Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 113: Trap (edit)


The dungeon is not in the camp.

The eldest princess drove out twenty or thirty miles with her personal soldiers to a horse farm where slaves were held. The horse farm was guarded by her people, and only her personal soldiers could enter and leave.

She told her soldiers: "No one else knows about this matter, except for the few of you, and neither does the judge. If you meet someone later, whether it's the Prince of Wei or not, you must keep your mouth shut and don't leak it out, especially Don't let those ladies hear the wind."

She had a bumpy life. She used to be a Turkic Ketun, but later fell into the hands of the Beirong royal family and married a judge. Although she has been favored by a judge over the years, her status has never been as good as that of a judge because she is a Han Chinese. The other wives and several ladies were jealous of her and targeted her everywhere, always trying to get hold of her.

The soldier replied, "Young man, remember it."

The horse farm was deserted, and the snow was deep enough to drown the boots. A few people dismounted and walked more than ten miles until they came to a row of cave houses that were half-deep underground and built of earth and stone. They lit torches and walked inside.

The dungeon was dark and cold as an ice cellar.

The soldier guarding the prisoner opened the dungeon, and the sound of the chain dragging alarmed the people inside. The man in the corner leaned against the earth wall, raised his eyes, and glanced coldly at the few people outside the cell.

A Hu female greeted the eldest princess and saluted. Seeing the Han Chinese-like personal soldiers behind the eldest princess, her body trembled imperceptibly.

The eldest princess motioned for her personal soldiers to come forward.

The personal soldiers walked to the front of the cell and carefully identified the man in the corner.

The man was dressed in tattered clothes, and his exposed skin was covered with scars, as if he had been severely tortured. He was disheveled, and he was described as embarrassed. He still did not hide his facial features. , Although he was imprisoned, he still had an extraordinary aura, his bearing was condensed, and there was a calm demeanor in Gu Pan.

Between the scattered long hair, a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, the divine light is restrained.

The soldier said excitedly: "Princess, the villain recognizes him, Li Jialang has such phoenix eyes, he is the prince of Wei!"

The eldest princess lifted her eyelids and looked at Hu Nu.

Hu Nu knelt down and said, "Princess, the slave also thinks that he is like the Crown Prince of Wei, but no matter what the slave tells him these days, he ignores the slave, and the slave doesn't ask anything."

Before, only Hu Nu was the only one who identified him. The eldest princess could not be sure whether the man was Li Xuanzhen. Now the personal soldiers also said that he was Li Xuanzhen. She was silent for a while and narrowed her eyes.

"No wonder Yunniang always misses you..."

This man actually left the position of the prince and came to Zhu Luyun thousands of miles away. This sincerity is really rare.

The eldest princess has gone through ups and downs and knows how difficult it is to have a sincerity.

Li Xuanzhen said nothing.

The eldest princess pondered for a moment, then turned and walked out of the dungeon, and instructed her personal soldiers: "The Prince of Wei is here for Yunniang, don't tell Yunniang, lest she get into trouble."

The personal soldiers should be, and asked: "Princess, what should I do? Did you kill the Prince of Wei?"

The eldest princess shook her head: "Li Xuanzhen can't be killed, he is the favorite son of the Emperor Wei, and if he kills him, Wei will not give up. Besides, there is also Yunniang, she is my brother's only bloodline, and Li Xuanzhen is willing to do it for him. She doesn't care about life and death, for Yun Niang, I will save his life first."

The personal soldiers thought for a while and said, "Why don't we threaten the Emperor Wei with the Prince of Wei, and ask him to exchange Liangzhou for him. No matter what we want, the Emperor of Wei will definitely not dare to refuse."

The eldest princess still shook her head: "That way, the rumors will leak. Once the judge, A Ling or the Khan know about this, it will be difficult for the matter to end. If Yunniang gets involved, even I can't protect her. No one knows now. Li Xuanzhen is in my hands, it is difficult for me to ride a tiger, so I will lock him up first."

She emphasized again: "Don't let Yunniang know that Li Xuanzhen is here."

The mention of Zhu Luyun gave her a headache. This niece was too similar to her brother. She was indecisive and capricious. One moment she said she would forget Li Xuanzhen, and then she cried at the jade bracelet that Li Xuanzhen gave her. She could do anything stupid.

