ground, lightly packed her things, went out, opened a slit and looked out.

The sky is already bright, and the main hall is brightly lit outside. Tamara, wearing a gray monk's robe, sits cross-legged in front of the long table and reads the texts. Bi Su was kneeling at the door, wearing light armor, with a helmet tucked under his arm, with a worried expression on his face.

"Wang, this minister will definitely take a good look at Princess Chima and stop her from making trouble again. Do you really want to send her away?"

Tan Mo Luojia did not look up and said, "Zhang Xu is a prison officer in the army. She intends to hurt Zhang Xu. According to the law, she should be punished and imprisoned. After three months, you will take her back to the city."

The tone is unmistakable.

Bi Suo hesitated for a while, not daring to say anything, and looked a little unwilling.

Tamara was silent.

Bi Su sighed.

The atmosphere is stiff.

Yaoying waited for a while at the side door, and then saw Bi Suo get up and quit, and walked out of the aisle with the package in her hand.

"I disturbed the mage last night, is the mage better?"

Tan Moraga lowered his head, held his pen on his wrist, hummed, and waved the hem of the monk's sleeve.

Yuanjue stepped forward and motioned Yaoying to follow him, he wanted to send her back to the yard.

Yaoying said goodbye, took a few steps, saw Bi Suo's back in the distance, thought about it, and turned around.

Yuanjue was taken aback: "Princess?"

Yaoying turned around, walked through the corridor, and stepped into the Zen room under everyone's astonished gaze.


Bamir and Yuanjue were sweating with anxiety, called her in a low voice, chased into the Zen room, and motioned her to leave with them quickly.

Yaoying shook her head, looked at Tan Mo Luojia who was writing with her head down, and said softly, "I have a few words to say to the Master."

Bamir looked at each other, wondering if they should urge her to leave.

Tamara raised his head, and his blue eyes glanced at the two of them lightly.

The two knew each other, stopped blocking Yaoying, and immediately withdrew.

Tamaroga continued to write on her hand, "What does the princess want to say to me?"

Yaoying walked to the front of the long table, leaned down, sat down, considered for a while, and said, "Master, in addition to my brother, I have several brothers, one of whom is the eldest brother of the same mother as me, His name is Li Xuanzhen."

"Li Xuanzhen has always wanted to kill my mother and brother."

The pen in Tamara's hand paused.

Yaoying stared at the white snow in front of the court, and slowly revealed the entanglement between Li De, Tang Shi and Xie Manyuan.

"... Later, Li Xuanzhen's biological mother died and wanted him to avenge her. Li Xuanzhen swore that when he took power, he would kill my mother and my brother to avenge her mother."

She sighed.

"That year, I was recovering in Chibi, and I met Li Xuanzhen, who also hid his identity. We didn't know each other's identity and became friends."

"A few months later, we took a boat back to Chibi, and Li Xuanzhen found out that I was the daughter of his enemy... I wish he could kill me on the spot."

Yaoying smiled.

"At that time, I thought Li Xuanzhen was just impulsive. He was not a wicked person. After all, I was his younger sister with the same father. When he calmed down, he might be able to figure it out."

Yaoying recalled the past, and the smile on her face slowly faded.

"I tried to get along well with him. I thought to myself, a person like the eldest brother, who is tolerant to his subordinates, helps strangers, and rescues a woman in distress again and again, will never take anger on the innocent."

She tried every means to resolve Li Xuanzhen's resentment, but it backfired.

Li Xuanzhen will not let Xie Manyuan and Li Zhongqian go, nor will she let go of her.

"That year... his aide Wei Ming almost killed my brother. At that time, I hadn't given up on persuading him. I wrote to him, begging him to let my brother go, and I assured him that my brother had no intention of fighting for power. If we seize the throne, we will hide far away and never appear in front of him for the rest of our lives.”

Yaoying looked slightly cold.

"The next day, he shot my little dog in front of my face."

It was the hound Li Zhongqian gave her.

In the past, she was not in good health and could not go hunting with Li Jiaerlang. After returning to Wei County from Chibi, her health was much better. That day, she happily took the hound to join in the fun in the forest, and then watched Li Xuanzhen shoot three arrows in succession. The hound, who was still alive just a moment ago, was lying down in the grass, twitching non-stop.

