Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 115: Cut in two


Then why did you come to Beirong

Zhu Luyun subconsciously wanted to ask, but the words came to her lips and she swallowed them back.

She stared straight at the unkempt Li Xuanzhen, and his eyes were opposite. The expression on her face was the same as before, with a little impatient indifference, but her heart was tightly shrunk into a ball.

It seems to have fallen from the clouds into the dust, and has been sinking all the way.

Li Xuanzhen looked at Zhu Luyun, realized the lingering meaning in her eyes, was startled, then smiled wryly, and frowned.

He thought that when she left, it was over between them.

"Yunniang, when you left Chang'an, I didn't say goodbye to you."

He had already put it down, so she could not be misunderstood.

Zhu Luyun stared blankly at Li Xuanzhen: "You want to say goodbye to me?"

Li Xuanzhen's face was calm, her eyes were sharp, and there was a sense of solemnity all over her body, forcing her to face his frank statement: "Yes, since we have made a clean break, we should say goodbye."

Zhu Luyun was shocked, her face was pale, and her fingers tightly clenched her sleeves.

Cut in two.

He actually wanted to cut her off.

Li Xuanzhen leaned against the earth wall, moved her legs, and the shackles rattled.

"Before your mother died, I promised her that she would take good care of you... I failed your mother's request and failed to take good care of you."

When Zhu Luyun's mother entrusted her to Li Xuanzhen, he was only a teenager.

Although at that time he was wearing a battle armor and charging into battle, he seemed to be well-mannered and stable and mature, but he was actually just a violent and gloomy young man who had not yet come out of his mother's hatred.

He looked at the heartbroken Zhu Luyun, as if he was looking at himself who had witnessed Tang's being burned to death.

The girl Zhu Luyun burst into tears and looked at him timidly.

Li Xuanzhen looked down at her, like looking down at a lonely young man Changsheng: "I will take good care of you..."

Zhu Luyun will not be as desperate and miserable as he is, she will not be tortured by nightmares every night, she will receive the best care, he will treat her kindly and tolerate her, he can give Zhu Luyun all the things he once craved but could never get. .

The corners of Li Xuanzhen's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a self-deprecating smile on her lips.

Back then, he was so naive, he couldn't even take care of himself, how could he take care of Zhu Luyun, who was so tender-hearted

Over the years, his unprincipled tolerance and tolerance towards her could neither alleviate his guilt towards Tang nor fill the void in his heart.

Once, for a moment, he thought that someone could accompany him, walk into his dark heart, and heal his pain.

But the next moment, the man who made him temporarily forget his hatred stood on tiptoe and pointed happily at Li Zhongqian on the shore: "Brother Changsheng, the one riding the dark horse is my brother!"

To this day, Li Xuanzhen still remembers the feeling of blood congealing all over his body when these words echoed in his ears.

Cold and painful.

I just gave him hope, and then brutally shredded it in front of him, as if he had finally climbed out of the bottomless gloomy cave, and he was able to get close to the warm beam, and was kicked down again.

This time, he didn't fall and didn't have the strength to climb out.

And she didn't know anything, looked up at him with a small face, her eyelashes flickered, and her dark eyes were full of smiles.

Li Xuanzhen hates her.

There were so many people who went to Chibi for medical treatment, why did she come to take care of him? And why is it Xie Manyuan's daughter

The wound was painful for a while, Li Xuanzhen frowned and hissed, waking up from the chaotic memory.

"Yunniang..." He said slowly, "it's fine if you leave the Central Plains, Li De and the ministers in the court will only use you, your aunt is your only relative, I really love you and plan for you, you will follow your aunt in the future, Take good care of you, she is the one who can take good care of you."

Zhu Luyun couldn't help trembling.

"What about you?" Her voice trembled, "What about us?"

"We are gone." Li Xuanzhen looked into her eyes, "You are Zhu Jiayunniang, and I am Li Xuanzhen, a man from the Han family. From now on, you and I will go our separate ways and have nothing to do with each other."

Zhu Luyun sat paralyzed outside the cell, motionless and cold.

They had quarreled before. She always said that she wanted to make a clean break with Li Xuanzhen. He couldn't do anything about her, so he endured his anger to appease her. Although sometimes he would be as indifferent as he is now, she could feel that this time and any previous time Disputes are different.

At this moment, the two eyes that Li Xuanzhen fell on her face showed no resentment, only a kind of completely relieved calm.