The soldiers responded in unison.

In the dungeon, when the eldest princess and her party left, the cell door slowly closed, Hu Nu and Li Xuanzhen in the cell exchanged glances.

The soldier urged Hu Nu to leave, warning: "The eldest princess ordered that this matter cannot be leaked out, remember it, or I will send you to reward those soldiers!"

Hu Nv nodded yes, put down the food box, got up and left the cell, walked through the stables, returned to her small crypt, and cautiously opened the felt curtain to look left and right, making sure that there was no one around, and spit out a long voice. tone.

There were several suppressed coughs from the man in the dark crypt.

Hu Nu hurriedly turned around, pushed aside the thick pile of forage in the corner, and whispered, "Young Master Li, Zhu Luyun has returned from the royal court."

The weeds trembled, and a burly and sturdy man suddenly sat up from the darkness, with black hair and black eyes, a clear face, a pale and gloomy complexion, deep phoenix eyes, gloomy eyes, wearing a lapel-inlaid animal leather jacket, waist A girdle, with a machete, a short dagger, a whip rope, and a common herdsman dress.

Nv Hu's heart was pounding, Princess Wenzhao's country and city were all over the place, and the princess' elder brothers were also very handsome. Unfortunately, the second prince was seriously injured, and his injuries were heavy, and he was not well raised until now.

Li Zhongqian struggled to sit up, his haggard face was filled with joy, a few lights flashed in his eyes, he coughed a few times, and tightly grasped Hu Nu's hand.

"How is the royal court? Has she met Mingyue slave? What did she say to Li Xuanzhen? How is Mingyue slave doing?"

"Where's Mingyue slave?"

Hu Nv shook her head and said, "Young Master, the eldest princess did not let Zhu Luyun meet the prince. The prince did not know if Zhu Luyun had seen Princess Wen Zhao."

A few questions seemed to have exhausted Li Zhongqian's strength. His arms trembled, and with a bang, he fell back onto the haystack, his face twitched a few times, and his eyes darkened.

Hu Nu sighed and comforted him softly: "Young Master, don't worry, the Buddha has already spoken to all countries. Now everyone knows that Princess Wenzhao is protected by the Buddha, and the princess will be safe."

Li Zhongqian's consciousness was hazy, he wanted to sit up, and he wanted to walk to the royal court step by step to find his Mingyue slave.

In order to survive, she had to dedicate herself to a monk! She has suffered so much, she must be very scared, he is going to save her and take her home.

But now Beirong is blocked everywhere, and he has new injuries and old ones, so he has to disguise as a herdsman and hide in this crypt.

Li Zhongqian's teeth chattered, his phoenix eyes stared straight at the roof, a burning flame burning inside.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of life Mingyuenu was living now, unless he found her right away, he would be suffering all the time.

The wound was aching, he was stimulated, and fell asleep again.

Hu Nu guarded him, changed the dressing for him, disposed of the blood-stained gauze that was replaced, and found a head to chat with the personal soldiers who returned with Zhu Luyun, asking what happened to Zhu Luyun in the royal court.

In the evening, soldiers came over to urge her to deliver meals to Li Xuanzhen. She quickly agreed and carried the food box to the dungeon.

Li Xuanzhen took the food box, and the shackles on her hands clattered.

"Did Princess Fukang bring back the news of Princess Wenzhao?"

He asked softly in Weijun dialect.

Hu Nu shook her head and replied in the same dialect, "Those soldiers are very strict and refuse to say what happened to Zhu Luyun in the royal court... But..."

Li Xuanzhen's hands trembled: "But what?"

Hu Nv whispered, "I heard them talking, saying that Princess Wenzhao was shameless and seduced her family. They seem to have been taught a lesson by Princess Wenzhao and said a lot of ugly things."

Li Xuanzhen looked at the naan in her hand, her heart sank slowly, the deeper and deeper, the bottomless.

She has no shame and falls into a situation of being laughed at, just to live...

Li Xuanzhen trembled, tore open the cold and hard naan, stuffed it into her mouth, and chewed it expressionlessly.

He must recharge his batteries and find an opportunity to take Li Zhongqian out of Beirong as soon as possible and rescue her from the cage.

"You find a way to find Princess Fukang... invite her to see me." He whispered.

Hu Nv agreed.

