Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 118: Robbery (repair)


At the same time that the royal court scouts sent back a sealed line, the information from Bei Rong's fine work was also sent to Wakhan Khan one by one.

Duan Shiguan said: "The four armies of the royal court have just gone through a turmoil, and the army's morale is unstable. The generals who took over the four armies are still unable to convince the public. Now that the Sultan is dead, there is no regent to act as a representative of the government, and the Buddhist son is busy with government affairs. As the birthday is approaching, the embassies and ordinary people from various countries flock to the holy city, the holy city is full of music and dance, and it is very lively.

Wakhan Khan pondered for a moment, then summoned several sons and Haidu Aling, and asked them to analyze the situation.

Several sons also felt that the Wang Ting had just experienced civil strife and the garrison was empty, and it was a good time to attack them. As for the excuse for tearing up the covenant, just arrest a group of herdsmen and kill them, and the reason is there.

Only Jin Bo looked a little strange.

Wakhan Khan sent away the other sons, leaving Jinbo behind, and asked, "What do you think?"

Seeing that there was no one else in the tent, Jin Bo stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "Father Khan, the royal court has saved my life... One of their caravans saved me..."

Wakhan Khan rolled his eyes and said, "Idiot! How could all the people in the caravan have good skills? The people who saved you must have a lot of backgrounds, and A Ling's assassination plan can be carried out at the same time, and their help is indispensable. Plus this winter has been extra long and we have to figure out a way to feed all the tribes or they'll rebel again!"

Jin Bo scratched his scalp: "But I promised to repay the kindness of the royal court. Father Khan, I am your son. How can the descendants of Shenlang be unbelievable?"

Wakhan Khan's eyelids twitched: "We are a wolf clan that grew up on horseback, looting and conquest are the way we survive, grace is grace, resentment is resentment. Facing foreign enemies, all covenants are just Temporary dormancy. Your promise to repay your kindness does not mean that Beirong will not attack the royal court."

Jin Bo looked blank: "Father Khan, didn't you always teach me to keep my promises?"

Wakhan Khan smiled: "Jin Bo, when you are a strong man, you are qualified to keep your promise. We Beirong people only need strong people, not the virtues of dead people. Wait until you defeat the royal court, then go Keep your personal promises."

Jin Bo was stunned: so that's what the father Khan said about keeping his promise! Defeat the opponent first, then forgive him mercifully.

Wakhan Khan looked at his younger son, who had never led an army alone, and thought for a while, then said, "Your brothers will follow me on the expedition. A-ling will launch a surprise attack with 3,000 people. I will give you 4,000 cavalry. You go guard Shahai Road."

Jin Bo said disappointedly, "I also want to go out with my father Khan."

Wakhan Khan shook his head: "Since you owe the royal court a favor, avoid this surprise attack. Be sure to guard the Shahai Road, and don't ignore it. If the battle goes wrong, I will lead the Chinese army to retreat from here."

Jin Bo was busy and respectful, thinking to himself, he wondered if the caravan escort who had saved his life would go on the expedition.

If he sees his benefactor, he still has to keep his promise.

When the northern army marched, Bi Suo was also busy dispatching troops.

Fearing that the news would be leaked, the Beirong people would have a glimpse of their layout. After he was busy with military affairs every day, he went to the martial arts field to compete with the warriors of other tribes as usual, and made a show of it.

On this day, he had just finished the horse race with Moviduo in the archery, and his personal soldiers brought a message from Yaoying, asking him to go outside the city.

He didn't care about exhaustion, changed his clothes and rushed outside the city.

In the early days of the snow, the sky was as clear as a jewel. In a valley with a leeward wind, dozens of carts wrapped in thick felt cloths were crowded into each other on the snow. The cloth pockets are being unloaded from the camel's back, busy.

Yaoying was wearing a light gauze mask and a robe with lamb's wool lapels and narrow sleeves. She was dashing and beautiful. She stepped on the snow to meet her, and her eyes fell on the person who was walking with Bi Suo.

This brown-eyed youth with braided hair and shawl was the one who won Bi Suo in the martial arts field that day.

Bi Suo said: "His name is Moviduo, don't worry, princess, he is someone Wang trusts, and he is also on the list for this expedition, otherwise I won't bring him here."

Yaoying nodded and motioned her personal soldiers to continue carrying the goods. She had heard of this young prince. He had just made a great contribution not long ago and is now one of the bodyguards of Tanmoraga.

Maubido leaned forward, raised his hands, and greeted her in a somewhat comical gesture.

Yaoying returned a gift from the Ujiri tribe and said in the language of the Ujiri tribe: "I have long admired the prince's name."

Mo Biduo was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Bi Su was also a little surprised: "How can the princess know the etiquette of the Ujiri department and their language?"

Yaoying smiled and said, "To be honest with the general, when I was in the company of Beirong slaves, I had learned the etiquette, customs and language of dozens of large and small tribes."

