Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 116: Martial Arts Field (revision)


Yaoying came out of the hall, and Prajna quickly followed her, her eyes widened, her face stern, and she was about to accuse her when she opened her mouth.

Before he could say anything, Yaoying quickly said, "I was pushed in by someone else just now."

The force of the push was not small, and it was obviously intentional.

Prajna was stunned.

Yaoying pointed to the team in front of the hall who couldn't see the tail at a glance, and asked, "Where do all the worshippers come from? Have you checked their identities?"

Prajna shook his head and said: "In the past few days, the temple preaches and prays for five consecutive days. The people of the royal court, regardless of the high or the low, can come to the temple to worship. Some of these people are the people of the holy city, and some come from other places. I waited outside the Wang Temple a few days ago. I didn’t eat or drink, just to admire the king’s demeanor. Because there were more and more people outside, I had to let in some people first. I didn’t have time to check them out one by one, but they entered the city. The Imperial Guard should have checked their identities..."

Yaoying frowned, who would push her

Hannya glanced at Yaoying, snorted softly, and said, "Princess, be careful in the future, it's best not to walk outside the Wang Temple alone, I know who pushed you."

Yaoying asked, "Who is it?"

Hannya put his hands into his sleeves, turned his eyes on Yaoying's face that was still as delicate as peach blossoms without applying any makeup, lowered his voice and said, "The king is so tolerant to you, the people of the royal court have long been talking about it, and the believers all say If you want to find a way to drive you out, the person who pushes you must be one of them. Be careful, don’t think that the king is used to you, you can do whatever you want.”

Yaoying hummed, thoughtfully, and said, "I remember, thank you for reminding me."

A tinge of red flashed across Prajna's face, he lifted his chin, and said in a hoarse voice, "I wouldn't have reminded you if I wasn't afraid that you would ruin the king's reputation!"

After speaking, he lifted his long legs and walked away, his posture stiff.

Yaoying laughed, stood in front of the steps, and patrolled for a week, countless cold eyes from the crowd swept over her, and when she looked over, those people had already moved their eyes away and hid in the crowd.

Guns are easy to hide, but arrows are hard to guard against.

It seemed that the push just now was an impromptu move by those in the believers who were hostile to her.

Yaoying exited the corridor, turned around, and waited on the way back to the meditation room by Tamara.

Along the way, monks, novices, and worshippers of the Buddha saw her, their eyes averted, and they came together to whisper.

Yaoying thought for a while, stepped down the stone steps, and turned out of the corridor.

Tammaraka's birthday is approaching. These days, the front hall of the King's Temple has been crowded with people from morning till night, crowded with believers from all over the world who come to worship. The feelings of the believers affect Lorgar's reputation.

During the puja, she should try not to appear in the Wang Temple as much as possible.

Half an hour later, the blessing ceremony was over, and Tamara came out of the main hall, and her blue eyes glanced at the corridor lightly.

The corridor was empty, and the snow light poured in. The murals of the Buddha's teachings on the walls were bright and colorful.

Yuanjue looked around for a while, and wondered: "Princess Wenzhao was still here just now... Why did she disappear?"

Tamara was silent.

It doesn't belong here, and sooner or later, I will leave, so there is no so-called "disappearance".

Holding a gilded incense stick, he walked into the corridor, and the hem of his broad cassock brushed over the railing, sweeping off a blanket of fresh snow.

Back in the Zen room, Yaoying still didn't see the figure, Yuanjue was a little worried, and asked the monk soldiers: "Have you seen Princess Wenzhao?"

The monks and soldiers replied, "Princess Wenzhao came just now and brought this."

He took out a piece of parchment.

Yuanjue took the parchment and sent it to the long case.

"Where's the princess?"

The monk soldier said: "The princess gave us this, as if she wanted to go to General Ashina to discuss things."

Yuanjue frowned and looked back at Tamara.

Tamara Gabi's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the parchment, her face was calm, and there was no trace of waves in her eyes.

Just when Yuanjue thought he might not have heard it, he suddenly asked, "Did you send someone to follow?"

The monk soldier was stunned and said, "The king told me that the jailer did not dare to let the princess go out of the king's temple alone, and sent two people to follow."

Tamara Ka nodded slightly.

Yaoying changed into her riding outfit, with a veil on her face, and rode out of the Wang Temple.

The personal soldiers and two central guards followed behind her.

She went to see Lao Qi first, and ordered a few things. On the way back to the city, she stopped by Ashina Bisao and asked him to do her a little favor.

