Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 119: There is only one (repair)


Bi Su rushed to the main hall, inspected the bronze talisman in person, and let him into the hall.

The atmosphere of the hall is solemn and solemn, prayer flags fluttering, and aloes incense curls.

The front of the hall was crowded with people, and Prajna stood in front of the hall door and sang, and the embassies from various countries who came to visit the hall entered the hall one by one and officially presented their credentials.

In the hall, Sanskrit chanting circled, candles swayed, Buddha statues and treasures shone with golden light, Tamara, dressed in crimson cassocks, sat on the Dharma platform, surrounded by monks dressed in Dharma robes, chanting scriptures in unison , He was bathed in Sanskrit sounds and candles, with a clear outline, a handsome face, and a calm expression, as if he was on a high cloud, cold and holy.

Dressed in brocade clothes and golden crowns, the members of the Viramara mission came forward one by one and bowed to the Buddha statue.

After the pilgrimage, the messenger of Viramara stepped forward to bow to Tanmaraga, and turned to his side to follow him.

Hearing the sound of ringing bells, a woman wearing a long silk dress with vine-patterned gold and silver threads embroidered with pearls and piping gushes stepped forward, took off the veil on her face, and saluted.

The woman has brown skin, distinct facial features, exquisite figure, brightly colored dresses, top beads on her forehead, and gold bracelets and beads on her neck, hands, waist, and feet. After entering the temple, she slowly raised her eyes. The gray-green eyes looked at Tamaroka, and his eyes moved slightly. With every move, he seemed to be gently twisting his waist in rhythm, blurring and charming.

The members of the embassies of other countries in front of the hall looked at the woman with undisguised obsession in their eyes.

The envoy of Viramara listened to the uncontrollable admiration around him with satisfaction, and said proudly: "This is the Princess Manda of this country."

There was a commotion outside the hall and the people whispered.

Facing everyone's gaze, Princess Manda held a golden plate in which was filled with flowers that were extremely rare in this season. The lotus moved lightly, walked to the Dharma table, and offered flowers. The gray-green eyes stared at Tan Mo Luojia and looked at Xu Yu, suddenly smiled, lowered his head, seemed shy and timid, indescribably charming and moving.

The members of the embassy were dumbfounded.

Tamaroka's eyes drooped slightly, his eyes swept past Princess Manda, and he motioned the monk to enshrine the golden plate in front of the Buddha statue.

Princess Manda's expression froze.

She is naturally beautiful and has an outstanding appearance. She has learned to dance from the best dancers in the temple since she was a child. She has seen all kinds of men, whether it is a noble royal family, a shrewd businessman, or a monk who holds the precepts. All the men look at her and can't hide their greed, but the eyes of this royal court monarch look at her. So cold, no sadness, no joy, no waves.

The monarch of the royal court was not like the monks she had seen before. Those monks avoided looking at her. He did not waver. Stone, a mortal who is indistinguishable from the rest.

This kind of solemn look, Princess Manda has only seen on the Buddha statue in the temple.

Her heart sank a little, it seemed that this monarch of the royal court was a difficult person to impress.

The messenger did not see Princess Manda's rigidity, but smiled and said, "Princess Manda has followed the monks of Wang Temple to practice Buddhism since she was a child. , I think about it, this time the princess comes to the royal court, and she is willing to follow the example of the modern girl and enter the temple to practice, and I hope the Buddha will allow it."

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Everyone in the hall raised their heads one by one, trying their best to hide the jealousy and unwillingness that surged in their hearts: Although their princesses were all beautiful and beautiful, it was difficult for them to compare with Princess Tianzhu. Princess Tianzhu is not only beautiful, but also has a faint charm in her every move. If Princess Tianzhu is left behind, other princesses will be reduced to foils. How could Buddha give them a second look

Outside the hall, Bi Suo and Yuanjue frowned, and Prajna, who was singing, raised her eyebrows, wishing she could jump up and scold people.

The Messenger of Viramara didn't care about the sneering glances around her, with a smug look on her face. Princess Manda was sent to various countries. Every time she went to a country, the king and prince of that country were fascinated by her. The monarch of the court could not resist the beauty of the princess.