In the Gobi Desert, you can often drive a hundred miles without seeing people. Every oasis in the deep desert may be a small state. The forces of large and small tribes are complex. Each tribe has its own language. Learning the customs of different tribes, firstly, it is easy to mix with the locals when escaping, and secondly, it can avoid accidentally offending any tribe.

Moviduo looked straight at Yaoying and said, "Princess has learned very well."

Yaoying smiled, "I can only say a few simple hellos, which made the prince laugh."

Bi Suo laughed: "How is the princess's Sanskrit language?"

The mention of Yaoying gave me a headache. A few days ago, Tanmaraga asked her how her Sanskrit language was learning, and Prajna was immediately excited, wishing she could teach her hundreds of Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures within a few days.

"The Master wanted to save me from becoming a monk. Prajna chased behind me with a pile of scrolls every day, forcing me to study hard. I recently saw Prajna and took a detour."

Bi Suo's footsteps stopped, and a strange color flew past in his eyes: "Wang wants to make the princess become a monk?"

"The Master mentioned something..."

Yaoying nodded, realizing that Bi Suo looked strange, and her eyes were fixed on his face.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Bi Su's face quickly returned to normal, shook his head, and said, "Wang has always been like this. When he saw someone with wisdom roots, he wanted to make him ordained."

As they spoke, the soldiers untied the felt cloth from one of the carts, and Bi Su and Moviduo stepped forward and found that the cart was full, full of black longbows and bundles of arrows.

Moviduo picked up a longbow, tried to pull the bow of his feet, frowned slightly, grabbed an arrow in his big hand, walked to a place where the terrain was empty, bent the bow and shot the arrow, swish a few times, the arrow was violent. , like a meteor chasing the moon, each arrow hits an empty cart.

The soldier ran forward and took a long time to pull out the arrow. There was a cheer.

There was no smug look on Mobido's face, he handed the long bow to Bi Su, and said, "The bow strength of this bow is close to two stones, and it is very strong."

Bi Suo's eyes flickered and looked at Yaoying.

For marching and fighting, a bow with a single crossbow is a strong bow. Usually, when attacking a city, a crossbow is used to shoot the arrows on the opponent's city wall.

A bow close to two crossbows, with a range close to that of the Royal Court's bow/ballista.

Facing Bi Su's serious gaze, Yao Ying said, "Wang Ting's bows/ballistas are powerful. When used to defend the city, they can block the Beirong cavalry, but the ballistas are cumbersome and inconvenient to move during battles, so they are mostly used for defending the city. Defend the formation. Although these longbows are not as long as bows/ballistas, they have strong pulling force and can shoot through three layers of armor with the battle formation.”

Bi Suo looked around, her heart trembled, if dozens of carts were filled with arrows, there might be tens of thousands of arrows in total!

"Where did these weapons come from?"

Yaoying replied, "It's from Beirong."

Bi Su opened her mouth wide.

Yaoying explained: "Beijing has conquered many tribes over the years, and some people were unwilling to surrender to Beirong and went into exile, becoming outlaws. A chief named Ale gathered the remnants and exiled warriors and established a A mercenary, as long as you give enough gold, silver, and silk, they will work for you."

"I hired Ale before to escort my caravan. When I came back from Gaochang, I asked him to cut off the supply of Haidu Aling during the civil strife in Beirong. These weapons were taken from an empty Beirong camp. Got it from there."

One of the reasons why Haidu Aling had no chance of winning and chose to confess his guilt directly was that his staff in the dark were harassed by Chief Ale all day, and he was exhausted.

In the end, Yaoying added: "Don't worry, General, Chief Ale's affairs are neat and clean. The Beirong people don't know where this batch of bows and arrows went. They pretended to be a caravan transporting cloth, and they didn't leak any news along the way. No one knows that it is my order, and it will never cause trouble for the royal court."

Bi Suo looked at Yaoying and couldn't close her mouth for a long time.

On the way back from Gaochang, they encountered an ambush. Princess Wenzhao still didn't forget to hire the exiled tribe to weaken Haidu Aling

Yaoying looked calm, and continued: "The Beirong people have well-trained cavalry archers, each equipped with three war horses, and can use short bows and long bows. Their short bows are suitable for long-distance battles. Those who can fight at long distances can reach 400 paces.”

Bi Suo recovered from the shock and said, "Yes, Beirong people grew up on horseback. Everyone has drawn bows and arrows since childhood, and their arms are extremely strong. All of their cavalry archers can bend their bows while galloping. Arrows, once attacked, a few hundred men can take down a camp."

He weighed the longbow in his hand, "Beirong people's bows look normal, but they are sturdy and durable."

Yaoying said: "I have seen them make bows, and they also have hyperbolic bows. The bow tire is improved, the inner layer is boiled horn, and the outer layer is wrapped with boiled horn tendons. The bow tire is flexible and strong, and the bow string is made of tanned beef. Sheep tendons can withstand a lot of tension, and most of the arrow shafts are made of birch wood.

