Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 3: Tianzhu monks


In the early morning of the next day, Xie Qing reported to Li Yaoying: "Your Majesty, the clerk of Yining Fang said that Princess Fukang often went to Yining Fang recently, three times in half a month."

After Yaoying finished her makeup in the morning, she looked at the mirror and took care of herself. She pressed her fingertips against the emerald-green gold-leaf flowers between her eyebrows, and asked, "What is she doing at Yi Ning Fang?"

Xie Qing stood outside the twelve vertical screens, with his back straight, and replied, "I heard that I went to the Zoroastrian ancestral hall to watch the Zoroastrian ceremony."

Most of the Hu merchants believed in Zoroastrianism, and there was a Zoroastrian ancestral hall in Yiningfang, where the Hu people often held sacrificial ceremonies.

Yaoying put down the sunflower Luotian bronze mirror, and her doubts became heavier.

Zhu Luyun is determined to take revenge, and she will never go to the ancestral hall to watch Zoroastrians breathe fire and play big swords.

Saijo is just a cover to hide.

She suddenly put down her figure and interacted with the Hu people. What was it for

Could it be that she wanted to bribe the Hu people to assassinate Li De

In the book, Zhu Luyun attempted to assassinate many times, but failed again and again.

At first Zhu Luyun thought that Li Xuanzhen was secretly obstructing her revenge plan, but later she realized that Li De had long known that she wanted to assassinate herself.

Li De pretended to be ignorant and kept her by his side, just to wipe out the remnants of the previous dynasty.

Yaoying asked Xie Qing to continue sending people to follow Zhu Luyun.

She was not worried about Li De's safety, but was afraid that Concubine Xie and Li Zhongqian would be implicated.

Xie Qing resigned.

The maid Chunru entered the room, smiling and holding a silk embroidery clipped with a pattern of flowers and birds in ink blue.

Li Yaoying took it and put it on her arm, and she used silver powder to draw the little stars. The sun shines, and the flowers and birds are like flowing between the stars, lifelike and splendid.

Chun Ru said with a smile: "Next month's spring banquet, your lord will definitely be able to crown the capital."

It is customary to fight peony flowers at the spring banquet, but everyone knows that fighting flowers is still a matter of people.

The seven princesses are peerless and elegant, and they have novel and unique bright brocade clothes to match. In addition, the second prince spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy the king of peony flowers from Luoyang, the eastern capital. At that time, people will be beautiful in beautiful clothes and flowers. Who can compare with the princess

Yaoying closed her silk and said, "Don't be too busy with this, I won't go to the spring banquet this year."

She and Li Zhongqian agreed to go to Qujiang for horse racing and spring together.

Chun Ru was stunned, with a look of pity on her face: "The maidservant of the prime minister's wife tells everyone that you will definitely attend this year's Spring Festival Banquet, and the children from Jingzhao Mansion are jumping up and down with joy. They were busy cutting new clothes, and they almost sold out the brocade in the East and West markets, and the price of the powder for the face and the gems inlaid with the jade belt also went up, and Hu Shang made a huge profit."

The Seventh Princess is like a fairy and has a noble status. The children of the Beijing family have admired her for a long time, but they have no chance to get close to her.

I heard that she would attend the Spring Festival Banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the threshold of the Prime Minister's Mansion was almost stepped on by someone who came to ask for invitations.

The young men were so excited that they started preparations half a month ago, bathing with incense, adjusting fat and powder, and vowed to overwhelm other competitors at the Spring Festival Banquet.

If the Seventh Princess doesn't go, I'm afraid that half of the banquet will be disappointed people.

Li Yaoying couldn't help laughing when she heard Chun's vivid description of how the children of the high school in Beijing put on makeup and powder: nowadays men take powder as their beauty, and she really can't appreciate it.

"It's a pity that your lord won't go..."

Chunru remembered something and rolled her eyes.

"I heard that Saburo of the Zheng family will also go to the spring banquet, and he will also compete with the children of the Wang family, Cui family, and Lu family to write poems!"

Yaoying raised her eyebrows.

Zheng Jing, the Saburo of the Zheng family, was the chosen concubine.

Everyone knows that Zheng Jing is the direct son of the chief of the Zheng family, but his talent is far less than that of his concubine Zheng Dalang.

Li De has repeatedly praised Zheng Dalang in public.

