Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 26: No regrets


The chief eunuch knelt in front of the dragon's case, and added a few green silk tulips to the censer.

Li De looked at the direction Yaoying was leaving, and after a while, he suddenly asked, "Do you think Qiniang is very similar to a person?"

The eunuch put down the gilt and silver spoon and answered cautiously, "The Seven Princesses are beautiful and fragrant, and they look a bit like the saint when he was young."

If you look at the eyebrows, the seven princesses are not like anyone. Among the princes and princesses, only she has a pair of big and slender winking eyes.

Li De twitched the corner of his mouth, "Funian, who do you think knows me the most in this world?"

The eunuch considered for a while: "Of course it is the first queen."

Li De smiled with fine wrinkles on his face, and the phoenix eyes flashed melancholy.

He has only loved Tang Ying in his life, but Tang Ying has never understood him. What she wants is a single-minded husband and a warm and complete home, not an emperor.

"The person who understands me best in this world is Xie Wuliang."

A flash of surprise flashed across the eunuch's face.

Li De understood what the eunuch was thinking: Since Xie Wuliang knows you best, why are you so indifferent to Concubine Xie and her children

Just like Tang Ying questioned him time and time again: Langjun loves me and respects me, why do you want to marry another woman

Because he is not only Li De, but also the general of Wei County to whom countless soldiers are loyal.

After Tang Ying's death, many people asked Li De: Do you regret it

Li De, who had just lost Tang Ying, of course regretted it. He turned pale overnight and was furious. He poured all his anger on Xie Manyuan and Li Zhongqian.

There is only one person who never regretted asking Li De.

He calmly packed Xie Manyuan's luggage, sent her away to avoid disaster, and asked Li Zhongqian to abandon martial arts and follow literature, and from then on concentrate on studying the book, and never touch the pair of golden hammers for the rest of his life.

After finishing everything, he returned to Jingnan and never stepped out of Jingnan again.

Finally died in Jingnan.

The only person in the world who understood Li De died.

The only woman he truly loved in this world has also turned into a dead bone.

His only beloved son is capricious, gloomy and full-fledged, and will surely kill his father and avenge his mother.

Li De knew that he would feel guilty and painful for Tang Ying's death all his life.

But he doesn't regret it.

The Wei army recaptured most of the country, and the Wei Dynasty established the country. With time, he and his descendants will be able to complete the great cause of unifying the mountains and rivers and conquering the world.

He Qinghaiyan, Guotai Min'an.

This road is destined to be difficult and destined to be lonely.

He can go alone.

Even if the result is a betrayal of relatives, lonely and widowed for a lifetime.

As a king, it should be like this.

Li De opened a memorial: "I only learned today that the person who understands me the most among all the children is actually Qiniang."

A trace of joy flashed across the eunuch's eyes: "Is the sage going to treat the seventh princess well?"

Li De looked at him with ridicule.

He is about to decree that Qiniang and Qin will come down.

If Qiniang wasn't Xie Manyuan's daughter or Li Zhongqian's sister, he might have kept her by her side because of her transparency.

Too bad she is.

He will not leave any hidden dangers for Li Xuanzhen. The more Qiniang understands him, the less he can keep her.

Yaoying fell asleep for a day and a night.

The next morning, the East Palace sent someone to inquire about the news, and Xu Biao was driven out by Zhong Lang, who was wielding a spear.

Half an hour later, Li Xuanzhen came in person.

Hu Changshi stopped in front of the door and sneered: "Can His Royal Highness wait for our noble master to come down?"

Li Xuanzhen frowned slightly.

Wei Ming stood behind him and asked with a smile, "The seventh princess is really very ill? Somebody has a little knowledge of medicine, why don't somebody check the pulse for the princess."

Li Yaoying fell ill just after the deal was negotiated. Why is this disease so strange

Chang Shi clenched his hands into fists, his face full of resentment, and was about to scold when the sound of the door opening came from behind him.

Xie Qing opened the door, and his eyes signaled that he didn't need to stop him.

Chang Shi gritted his teeth and gave way.

Li Xuanzhen stepped into the room and heard Wei Ming snorting and sniffing.

There is no medicinal smell in the house.

Wei Ming whispered: "Sure enough! The seventh princess must be pretending to be sick..."

He spoke with certainty.