In the silence, Tamara raised his eyes.

Princess Manda looked at him, feeling nervous for a while.

Tanmaraka said lightly, "Since Tanyue is an Upasika, you should devote yourself to the Dharma."

After saying that, he looked around and saw that everyone in front of the hall did not dare to make a sound.

"Don't mention it later."

The tone of voice implied majesty, unquestionable.

This time, the hall was extraordinarily silent, and everyone was stunned and speechless for a long time.

The envoy of Viramara did not expect that Tanmaraga would refuse so bluntly, and couldn't help being stunned. He wanted to argue a few words: Since Princess Wenzhao of Han can do it, why can't Princess Manda

Before the words could be said, the envoy suddenly came to his senses, his hands and feet stiffened when he saw the sight of the guard with a sword in front of the hall.

He almost forgot that the Buddha's son was the monarch of the king's court, and the Buddha's son refused to face him, and said that he would not bring this up again in the future.

The Buddha wanted to keep whoever he wanted, and they didn't even have the qualifications to question him.

The messenger calmed down, puzzled in his heart: Princess Manda is so beautiful, and the Buddha is completely unmoved. Who is the holy princess Wenzhao, so that the Buddha can make an exception

He was wondering when a tribal messenger couldn't help but took two steps forward and asked, "Since your country can keep Princess Wenzhao from the Han region, why can't our princess? We have been with your country for nearly a hundred years, and we have a deep friendship. Can’t compare to the Han land, which is thousands of miles away? Your country can’t favor one over the other!”

The corners of the messenger's mouth twitched. When countries communicate with each other, a strong country can favor one over the other. The people of the small tribe are really vulgar, and they really ask.

While he was contemptuous, he looked up at Tamara Ka, wanting to hear how he would answer.

The envoys from other countries reacted the same as him, and countless gazes converged on Tanmaraga again.

Tan Moraga's face was calm, and she said, "There is only one woman in the modern world."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't believe it, and the monks in the temple also showed surprised expressions.

Outside the hall, Bi Su seemed to have been whipped, and she could barely stand still.

After accepting the gifts presented by the various countries, Tanmaraka got up and left.

The embassies of various countries withdrew from the hall, and there was a lot of discussion.

Someone cast a sneering glance at the messenger of Viramara, and the messenger was annoyed. He looked back at Princess Manda and said, "We still have a chance. After seeing your dance of gods and demons, even the Buddha's son will be tempted."

Princess Manda asked softly, "Have you seen Princess Wenzhao?"

The messenger said: "I haven't seen it before. Since the beginning of the Fa conference, this princess has rarely shown her face, and occasionally wears a veil on several trips. Our people have not seen her true face."

He chuckled softly, his tone showing disdain.

"How can a Han princess be compared to you?"

Princess Manda shook her head: "You underestimate the enemy. I asked the maid and Buddha's personal soldiers to inquire about Princess Wenzhao. Do you know how they describe Princess Wenzhao's beauty?"

The messenger frowned.

Princess Manda said slowly: "They said, Princess Wenzhao is bright and beautiful, and when they see her, they think of pomegranates and honey, the bright moon, the blue sea, the golden tree for the Lonely Garden, her smile, It can turn every battle-hardened warrior into a teenager."

The messenger's expression became solemn: "I despised the Han princess too much. If she is as beautiful as the legend, it is no wonder that the Buddha said that there is only one modern girl."

Princess Manda put on a veil and said, "Send someone to stare at Princess Wenzhao and find out what is unique about her."

The messenger nodded.

On the other side, Yaoying had just returned to the yard, and her own soldiers immediately greeted her: "Princess, have you heard? The Tianzhu princess came to the Wang Temple today!"

Yaoying was taken aback, "Princess Tianzhu?"

Yuanjue didn't want her to go to the main hall, was it because of Princess Tianzhu? Afraid of them arguing

The soldier said: "Princess, I heard that the princesses of those missions are more beautiful than the others. If they all stay, what should you do?"