Yaoying got off the horse and tried to drag the small dog to hide it. The small dog stared at her with wet eyes and was dying.

Li Xuanzhen walked in front of her, wearing a short knife on his waist, stepping on long boots, holding a long bow in his hand, the arrow was on the string, and the tip of the arrow was still pointing at the small dog on the ground, his expression was cold and bloody.

"Li Xuanzhen..." Yaoying shivered all over, raised her face, and called out his name, "It's just a small dog... It's been with me for a few months... I brought it out for the first time... You let it go... "

Li Xuanzhen looked down at her, and without saying a word, threw away her long bow.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next instant, Li Xuanzhen pulled out the short knife from his waist, raised the knife in his hand, and the small dog twitched violently a few times, and lost his breath.

He looked at Yao Ying coldly, phoenix eyes slanted, his eyes gloomy: "The dog that hurts, can't stay."

Yaoying's hands trembled.

Li Xuanzhen took out a short knife and wiped it on his sleeve, "Dogs can't be kept, neither can people."

He would not let Xie Manyuan and Li Zhongqian go.

Yaoying's heart sank, completely.

The small dog has never hurt anyone. The small dog Li Zhongqian gave her has a docile and loyal temperament. How could it hurt anyone

It was clear that Zhu Luyun suddenly rushed up the mountain road, causing her and the maid's mounts to be frightened, and almost fell off the horse's back.

Only because this small dog was hers, Li Xuanzhen would be so ruthless and kill it indiscriminately.

How innocent it is.

Yaoying looked at the dead dog, wiped the corners of her eyes, picked up the arrow on the ground tremblingly, staggered, and rushed towards Li Xuanzhen, the arrow in her hand stabbed at him fiercely.

Li Xuanzhen stretched out her long arms and easily grabbed her wrist with a slight force.

Yaoying's hands were sore and numb, and she was lifted up by him.

Li Xuanzhen looked down at her, and contemptuously took away the arrow from her palm.

"Seventh sister, don't overestimate yourself."

Yaoying broke away his hand, looked at him coldly, and said word by word: "Li Xuanzhen, my brother has never harmed your mother, nor you. He leads the war just like you, and is devoted to his duties. , if you dare to hurt him, I will die with you! You are a general, I have no power, I am not your opponent today, and I may not be your opponent in the future, but as long as I have a say in , you don't want to hurt my brother."

What if he is the destiny, the big deal, they will die together.

Li Xuanzhen's face was as gloomy as water.

Fragrance floats in the Zen room.

A look fell on Yao Ying. It was cold and cold, not gentle, but it had the power to soothe people's hearts.

Yaoying slowed down and found that Tan Moraga had stopped the pen in her hand at some point, her eyes raised, and she was looking at her, her brows slightly wrinkled.

She smiled at him.

Telling him these mundane things seems to embarrass him.

Yaoying let out a long sigh, "Since then, I have never raised a small dog again. I buried it with my own hands, and buried my expectations for my eldest brother..."

She paused.

"Afterwards, my relative Yelu and I... The night light wall is gone... The Wusun horse that my brother gave me is gone... "

Thinking of Wusunma's docile eyes looking at her before she died, Yaoying's nose suddenly became sore, her eyes were hot, and she almost cried.

The felt curtains were hung high, and the cold wind with the snow blew into the meditation room, slapped the scrolls on the long table, and the copper bells jingled under the eaves.

This is the royal court, not the vast Gobi snowfields.

Yaoying closed her eyes, restrained her emotions, raised her eyes, and looked at Tan Moraga.

"Master, all the injustices my brother and I have suffered over the years is ultimately because of the anger of my father and my eldest brother. The father lost his wife and the eldest brother lost his mother. They took their anger on the three of us, mother and son, and asked us to fight for her. Burial."

Yaoying's mouth twitched.

"In Great Wei, the eldest brother is the crown prince who everyone has high hopes for. He is respected and loved by his subordinates and has a good relationship with the courtiers... My father is the emperor. In the eyes of others, they treat me and my brother like this because of a little selfishness. It's nothing. Blameable."

In the eyes of the courtiers, it was normal for Li Xuanzhen to avenge his mother and kill Xie Guifei and Li Zhongqian after he gained power. They did not feel that this was a disgrace to Li Xuanzhen.

