Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 114: North Rong part


The sheepfold was muddy and damp, full of dung, and smelly.

Before dawn, Tali brought food, mare's milk, felt cloth, and precious wound medicine to Li Xuanzhen and the others again.

"The warhorses of the camp are in the northwest corner, and the guards are very strict. When you leave, go to the southeast. There are a few sick little mares, and there are few guards. Those horses have been raised and are very fast. quick."

Before Tali left, she remembered what Yaoying had said before.

"Master, Princess Wenzhao said that the Beirong royal family is constantly fighting, and the princes are intrigued. Prince Aling is not from Beirong and has a deep estrangement with other princes. After you escape, try to go to the territory of other princes."

Li Xuanzhen nodded and wrote down, several people broke free from the leather rope, gave all the wound medicine to Li Zhongqian, and bandaged him.

Everyone rolls in the mud pits, covering their bodies with mud and feces to cover up the smell, and the Beirong people's camps have hounds with a keen sense of smell.

The sky is full of stars, and the sky is silent under the ice and snow.

Li Xuanzhen leaned on the fence and waited patiently for the opportunity. He knew that the handover of the soldiers on duty during the night from midnight to the early morning was the most relaxed time, and at that time the best chance of escaping in chaos.

In the middle of the night, Li Zhongqian woke up, glanced around with his phoenix eyes, struggled to sit up, and tied the wound on his body tightly.

"Can you still move?" Li Xuanzhen asked coldly.

"Don't worry, I can't die." Li Zhongqian tightened the gauze expressionlessly, his muscles trembled, but his face was numb, as if there was no pain at all. If I didn't find Mingyue Slave, I can't stop breathing."

The brothers were speechless and closed their eyes.

In the second half of the night, Li Xuanzhen quietly clenched the short knife that Tali gave him, woke up the personal soldiers, and told them to get ready. He wanted to attract Beirong guards.

"Wait." Li Zhongqian suddenly opened his eyes, "Listen, there is movement."

Li Xuanzhen listened carefully and narrowed her eyes slightly.

In the distance, there is a slow rustling sound like the wind blowing in the pine forest, if you don't listen carefully, you will think it is the wind.

Li Xuanzhen said: "Qingqi, there are four or five hundred people."

Li Zhongqian looked at him: "The man of the eldest prince."

The eldest prince took advantage of Haidu Aling to go to Gaochang and began to attack his tribe camps one by one.

The warning horn sounded quickly, violently breaking the silence, and the entire camp was in chaos. The sleeping man woke up from his dream and rushed out of the tent. The woman and child hid in the tent and shivered. Raise an obstacle to prevent the light rider from approaching, forcing the opponent to slow down.

The enemy came quickly. Hundreds of cavalrymen in leather armor roared and rushed into the camp, slashing when they saw anyone. The campers hurriedly responded, and the man who rushed out first was stabbed in the opposite direction.

Amid the roar of killing, Li Xuanzhen and his personal soldiers cut over the fence, avoided the fighting Beirong people, and reached the southeast. Several Beirong people waved their long knives to meet them. Li Xuanzhen and the personal soldiers quickly solved them and found them. The mares that Tully was talking about, turned on their horses.

The camp has been surrounded, and there are bowmen shooting arrows outside.

Li Zhongqian held a long knife that he had just snatched in his hand, endured the pain, cut down a Beirong man, and said, "Just rush out like this, you can't walk."

Li Xuanzhen looked around and made a decision: "Release all the prisoners."

They turned around and released all the captives in the sheepfold. The captives panicked, picked up their fallen weapons, and rushed out of the camp with them.

The eldest prince's light cavalry team lined up neatly and was responsible for launching the first round of attacks to break up the camp guards. The other two teams rushed out from the wings, holding machetes and hatchets. Fur-clothed, probably skirmishers recruited from various tribes.

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian exchanged glances, turned their horses, and led the prisoners into the battle formation, unknowingly mixing into the skirmishers.

After half an hour, the camp's last line of defense collapsed.

Li Zhongqian was unable to kill the enemy any more, and withdrew from the battle with the other captives. Li Xuanzhen was fighting in front of him, and suddenly saw a familiar figure with a gloomy face.

The Northern Rong people used light and short bows with small arrows and light bodies. He tried the bowstrings and knew that this kind of bow could not wear armor in close combat, and was more suitable for long-range shooting. Going around to the hill next to him, aiming at the Han subordinate who was missing an arm in the melee, he quickly set up an arrow and shot it out.

