Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 13: marry


The general of the Wei army on this expedition was the veteran Zhao Tong, the second prince Li Zhongqian escorted grain and grass, and the third prince and the fourth prince each led a team of 2,000 people to support.

Prince Li Xuanzhen stayed in Beijing.

Li Yaoying was afraid that the East Palace would take the opportunity to assassinate Li Zhongqian, so she sent someone to watch the movement of the East Palace.

For several days, there was no suspicious movement in the East Palace.

There is only one message from the inner court of the East Palace: Princess Fukang has closer contacts with the Yelu tribe attached to it, and may be conspiring to rescue Princess Yiqing.

Yaoying frowned.

I don't know what's going on, but Zhu Luyun in this life is more tossed than in the previous life. Last year, she even secretly colluded with Nan Chu Xi Zuo, causing Wei Jun to lose several cities. Li De punished her for thinking behind closed doors, and it was rare for the former ministers headed by Prime Minister Zheng to not intercede for her.

In order to make atonement for Zhu Luyun, Li Xuanzhen took the initiative to request to lead troops to recapture Jiang County.

Zhu Luyun was both moved and guilty, and took care of Li Xuanzhen in disbelief. The Crown Princess Zheng Biyu thought they were reconciled, and asked Qin Tianjian to plan to choose a day for the wedding.

The Qinglu for marriage was set up, and the two had a big fight again, and the marriage was over.

Yaoying is not interested in the split between Li Xuanzhen and Zhu Luyun, because she is afraid that Zhu Luyun will cause some troubles that will not end well and will bring disaster to others.

Her concerns were quickly confirmed.

Two days later, Yaoying was sitting by the window writing a letter to Li Zhongqian in the distance, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

The birds pecking at the fruit in front of the steps were startled, flapping their wings and pounced on the lush flowers, making a chirping noise.

"Your Majesty!" Xie Qing hurriedly stepped into the door, stood outside the screen, and cupped his hands, "Something happened."

Yaoying's heart skipped a beat, the purple pen in her hand stopped on the paper for a while, the ink dripped, and a cloud of light brown was dizzy.

She put down the pen, got up and walked out of the bookstore, asking, "What happened?"

Xie Qing lowered his eyes and said: "Today's grand banquet in the palace, the Holy Sage received the envoys from various countries in the Linde Hall and watched the polo match. Princess Fukang also attended the banquet. The warriors of the Yelu tribe won, and the Sage rewarded the warriors. The warriors said they admired them The Central Plains Dynasty, wanting to belong to the Great Wei Dynasty, asked the sage to grant a noble lady from the Central Plains to be their chief wife."

He paused.

"Without waiting for the sage to speak, Princess Fukang came out more and more, saying that she was willing to go to the grassland to have a kiss, and publicly agreed to Chief Yelu's proposal."

Yaoying was stunned for a while, unable to believe her ears: "How is this possible?"

How can things be casual? Is Zhu Luyun crazy

Xie Qing said with a straight face and expressionless expression: "Your Majesty, the news is absolutely true. Princess Fukang agreed too quickly, and several ministers in the political affairs hall had no time to stop her, and the envoys from all over the world had already congratulated in unison. Next, the sage is not good to say anything. Prime Minister Zheng threw the wine cup in anger, Dudu Pei drew his sword, and the people from the Ministry of Rites came forward to smooth things out. , Princess Fukang also knelt down and asked the Holy Spirit to edict, and publicly accepted the token of the Yelu tribe."

Yaoying paced back and forth, but couldn't recover for a long time.

She knew that Zhu Luyun was self-willed and would do anything for revenge, but she did not expect that the former princess would be so selfish that she took national affairs as a joke!

Among all the princesses, only Zhu Luyun is a princess with a title. She is still the post of the former Zhu family, and her status is extraordinary. She recklessly proposed marriage, not only putting herself in a dangerous situation, but also directly destroying Li De's strategy.