But when his eyes fell on Li Yaoying, who was half leaning on the bed, his tone immediately became uncertain, and he slowly stopped his voice.

Yaoying's face was pale, her lips were slightly blue, and there was no trace of blood, and she really looked like she was seriously ill.

Wei Ming muttered in his heart: Is the seventh princess really sick

Li Xuanzhen stood in front of her feet, far away from the bed, and her gaze stayed on Yaoying's face for a moment.

The sunlight poured into the room, and was sifted by the large screen inlaid with embroidered landscape figures, which was wrapped around his shoulders. In the golden light, his handsome face was hidden in a half-dark light and shadow.

A pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, cold and dark.

Yaoying was in a trance, and she looked at Li Xuanzhen for a moment, and suddenly called softly, "Brother..."

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Yaoying breathed slightly, her eyes fell on Li Xuanzhen's face, and she whispered, "Brother is back."

Chang Shi lowered his head and wiped away tears.

Li Xuanzhen was silent.

Xie Qing stepped forward and bowed, "Princess, this is His Royal Highness."

Yao Ying's expression was a little confused, and she was stunned for a while.

She looked at Li Xuanzhen, slowly recognized him, and her expression gradually became cold.

"Brother Changsheng, how did you become like this?"

This sigh seemed vague, as if it was just Li Xuanzhen's illusion.

He raised his eyes, and the bottom of his heart seemed to be gently dropped by someone, causing ripples in circles.

When he regained his senses, Yao Ying had regained consciousness and regained her usual expression. She said lightly, "I have already reported to the sage that I intend to marry in the Ming Dynasty. The edict will be promulgated in a few days. Your Royal Highness does not have to worry about me going back on my word."

She spoke weakly, and her voice sounded delicate and soft, but there was a sense of alienation.

Li Xuanzhen looked at her silently.

Wei Ming couldn't help but said: "Someone dares to ask the princess to give me a token that can be used as a certificate, otherwise the flying cavalry team will not step into Huangzhou."

The corners of Yaoying's mouth curled slightly, and she said sarcastically, "This token must be sent to Chief Yelu, right?"

They were afraid that she would regret it.

Wei Ming said with a smile, "Princess Bingxue is smart."

According to his idea, Donggong should not save Li Zhongqian, but Li Xuanzhen was determined to save Zhu Luyun. He weighed it and felt that it would be fine. If the seventh princess was married far away, and Li Zhongqian lost his arm, it was not a cause for concern.

Maybe Li Zhongqian will be furious with the crown at that time and commit suicide... that would be even better.

Wei Ming came to the palace just to ask Li Yaoying for a token, so that she had no room to go back.

Chang Shi was so angry that his whole body trembled: The princess is so ill, and they still come to force her!

Yaoying looked calm, coughed lightly, and looked at a small box beside the bed.

Xie Qing understood, picked up the box and handed it to Wei Ming.

Wei Ming took the box and opened it, looked at it, and showed a happy expression.

The box contains Feng Yaoying's handwritten letter and her personal accessories, which are enough to serve as tokens.

Yaoying covered her lips and coughed, looked at Li Xuanzhen, and said weakly: "Is Your Highness satisfied? Or does Your Highness have to send me to Chief Yelu's bed immediately to be relieved?"

Soft tone, but the most pungent question.

This sentence made Wei Mingdu frown and smiled awkwardly, "Don't disturb the princess' cultivation."

He glanced at Li Xuanzhen.

Li Xuanzhen looked away and turned to leave.

Chang Shi's eyes widened and he shouted, "Wait! Where's your token? Who knows if you will keep your promise? The princess' token has been given to you, and you have to take out the token too!"

Wei Ming frowned and looked at Li Xuanzhen.

Li Xuanzhen turned back and stared at Yaoying for a while: "What certificate do you want?"

Yao Ying smiled, her anger was like a gossamer, but her eyes were clear and full of energy: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, why do you need proof?"

Wei Ming was stunned for a moment, his face embarrassed.

Li Xuanzhen's thin lips pursed lightly, and the dark thoughts crossed her eyes. She stood for a while, then turned around and went out.

Chang Shi immediately instructed the maid to hang up the curtain, ran to the bed, and said worriedly, "Your Majesty, do you really need to ask the prince for a token? What if the prince doesn't keep his word?"