Yaoying shook her head, went into the room and sat down, picked up a pen to write a letter, and said, "The Master is an eminent monk, no matter how beautiful the princesses are, in the Master's eyes, they are nothing but skins."

There was once an ugly old woman with crooked mouth and slanted eyes who was visiting the temple outside the temple. Others were far away from her. Tamara didn't mind the ugly and dirty old woman at all, and prayed for her. There was no difference between beauty and ugliness in his eyes.

The soldier brought a brazier and placed it in front of the desk, and whispered, "Princess, eminent monks are also human beings. On the day of the competition, the Buddha's son will attend the ceremony as a monarch. At that time, Princess Tianzhu will perform a dance to him. The young man said, I have seen Princess Tianzhu's Demon Dance, and even the stone has to be tempted."

The movements in Yaoying's hands stopped, "Tianmo Dance?"

She remembered the mural "Conquering the Demons", one of which was the story of the demon king sending his three beautiful daughters to seduce the Buddha. The witches were naked, only wearing a transparent tulle, dancing around the Buddha, scratching their heads and making poses, and they were extremely enchanting.

Princess Tianzhu wants to seduce Tamara and shake his will

Yaoying frowned slightly.

She knew that Tanma Luojia would not be tempted, but in the end, this matter started because of her, and it was because Luojia made an exception for her that it caused these disturbances.

Yaoying pondered for a while and asked, "Is everything I want ready?"

The soldier said: "Everything is ready, Lao Qi did it himself."

Yaoying nodded, took out the gold-sprinkled paper that the shop made not long ago, wrote a decent birthday greeting, and dried the ink.

The next day, she took her credentials to find Yuanjue.

People on the road were looking at her.

Yaoying thought to herself that Wang Tingren's eyes were full of hostility recently, and she had to find a way to leave the Wang Temple as soon as possible.

Yuanjue was on duty in the Zen room, and when she heard that Yaoying was looking for him, she said to the person who sent the message: "Princess Wenzhao please go back first, I will be free at noon."

Tanmaraka, who lowered his head to review the scribbles, heard the voice and glanced at him.

Yuanjue hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to explain: "Wang, Princess Wenzhao has something to discuss with me."

Tan Moraka lowered his eyes, looked at the parchment scroll, and said, "Let her in, you go out to see her."

Yuanjue was stunned, it should be.

After a while, the messenger led Yaoying over.

Yaoying didn't dare to disturb Tan Moraga, and stood outside the hall, waiting for Yuanjue to come out, and asked in a low voice, "I heard that on the first day of the ceremony, ministers, commoners, all tribes and embassies will present gifts to the Buddha. ?"

Fate nodded.

Yaoying asked again, "Princess Tianzhu will dance on that day?"

Yuanjue's face changed suddenly, and he said in one breath, "The king has already said that the princess is the only modern girl, Princess Tianzhu will not succeed, the princess is at ease!"

Yaoying was stunned.

"What do you mean by the only modern girl?"

Yuanjue was also stunned: "The princess hasn't heard of it yet?"

He talked about what happened yesterday, and finally said: "When the ceremony is over, all princesses must leave the holy city before the end of the month and return to their tribe and country, and the same goes for Princess Tianzhu."

Yaoying stood in front of the hall, and she was lost for a while.

If Tan Moraga had rejected her directly as she had rejected Princess Tianzhu, she would not have escaped the palm of Haidu Aling.

After a cup of tea, Yuanjue returned to the Zen room and stood still in the corner.

Without raising his head, Tamara asked, "What's the matter?"

Yuanjue guessed that he was asking Li Yaoying, and replied: "Princess Wenzhao said that on the day of the ceremony, she would also present a gift to the king, and asked me if I could arrange a seat for her. , do you want to add a seat for Princess Wen Zhao?"

The pen in Tamaroka's hand stopped for a while.

Yuanjue scratched his scalp and asked tentatively, "Tim?"

Tamara continued to write, nodding slightly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the first day of the ceremony.

The holy city is full of people, with unprecedented pomp, inside and outside the martial arts field, surrounded by mountains and seas, bustling.