He really doesn't want her anymore.

Zhu Luyun closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

Li Xuanzhen's voice was steady and unmoved: "After the previous incident, Haidu Aling thinks that you have lost the value of use, so you can live in peace, and this will be good for you and me. In the future of the Central Plains, you and Don't even interfere with your aunt, so as not to be used by the Beirong people again. The Central Plains is your hometown after all, the people are innocent, you can do it yourself."

Zhu Luyun could hear the sound of his words.

His words were both a reminder and a warning.

After that, they completely drew a line, she could no longer influence his decision-making, and Haidu Aling could not threaten him with her, and the two sides were at peace with each other. If she tried to interfere in the affairs of the Central Plains, he would not show mercy to her and her aunt.

Zhu Luyun raised her face, and there was a daze in her eyes.

He was so decisive, she couldn't believe it.

She didn't look at his long and narrow phoenix eyes, her eyes swirled around and fell on the shackles on his body.

"I'll save you out, Brother Changsheng..."

Li Xuanzhen sighed and said lightly, "Niang Yun, don't call me that again in the future."

Zhu Luyun bit her lip tightly.

Li Xuanzhen closed her eyes, "I will find a way to escape, don't get involved, or you will implicate your only relative. Yunniang, no matter what happens in the future, you just don't know me."

He was thinking of her, but Zhu Luyun was not happy at all.

Because he has no affection for her, he will be so calm.

She gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, her expression numb: "You didn't come to Beirong for me... Then who did you come for?"

Thinking of Li Xuanzhen's anxious look just now, her heart shook.

Could it be that he came for Li Qiniang

Impossible, Li Qiniang is his enemy. Back then, in order to vent his anger for her, he killed Li Qiniang's small dog, and he also asked Li Qiniang to marry her for her...

Numerous guesses turned Zhu Luyun's thoughts, and any one of them was more convincing than Li Qiniang's answer.

Li Xuanzhen frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Why I came to Beirong, it doesn't matter."

He looked at Zhu Luyun across the fence.

"Niang Yun, be precious."

Zhu Luyun looked away, pinched her fingertips deeply into her palm, was silent for a while, and said, "If I don't help you, my aunt may kill you."

Li Xuanzhen smiled, "I have my own calculations."

Zhu Luyun stood up, turned her back to him, and said, "You didn't bring me here to ask me to save you... You asked me just now if I had seen Li Qiniang in the royal court, why did you ask this?"

After a long absence, the first question he asked was someone else. Is Li Yaoying more important than his safety

Li Xuanzhen paused.

He wanted to ask Zhu Luyun: Is Qiniang doing well

Fat or thin

During the days when he was trapped in Beirong, he was besieged and blocked again and again. How desperate and helpless should Qiniang be at that time

He didn't need to ask so eagerly, but when he thought that Zhu Luyun had met Li Yaoying not long ago, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yunniang, I'm sorry for her, I want to know if she's doing well."

Zhu Luyun walked out.

Li Qiniang was his sister, and it was reasonable for him to care about her.

He may have come to Beirong for state affairs.

She told herself over and over.

Zhu Luyun stayed at the racecourse.

The eldest princess was in fear, for fear that she would cry and cry and return to the Central Plains with Li Xuanzhen, but she did not expect that she would be quiet every day, without making any noise, and secretly relieved.

Tali delivers meals to Li Xuanzhen every day and informs him of Li Zhongqian's injury.

Zhu Luyun also went to see Li Xuanzhen every day.

Li Xuanzhen didn't ask her about Li Yaoying again.

On this day, the eldest princess's husband returned to the account, and the eldest princess was uneasy, and ordered her personal soldiers to take good care of Zhu Luyun.

The judge did not notice that his wife was worried, and only casually asked if Zhu Luyun was back.

The eldest princess observed her words and feelings, and knew that the judge was busy with official duties, and she thought to herself that she had to find an opportunity to send out the hot potato Li Xuanzhen as soon as possible.

The judge instructed the eldest princess: "You are all staying in the tent recently, don't walk around."

The eldest princess froze in her heart and agreed.

The judge took some clothes and left in a hurry, heading to the big tent.

Some time ago, Beirong was in chaos, and Wakhan Khan almost died in Izhou, and the danger was looming. After escaping to Oruduo, he decided to do whatever he wanted. While stabilizing the situation, he dispatched troops to tidy up the rebellious nobles, and then annexed more than a dozen tribes that were taking advantage of the chaos. Wang Ting thought he was dead and lured Wang Ting to attack him.