Yaoying took a few breaths and shook her head.

"The prince will not break the contract."

Li Xuanzhen promises to save anyone who will do it, even if that person is his mortal enemy, she is not worried about that.

After leaving the palace, Wei Ming suggested to immediately send Li Yaoying's token to the mansion where Chief Ye Lu stayed.

"In this way, the Seventh Princess can't go back if she wants to."

Li Xuanzhen didn't speak, and reached out to hold the box.

Wei Ming was taken aback and raised his head.

Li Xuanzhen said: "Keep it for now, and wait until there is news from Huangzhou."

Wei Ming's eyes flickered, and he bowed his head.

Back in the East Palace, the boy servant came to report: "Your Highness, my lady has been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Xuanzhen changed her clothes and went to see Zheng Biyu in the inner courtyard.

Zheng Biyu looked worried: "Your Highness, can you really only let the seventh princess marry? Can someone else do it?"

Li Xuanzhen rubbed his eyebrows, "No."

Zheng Biyu bit her lip, her eyes turned slightly red: "The seventh princess is only fourteen years old! She is your sister, although she is not the same mother, she is also your sibling, Your Highness, how could you let the seventh princess suffer on behalf of Zhu Luyun? It’s okay to have a relationship. But this marriage was initiated by Zhu Luyun herself, you shouldn’t trade this with the Seventh Princess!”

Li Xuanzhen raised her head abruptly, her eyes were cold, and her voice was heavy: "If it's not her, it must be Yunniang. Do you really want to see Yunniang and her relatives?"

Zheng Biyu was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful face was instantly filled with sullen anger: "What do you mean by Your Highness? Your Highness thought that I stopped you to let Zhu Luyun marry away?"

Li Xuanzhen lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Zheng Biyu's body was shaking, and she was speechless for a while.

After a while, she smiled and said sarcastically, "Your Highness, my concubine is the direct daughter of the Zheng family. She has been nurtured in poetry and books since she was a child. There are complaints, but the concubine has never been jealous of Zhu Luyun. The concubine is His Highness's wife, and whoever your Highness loves, the concubine will take care of her like His Highness, and I just ask her to make His Highness happy and comfortable."

Li Xuanzhen's eyes straightened, and she said quietly: "Prince Concubine is always virtuous... Then why are you begging for the Seventh Princess?"

Zheng Biyu was silent.

Yeah, why did she speak for Li Yaoying

Li Xuanzhen knew her. She was the direct daughter of an aristocratic family.

Calm and rational, selfish.

When the world was in turmoil, several branches of the Zheng family joined different forces. Zheng Yu became Li De's staff, and her father chose to assist Li De's mortal enemy.

This is how the family survives. No matter which side wins in the end, the Zheng family can continue to prosper in the new dynasty.

The righteousness of the world and the grief of the people have nothing to do with them, they only care about their own family.

An aristocratic family like the Xie family that takes the world as its own responsibility is an anomaly, so the Xie family has little interest and was completely lost in the war in the end.

They are looked up to by the world, but not understood by the world.

Only a clan like the Zheng family that always puts family interests first can flourish from generation to generation.

As a daughter of an aristocratic family, Zheng Biyu is good at calculation and plans everything for herself and her family.

When she was fifteen years old, she married the son of Li De's mortal enemy, and the Zhao family promised to consecrate her as a prince concubine in the future. A few years later, the Zhao family was defeated, and her father sent her to Li De.

Li De asked Zheng Biyu if she was willing to remarry Li Xuanzhen.

Zheng Biyu agreed without thinking. Before the body of her first husband had cooled down, she was ready to marry again.

Why would she be unfair to the Seventh Princess

Zheng Biyu smiled bitterly and said slowly: "The first time I saw the seventh princess, she was only ten years old. That year, the Zhao family was defeated, and the Wei army surrounded the Zhao family's mansion. The elder brother of Shengshang, the old lady knew that the Li family would not let them go after the city was broken, so they prepared poisonous wine."

At that time, Zheng Biyu was also beside the old lady.

With tears in her eyes, the old lady said to her: "Yu Niang, you are the direct daughter of the Zheng family, known as a virtuous person, the Li family will not kill you, but my Zhao family can't escape this disaster. A match is also a fate. Today is a parting, and the yin and yang are separated. If you can see your uncle, I hope you can say a few good words for my Zhao family members in the past, and I beg them not to spoil us. corpse."