Zhu Luyun was not used to the food of Beirong people. Hu Nv came from the Central Plains and knew how to cook well, so she was mainly served by Princess Yiqing at first.

On this day, the personal soldiers came to spread the word. Zhu Luyun was frightened all the way and fell ill. The eldest princess ordered Hu Nu to make Zhu Luyun some easy-to-grow food. Hu Nv agreed, and found an opportunity to hide a ring finger worn by Li Xuanzhen in the cake and send it to Zhu Luyun's tent.

The next day, Hu Nu was summoned to Zhu Luyun's tent.

Zhu Luyun's face was sick, but her pupils were shining, and she asked, "Where did this wrench come from? Did he come? He came to me? Li Xuanzhen came?"

Hu Nu shook her head and said, "Princess, this slave doesn't know anything! I don't know where this wrench came from. I have never seen the Crown Prince of Wei!"

After he finished speaking, he deliberately showed a look of panic and trembling all over.

Zhu Luyun clenched her wrench tightly, "He must be here!"

Only Li Xuanzhen treats her the best in this world, and he is finally willing to leave everything behind Da Wei to find her!

Hu Nv didn't know what to do when she asked three questions, so she walked out. After walking a distance, she saw two sneaky figures behind her out of the corner of her eyes, and continued to walk towards the horse farm as if nothing had happened.

That night, there was a commotion outside the horse farm.

Zhu Luyun came over.

In the crypt, Nu Nu pricked up her ears, listened carefully to the movement outside, and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the dungeon a hundred paces away, the stable officer who was guarding the horse farm was in a daze, stopped Zhu Luyun, and said, "Princess, I don't have a warrant from the eldest princess, please forgive me, I can't let you in."

Zhu Luyun's face was pale, she took out a dagger and pressed it against her chest: "Don't hide it from me, I know Li Xuanzhen is inside! Let me see him!"

The stable officer turned pale in shock, and his eyes signaled his subordinates to ask the eldest princess quickly, while persuading him with good words: "Princess, don't be impulsive! If you have something to say, if you are good or bad, won't you live up to the loving heart of the eldest princess? ?"

Zhu Luyun's lips trembled: "I want to see Li Xuanzhen!"

They were making a mess, and the eldest princess, who heard the news, arrived in a hurry, and with a slap, Zhu Luyun stumbled with a slap in the face.

"Niang Yun, he is the Crown Prince of Wei, and you are the daughter of the Zhu family. Do you want to go back to Wei with him?"

Tears welled up in Zhu Luyun's eyes, and she choked up: "Aunt, he has come all the way to find me, I beg you, let me see him! All these years in Dawei, he is the only one who treats me well, I can't ignore him!"

She said, her hands were hard, and the dagger pierced into her clothes.

The eldest princess frowned, sighed helplessly, and waved her hand, "Go see him."

Zhu Luyun was overjoyed, put away the dagger, and walked quickly into the dungeon.

The soldiers looked at each other.

The eldest princess was exhausted. After thinking for a while, she made up her mind and instructed the soldiers: "Since Yunniang knows, then don't let her come out. You watch her, don't let her step out of the racecourse. There will be changes these days, The judge should not be able to think of her for the time being, and when the army leaves the camp, you can bring Li Xuanzhen into the army slaves, be careful not to let anyone find out."


The personal soldiers lit torches to illuminate the cell, and the flames hit Li Xuanzhen, illuminating his haggard face.

Zhu Luyun rushed to the cell and burst into tears.

Li Xuanzhen raised her head and saw Zhu Luyun, who had been away for a long time, with mixed feelings in her heart.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

When Zhu Luyun left the Central Plains with anger, she made up her mind not to go back for the rest of her life, but when she saw Li Xuanzhen again, the anger that made her decide to leave disappeared in an instant, and only his goodness to her remained.

She burst into tears: "Brother Changsheng, why did you end up in Orudo? How did my aunt catch you?"

Li Xuanzhen sighed.

It's a long story.

months ago.

Li Xuanzhen, Li Zhongqian, and their personal soldiers rushed to Yizhou without leaving day and night. Before they could hear the news, they were locked up by Princess Yiqing's people.

It turned out that Princess Yiqing was worried about being suspected by the judge, so she made up her mind to let Zhu Luyun cut off all contact with Zhongyuan, and sent all the personal soldiers around Zhu Luyun away, including the eyes and ears that Li Xuanzhen had placed beside Zhu Luyun before.