When Bi Su helped her get her dowry back from Beirong, she thought that eggs could not be put in the same basket, so she sent a few personal soldiers to Samadan, Tianzhu, and Tubo with different caravans. A back way is also to inquire about the situation.

Now the caravans are returning one after another, some bring back what she wants, and some turn back halfway and return without success.

Yaoying couldn't help thinking of Zhang Jiu and the others who started from Gaochang. She didn't know where they were and whether they had broken through the blockade of Beirong. Wang Ting also has a scout unit that specializes in inquiring about news, and she wants to ask Bi Suo about it.

Bi Su was not in the mansion and went to the martial arts field.

His personal soldier said: "Every year around the king's birthday, he will go to the school grounds for a military parade. At that time, a grand competition will be held, and all the people in the city can watch it. This year, the general will also participate in the competition, so these days the general often goes to the martial arts field and other people. Learn martial arts."

After the turmoil, the royal court needed a grand military parade and martial arts tournament to stabilize people's hearts.

Yaoying asked the guards to lead the way and turned around to go to the martial arts field.

The martial arts field is located near the sand garden outside the city. The venue is wide and the terrain is convenient. There are seats outside the field.

When Yaoying arrived at the martial arts field, the field was bustling, with thunderous hoofs, and a horse-and-shooting competition was taking place. Noble men and women in brocade clothes were sitting on the high platform, staring intently at the two horses in front of the martial arts field. , with great interest.

Konwei told Yaoying that according to the usual practice, various tribes and small states that came to pay tribute would also send warriors to participate in the competition.

Yaoying stood on the stage and looked towards the school grounds.

The game was in full swing, and a row of targets was erected in the south. More than a dozen men dressed as Chinese military knights were riding black horses, holding long bows, like the wind and lightning, galloping around the school field, at a distance of a hundred paces from the targets. At that time, he raised his arm and raised an arrow, and shot with a burst of rapidity, the arrow hitting the center of the bullseye.

There was thunderous cheers outside.

After a while, the soldiers in the audience raised their flags and sang the result of the game aloud. Two men with broad shoulders and strong bodies drove forward. The other soldiers who lost the game left the school field, and the two men slowly retreated to both sides of the school field. After a while, the soldiers withdrew the target, leaving only a long pole. Someone blew a horn, and in the low and heavy whine, the two horses spread their hooves and ran wild at the same time, and the two men on the horses were not afraid at all. He fell off the horse's back, stretched his long arms, bent the bow and drew arrows, and shot out the bead.

The arrows shot from the galloping horses were majestic, like a long rainbow piercing the sun, and the sound of thunder rushing all over the field. The arrow was pinned straight to the long rod, and the long rod trembled.

The two are tied again.

The men and women on the sidelines applauded in unison.

Yaoying recognized that one of the men off the court was Bi Su, and secretly admired it.

With a woof, the horn sounded again, the two men galloped on their horses, and shot arrows again. The man who was competing with Bi Suo suddenly stopped moving. When Bi Suo shot an arrow, he loosened the strings, and with a swoosh, the arrow came off. The string came out, as fast as an electric shock, and hit the arrow that Bi Suo shot first, and the two feather arrows fell to the ground.

There was an uproar outside.

Before everyone could react, the man took the arrow again, pulled the bow with all his strength, and hit the long rod steadily with one arrow.

With a bang, the long pole fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to judge the winner.

Under the stage, Bi Su laughed several times, bowed his hands to the opponent who shot down his arrow, and said, "Good arm strength!"

His opponent lifted the mask, revealing a young face with strong lines and vigor, with a hint of smugness in his brown eyes.

"Mobido is the one who won the general." The guard beside Yaoying said.

Bi Suo lost the game, without a trace of displeasure on his face, and exited the stage together with Moviduo. Seeing Yaoying waiting on the sidelines, he drove his horse forward to meet him.

Yaoying told him about asking him for help.

Bi Suo said: "I have noticed this. Beirong moved the tent to Luduo, and the most elite cavalry are moving westward. The eastern territory should relax the martial law. Zhang Jiu and the others have no news for the time being."

Yaoying counted the days, "It's okay if there is no news, Beirong's chaos has hurt their vitality, maybe they crossed the border of Beirong by taking advantage of the chaos."

Bi Suo glanced at her, comforted her and said, "They are brave and fearless, and they must be safe."

Yaoying nodded, "I hope they can turn a bad luck into a good one."