After waiting for more than a month, Wang Ting's border guards were well behaved. No matter how provocative or weak Bei Rong was, they would ignore it.

The judge reminded Wakhan Khan: "Great Khan, the Buddha's son of the royal court has always acted cautiously."

Wakhan Khan snorted coldly and said, "The Buddha is cautious, but the nobles in the royal court are all arrogant. A few years ago, we occupied the floating earth city and cut off the business road. Not reconciled, clamoring to lead the army to capture the floating earth city, these few years were not under the pressure of the Buddha, those a few rich families have already started! Now that the situation is in their favor, they will never be so honest! "

The judge thought for a while and said, "Maybe the Buddha will not allow them to send troops."

Wakhan Khan was greatly disappointed. Could it be that the Buddha saw that everything was a trap

He was disappointed in his heart, but did not show his face. When the situation stabilized, he summoned all his sons to discuss matters.

In the past few days, the princes and royal family members who received the edict have rushed to Orudo one after another.

The judge saw that Wakhan Khan wanted to resolve the dispute between the eldest prince and Haidu Aling, and he was confused and discussed countermeasures with Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling smiled bitterly: "I just listen to what the Khan said. It's a big deal. I'll be a slave to the eldest prince and the others, so bear with this, and I'll get it back in the future!"

The judge nodded in appreciation: "Han Xin can suffer the humiliation of his crotch, the prince is an extraordinary person, the eagle on the grassland, the descendants of wolves, should also be able to endure what ordinary people can't bear, the prince must remember that he must not contradict the sweat. "

It was night, and Oruduo had a curfew, and the outermost perimeter of the camp was completely silent.

The princes received an edict, and when they reached the tooth tent, the guards demanded that everyone hand over their weapons.

Everyone looked at each other, and scolded, took off their saber and dagger, and there was a sound of a blunt object falling to the ground.

The guards searched the princes one by one and opened the felt curtain.

Wakhan Khan's tent is several times larger than other people's tents. The floor is covered with felt carpets, and there are lamp stands at the four corners. More than a dozen torches are burning brightly, and the tent is brightly lit.

Wakhan Khan, wearing a tiger-skin cloak, sat on a leather-wrapped throne, his sharp eyes glancing coldly at his sons with majesty.

The fire was hunting, and the atmosphere was heavy.

Wakhan Khan looked at the outcast Haidu Aling: "Aling, you intend to assassinate Jinbo, do you know the guilt?"

Haidu Aling rushed out of the crowd, and his tall body knelt at the feet of the Khan, obediently saying: "I am guilty, please punish the Khan."

The eldest prince shouted: "He committed a capital crime!"

"Yes! If he hadn't assassinated Jinbo and caused such a big incident, how dare those tribes start a rebellion? He caused all this! Father Khan, Aling committed a capital crime!"

"Exile him to Samantang!"

Amid the clamor, Khan of Wakhan calmed down and looked at the third son who shouted the most: "What do you think should be done with A Ling?"

Without even thinking about it, the third son said, "He should have his head chopped off!"

Another prince echoed: "That's too cheap for him! Tie him to the horse, let the horse drag him and drag him to death!"

Haidu Aling knelt on the ground with a respectful attitude, motionless, and his face was full of guilt.

Wakhan Khan didn't say a word, and when his sons finished speaking, he sneered, "Aling assassinated Jinbo, and he deserves death for the crime..."

The princes had a look of pride on their faces.

Wakhan Khan suddenly changed his words, "What about you?"

The princes were stunned.

Wakhan Khan slapped the armrest and glared at everyone: "You set a trap before and wanted to kill A Ling, do you know the guilt?"

The princes looked at each other.

Wakhan Khan glanced around and said, "The descendants of the wolf gods would rather die heroically with a knife than shrink back and be afraid. As princes, it is a shame for the wolf clan to murder your brothers with this kind of villain method!"

"If A Ling must be executed, what about you?"

The princes gritted their teeth and knelt down with hatred, still looking a little unwilling.

Wakhan Khan sighed and raised his eyes, "The blood of the wolf is flowing in our body."

The flickering firelight reflected on his old face, and his cloudy eyes gave off a few strands of the same look.