The news on both sides was cut off, and it was too late for the eyes and ears to warn. Li Xuanzhen and his party arrived in Izhou, which was equivalent to falling sheep and tigers.

When the soldiers met, they asked, "Who are you? Are you sent by the Prince of Wei?"

In order to avoid revealing their identities, Li Xuanzhen decisively killed the meticulous work that had brought them into Beirong before. Xi Zuo was originally a person of the eldest princess. When he died, the eldest princess' personal soldiers did not know their identities. At that time, Zhu Luyun was sent to the royal court again, and no one recognized them, so they could only be detained.

At that time, the situation in Illinois was turbulent, and the eldest princess' personal soldiers were not strictly guarded. Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian killed the personal soldiers and fled from Illinois.

Since Shizuo was dead, they could only speak some superficial nonsense, they could not understand the language, and there were chasing soldiers behind them. Several people were killed and injured, and they had no time to inquire about the news. , Li Yaoying must be in his camp, they can sneak into it first, and then plan the next step.

A few days later, a few people found Haidu Aling's territory. They had just changed into herdsmen's clothes and were about to sneak in. There was a thunderous roar from the sky, and a group of cavalrymen with a neat army suddenly killed them, formed a formation, and surrounded the camp.

The horn blew, and the leading general said loudly: "We will take over the territory of Haidu Aling on the order of the eldest prince. Everyone puts down their weapons and must not resist, otherwise, they will be killed!"

After speaking, dozens of archers rushed out on horseback, bent bows and arrows on the horses, and shot thousands of arrows, shooting the dozen or so Beirong people in the camp who were preparing to ride out of the encirclement into hedgehogs.

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian looked at each other and realized that they were probably involved in the disputes between several princes in Beirong.

Haidu Aling's subordinates did not want to be captured, and they shouted loudly. They quickly assembled their troops and began to fight back. They fought with the people of the eldest prince. The two sides fought immediately, and the entire camp was shaking.

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian were so impatient, they entered the camp to find Li Yaoying, but found nothing.

Seeing that the battle was about to end, and the camp of Haidu Aling was about to fall, the two made a decisive decision, took their personal soldiers with knives and slashed the Beirong soldiers, rescued a Han subordinate of Haidu Aling, and led him out of the siege.

"Where is Princess Wenzhao?"

Li Zhongqian slashed the arm of the Han subordinate with a knife and asked.

The Han subordinates were so frightened: "Princess Wenzhao? Is it the Princess of Wei that the prince snatched from the Yelu Ministry?"

Li Xuanzhen looked gloomy: "Yes, that's her, where is Haidu Aling imprisoning her?"

The Han subordinates quickly said: "I know! I know where Princess Wenzhao is being held! She is locked up with the captives of Ye Lu's department! The prince likes her very much and takes her with him all the time. I can take you to find Princess Wenzhao, Just ask the two heroes to spare my life!"

After the eldest prince took the territory of Haidu Aling, he began to hunt and kill Haidu Aling's subordinates aggressively. The two were worried that Li Yaoying would be affected.

They hurry while evading the capture of the eldest prince.

During this period, Li Xuanzhen interrogated the Han subordinates and found that he had a clear understanding of how Li Yaoying had fled to the Yelu Department and how he was taken away by Haidu Aling, and was timid as a mouse, very afraid of death, should not have the courage to lie, gradually. Let go of your guard.

Three days later, we came to another camp.

The Han subordinates told Li Xuanzhen that Haidu Aling went to Gaochang and was not in the camp. The eldest prince, the second prince, the little prince and Haidu Aling were fighting against each other. Haidu Aling was likely to die in Gaochang. Implicated, slack defense.

Li Xuanzhen kept his mind and did not break in rashly, but first investigated on the periphery.

The Han subordinates kept urging them, saying: "Princess Wenzhao is here. Last month I saw with my own eyes the princess was drinking water by the river with her beloved Wusun horse."

Saying that, he pointed to a woman who was picking up sheep dung outside the camp and said, "That is Princess Wenzhao's maid."