Under the leadership of Yuanjue, Yaoying walked into a felt tent on the high platform.

Persian fleece blankets were laid in the tent, and the ladies sat in front of the desk, and at a glance, the room was full of jewels, and the room was full of golden light.

Yaoying didn't specially dress up today, she still wore her usual attire, with brocade robes and long boots, with a men's hair bun, no decoration on her head, only a lotus flower hosta, her face still covered with a veil.

Yuanjue looked at her a few times, and muttered in her heart: Why isn't Princess Wenzhao wearing as much makeup as she did in Gaochang today? Although the princess dressed up like this is also beautiful, but the other princesses are all full of pearls and emeralds, competing for beauty, but Princess Wen Zhao doesn't even wear a flower, isn't it too shabby

The princess's caravan traveled on the trade roads, and the silk and satin shop changed a new pattern every month, and ladies from all over the world flocked to it, and there should be no shortage of gold and silver jewelry.

Could it be that the princess did the opposite, deliberately using men's clothes to make her look different

Yaoying didn't know that Yuanjue was evaluating her dress in her heart, found her seat, and sat down.

The ladies and princesses on the stage were wrapped in Jin Luo, with layers of pearl ornaments, Yao Ying's elegant narrow-sleeved robes, as soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Princess Manda and other princesses looked at her one after another.

Several princesses of the small country whispered: "She is Princess Wenzhao from Han..."

"It's her who the Buddha said about the modern girl."

"Is that her?" A princess looked at Yaoying with critical eyes and snorted, "That's all."

"She didn't even dare to take off her veil. She must have known that she was not as beautiful as Princess Manda, so she didn't dare to show her true face."

"I've heard from Hu Shang that Han women have a way to seduce men. Princess Wen Zhao must have won the favor of the Buddha by that way."

"Yes, Han women know magic tricks!"

The mocking words of the crowd drifted into Yuanjue's ears, he looked around, frowned, and walked out.

Yaoying knew that princesses from all over the world were also present at the ceremony, so she looked at them as soon as she stepped into the tent.

She couldn't understand the whispers of the princesses, but she knew by the looks of their expressions that they were talking about herself, with a slight smile, widened eyebrows and bright eyes.

Because of her smile, the entire felt tent suddenly lit up a bit.

The princesses remembered the rumor that Yaoying beat Princess Beirong in the street. Seeing her calmness, they suspected that she wanted to do something, so they were startled, their eyes dodged, and they dared not look at her.

Yao Ying glanced around, and saw the faces of the princesses of the small country who were feeling guilty, her face was red, she felt a gaze fixed on her for a long time, and she looked back generously.

Princess Manda leaned against the table and looked at Yaoying. She was not wearing a veil today, her gray-green eyes stared at Yaoying for a moment, and then she withdrew her gaze.

Yaoying sat up straight and continued to look at the other princesses with a smile.

The princesses of the small country had their scalps numb and stopped making a sound.

Yuanjue ran quickly into the main hall of the high platform, and Tanmaraga had already arrived, talking to Moviduo in military uniform.

After Mobido retreated, Yuanjue stepped forward and whispered, "Wang, Xiaoxiao thinks it's time for Princess Wenzhao to change her seat."

Tamaroka looked up at him.

Yuanjue said: "Those princesses and royal ladies are discussing Princess Wenzhao, and some words are unbearable."

He was afraid that Princess Wenzhao would disagree, and he would let her personal soldiers beat people directly like he did with Princess Beirong.

Tamara looked at the felt tents of the ladies and said, "Please come here, princess."

Fate stay for a while.

After a while, Yuanjue came to the felt tent and motioned Yaoying to leave with him.

Yaoying looked puzzled, got up and followed him, walked from the long steps into the main hall on the high platform, surrounded by guards, the snow-white flags fluttered, and the wind was hunting, solemn and solemn.

The author has something to say: Upasika: A woman who believes in Buddhism at home.

Gion Tree to Lonely Garden: Gion Temple, a temple dedicated to the Buddha by the elder Suda of the Kingdom of Shewei.