"Our ancestors came from the deep mountains and ice fields. The tribe was deeply starved. In winter, food was cut off, and the old and the weak died in groups. When I was a child, the tribe was bullied and humiliated, and men served as other tribes. Slaves and women were humiliated by them. My mother, because she didn’t have a piece of clothing to protect her body from the cold, froze to death on a winter night after giving birth to my brother. My brother and I went through nine deaths before finally growing our tribe. Unify the grasslands, so that the clansmen can eat and clothe themselves, own the most plentiful pastures, occupy the most fertile land, and choose the most productive women.”

"Others say that we are savage barbarians and laugh at us for being rude, but the civilization they are so proud of can't stop us from invading, their warriors can't resist our heroic iron cavalry, they have to bow their noble heads to us Bow your head down."

"The fat cattle and sheep in the grasslands, the tall horses, the fertile oasis between the yellow sands, the east flowing with gold... These will all be our prey, and the place where the iron horse hooves of the Khanate treads will be our territory!"

The torch swayed, and the night wind beat the felt tent.

Wakhan Khan sat on the dark throne, watching his sons.

"Although I am old, I can still lead troops to fight. I want to lead my people to continue the expedition. Only death can stop me."

"What about you? You are in your prime, arrogant and extravagant, enjoying your success, hunting, singing and dancing with Qiuci and Orchid, drinking and having fun, and before you have made any contribution to the growth of the Khanate, you can't wait to kill each other, waiting to ascend to the throne."

He said every sentence, his tone was flat, as if gossip was commonplace.

Hearing the sound of thunder in the ears of the eldest princes, they bowed their heads in shame, crawled on the carpet, not daring to make a sound.

Wakhan Khan glanced over everyone.

"Do you think you can command all the tribes when you are on the throne?"


"We are a pack of wolves. If we want to be the first wolf, we must go through a harsh fight. The Khanate consists of tribes, each tribe has its own chief, and I am the Khan of the Khans, the chief of all the chiefs. I am alive, others dare not act rashly, and when I die, they will show their claws and bite your flesh and blood, how can you idiots be their opponents?"

"Look at you, when Izhou was besieged by other tribes, which one of you was able to turn the tide? If I died then, your bones would have been gnawed to the bone!"

"If you want to sit firmly in the Khan position, you must not only suppress internal opponents, but also deal with external enemies. Who of you is confident that you can defeat Wang Ting Buddha?"

The sons blushed and dared not argue.

Wakhan Khan took a deep breath and gestured to his companions with his eyes.

He took out a dozen arrows from the quiver and handed them over to the princes.

The princes did not know why, so they straightened up, took a feather arrow in their hands, and looked at the Wakhan Khan.

Wakhan Khan said: "Break it."

The princes should be, with force in their hands, and with a few clicks, they broke the arrows.

Wakhan Khan tapped his chin toward his escort.

He personally took out a bundle of feather arrows and placed them on the blanket.

Wakhan Khan said: "Come up one by one and see who can break this bundle of arrows."

The sons looked at the bundle of feather arrows on the ground, understood, looked at each other, exchanged glances, and looked at Haidu Aling.

Wakhan Khan said earnestly and earnestly: "A single arrow is easy to break, and many arrows are hard to break. You are brothers of flesh and blood, and Aling is also your brother. If you can unite, why can't the Khanate grow? At that time, to the east to the sea, The mountains in the west are your territory! If you kill each other, these broken arrows will be your fate!"

The sons realized something, with tears in their eyes, knelt down and said, "Father Khan taught that the sons knew they were wrong! From now on, they will definitely change their minds and never be confused again!"

Wakhan Khan's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes stayed on each son's face for a moment, and he waved his hands.

"From now on, the nonsense between your brothers will be written off. In the future, you must unite and remember your identities. You are the descendants of Shenlang. Don't let your descendants be ashamed!"

"Whoever dares to poison the brother again, I will execute him myself!"

Everyone answered in a deep voice, swore a swear, and quit.

Wakhan Khan said: "Aling stays."

Haidu Aling stiffened, climbed to the Khan's feet, and said with tears: "The great Khan has given me such a kindness as a mountain, and I can't repay it. If killing me can quell the anger of the princes, I would like to cut myself off. In return for the support of the Great Khan!"

Wakhan Khan looked down at him and raised his eyebrows.

"A Ling, my sons are not as good as you. If they can bend and stretch like you, I don't need to worry so much."