More than one person once sighed with Yaoying: The Xie family did not feel sorry for the Tang family, Li Xuanzhen was indeed venting their hatred, and the three of you, mother and son, had nowhere to go and could only suffer.

The weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected, and whoever is in a weak position deserves to be a mermaid.

Throughout the ages, it must have been.

In the same way, after Tanmoraga regained the kingship, Princess Chima avenged the clan, but she was not reconciled.

In fact, many people think that this kind of revenge is very pleasing: the Zhang family almost killed the Tanmo family, and Princess Chima should use her own way to repay her own body and slaughter all the Zhang family.

Therefore, Princess Chima developed resentment towards Tamara.

He stops Princess Chima from taking revenge on the innocent Zhang family and rescues the implicated Han people from her knife, who she thinks has betrayed the Tanmo family.

Doesn't Princess Chima understand the intention of Tanmoraga

Doesn't she know what the promotion of Zhang Xu means to support the upstart

Princess Chima understands.

But these were not enough to offset her hatred.

Just like Li Xuanzhen, he is clearly a person who has a clear distinction between the priorities and the interests. He can forgive his rebellious subordinates again and again, and he can turn wars with life and death enemies into jade silk, but he is unwilling to let go of the innocent Xie family, just because he made an oath to his mother , to let the Xie family be buried with her.

Li Xuanzhen and Princess Chima were both distorted by hatred and could not be reversed.

When the brave are angry, they turn their swords on the stronger; when the cowardly are angry, they turn their swords on the weaker.

They all have bitter pasts, but that's not a reason for them to vent their hatred on innocent people.

Yaoying looked at Tan Mo Luojia's dark blue eyes, and said with emotion: "Master, I am in a similar situation with the descendants of the Zhang family."

Tamara's brows moved slightly.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief, wrinkled her nose, a smile overflowed between her brows, and her face became lighter.

"So, when I first came to the royal court, I heard about the mage, Princess Chima and the Zhang family, and I admired the mage very much."

At that time, she felt as if she had walked a long, long night, and when she was desperate and helpless, she suddenly saw a bright light flashing.

The relationship between Tan Mo Luojia and Princess Chima is tense. He is so smart, he must understand how to ease the conflict with his sister: indulge Princess Chima to kill all the Han people with the surname Zhang, and indulge Princess Chima to kill Han slaves for fun.

He didn't want to do it.

He told Princess Chima that she had taken revenge and could not wantonly humiliate innocent people, even if Princess Chima hated him because of this.

Yaoying straightened her back, sitting upright and serious, and said, "The mage has no external things in his heart, and his ambitions are lofty. For the mage, these trivial matters are just passing by... But I still want to tell the mage one thing."

Tamara looked at her: "Tell me what?"

Yaoying raised her hand and stroked her hair and temples, met his gaze, and said solemnly: "I want to tell the Master that the Master's kindness is not meaningless. , affects our lives. If the person I met was a mage, I would not have suffered so much."

Tamara is firm-willed, and has its own hills and valleys in his chest. He doesn't care about the eyes of the world. Chima's resentment and the incomprehension of his subordinates will not affect his state of mind at all.

He is so sensible and sober that he does not need any persuasion and comfort from others at all.

But Yaoying still wanted to tell him what she was thinking and let him know how rare he was.

She looked at him, her eyebrows curved, her eyes full of sincerity.

Tamara's hand holding the pen trembled slightly.

Footsteps came from the door, and a monk soldier came to report the matter. Seeing Yaoying kneeling in front of the long desk, he hesitated and did not dare to enter.

"I don't bother the mage anymore."

Yaoying got up quickly, made a gesture of apology to Tan Moraga, and turned to leave.

Tan Moraka didn't move at all, staring at her back as she walked away.

A word I had read in Chinese classics suddenly appeared.

I am not alone.

A person is walking alone on the road of cultivation, with no one to rely on, no one to stand by, looking around, it is a vast expanse, I don’t know how long I have walked, suddenly, someone comes up to meet him, looking at him happily, with long eyelashes. blink.

The two places are thousands of miles apart, with different characters and customs. She is not a Samana, but she can tell what he thinks and see what he thinks.

Perhaps, this is the arrangement of the Buddha.