With a humming sound, the feathered arrow cut through the night sky and stuck on the snow until there were no feathers.

The wound on his arm was as painful as tearing, Li Xuanzhen didn't care, he slowly got used to the bow in his hand, and continued to shoot the arrows, firing three arrows in a row. This time, the feather arrows were full of strength, and the two arrows were nailed to the shoulders of the Han subordinates. Yell, fell from the horse's back, landed on the snow, and was trampled beyond recognition by the rain-like hooves in the blink of an eye.

"I can't let Haidu Aling know that Li Zhongqian is in Beirong."

Her weakness cannot fall into the hands of Haidu Aling.

Li Xuanzhen knew better than anyone what she could sacrifice for Li Zhongqian.

He instructed the soldiers in a deep voice: "Today, all who know, kill."

The soldiers responded in unison, looking around, looking for people who might know their identities, approached quietly, and then took advantage of them and cut them off.

The sky gradually became white, the battle was over, the camp was in a mess, and the eldest prince's team began to clean up the battlefield.

A person who looked like a general summoned all the prisoners. Li Xuanzhen and the others had no identity, and they would be interrogated wherever they went, so they simply mixed in. The generals thought they were captured tribe warriors, and noticed that they fought bravely last night. The Dao Dao Prince directly recruited them to the eldest prince just when he was hiring.

The team didn't stay too long and started quickly.

Li Xuanzhen confirmed that Tali was still alive, and left with the eldest prince's generals, hurried for hundreds of miles, and attacked two camps in the meantime.

On the sixth day, they came to a low plain surrounded by mountains on three sides, and were led to a man in a tiger-skin cloak and a gold belt around his waist. , laughed and tried to compete with him.

Li Xuanzhen was not afraid, and competed with men in foot and horse archery with injuries. He won the foot fire, and deliberately missed when he was riding, lost to the man, and finally got a draw with the man.

The surrounding Beirong people cheered loudly, and Li Xuanzhen knew that the man was the prince of Beirong.

The eldest prince wantonly annexed Haidu Aling's territory, knowing that when Haidu Aling returns, there will be a battle without fail, so eager for talent, he made Li Xuanzhen an imprisoned officer on the spot.

Li Xuanzhen hid her identity, successfully gained his trust, and lurked beside him.

During those days, the two slowly pieced together what happened after Li Yaoying was taken away by Haidu Aling, and learned more about the royal court from other Han people living in Beirong.

When Li Zhongqian recovered from his injury, he was so impatient, and Li Xuanzhen was also restless.

But they can't be impatient.

The situation in Beirong was turbulent, the waves were treacherous, and the swords were drawn.

One day, the eldest prince received a letter and danced with joy, saying, "A-Ling bought the dead man and assassinated some of my brothers, the evidence is conclusive, this time he also attacked Jin Bo, Jin Bo is my father Khan. The most beloved son, I see how A Ling can escape!"

He was ecstatic and continued to send troops to seize the territory.

A few days later, news came from Izhou that Haidu Aling returned from Gaochang and confessed his guilt to Wakhan Khan.

The eldest prince immediately brought people back to Izhou, and he had to snatch the territory of Haidu Aling with other brothers.

On the way, a handwritten letter from Wakhan Khan was delivered to the eldest prince's account. The Khan said that he had punished Haidu Aling, deprived him of the title of prince, and ordered all his sons to stay in the territory and not to leave.

The eldest prince was furious: Khan was indecisive, Haidu Aling slaughtered his brother, and the Khan actually opened up to him!

The staff advised the eldest prince to stay calm, and the eldest prince slashed the food case with a knife: "I can't swallow this breath! My father is old and sweaty, and the courage of the past has been worn down by Wang Ting and Buddha. The great sweat, the wise and wise warrior! He actually wants to tolerate the ambitious wolf of Haidu Aling! The wolf will never be grateful, but will only obey the strong! The father Khan is weak and will die in the hands of Haidu Aling sooner or later! I'm going to Iowa, killing Haidu Aling with my own hands, and using his skull as a wine bowl!"

The aides persuaded the eldest prince not to be impulsive.

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian watched indifferently, remembering Li Yaoying's words, and they came to their hearts: Now the situation in Beirong is chaotic, they can't leave Beirong for the time being, and they don't know how long they will be trapped. Since they can't get out, Haidu Aling and the princes are in conflict. , why didn't they take the opportunity to add fire to the North Rong's chaos

It is better to kill with a knife and force Wakhan Khan to execute Haidu Aling.