Li De worked hard to win over and divide the Hu people, in order to gradually defeat the barbarians entrenched in the northwest, recover the Hetao, the Western Regions, and relieve the northwest frontier, so that the people of Guanzhong can live a peaceful and stable life. Let Da Wei take a breath, so that he will not be attacked by the enemy. While guarding against other forces, he has to bow down again and again, and buy the barbarians with gold and silver beauties, so that their iron hoofs will not go south.

He really wanted to win over the Yelu tribe, but Da Wei didn't need to send a serious golden branch and jade leaf to marry him.

For the Hu people, it is necessary to use force to deter them, but also to have tender measures.

The reason why Li De led his troops into expedition as soon as he ascended the throne was to show the Hu people how brave and skilled the army of the Great Wei was.

Let them be afraid of force first, and then talk about cooperation, then Dawei can take the initiative.

With Zhu Luyun's interference, Li De lost all opportunities and was passive. In order to appease the barbarians and dispel the suspicions of other tribes against Wei, he could only choose to let Zhu Luyun marry!

Yaoying can almost imagine how angry Li De is now.

The Li family was an old minister of the Zhu family, and half of the ministers in the court were also loyal to the Zhu family. When the emperor was murdered at the end of the year, Li De really did not see his death, and he deliberately delayed sending troops.

Therefore, Li De adopted Zhu Luyun, made her a princess, and tolerated her in every possible way.

As a result, this will wash away the reputation of infidelity from the Li family.

Second, to show the tolerance and generosity of the Li family to the world, to appease the old officials of the previous dynasty, and to show favor to the aristocratic family.

Third, it shows the legitimacy of the Li family's succession to the throne.

Fourth, use Zhu Luyun to monitor the forces in the court that sympathize with the late emperor and balance the court.

Li De never did business at a loss. Zhu Luyun assassinated several times. He found evidence again and again, and he let it go again and again, without touching Zhu Luyun's hair, not only to continue to use Zhu Luyun, but also to consume the ministers in the court and the previous court Zhu Luyun. The last bit of mercy and loyalty made them completely loyal to the new dynasty.

He must have never imagined that Zhu Luyun would be able to make such a big mess when he went crazy.

Diplomacy is no small matter.

Not long after the establishment of the new dynasty, it was precisely when it was necessary to win over people, build prestige, and convince the four barbarians. Zhu Luyun agreed to marry in public, and the Yelu tribe fought snakes and followed the stick. If Wei couldn't handle the matter properly, the previous battles would be considered White hit.

This stuffy loss, Li De has to eat even if he doesn't eat.

At the same time, Shi Weiming, the head of the East Palace, and Li Yaoying reacted exactly the same, with expressions of disbelief and shock.

"Is Princess Fukang crazy?" He was so anxious that his voice changed, "She actually wants to marry?"

The person who passed the news was Commander Qin Fei, a subordinate of Crown Prince Li Xuanzhen. He wiped his sweat and said, "Changshi, what do you think we should do?"

Wei Ming was trembling with anger: "Ignorance woman! Ignorance woman! My big Wei soldiers fought bravely outside to fight the enemy, in order to get the barbarians to vote, the saints worked hard, and only waited for the barbarians to surrender and make a covenant with them, this stupid woman said a few words. It will ruin the holy plan!"

Zhu Luyun is the daughter of the Zhu family. She received the token in public and did not leave any way to the saint. She was really stupid!

Qin Fei grinned and supported Wei Ming: "Changshi, now is not the time to curse!"

He stretched out his finger and shook it.

"The crown prince will never let Princess Fukang go to kiss."

Wei Ming also thought of this, his teeth rattled, he closed his eyes and breathed, pressed his anger, calmed down, and asked, "Isn't the prince disrespectful in public?"