Haidu Aling was drenched in cold sweat.

Wakhan Khan leaned on the throne and said indifferently: "Aling, have you ever thought that we have already ruled the grasslands, why do we still have to go west? I have repeatedly lost to the king's court Buddha, why am I still obsessed and insist on conquering the king? court?"

Haidu Aling thoughtfully said: "Because the royal court is rich."

Wakhan Khan shook his head: "No, the reason I attacked the royal court was because I had no choice."

Haidu Aling was stunned.

Wakhan Khan sighed, "We are a tribe on horseback. We can't cultivate food, we can't weave fine cloth, we don't know how to run a business, and we don't have a wealthy capital. When we run out of food, we go to snatch and persecute. Other tribes handed over their food, we conquered them by force, and asked them to support our tribe. When a boy became a man, he went to other tribes to snatch women to be his wives. Over the years, we have conquered one tribe after another, and we are invincible, but We don't know how to govern a country, let alone support a powerful empire."

Now Beirong seems to be strong, but in fact, there are many dangers and conflicts within the royal family.

So this time there will be a rebellion of the nobles.

"A Ling, the only way to ease the conflict and survive the crisis is to keep fighting. Just like a wolf, he must hunt constantly to survive. Once he loses his minions, he is not far from death."

Wakhan Khan leaned over and looked at Haidu Aling.

If Beirong wants to continue to grow, the person who succeeds the Great Khan must be full of fighting spirit, ambitious, cruel, and long-term vision.

His sons could not afford such a burden, and even if they ascended the throne, they would die in the battle of the nobles.

Wakhan Khan patted Haidu Aling's shoulder: "Aling, if you want to be a great khan, you must have a long-term vision, and don't have the same knowledge as Jinbo and the others. You are destined to be a wolf and an eagle, and they will follow you in the future. , be loyal to you, and grow the khanate with you, and in the future, your name will surely spread throughout the grasslands."

Haidu Aling raised his head in disbelief, his eyes were red and his muscles were stretched.

Wakhan Khan nodded to him and said: "Although I suppressed the rebellion this time, the small countries that belonged to them are all about to move, wanting to pounce on us and bite us. There is not much food and grass left, and we must fight a big victory as soon as possible. Only by convincing people. I heard that the regent of the royal court, Sultan Gu, has died, and the royal family is short-sighted. As expected, they took the opportunity to force the Buddha to release his power. It is a good time for us to attack the royal court again."

Haidu Aling's blood boiled: "I would like to be the pioneer of the Great Khan!"

He added, "Sultan Gu died, the Buddha lost his arm, and the royal family has been at odds with him for a long time, so the Buddha must be in a difficult situation."

Wakhan Khan sneered again and again, "In these years, if it weren't for the Buddha, I would have stepped into the holy city! I really admire him. It's a pity that he will die at the hands of the royal family sooner or later. It must be the hands of the royal family."

Wang Ting has accumulated many evils, and it is entirely up to the Buddha to turn the tide. In the future, he will either die in the infighting, or be dragged down to death by the wealthy family who favors and opposes.

Haidu Aling sighed: "The sweat is wise!"

The flames flickered in the tent, and the two discussed how to sneak up on the royal court until dawn.

Haidu Aling came out of the big tent.

A gust of wind blew in front of him, and he shivered, and found that his robe was soaked with sweat.

The judge was right. After the turmoil, Beirong was crumbling and could be torn apart at any time. The most important thing Khan needs to do now is to stabilize people's hearts. The more magnanimous he is, the more Wakhan Khan is reluctant to kill him.

Right now, he has to endure, and when the Great Khan is old and his position is stable, he can attack the eldest prince and the others.

The corner of Haidu Aling's mouth twitched, facing the golden morning light, striding towards his tent.

Soon, the news of the eldest prince, the second prince, and Haidu Aling releasing their suspicions spread all over Orudo.

For several days in a row, the people in the camp often met brothers who gathered in front of the bonfire to have a good time, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Wakhan Khan was very pleased and ordered the army to move out.

The eldest princess immediately called her personal soldiers and asked them to mix Li Xuanzhen into the slaves.

The personal soldier went to the dungeon to pick up the person, and after a while, he rushed out with a panicked expression: "The person is gone!"

The eldest princess was furious and took people to the dungeon to check it out in person. The dungeon was really empty, only a pair of shackles remained.