Zheng Biyu choked up and nodded.

The fire was blazing outside the high wall, and the sound of fighting was getting closer.

Mrs. Zhao led all the female relatives to hide in the Zhao family's ancestral hall. The first lady, the second lady, the third lady, the concubines of several sons, the maids in the house, the young lady and the baby girl who were waiting to be fed, all knelt down to cover. Weeping bitterly, shivering.

"Alo, don't be afraid." Mrs. Zhao comforted her little granddaughter, whom she loved the most, and handed out the poisonous wine tremblingly, "After drinking this glass of wine, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

A Luo was fifteen years old, and he cried out in fright when he realized that what his grandmother handed was poisonous wine.

The female family members of the room followed and cried aloud, which was desolate.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of kicking at the gate, and the soldiers shouted from the outside to rush into the ancestral hall.

The female family members screamed in horror.

Zheng Biyu and his attendants stood aside and did not step forward.

From the moment the Zhao family fell, she had nothing to do with the Zhao family.

Mrs. Zhao turned pale, grabbed A Luo, opened her mouth, and cried, "A Luo, be good, drink it, you won't have to suffer."

Arlo couldn't stop crying, but he also knew that grandmother couldn't bear to see her being ravaged by soldiers, so she slowly opened her mouth.

"Mrs. Zhao, wait a minute!"

A childish voice suddenly sounded, like the first fruits of summer, sweet and crisp.

Zheng Biyu followed the reputation and looked.

The clamor outside the door stopped at some point, the door was opened, and a young man wearing a round-necked brocade robe and a lotus-jasper crown walked in.

When the young man approached, Zheng Biyu found out that the other party turned out to be a pretty and bright young lady with snow-white skin.

The little lady walked in front of Madam Zhao, bowed her salute, and said, "Old Madam is polite. I scared the old lady just now, don't be surprised, I have already asked outsiders to leave the ancestral hall, and they will not come again."

Mrs. Zhao stared blankly at the little lady.

The little lady glanced at A Luo, who was crying heart-to-heart: "A sister is so young, does the old lady really have the heart to let her be buried with the Zhao family?"

Mrs. Zhao looked down at A Luo, and the grandparents and grandchildren hugged each other and cried.

The little lady said: "Don't worry, old lady, I am here today, and no one dares to despise you."

She gestured to the attendant behind her.

The attendants entered the room, took away the poisonous wine in front of all the female relatives, and withdrew respectfully.

The little lady also walked out, and the attendant brought a high chair. She lifted the corner of her robe and sat on the high chair, but her toes were hanging in the air, not touching the ground.

She coughed.

The attendant moved the tadpole under her feet, and the little lady stepped on the tadpole and sat upright.

Outside the high wall were soldiers shouting to kill. The night was dark and smoke billowed, and the little lady sat there until midnight.

During this period, from time to time, the soldiers rushed into the ancestral hall with a wretched smile on their faces, and the attendant of the little lady immediately stepped forward: "The young lady is here, who dares to be presumptuous?"

The soldiers were scared and ran away.

In the second half of the night, there was a mess of footsteps outside the door, and a group of soldiers with big arms and round waists walked in, surrounded by a young man with a golden hammer.

The young man was tall and strong, his muscles stretched under his uniform, and he strode to the little lady.

The female relatives of the Zhao family in the ancestral hall trembled when they saw the person coming.

Zheng Biyu recognized the young man. The Li family's little overlord was murderous and his notoriety spread far and wide. The young son of the Zhao family died under his double hammer.

Li Zhongqian went straight to the corridor, covered in blood, with a grim face, but when he opened his mouth, it was a gentle tone: "What are you doing here?"

The little lady stood up: "Brother, are you injured?"

Li Zhongqian wiped the blood on his sleeve casually: "The blood of others... It's a mess here, don't stay here, I'll ask Xie Chao to take you back."

The little lady shook her head, "The Zhao family's female relatives are all in the ancestral hall, and I have to guard them."

Zheng Biyu thought that Li Zhongqian would scold the little lady for being mischievous, but he didn't say a word of reproach, nodded, and instructed his subordinates: "Xie Chao stays, whoever dares to ram Qiniang, kill it."