Qin Fei stomped his feet and sighed: "You also know how much the prince values Princess Fukang. When the Yelu tribe asked for marriage, the prince just got off the court and went to the apse to change clothes, and he didn't know who tripped him. It took me a long time to come back, and I learned that Princess Fukang was going to marry the Yelu tribe, so I immediately changed my face, and dragged Princess Fukang away without waiting for the sage to speak."

Li Xuanzhen took Zhu Luyun to leave, Li De looked gloomy, Yelu tribe was stunned, officials of the Ministry of Rites jumped three feet in anger, and a banquet broke up unhappily.

There are six gods and no masters in the East Palace, so Qin Fei can only be sent back to the East Palace to ask Wei Ming for advice.

Wei Ming was angry, hateful and anxious, and there was a faint smell of fishy smell at the root of his teeth.

The sage Gangang is arbitrary and does not want to miss the opportunity to form an alliance with the barbarians. No matter how angry he is, he will send Zhu Luyun to marry.

The prince and Zhu Luyun have been entangled for many years, and he will definitely not sit back and watch Zhu Luyun marry into the grassland. Even if she does, the prince will lead troops to snatch people back.

No one can stop the prince.

At that time, the prince will definitely have a conflict with the saint!

Once there is a rift between Shengshang and the East Palace, the second prince, third prince, and fourth prince will have the opportunity to enter.

Wei Ming thought quickly, and made a decision in a few breaths: No matter what, we must find a way to stabilize the prince.

He didn't care who Zhu Luyun married, but he was afraid that the prince would be confused when he was in a hurry.

Before he could plan anything, a few horses neighed outside the window, and several squires from the East Palace rolled off their horses and ran into the courtyard.

"Changshi, His Royal Highness was detained by the guards of the Holy High!"

With a buzzing sound in Wei Ming's mind, he rushed out of the study.

Something happened so soon

Hu Cong looked terrified and clasped his fists and said: "Changshi, His Royal Highness Prince Cai was about to send the princess out of the city, but was stopped by Jin Wuwei at the city gate and sent back to the palace. The prince and the sage had a conflict, and the sage was furious and asked the guard to tie the prince. "

Wei Ming stomped his feet in a hurry, he knew something would happen!

"Go and invite Her Royal Highness!"

Zheng is the daughter of a famous family, gentle and virtuous, knowledgeable and reasonable. Her husband Li Xuanzhen and Zhu Lvyun were inseparable, she was never jealous, and always persuaded Li Xuanzhen to marry Zhu Lvyun as soon as possible, so as not to harm the reputation of the two.

After listening to the Hu Cong reporting what happened in the palace, Wei Ming knew that the matter was urgent, so he did not care about avoiding it, so he begged to come to her.

Zheng Biyu was flustered for a moment, but quickly calmed down and said, "I am a housewife and dare not arbitrarily discuss government affairs. What does Chang Shi want me to do?"

Wei Ming secretly praised that the Zheng family is worthy of being the daughter of a prominent family, and this calmness is enough to surpass Zhu Luyun.

He sighed and said, "His Royal Highness, the prince had an impulsive conflict with the sage and was temporarily detained in the palace. Right now, only you can persuade the prince to surrender to the sage."

Li Dexian was mad at Zhu Luyun, and he didn't come up with a countermeasure. He heard that Li Xuanzhen ran away with Zhu Luyun directly, and he was even more angry.

How can a country's prince be so arrogant? !

He sent someone to send Zhu Luyun to the Princess Mansion for strict custody, tied Li Xuanzhen, and forced him and Zhu Luyun to completely draw a clear line.

Li Xuanzhen refused to bow her head.

Li De was furious, pulled out the sword hanging in front of the dragon's case, and tried to slash Li Xuanzhen, but was persuaded by the valet around him.

Now Li Xuanzhen is still locked in the palace, no matter who persuades him, he will ignore it.

Zheng Biyu had heard the maid talk about Zhu Luyun's initiative to ask for a marriage, and said, "I'm afraid that your Highness will not be easily reconciled."

She is Li Xuanzhen's wife and knows Li Xuanzhen better than others.