The two talked for a while, then returned to the city together. Just after entering the city gate, there was a burst of hoofs in front of them, and a fast horse galloped and stopped in front of the two of them.

The rider on the horse got off the saddle and signaled to Yaoying and Bi Suo, it turned out that Yuanjue came over.

"General, Wang ordered you to go to the Wang Temple immediately."

After Yuanjue finished speaking, she glanced at Yaoying.

"The king said, if Princess Wenzhao is also there, please go with the princess."

Bi Suo and Yaoying rushed back to the Wangsi.

The front of the Wangsi Temple was still bustling with people. The two avoided the crowd, entered the temple through the corner gate, and walked into the corridor leading to the Zen room together.

Two footsteps sounded one after the other, one was fast and the other was slow.

They came back together.

Bi Suo had long hands and long legs and walked very fast. When approaching the Zen room, he deliberately slowed down and stopped to wait for Yaoying.

Yaoying smiled at him.

The two walked up the stone steps side by side.

In the depths of the promenade, Tan Moraga stood in front of the steps, his eyes drooping down, and the movement of stroking the goshawk suddenly stopped.

The goshawk immediately let out a dissatisfied cry.

Tamara ignored it, withdrew his hand, fluttered his cassock sleeves lightly, turned to face the courtyard, his eyes signaled Bi Su to come forward, and read the news report that the goshawk had just sent back.

Seeing this, Yaoying knew that she should avoid it. She exited the corridor, took off her veil, and took out the jerky to feed the goshawk.

The goshawk glanced at her, flapped its wings, and flew to the railing in front of her.

After reading the letter, Bi Suo frowned. When Yu Guang saw Yaoying exit, she nodded secretly in her heart, took two steps forward, and whispered, "Bei Rong is quietly deploying troops, can't they hold back? attack us?"

Tamara nodded and said calmly: "I have ordered all places to strengthen the vigilance, the battle between the royal court and Beirong is inevitable."

Bi Su nodded with a solemn expression.

The royal court has experienced an internal turmoil and people's hearts are fluctuating, and this battle may be difficult to fight.

However, every time he fought against Beirong over the years, which one was Wang Ting sure of? Every time Wakhan Khan led troops to attack the royal court, the nobles were so frightened that their legs were weak. They were either busy transferring their family wealth out of the city to avoid disasters, or crying and kneeling and begging Tammaraga to surrender. Lorgar can focus on the enemy without distraction.

The unease in Bi Suo's heart quickly faded, remembering something, raising her eyes, and asking softly, "King, who will lead the army this time?"

Tamara stood with his hands behind his back, stared at the snow in front of the court, and said, "You should be the vanguard."

Bi Su understood, sighed secretly, and nodded yes.

If he is the vanguard, the commander-in-chief will naturally be the regent king Sultangu.

The two discussed some matters about sending troops, and Tamara stopped and looked out of the corridor.

Bi Su stretched her neck and followed his line of sight, her eyebrows jumping.

Yaoying was standing in front of the railing, leaning over to speak to the goshawk, her brows and eyes were full of smiles, and the brilliance of the white snow in front of the court seemed to condense on her, her skin was brighter than snow, and her complexion was bright.

She sensed the gazes of the two men in the corridor, stood up, and blinked at Tamaroka as an inquiry.

Tamara's chin lightly tapped.

Yaoying walked into the corridor.

Bi Su handed her the reports, and she quickly read them one by one.

Tamara said: "Haidu Aling is still alive, and he is still trusted by Wakhan Khan."

Yaoying nodded.

Bi Suo kept looking at her. Seeing her calm reaction, she revealed a slightly surprised look, "Princess already guessed it?"

Yaoying smiled and said, "Haidu Aling is not so easy to lose power, the general doesn't need to worry about me, I don't expect to get rid of him after a few times of provocation."

She and Li Xuanzhen have been dealing with each other for several years. In the face of such an opponent who can save her from danger no matter what kind of danger she falls into, she can be at peace. Haidu Aling still cannot be used against her will by the Wakhan Khan.

Yaoying raised her head, met Bi Suo's sympathetic gaze, and said, "Haidu Aling is the number one warrior of the Northern Rong. If you want to defeat him completely, you can only do so on the battlefield."

Haidu Aling's life is tough, if he can't kill him once, then try again a second time, a third time.

Bi Suo was shocked, stared at Yaoying for a long time, and nodded with a smile.

Yaoying looked at Tan Moraga, "The Master asked me to come, just to tell me this?"

Tamara stepped down the stone steps and motioned Yaoying to follow him.