Bi Suo frowned slightly, "It's not difficult to make... So their cavalry archers can be equipped with such weapons, and everyone can use them proficiently. Everyone is a horse archer."

Beirong people are savage, but this savage tribe is powerful.

Moviduo said on the side: "Since the princess said that their improved hyperbolic bow is not difficult to make, can you find a craftsman to make it?"

Bow/ballista is cumbersome to manufacture, and the materials are expensive. It requires the cooperation of several soldiers during operation. If it is damaged, it will be troublesome to repair. Bows and arrows are simple to make, do not depend on craftsmen, and can be equipped by soldiers in the army. If it can be improved, it will be more effective.

Bi Suo shook his head and said, "We have long known that the Beirong people have improved the hyperbolic bow, but it is not that simple to make the exact same bow..."

Even if they get the Beirong people's weapons now, it is impossible to imitate them in a short period of time.

Yaoying interrupted him and said, "My craftsman can do it."

Bi Su was startled and almost choked on her own saliva.

Yaoying motioned to her soldiers to bring a stack of paper wrapped in silk cloth and handed it to Bi Su, saying, "I mentioned the improved hyperbolic bow to the craftsmen before, and they have been trying to improve it. Not as good as Beirong people's bows. They finally developed them not long ago. Just as these weapons were delivered, they have already compared and tested them. The power is similar to the Beirong people's hyperbolic bows, but the toughness is not strong enough. The advantage is that the materials are easy to use. Yes, it can be mass produced."

"This is a drawing."

Bi Su was overjoyed and said, "It's best to be able to manufacture in large quantities!"

The bow used by the army is not the stronger the better.

He hesitated for a moment, and said, "These weapons and manufacturing drawings were all obtained by the princess, so the princess handed it over to the royal court?"

Yaoying smiled and said, "As an ally and an enemy, of course, you must contribute to the royal court."

This kind of hyperbolic bow is not a rare and rare weapon in the world. In the face of the powerful enemy of Beirong, allies should be united. Moreover, the royal court has always traded with the former Central Plains Dynasty, and there is no conflict of interest between the two countries.

Bi Su stared at her for a long time, took the silk cloth, and asked his subordinates to send someone to hand over the weapons.

After the soldiers unloaded all the goods, Yaoying and the soldiers walked aside to talk, explained a few things, and got on the horse.

Bi Su and Moviduo were waiting for her on the mountain road.

The three walked side by side and walked half a mile. Yaoying turned back and looked at the long queue of carts leaving in the distance. She sighed and said thoughtfully: "The Beirong cavalry is not only excellent in riding and shooting, but also cooperates closely and can Quick attacks can be launched anytime, anywhere, and everyone has a few war horses. Their horses are all good horses with good endurance. It would be better if Alle could help me grab a batch of war horses…”

Bi Suo's mouth twitched, and she was silent for a while, then shook her head and chuckled.

Mobido looked at him sideways: "What is the general laughing at?"

Bi Suo glanced at Yaoying, moved away from her, and whispered, "I was thinking, if Haidu Aling knew what Princess Wenzhao had done in the past two years, her bowels would be regretful."

Movido followed his line of sight.

Princess Wen Zhao's face was covered with a veil, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but just by looking at her bright eyes and figure, she knew that she was as bright as the rumored, bright and bright like the bright moon.

People in the holy city looked down on the Ujiri tribe. These days, Princess Wen Zhao was the first woman who didn't laugh out loud when he saluted.

Moviduo suddenly asked: "General, is the rumor between Princess Wen Zhao and the king true or false?"

Bi Su smiled: "How can the rumors be taken seriously?"

After he finished speaking, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Moviduo.

Moviduo looked at him, his expression calm, and his young face showed a sharp edge.

Bi Su frowned.

The three returned to the Wang Temple together, and Yuanjue just came out from the direction of Tallinn. Seeing Yaoying, her face changed, she coughed a few times, and said, "The princess didn't go out of the city today, why did she come back so early?"

Yaoying looked up and saw that the sunset glowed in the sky, the setting sun shone diagonally, and there was a layer of golden light floating on the tower.

Is she back early

Yuanjue's face was slightly red, and his eyes were dodging.

Yaoying thought about it and guessed that someone might have come to the temple. She had to avoid it and said, "I'll go back from the punishment hall."

There will be no strangers there.

Yuanjue didn't speak, and her face turned even redder.

When Yaoying and her personal soldiers turned to leave, Bi Suo glanced at Yuanjue and asked, "Who's here?"

Yuanjue let out a long sigh and whispered, "Princess Manda of Tianzhu is here! The person is in the main hall and hasn't left yet."

Bi Su's brows furrowed even tighter.

The author has something to say: The description of the weapon in the article refers to the relevant articles, and makes a moderate amount of exaggeration.