Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 16: Eliminate the seventh princess and the second prince at the same time


It is the Mengxia season, the hanli in the pond is beginning to bloom, and the lotus leaves are in the fields.

Zheng Biyu sat in the cool corridor to enjoy the cool air, listening to the maid reporting the news of the princess' residence, Liu Mei frowned: "The princess doesn't want to marry again?"

The maid nodded and said, "His Royal Highness ordered the servants beside the princess to be detained, tortured and forced to ask them what transactions they had made with the Yelu tribe, and found the servant who was chasing the princess and the Hu people, that person is Yiqing. The loyal servant of the eldest princess. He instigated and coaxed the princess and provoked the Yelu tribe, just to start a war, so that he could rescue the eldest princess Yiqing."

"The loyal servant said that he originally wanted to help Princess Fukang win the crown princess..."

The maid stopped.

Zheng Biyu said calmly, "Go on."

The maid responded: "The maid said that he wanted to use the relationship between Princess Fukang and His Royal Highness to influence the court, but Princess Fukang was useless. Help her recover the country, and when she is married to the grassland, His Royal Highness will definitely send troops to rescue her, and he will have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"The princess learned the truth and locked herself in the house, so that the water and rice would not enter."

A sneer flashed across Zheng Biyu's eyes.

I had to marry at first, but now I know that I have been cheated, and I don't want to marry.

In her eyes, diplomatic relations are like child's play.

It's a pity, Ye Lu's clan is savage and cunning, and it's not so easy to deal with. Now that all forces are mixed in, even Nan Chu has stepped in, and it's too late for her to regret it.

In the princess' mansion, after Li Xuanzhen interrogated Princess Yiqing's servant, the handsome face was covered with a haze.

Hu Cong asked, "Your Highness, what should I do with this cheap slave?"

Li Xuanzhen pulled out her sword without saying a word.

Xueliang's cold light flashed, and the servant was silent for a moment.

Fresh blood spurted out, splashing the hem of Li Xuanzhen's robe.

Several squires in the room looked at each other with surprise.

With a bang, Li Xuanzhen threw the blood-stained saber and went to find Zhu Luyun.

The guard slammed open the door, and Zhu Luyun hugged her knees and hid on the inner bed, motionless and pale.

Li Xuanzhen walked to the bedside, the blood dripping from the hem of the clothes dripped on the floor.

"You colluded with the Hu people?" His voice was surprisingly cold, "Niang Yun, you are the Princess of Wei and the blood of the Zhu family, so you actually colluded with the Hu people?"

Zhu Luyun lied to him, and she really reached an agreement with the Yelu tribe.

Back then, when the Zhu clan swore to defend Xiaoguan and prevent the powerful Hu clan from heading south, how many of the Zhu clan's sons shed their blood on Liupan Mountain

She actually colluded with the Hu people!

Zhu Luyun raised her face tremblingly: "I can sacrifice anything for the sake of restoring the country. Isn't your Li family forming an alliance with the Hu people? Why can't I cooperate with the Hu people?"

Li Xuanzhen was even more angry: "Are you forming an alliance? You are conspiring to treason!"

She is stubborn, arrogant, extreme, unscrupulous for revenge, these are nothing, but she should not make the promise of handing over Helong to the Yelu tribe after restoring the country!

Zhu Luyun's lips were so white that there was no trace of blood: "Your father forced me! He sent B people to monitor me, I can't leave Chang'an one step! If I don't cooperate with the Yelu tribe, I can't leave Chang'an at all!"

She sneered.

"When my mother wanted to take me to Quanzhou, it was your Li family who stopped my mother. Li Xuanzhen, I'm not Princess Wei, I'm a prisoner of your Li family! I would rather cooperate with the Hu people than be your Li family. Imprisoned forever."

Li Xuanzhen was silent for a while, her phoenix eyes drooping slightly: "You also know that your mother wants to escape to Quanzhou, and she wants to go to sea. If your mother is a woman, if she is not desperate, why should she go to sea alone?"

Zhu Luyun's mother was a palace concubine, and she knew better than anyone else what would happen if the last emperor's concubines and children fell into the hands of malicious people.