Beirong separates the Central Plains and the Western Regions, Haidu Aling is bound to win against Li Yaoying, they must get rid of this man with deep scheming.

When Beirong is too chaotic to take care of themselves, they can withdraw to the royal court.

After the two discussed it, they made up their minds.

Li Xuanzhen and several others deliberately spread rumors in the camp: Why did Khan let Haidu Aling go? Still not letting the eldest prince go back to Illinois? Could it be that Khan had some last resort

After thinking about it, everyone was drenched in cold sweat, and they all speculated that it was impossible for Wakhan Khan to forgive Haidu Aling so easily. He did not kill Haidu Aling, probably because he was already controlled by Haidu Aling!

That's why Wakhan Khan didn't let his other sons go back to Illinois—the letter was forced by Haidu Aling to write it.

The more the staff thought about it, the more they felt that Wakhan Khan must have been placed under house arrest by Haidu Aling, and began to worry: if the judge helped Haidu Aling to control Yizhou, would Haidu Aling be the next step for people like the eldest prince? start

The eldest prince was worried that he had no excuse to return to Izhou, and after hearing the rumors, he burst into anger: "Haidu Aling has ambitions to assassinate Jin Bo, assassinated my brother, and now commits the crime again, putting the khan under house arrest, wanting to be detrimental to the khan. As a son of man, go to Izhou to save Father Khan!"

Therefore, the eldest prince pretended to obey the orders of Wakhan Khan, but in fact he went to Chencang in secret. While marching all night, he persuaded other brothers and princes and nobles to help him, and went straight to Izhou.

Outside the city of Yizhou, it was the time of the night, and the smoke in the city rose straight into the sky.

The staff found that the Yating was peaceful, and for fear of angering the Wakhan Khan, they persuaded the eldest prince to think twice.

"It seems that the Great Khan has not been placed under house arrest by Haidu Aling, and the prince has to be careful."

The eldest prince sneered and said, "I have endured these years, and I can't bear it any longer! Since I have brought troops to Iowa, I will not do it, and I will never stop, no matter whether the father Khan is under house arrest by Haidu Aling, I will kill him. It is impossible to visit Haidu Aling."

The staff were helpless. The eldest prince robbed Haidu Aling's territory and massacred Haidu Aling's subordinates. If Haidu Aling was alive, he would definitely retaliate against him in the future.

Haidu Aling is alive, and there will be endless troubles.

The eldest prince grinned: "I want to avenge a few brothers! Who can stop me?"

At this time, Wakhan Khan knew that his eldest son disobeyed his orders and came to Illinois privately. He was furious and sent ministers to reprimand him.

The torches were burning brightly, and the two teams were at a stalemate. Li Xuanzhen, who was in the team at the order of the eldest prince, suddenly burst out and slashed the minister to death.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The eldest prince drew his sword, hacked the other people to death, and shouted angrily: "You are the lackeys of the judge, secretly colluding with Haidu Aling, do you think I can't see it? It is because of you traitors that the father has changed. You have to be as soft-hearted and timid as a woman! Today, I want to kill the capital of the sea! Whoever stops me will die!"

Seeing that the minister had already splattered blood on the spot, the eldest prince's entourage did not dare to hesitate any longer, and surrounded the eldest prince, killing the most closely guarded tooth tent.

There was constant fighting in the Beirong royal family. The Khan of Wakhan refused to execute Haidu Aling. The princes and nobles were extremely dissatisfied. The prince encountered little resistance and drove straight in.

Li Xuanzhen followed the eldest prince, fighting all the way, looking for the figure of Haidu Aling.


Before the battle, a majestic rant resounded like thunder, passing through the slaughtering crowd and reaching everyone's ears.

In the flickering light of the fire, Wakhan Khan wore a battle armor and rode a splendid war horse. He arrived in front of the battle surrounded by guards. Although his face was old, he was resolute and stood like a mountain. With a deep aura, he glared at the eldest prince: "If you don't hold back, you will be captured!"

The old khan was in the army all his life, and he was very powerful.

A few pawns rolled off their horses in fright.

The eldest prince couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, but he didn't want to show his cowardice in front of his subordinates. He bit the tip of his tongue, stabilized his mind, held the reins tightly, and said loudly, "Father Khan, Haidu Aling's sword has already reached our brothers. You still don't want to kill him! You have to wait for our heads to fall before you are willing to deal with Haidu Aling! Who is your son?!"