He usually looks gentle and calm, well-mannered, in fact, gloomy, cold, sensitive, suspicious, moody, unpredictable.

Zheng Biyu had been married to him for four years, and she had never suffered any other grievances, except for a haunted Zhu Luyun.

Li Xuanzhen respected her, she reciprocated, and she was willing to respect her husband.

Only respect, no closeness.

Having slept in the same bed for several years, and gave birth to a son, Zheng Biyu found that she still hadn't entered Li Xuanzhen's heart.

She never complained about Li Xuanzhen.

He had witnessed with his own eyes his mother, who depended on each other, was burned to death in front of him. The woman who was burned beyond recognition by the fire held his hand tightly before her death and told him to avenge her.

Zheng Biyu had seen people burnt by fire, that kind of terrifying sight, and she still felt horrified when she thought about it.

Tang ended his life in the most tragic way, planting an indelible fire of revenge in his son's heart.

She made Li Xuanzhen.

It also ruined Li Xuanzhen.

Zheng Biyu couldn't hate Li Xuanzhen, who was haunted by nightmares all the year round, her face turned pale when she saw the fire, and she often swung a knife frantically with bare eyes.

She took pity on her husband.

Zhu Luyun didn't believe Li Xuanzhen's sincerity.

Zheng Biyu believed it.

That year, Li Xuanzhen was instructed to find Zhu Luyun and her mother, who were living in the folk, and save the mother and daughter from a fire.

The concubine of the previous dynasty, who had experienced ups and downs, was burned by the fire. When she was dying, she begged Li Xuanzhen to take good care of Zhu Luyun.

How similar to Down's.

Li Xuanzhen sympathized with Zhu Luyun, and made an oath to her concubine that she would take good care of Zhu Luyun, protect her, and protect her at all costs.

No matter how much trouble she makes.

Zheng Biyu understands that Li Xuanzhen's feelings for Zhu Luyun are not only a man's liking and pity for a woman, but also mingled with responsibility, commitment, self-inflicted injury, and a kind of compensation for him when he was a teenager, which he didn't even notice.

Such feelings are far more lasting than male and female love.

Zheng Biyu sighed and said, "Changshi, unless I stop the Holy Highness from conferring marriage, it will be a waste of my time to go to the palace to persuade His Highness."

Wei Ming smiled bitterly: "The holy man is angry. Princess Fukang was bitten to death and insisted on marrying. The Yelu tribe joined forces with other barbarians to put pressure on the court. The edict to grant marriage may have been written."

Now that the imperial court is unable to ride a tiger, they can only bestow the marriage. Li De was once again pissed off by Zhu Luyun's audacity. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. The marriage was irreversible.

Zheng Biyu looked sad: "Isn't it impossible?"

Wei Ming shook his head and lowered his voice: "Since we can't stop the marriage, we can only find another way."

Zheng Biyu looked at Wei Ming suspiciously.

Wei Ming whispered: "Li Dai Tao is stiff."

Zheng Biyu suddenly realized: "What Chang Shi means is to find another noble girl to marry Princess Fukang?"

Wei Ming nodded.

Zheng Biyu thought for a moment and said, "The Yelu tribe may not agree."

Zhu Luyun dared to cause such a big disaster. Obviously, he had already reached some conditions with the Yelu tribe in private, otherwise the Yelu tribe would not risk the risk of tearing his face with Dawei.

One of them is willing to marry, the other is willing to marry, Li De is helpless, what can they do

Wei Ming smiled and said, "Whether the Yelu tribe agrees to change people or not, that will be a matter in the future. Your Highness only needs to enter the palace and tell the prince of this idea, so that the prince knows that there is still a way to turn around."

The top priority now is to stabilize Li Xuanzhen and avoid a greater conflict between father and son.

Zheng Biyu pondered for a while, nodded, and instructed the servants to prepare the carriage.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 40804725

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xie Zhinan;