How miserable was the death of the concubines and concubines who were abandoned by the last emperor in Chang'an

The Li family rescued her, raised her, and gave her a place of refuge. Li De was indeed using her, but he also gave her the honor of a princess, and never had any intention of killing her.

Did she think she would be free if she escaped from Chang'an

All that awaits her is a brutal and bloody slaughter.

Zhu Luyun turned her face away, her thin lips pursed tightly.

Li Xuanzhen looked tired, rubbed his brows, and turned to leave.

When he reached the door, there was a muffled sob behind him.

"Brother Changsheng..." Zhu Luyun turned her back to him, wiping the corners of her eyes, "I don't really want to fight with the Hu people and rule, I just want to leave Chang'an..."

Her alliance with the Yelu tribe was only a stopgap measure. She wanted to leave the Li family, to save her aunt, and to restore her country. The attendant advised her to cooperate with the Hu people, and she agreed.

Li Xuanzhen is the son of an enemy, so she can't marry her. Who is not to marry

She didn't expect that the attendant was deceiving her all the time. The person who the attendant was loyal to was Princess Yiqing, and she was just a pawn of the attendant.

Li Xuanzhen walked out without looking back.

The figure in front of the door shook, and Zhu Luyun's maid knelt down at his feet and cried, "Your Highness, the princess has been deceived, you must save her! How noble and delicate the princess is, how could she marry a barbaric Hu? clan?"

Li Xuanzhen closed her eyes, shook off the maid, and left without saying a word.

The squire hurriedly followed.

The master and servants returned to the East Palace, and they just walked up the corridor when they heard a quarrel coming from the study.

Wei Ming is still discussing candidates for marriage with others.

Li Xuanzhen walked slowly to the window and looked in through the gap.

The five or six people in the house are all his confidants.

Qin Fei stood in the corner and said angrily, "Princess Fukang has a precious status, and the seventh princess is also a golden branch.

Wei Ming glared at him with hatred: "The seventh princess is the second prince's sister!"

Qin Fei was instantly timid.

Wei Ming raised his hand to signal, and the little waiter on the side came forward holding the lacquer plate. He first picked up a stack of blank papers and signaled Qin Fei to pass it on.

"These papers are soft and pliable, with uniform thickness, and are not easily eaten by insects. Guess the price of a hundred sheets?"

One person said, "This paper is really soft, white and flat. It can be used for writing and painting. One hundred sheets of six hundred characters?"

Wei Ming shook his head: "Sixty texts."

The other five were shocked, and even the rough Qin Fei opened his mouth wide. Although he was a military general, he knew how expensive paper was. Such good paper was so cheap

Wei Ming picked up a few more volumes from the lacquer tray.

Qin Fei took one of the books, opened it at random, but didn't see anything famous.

The other scribes exclaimed in surprise.

One person said: "I have never seen such a delicate binding method."

Another person said: "The binding method is not enough. Look at the articles inside. How are these paintings printed? Each painting has clear lines, it is really unique."

Several people sighed with emotion and asked with a smile: "Which great Confucian presided over the writing and printing of these books? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Printing books is not an easy task. They have assisted Prime Minister Zheng in presiding over the printing of the new dynasty almanac, and they are well aware of the hardships involved.

Wei Ming said expressionlessly, "It's the seventh princess."

Everyone stayed for a while.

Wei Ming pointed to those papers: "These papers are just ordinary papers sold by the Xie Family Bookstore. In addition to these, there are also expensive gold-sprinkled paper, peach-blossom paper, and of course, cheaper rough paper, among which the most popular among scholars. It is a high-quality and cheap tissue paper, and the people in the Jingnan area call this paper Xiejiazhi."

"As for these agricultural and medical books, they were also produced by the Xie family. They not only wrote, printed, and sold books in bookstores all over the country, but also allowed people to borrow books and provided paper for them to copy books. The library has collected 10,000 volumes of books, and every day there are scholars and scholars who come to ask for books, and Xie’s family does not refuse to come, and each person only receives one penny.”

Everyone's expressions suddenly froze.