Wakhan Khan said angrily: "I already know the guilt of Haidu Aling, and I will deal with him. You left the territory without permission and attacked the tooth tent. Do you know the guilt?"

"I'm not guilty!" The eldest prince's face was grim and his voice was hoarse, "I'm going to make a break with Haidu Aling tonight! Anyway, I'll die at his hands sooner or later, so why don't I have a good time today!"

Wakhan Khan's forehead throbbed with blue veins: "Stupid—"

Before he could utter a scolding, there was a sharp screeching sound, and in the boundless still night, a feathered arrow suddenly flew out and flew towards him, swiftly like a shooting star, piercing the shiny breastplate on his body.

Wakhan Khan's burly body swayed, and the whole person fell back.

With a dull thud, the old khan, who was regarded as the alpha wolf by the Beirong people, fell into the snow.

The great change suddenly occurred, and everyone was stunned.

The camp was quiet for a moment, the wind whistled and the horses neighed.

The eldest prince, who was still furious just a moment ago, lost his soul, trembled all over, and his face was pale.

At this time, Li Zhongqian, who was among the soldiers and released the cold arrow, quickly hid his short bow, and while driving his horse to rush forward, he shouted in unison with the ambush personal soldiers: "Haidu Aling assassinated the Khan, intending to rebel!"

"Haidu Aling rebelled!"

When the dazed eldest prince heard this sentence, his soul returned to his position, and he roared subconsciously: "Haidu Aling rebels, assassinated the Khan, you go and arrest Haidu Aling!"

With a trembling roar, he cleared his name and galloped towards Wakhan Khan.

In the chaos, Li Zhongqian caught up with him, secretly pulled out his short knife, and rushed forward on his horse. Seeing that he was about to approach the fallen Wakhan Khan, the guard beside the Khan came back to his senses and lifted the old Khan with all his hands and feet. , protect him away.

The other loyal guards also reacted one after another, posing in formations, with long swords like a forest, tight defenses, and it was difficult to get in with their wings.

Li Zhongqian's pupils shrank.

It's a pity, if the Wakhan Khan can be killed in the chaos, Beirong will definitely be torn apart.

He stopped his horse and glanced at the anxious eldest prince, just as he was about to kill him with a knife, the eldest prince's guards had already chased after him.

Li Zhongqian resolutely turned his horse around, joined with Li Xuanzhen and the other personal soldiers, kept up with the eldest prince's henchmen, and continued to search for Haidu Aling.

The sound of fighting and screaming came together.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound in the dark night, the mountains and tsunamis rushed towards, and the earth trembled.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw that there seemed to be shadows floating in the dark night in the south. The shadows were getting longer, higher, and closer, like a surging tide, one wave over another.

Approaching with the black torrent, there was a twinkling blade light.

Immediately afterwards, the tingling sound of bowstrings rang out in unison, and thousands of arrows were fired, weaving a steel-made net that covered everyone in the melee.

Screams rang out.

Iron arrows can directly pierce through the plank, and there is absolutely nowhere to hide. The soldiers had already collapsed when they saw the old khan fall from the horse just now.

The guards of the eldest prince and the old khan were heartbroken, and at the same time warned: "An enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

That shadow that ebbs and flows like the tide is an ambush cavalry! The cavalry is here!

This iron cavalry army is led by the nobles of Beirong. They quietly surrounded Yating when the eldest prince and Wakhan Khan faced off and approached quietly. It must be the opposite!

The soldiers fled.

The eldest prince was terrified.

No wonder the situation in Illinois is weird.

No wonder he was able to dash all the way into the dental court unhindered.

No wonder the princes and nobles secretly supported his actions.

He was just a bait, the nobles rebelled!

The eldest prince sat blankly on the horseback, lost in spirit.

The cavalry rushed over, their swords gleaming.

"Father Khan!" The eldest prince woke up, clenched his machete tightly, his eyes were red, and took his own soldiers to kill Wakhan Khan, "You protect my father Khan and leave, I'll break it!"

Under the heavy siege, the personal soldiers loyal to the khan quickly assembled and surrounded the old khan at the very center. At this time, it was too late to question the eldest prince.

Li Zhongqian and Li Xuanzhen were among them.

The two of them glanced at the dark cavalry battle formation, and their hearts were heavy: the more chaotic the situation in Beirong, the better it would be for them, but now things were developing unexpectedly, and they might not be able to escape.