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian were eager to save people's hearts. When they heard the mention of Wusun horse by the Han people, they believed it by five points. Li Xuanzhen recognized that the Hu girl was indeed like the maid next to Li Yaoying when they were kissing, and her eyes turned red with excitement.

After entering the camp, Li Xuanzhen calmed down, and suddenly felt a little strange: the snow was frozen and the river water had not thawed, how could he lead a horse to drink water by the river

Just as he was about to remind Li Zhongqian aloud, there were a few sharp whizzes, and a cold arrow roared, and dozens of Beirong soldiers flew out from behind the snowdrifts and surrounded him.

It was obvious that the other party had been in ambush for a long time, and the person who sent the arrow cold was the hand, and the arrow was so violent that there was no way to avoid it. Li Zhongqian and Li Xuanzhen were both hit by the arrow. The two left the camp.

The brothers were seriously wounded, and the remaining few personal soldiers were outnumbered, and they fought and retreated, and in the end they were exhausted and captured.

The Han subordinates lost an arm, their faces sweaty from pain, and grinned: "Prince Aling said that one of the Han people who came to rescue Princess Wenzhao is one, and they will all be taken! In terms of age and skill, one of you must be Li Zhongqian, the elder brother of Princess Wenzhao. If you catch Li Zhongqian, you will be able to catch Princess Wenzhao! When the prince comes back, it will be a great achievement!"

Li Xuanzhen's eyes were splitting, and she heard Li Yaoying's real whereabouts from the words of her Han subordinates: Li Yaoying is not here! Haidu Aling set a trap and wanted to threaten Li Yaoying with Li Zhongqian!

The Han subordinates threw a few people into the sheepfold and locked them up.

Li Zhongqian was injured before, but not yet fully recovered. The arrow wound caused an old injury, and the injury was heavy, and Li Xuanzhen was helpless.

After a while, the Han subordinate who hastily bandaged the wound brought Hu Nu to the sheepfold, pointed at Li Xuanzhen and asked, "Look, do you know anyone? Which is Li Zhongqian?"

Li Xuanzhen's heart was heavy. When he went to Yelu Department, he saw this Hu girl named Tali.

Don't want to, Tali narrowed her eyes, looked at them one by one carefully, and said timidly: "I don't know each other, I've never seen them before."

The Han subordinates left with a sneer.

Li Xuanzhen thought that Tali didn't remember him, but Tali looked back at him with a very meaningful look.

He remained silent.

At night, Tali delivered meals to a few people, looked at Li Zhongqian, who had phoenix eyes and thick eyebrows, and said, "Young master must be the elder brother of Princess Wenzhao. When I was in Chang'an, I often heard people from the palace mention you. Wherever she goes, the son will definitely come to rescue her..."

Having said that, she frowned and glanced at Li Xuanzhen, as if wondering why he, the one who married the princess, was here.

Li Xuanzhen was silent.

Li Zhongqian was dripping with sweat, despite the pain, struggling to sit up: "Do you know Mingyue slave? Where is she?!"

Tali whispered: "Young Master, don't worry, Princess Wenzhao is safe now. She is in the royal court and is sheltered by the Buddha."

Li Xuanzhen raised his head suddenly, his pupils contracted.

Li Yaoying is in the royal court

How did she know the monk-monarch he wanted to ally with

Before he could ask further questions, Tali glanced vigilantly to the left and right, and said in a low voice, "Young master, Prince A-Ling is bound to win the princess. The Buddha told all the countries that the princess is his modern girl, and Prince A-Ling can't find him. When it was time to start, the judge gave him an idea, and taught him to send someone to block the news and lure the princess' relatives to save her. The prince knew that the only person the princess cared about was the son, and he set up a net, just waiting for the son to take the bait."

Li Zhongqian was in a daze. He heard her say that Li Yaoying is safe now, but didn't listen to the other words.

Li Xuanzhen was drenched in cold sweat and had lingering fears.

He asked, "Where is Haidu Aling now?"

They must escape before Haidu Aling returns.

Tali shook her head: "No one knows where Prince Aling is, and the situation is very chaotic now. Young master, you must escape as soon as possible, the prince will definitely threaten Princess Wenzhao with you. Recognize you, and when they find someone who can recognize Young Master, you will not be able to escape."

After speaking, she hurriedly left.

Li Xuanzhen leaned against the wall, looked at Li Zhongqian who was seriously injured, closed his eyes, and ordered his own soldiers.