"Where's Yunniang?"

Zhu Luyun was brought over, and her eyes widened when she saw the empty cell.

The eldest princess said in surprise: "Don't you know that Li Xuanzhen ran away? Didn't you help him escape?"

Zhu Luyun shook her head with a blank expression.

At this time, on the snowfield not far from the horse farm, Li Xuanzhen was wearing a leather jacket and mixed among the tribal slaves carrying felt tents, leather, and iron pots. When a Beirong soldier rode by and urged the slaves to speed up, he He lowered his head, lowered his felt hat, covered his face, and pushed a croissant cart full of felt cloths.

On the horn cart, Li Zhongqian lay between the thick felt cloth and coughed in a low voice.

Li Xuanzhen followed the Beirong soldiers, pushed the cart, and ran away.

A few days ago, he observed the deployment of Wakhan Khan's troops and suspected that the Khan wanted to attack the small country or tribe in the west.

The Royal Court is to the west.

Li Xuanzhen had no way to go at that time, so he simply hid in the tooth court, and recharged his energy with the eldest princess. When Li Zhongqian recovered from his injuries, they mixed into the army and set out with the army, not only to escape the pursuit, but also not afraid of losing their way again. By the way, you can spy on the military situation and warn the royal court. If you can wait for the opportunity to kill Haidu Aling, it would be better.

The wind and snow blowing, the chill is piercing through the bones.

However, Li Xuanzhen didn't feel cold at all, and bursts of heat rolled on her body.

He's going to find her.

Thousands of miles away, the royal court.

The cold wind whistled all night, and early the next morning, the sky was clear, the front of the courtyard was covered with snow, and the gorgeous morning glow slanted on the snow, dazzling.

Yaoying was awakened by the flapping of wings in front of the window, and quickly got up to open the door.

General Black Eagle Jin flew into the room, raised his head, and pecked her affectionately.

Yaoying caressed General Jin, fed it jerky, took down the letter that General Jin brought back, and after reading it, the corners of her mouth twitched, she hurriedly groomed, stepped on her boots, and went to see Tanmaraga at the Wang Temple.

It's still early in the morning, but the monks in the temple have already finished today's morning class. When Tamara Ka attended the prayers after the morning class, the front of the hall was already crowded with people of all ages, men, women and children.

The little novice who knew Yaoying gave her a seat, she stood on tiptoe and looked in through the gap.

The incense in the hall is fragrant, and Tamara is dressed in a white gold cassock, standing in front of the Buddhist temple, holding a gilt incense stick in his hand, the Dharma is solemn, surrounded by monks, chanting scriptures. The eagerly-awaited believers in front of the temple stepped forward one by one, and saluted him respectfully. He tapped the incense stick in his hand. The believers were so excited that they trembled all over. Helped down.

Yaoying watched outside for a while, and wanted to leave. She was waiting on the only way back to the meditation room. She didn't know who pushed her behind her. She swayed a few times and plunged into the waiting crowd. , almost fell.

When she stood firm, she found herself pushed to the front of the team. Hundreds of eyes from the front of the hall fell on her, some angry, some surprised, some faintly disgusted, as if to tie her up. sieve.

Standing in the corner to maintain order, Hannya and Yuanjue stared at Yaoying in surprise: Can't the princess wait

Yaoying felt guilty for a while, gave way to the side, and was about to withdraw when a cold voice sounded in front of the Buddhist temple.

"come over."

Inside and outside the hall, dozens of people gasped in unison.

This was the first time the Buddha opened his mouth to call believers to come forward.

The gaze that fell on Yaoying turned into knives, extremely sharp.

Yaoying was also stunned for a moment, turned around, and walked step by step in front of Tan Moraga while everyone was watching, imitating the person in front of her, folded her hands, and saluted him.

She walks dignifiedly, looks beautiful, and has a pious attitude. There is no smile on her face. Her salute is elegant and skillful, and the eyes of people around her slowly eased.

Tamara looked at Yaoying with clear eyes, and lightly tapped the incense stick in her hand on her forehead.

Yaoying raised her head and smiled apologetically at him, her eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons, as if she was a bit coquettish.

Tamara looked away, and out of the corner of the eye saw that she and the others had withdrawn together, and the incense stick in her hand had not been raised.

The next devotee waited for a while.

Tamaroga was stunned, the expression on his face was still solemn and calm, the clouds were light and the wind was light.