The cavalry was brutal, and the personal soldiers fell one by one.

The eldest prince regretted that he was extraordinarily heroic in slashing.

While killing the enemy, the two brothers secretly thought about the way to escape, and they were covered in blood.

Just when the eldest prince was completely in despair, drums suddenly sounded at the post in the west.

"Protect the Great Khan!"

With a roar filled with majestic inner strength, the battlefield swept across the battlefield, and the sound of horses' hoofs stomped like a shower. On the hill, another cavalry in black armor swooped down like thunder.

The leader of the general is tall and strong, with thin armor outlines smooth and strong muscle lines, and the fire is shining, a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes glittering with golden light in the dark night, and there is a chilling aura around him.

"Children, follow me to protect the Khan!"

He roared and roared, leading the cavalry to charge.

This divine soldier, who seemed to have fallen from the sky, rushed into the chaotic battle formation, dashed with difficulty, and tore a small gap under the heavy cavalry's siege.

The eldest prince was stunned for a long time, took a deep look at Haidu Aling, and escaped from the gap with Wakhan Khan.

Li Xuanzhen recognized Haidu Aling, blood was boiling all over her body, and she wanted to steer forward, but a group of iron cavalry came to kill him. He raised a knife to block, and retreated together with Li Zhongqian, who had red eyes and wanted to rush forward as well.

The two cavalry were strangled, and the blood flowed into a river.

The soldiers persuaded Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian: "Young Master, the eldest prince must have noticed that we are spies, let's withdraw, if we don't withdraw, there will be no chance!"

Li Zhongqian gritted his teeth and turned around.

They have turned Beirong into a pot of porridge, and they must take the opportunity to escape from Beirong and find Li Yaoying as soon as possible.

Her safety is very important, Haidu Aling can kill again in the future, he can't lose the big because of the small.

Li Xuanzhen slapped his horse to keep up with Li Zhongqian, and withdrew from the tooth court with his personal soldiers.

Behind them, the stars were shining brightly, and the fighting continued.

Haidu Aling led the cavalry to cover the retreat of Wakhan Khan.

The confidant rushed to his side and whispered: "Prince, why don't we take advantage of the chaos! The sweat was seriously injured. If something happens, the eldest prince and the others will not let you go!"

After their plan to assassinate the princes failed, they returned to Izhou from Gaochang, at which time Wakhan Khan had controlled all his subordinates loyal to Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling and the judge secretly met, knowing that he was in a desperate situation and had nowhere to escape. After careful consideration, he decided to take the risk, go to the tooth tent, and admit all the guilt.

He bet right that Wakhan Khan didn't kill him.

The princes were furious, and the eldest prince led his troops to Yating to ask for his guilt. Several other princes were also on their way to Yating.

Haidu Aling received news that he was worried that Wakhan Khan would not be able to withstand the pressure. He regretted that he wanted to kill him. He avoided the city and was watching the situation. The nobles launched a rebellion. Wakhan Khan leaves.

The confidant was so anxious: "Prince, several princes hate you so much, why don't you take the opportunity to turn against you?"

Haidu Aling stabbed an iron cavalry with a knife, wiped away the sticky blood on his face, and shook his head.

"Do you think that I can save my life if I turn back? All my territorial subordinates are in the hands of the Great Khan. He died, I have nothing, and none of those nobles look down on me. The Great Khan is alive, I am guilty today, and I will be able to regain him in the future. trust.”

There was a thick bloody smell under the starlight.

Haidu Aling raised his long sword.

From the year before last, things went wrong for him, and the conflicts with other princes became deeper and deeper. This time, he suffered a big downfall. After so many years of hard work, he had to start from scratch in the future.

He can't just throw in the towel, he's young, full of energy, strong, and given time, he can make a comeback.

He will lead the army to conquer the most fertile land and take back the most beautiful woman from the royal court.

Until then, he must save his life.

Haidu Aling roared and continued to slash.

That night, Beirong turned upside down.

The nobles launched a rebellion, and Haidu Aling escorted the Wakhan Khan and the eldest prince to withdraw from Illinois.

In the chaos, Wakhan Khan ordered the transfer of the tent of Orudo, summoned tribal cavalry from all over the country to King Orudo Qin, and at the same time ordered all places to block the news, especially to pay attention to the movements of the royal court, and ordered the border guards to patrol day and night, and shoot all the emperors. The letter eagle flying in the direction of the royal court.

Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian took advantage of the chaos to leave and ran for dozens of miles overnight, only to find that a group of pursuers were chasing after them.

The seriously injured Wakhan Khan questioned the eldest prince on the way to Orudo, suspecting that there were spies in his army, and soon dispatched several chasing troops.

Li Xuanzhen and his party avoided the pursuit and said with emotion: "Wakhan Khan is worthy of being the Great Khan of Beirong... It should not be underestimated."

Although Wakhan Khan accidentally lost Jingzhou because of the conflict between his sons, almost died under Li Zhongqian's secret arrow, and was copied by the rebellious nobles, but he was the Great Khan of Beirong after all. After sobering up, he quickly controlled the situation. , fled to Oruduo, blocked the border, deterred the tribe that was about to move, and acted resolutely, making people terrified.

His demeanor in his prime is evident.

Li Xuanzhen sighed: "I'm still careless."

He thought that after the Wakhan Khan was seriously injured, the princes would immediately fall into infighting, the North Rong would be torn apart, and they would be able to take advantage of the chaos to leave the North Rong.

Unexpectedly, the Wakhan Khan came over. Although rebellions broke out successively in various places, the Khan was clearly in the know and could stabilize the situation.

They are still trapped in Beirong.

The soldiers said: "The Wakhan Khan and the king court Buddha have been in a confrontation for many years, and they have been unable to attack the royal court. People's hearts are scattered. The nobles have complained for many years, saying that their sweat is useless. Now it seems that the khan's sword is not old. ."

Li Xuanzhen glanced at Li Zhongqian and remained silent.

Wakhan Khan is so difficult to deal with, what kind of person is the Buddhist son of the royal court who is regarded as a nemesis by Wakhan Khan

He did not want to discuss this matter with Li Zhongqian.

Recalling this, Li Xuanzhen let out a long sigh.

After all, they were unfamiliar with the terrain. Although they left Izhou at the fastest speed, they lost their way on the vast snowfield and were overtaken by the pursuers. After a few fights, several people were injured and wounded, and they almost died in Beirong. Arrow down.

Haidu Aling's subordinates wanted to capture them, so they would keep alive.

Wakhan Khan didn't know their identities, and regarded them as meticulous work, demanding that the pursuers be killed, and the pursuers were merciless. This time, every arrow was smeared with poisonous juice.

The personal soldiers died one after another, and Li Zhongqian was wounded by poisoned arrows, causing old wounds and confusion.

Li Xuanzhen, as he himself said, had a great fate and escaped death several times.

He didn't have time to rejoice, because he soon found himself facing an embarrassing situation: when fleeing, they had to avoid the pursuers and had to stay away from the main road, unable to identify the direction, and they were getting farther and farther from the royal court and closer to Orudo. .

When he was besieged by the pursuers and had nowhere to go, Li Xuanzhen decisively dragged Li Zhongqian into the North Rong Yating.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

As expected, he was dying. After hiding in the stable for half a month, and dizzy with hunger, he saw an acquaintance—Tali, who evacuated to Orudo with the eldest princess.

Tully brought him meals every few days.

That day, a team of patrolling soldiers found his hiding place and rushed to report the letter. He did not dare to delay, and handed over Li Zhongqian to Tali's care, led the soldiers away, and plunged into the eldest princess' tent.

The eldest princess was still looking for the "Central Plains personal soldiers" who escaped from her hands, and Li Xuanzhen took the initiative to flee to her territory.

If the eldest princess dares to hand him over to Wakhan Khan, he will pull her into the water, saying that he and her should work together inside and out and disturb Beirong.

The eldest princess is sensitive and does not dare to take risks.

The lesser of the two evils falls into the hands of the eldest princess, and he can at least save his life.

Sobbing echoed in the dungeon.

The dim light from the torches enveloped Li Xuanzhen and Zhu Luyun, the long-separated old friends.

One of the two looked calm, and the other was in tears.

Li Xuanzhen calmed down, raised her eyes, and looked at Zhu Luyun: "Niang Yun... Did you see Qiniang when you were in the royal court?"

Zhu Luyun was stunned, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Li Xuanzhen looked at her with a hint of anxiety between her brows.

Zhu Luyun opened her mouth, "You came to Beirong to find me... I just went to the royal court... "

Li Xuanzhen shook her head and interrupted her, "Niang Yun, I didn't come to Beirong for you."

A thunderbolt rang in her ears, and Zhu Luyun felt as if her chest had been hammered hard, and she couldn't breathe.