"Haidu Aling is unfathomable. We have to find a way to leave this place as soon as possible. I will find an opportunity to create chaos. You can take Li Zhongqian to escape and go to the royal court."

The soldiers were uneasy and asked, "How about you, Your Highness?"

Li Xuanzhen pulled out the iron arrow on his arm, groaned, and stared at the night outside the sheepfold without changing his face.

"If Li Zhongqian dies here... she will never forgive me in her life."

Li Yaoying said that for Li Zhongqian, she could die with him.

At that time, Li Xuanzhen only thought that what Li Yaoying said was angry.

He only had hatred in his heart, and he didn't take her words seriously. He subconsciously felt that when Li Zhongqian died, she would be helpless, and she would eventually recognize the reality...

and then

In fact, he hadn't thought about it seriously at all.

His mother's last words before her death were of great importance, and they were always heavy on his mind. He wanted to get rid of Li Zhongqian as soon as possible, but he didn't want to think about what to do with Li Zhongqian after her death.

kill her

torture her

Or shut her down and force her to bow her head

Li Xuanzhen didn't want to think about it, as if everything would be solved as long as Concubine Xie and Li Zhongqian died.

The first time he realized that he would be soft-hearted towards her was when he was in Xiangzhou.

That night, Wei Jun won the battle. At the celebration banquet, Li Yaoying dressed as a child servant appeared beside Li Zhongqian and sat down obediently, pouring wine and vegetables for her brother, but her slender eyes looked around, watching the excitement with great interest.

Li Xuanzhen recognized her at a glance, and sneered in her heart.

She doesn't like being restrained. When she was in Chibi, she often dressed up as a wealthy Xiaolangjun to go to the ferry to play. As expected of Li Zhongqian's younger sister, she really likes to play tricks.

During the banquet, Maiko suddenly showed off her weapon, intending to assassinate Li Zhongqian.

Li Zhongqian was half drunk and didn't notice the danger, Li Xuanzhen watched coldly, imagining the scene of Li Zhongqian's blood splashing on the spot, an indescribable pleasure filled his heart.

He wanted Li Zhongqian to die, and for this, he could do whatever he could.

However, in the next moment, he felt cold all over, and involuntarily reached out to his saber.

Li Yaoying jumped on Li Zhongqian without hesitation. She didn't know martial arts, but she was just a little lady who couldn't even lift the case, but when she saw the maiko's short sword, she didn't even think about it, she was so decisive and firm. stand in front of her brother.

The short knife cut off and slashed at her.

The sound of the clothes being cut by the blade was very clear.

For a moment, Li Xuanzhen felt the wind whistling in his ears, and the scene in front of him suddenly became blurred, and the blood all over his body seemed to boil, causing a buzzing sound in his mind.

He drew his sword and jumped towards him as if flying. By the time he recovered, Maiko had already died under his sword.

And although Li Zhongqian was still half drunk, at the moment when he felt murderous, he instinctively hugged Li Yaoying and rolled on the ground, dodging the knife.

The others at the table reacted, swarmed up, and kicked Maiko's corpse away.

Li Zhongqian woke up most of the time, was furious, turned over, and hurriedly left with Li Yaoying who had fainted.

Li Xuanzhen stood on the spot, covered in blood, and he turned a deaf ear to the chaos around him.

He looked at Li Yaoying with closed eyes in Li Zhongqian's arms, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Li Zhongqian would rather be injured than let her have an accident, although the reaction was a beat slower, the maiko still couldn't succeed.

If that's the case, why is he doing so much

If he had woken up at that time, there would not have been so many things behind, and Li Yaoying would not have suffered so much.

Now Li Zhongqian came to Beirong to save her. If he died in Beirong like this, Li Yaoying would know the truth in the future, and maybe he would suspect that he did it on purpose.

She will hate him forever.

There was blood on the arm, and the wound hurt like a heartbreak. Li Xuanzhen closed his eyes and said, "I am a life-threatening person, and I won't die so easily. Li Zhongqian is not as hard as me. You don't need to worry about me. Take him away first. ."

And... he fell into the hands of Haidu Aling, and could not threaten Li Yaoying.

She doesn't care about his life or death.

The soldiers looked at each other, sighed, and responded in a low voice.