After a few words, Li Zhongqian hurriedly left with the blood-stained double hammer.

The little lady then sat back on the top seat and stayed there until dawn.

The next day, Zheng Biyu left with the person sent by the Zheng family to pick her up.

Later, her mother told her that the daughters of the Zhao family kept their chastity and did not seek death. The Li family did not slaughter the Zhao family, but returned the Zhao family's old house and guard servants and let them go back to their hometown for resettlement.

Zheng Biyu looked at Li Xuanzhen after recalling the past.

"His Royal Highness, the seventh princess rescued the daughters of the Zhao family, but she never mentioned it. Later, she also rescued the daughters of the Lu family, the Lu family, and the Sun family..."

"That year I gave birth, and His Highness was fighting outside. There were rebels in the city, blocking the city gate, and people in the city were panicked. The eleven-year-old Seventh Princess sent someone to take care of me and other women and children. , to deter the rebels."

Zheng Biyu will never forget the depressing atmosphere of despair in the city at that time.

The people in the mansion turned their backs on their horses, Li De's concubines would only cry, and some people were clamoring for surrender. Li Yaoying ordered the beheading of the inner responder who was going to open the city gate. As the daughter of the Li family, he gathered the people in the city and guarded the city wall for more than ten days. .

After giving birth, Zheng Biyu gritted her teeth and got out of bed, and planned to go to the city wall to guard her. She was Li Xuanzhen's wife, and she could not let Li Zhongqian's sister be too showy.

The maid helped her to walk under the city wall. She raised her head and saw the girl on the city wall in a hunting suit bathing in the bright sun. She suddenly remembered the scene of seeing Li Yaoying for the first time.

After Zheng Biyu married Li Xuanzhen, she asked Li Yaoying, "Qiniang and the Zhao family are not related, so why do you want to save the Zhao family's daughters?"

Li Yaoying said casually, "It's just a matter of raising your hands."

Zheng Biyu is a daughter of an aristocratic family, sober and sensible. After marrying Li Xuanzhen, she planned for Li Xuanzhen wholeheartedly. She will always be Li Xuanzhen's wife.

Zheng Biyu, who was full of calculations, stood under the city wall, raised her head, looked at Li Yaoying's petite but firm figure, stunned for a while, then turned back to her room.

Zheng Biyu knew that Qiniang was not trying to attract people's hearts for Li Zhongqian, she just wanted to protect the people in the city and the women and children of the Li family.

Just as she protects the daughters of the Zhao family, she is also a woman who has no power to hold the chicken. Since she can reach out and save the other party from the tragic fate of being ravaged, why not help

Tears welled up in Zheng Biyu's eyes.

"His Royal Highness asked the concubine why she spoke for the seventh princess. The reason is very simple, because the concubine still has a little conscience."

Li Xuanzhen closed her eyes, her hands trembled slightly, and blue veins burst out on her forehead: "She came to beg me! She came to trade with me! She is the daughter of Xie's daughter, and her life has nothing to do with me! "

Zheng Biyu looked at Li Xuanzhen with her eyes closed and her expression faintly crazy, and let out a long sigh.

"Dalang... you'll regret it."

"No!" Li Xuanzhen opened her eyes, and the bottom of her eyes was surging, "I won't regret it."

no way.

Two days later, the flying cavalry team sent back news.

They found Li Zhongqian. Li Zhongqian was still in a coma. There were only five or six dead guards left by his side. Although the situation was urgent, his life was not in danger.

The flying cavalry team has taken Li Zhongqian on their return journey.

Li Xuanzhen asked people to send the news to the palace.

Yao Ying had just recovered from her drowsiness, she held the letter tightly and burst into tears.

Brother is still alive.

As long as her brother returns safely, she will not be afraid of anything.

The messenger reminded Yaoying, "Your lord, Chang Shi said, it's time for you to keep your promise."

Yaoying clutched the letter, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and hummed lightly.

Three days later, at the banquet in the palace, Li De once again invited Yelu Chief, other tribal leaders, princes, messengers from various countries, ministers in the court, concubines and concubines of the harem, and clansmen to attend the banquet.

The palace sent guards to take Yaoying to the banquet.

Yaoying dressed in fancy clothes and stepped onto the carriage with the help of Xie Qing, holding the bright moon pearl tightly in her palm.