According to rumors in Beijing, Zheng Dalang will take over the official position of Zheng's father in the future, while the mediocre Zheng Jing will stay in the clan to manage the Zheng clan.

Only Li Yaoying knows that Zheng Jingneixiu, who is not looking like a mountain or water at the moment, will rise to the top of the prime minister in the future.

Li Xuanzhen became faint and irritable after middle age, and several expeditions almost dragged down the Great Wei. After his death, the DPRK and China were turbulent several times. Thanks to Zheng Jing Laocheng's prudence, the situation could be stabilized.

Zheng Jing has assisted three generations of emperors in his life, and he has power over the court and the opposition, and even once was able to sway the king to abolish the establishment.

Zheng's father once ordered a marriage for Zheng Jing.

A few years ago, the family unfortunately died in the war.

According to the book, Zheng Jing built a tomb for his fiancée, and he never married a regular wife in his life, but he took in many concubines, and his children jumped out one by one, so that he had to expand the backyard, otherwise it would not be enough to live in.

Li Yaoying had met Zheng Jing several times, but had no special impression of him.

Hearing Chunru mention it at this moment, she still couldn't remember Zheng Jing's facial features, but vaguely remembered that he was tall, thin, gentle, and was no different from other children of aristocratic families.

In the past few years, Yaoying has been wary and wary of Li Xuanzhen. She is young and has never thought about getting married.

The family of the Zheng family was decided by Li Zhongqian behind her back. Before he set out on the expedition, he made a verbal covenant with his father Zheng.

This matter was not hidden from Li De, and the news came from Li De's valet.

Thinking of this, Yaoying couldn't help but snorted.

The second brother actually got her a husband without saying a word!

When he comes back, he must be beaten first!

Chun Ru sighed secretly.

She deliberately mentioned Zheng Jia Saburo, but the princess was still indifferent. It seems that this year's spring banquet is really cheaper than others.

The weather is getting brighter every day, the cherries in the other courtyard are ripe, the spring is stronger, the palace garden is lined with green willows, and the apricot flowers are like snow.

Xie Qing reported Zhu Luyun's movements to Li Yaoying every day.

Zhu Luyun seemed to have lost interest in Sai Zhuo, and had not been out of the house since that day.

However, her servants go back and forth between the Princess Mansion and Yining Square every day to pass news, and their whereabouts are mysterious.

Yaoying thought to herself: Zhu Luyun might really be planning an assassination plan.

While she asked Xie Qing to continue to pay attention to Zhu Luyun, she was worried and looked forward to Li Zhongqian's safe return as soon as possible.

The battle report was sent back from the front. Li De led the Wang Shi to victory. There was a little change on the way, and the return date was uncertain.

Yaoying looked forward to it, and kept sending people to inquire about the situation.

It was originally said that he would be able to return to Beijing at the end of the month, but in mid-April, Li Zhongqian still did not return.

Early this morning, Yaoying used a cup of cane cheese cherries, leaned on the felt mat under the porch, leaned against the hidden sac, and flipped through the ledgers sent from various places.

The wind is gentle, and the fallen flowers are colorful in front of the porch.

There was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps in the depths of the corridor.

The maid in Xie Guifei's palace hurriedly came over.

"Your Majesty, the lady is sick again!"

Yaoying immediately put down the account book, stepped on the clogs, walked down the corridor, and rushed to the main hall.

Just after passing through the corridor, the voices in front of her were cluttered, and a middle-aged woman with disheveled hair and haggard face walked towards her, stumbled and fell.

Seven or eight palace maids gathered around, wanting to help the woman, but afraid of scaring her.

Yaoying stepped forward quickly, frowned slightly, and said softly, "Auntie, it's me."

The voice is like a spring breeze, so gentle that it can drip flower dew.

Concubine Xie wiped her messy hair indiscriminately, her eyes were confused and her expression was confused: "Mingyue slave... Where's Erlang? He said he wanted to see me today..."

Yaoying gently supported her arm and said in a soft voice, "Aniang, brother wrote back to say that there was a delay on the way, and I won't be back in two days."

Concubine Xie was stunned and asked cautiously, "Really?"

Yaoying walked back with her mother, patiently persuading her: "Really, brother will be back in two days."

Concubine Xie's eyes fluttered, and she still repeated over and over again: Erlang, come back.