Why can the family prosper from generation to generation, and talented people come out in large numbers

Why is there a clear distinction between the aristocratic family and the Han family

Because the family not only monopolized power and wealth for a long time, but also completely monopolized knowledge.

Children of aristocratic families began to study at the age of four or five. They had wise elders, erudite teachers, rich book collections, inheritance accumulated from generation to generation, and family learning with origins.

What about the children of ordinary people

Just the consumption of paper, pen and ink can bring down a family, and ordinary people may not be able to cultivate many scholars with the strength of the whole family.

Rich families don't have to worry about money, but they don't have many books in their homes, and it is difficult to collect a set of four books, let alone those precious Confucian works. It took a lot of hard work to get a copy that was full of errors, and there was no teacher around who could ask for advice. After reading the book a hundred times, it may not be possible to correctly understand the meaning of it.

Several people in the house were born from a poor family, with their heads hanging from the beams and thorns, and they have gone through hardships to get to where they are. However, because of their backgrounds, they could not be in high positions, and they could only be subordinated to the children of aristocratic families.

In this world, probably only they can understand the profound meaning behind the Xie family paper and the Xie family library.

Let the knowledge be spread among the people, so that the common people can afford paper, can afford books, and can read all the books in the Xie family's collection without spending a cent.

Benefiting all people, the merit is eternal!

The expressions of everyone couldn't hide their excitement, "Are these really the ideas of the Seventh Princess?"

Wei Ming nodded: "The Xie family has been cut off. They acted in a low-key manner and did not publicize it. It took me half a year to find out that the person who ordered the opening of the library was the seventh princess, and the person who presided over the writing of the agricultural book was also the seventh princess. She He ordered people to set up a bookshop in Jingnan, and a thousand people collect and organize bibliographies and write articles every day.”

Everyone exchanged a shocked look.

Qin Fei had a puzzled look on his face. Since Chang Shi knew that the seventh princess had done so many good deeds for the benefit of all generations, why did he harm the seventh princess

He scratched his head and said, "The Seventh Princess has a compassionate heart and cares about the world. She won't let her be a male, and we shouldn't let her marry her."

Several others cast sympathetic glances at him.

Wei Ming didn't bother to pay attention to him and looked at the other people: "Not long ago, at the spring banquet in the Prime Minister's Mansion, the second prince bought a pot of peony flowers for the seventh princess, and spent tens of thousands of gold. Extravagant. The seventh princess accepted the flowers. On the day of the spring banquet, she did not attend, but sent someone to send the flowers to the Prime Minister's Mansion to compete for the King of Flowers. In the end, the pot of flowers won. The seventh princess sold the flowers to a wealthy merchant. The seven princesses are all used to resettle the refugees. The next day, the fee for impeaching the second prince is reduced by half."

He paused.

"The seventh princess seems to be delicate and virtuous, but in fact she has a deep scheming and a national color. When she goes out to the palace, the children of aristocratic families are chasing after her. How many court officials will be her servants in the future?"

Wei Ming looked solemn.

"The seventh princess will be a big worry for my confidants. If she is by the second prince's side for a day, the second prince will have a better chance of winning."

So, since you can kill more with one arrow and get rid of the seventh princess and the second prince at the same time, why not let the seventh princess marry

The crowd was silent.

Qin Fei was silent.

Wei Ming turned around and bowed his hands to where Li Xuanzhen was standing: "Your Highness, you can't be softer this time."

Li Xuanzhen was silent for a long time, and the hoarse exhortation sounded in his ears: "Avenge A-Niang... Longevity slave, avenge A-Niang..."

Chill swept through his body.

He stood in the dark corner and nodded.

Wei Ming was overjoyed: "I'll make arrangements now!"

The crown prince was finally able to be ruthless towards the seventh princess.

On this day, Yaoying was facing the mirror and pulling her hair, when two eunuchs suddenly appeared outside the palace.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Lord summons you."

The author has something to say: The Chinese New Year is almost here. Remember to wear a mask when you go to a crowded place recently, and wash your hands frequently when you go home.

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Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Wen Qing

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xie Zhinan, puppets; Lv Xiaopai, ears wood