Yaoying took the trouble to assure her, "Second brother will come back."

Even coaxing and cheating, sent Xie Guifei back to the bedroom.

The maid sent the soup that had just been boiled.

Yaoying washed her hands, took the comb and combed Xie Guifei's long hair, helped her wash her hair, and fed her medicine by herself.

The medicine is sweetened with sour plums.

Xie Guifei drank the medicine obediently, and suddenly reached out and touched Yaoying's cold wrist.

The weather is getting warmer, and Yaoying is afraid of the heat. Today, she is wearing a pomegranate red skirt with small clusters of flowers and a bare collar, a wide-sleeved shirt that is as light as wings, and a half arm with a brocade edge. Frost.

Concubine Xie asked lovingly, "Mingyue slave, is it cold?"

As he said that, he grabbed the shawl next to the couch and put it on his daughter's shoulders.

He told back and forth: "Don't catch a cold... Mingyue slave can't catch a cold... I have to take medicine every day..."

Gentle and loving, as always.

Yaoying's heart was slightly sour, and she shook her head: "Auntie, I'm not cold." She continued to feed Xie Guifei with medicine.

Even if she is demented and stupid, A-Niang still remembers to care about her.

Back then, when Xie Guifei and Tang Shi fought and Tang Shi died, Li De took out his anger at her, and she lost all thoughts and fell ill.

Soon after, the Xie family defended the empty city to protect the people from crossing the river, and the whole family was heroic.

Concubine Xie lost her blood relatives and her only support. Li De's attitude towards her was even more indifferent, and she has been crazy since then.

She had never had any intention of harming the Tang family, and Li Xuanzhen still felt pissed when she ended up like this.

Until she swallowed gold and committed suicide, he still said to the people around him: "The poisonous woman will die!"

Li Yaoying frowned as she watched Concubine Xie fall asleep and walked out of the bedroom.

In recent years, Concubine Xie has been in good times and bad, and she has visited famous doctors all over the world to diagnose and treat Xie Guifei.

Many years ago, Concubine Xie insisted on marrying Li De with the love of her elder brother, Uncle Xie.

Uncle Xie had no choice but to send her to marry, devoting all his clan to assist her husband.

In the end, the entire Xie family was lost.

In exchange, Li De treated him coldly.

Yaoying sometimes thinks that Xie Guifei's confusion is not necessarily a bad thing.

Li Zhongqian also thinks so.

The brother and sister never mentioned Uncle Xie, who had already died in the city, in front of Xie Guifei. Xie Guifei thought that the Xie family was still alive in this world, but she did not want to communicate with her.

The imperial doctor arrived in a hurry, diagnosed Xie Guifei's pulse, and prescribed a new prescription.

The maid cooks tea on the fan stove, and Yaoying invites the imperial doctor to sit in front of the porch for tea.

The fragrance of the tea curled up, the imperial doctor looked at the snow-white tea foam in the glazed tea cup, pondered for a moment, and said to Yaoying: "Your lord, a certain talent is ignorant, and I have been entrusted by your lord."

Yaoying smiled, stood up straight, and solemnly bowed to the imperial doctor: "Feng Yu's words are serious, my mother's illness is really a heart disease. In recent years, I have relied on the kindness of the imperial doctor to take care of my mother, my brother and I. I haven’t thanked Feng Yu yet.”

The imperial doctor was so flattered that he didn't dare to accept Yaoying's ceremony, so he fell down and waited until Yaoying's ceremony was over before he dared to go back to his seat.

After discussing a few words about Concubine Zheng's condition, the imperial doctor remembered something: "The famous doctor from Tianzhu that your lord asked someone to inquire about has arrived in Beijing, and now he is living in Daci'en Temple in Jinchangfang."

Yaoying looked happy.

In the last years of the previous dynasty, the world was in chaos. In order to avoid the war, the monks in the Central Plains fled to the relatively peaceful Shu.

After Li De ascended the throne, he sent troops to Shu to persuade eminent monks to return to Beijing.

Among them, there was an eminent monk from Tianzhu, who was said to be not only proficient in Buddhism, but also a master of Xinglin with superb medical skills. He traveled from Tianzhu to Guangzhou by sea, traveled more than half of the Central Plains, and traveled to Shu. This time, he will return to Chang'an with other Central Plains monks.

Yao Ying had long heard of that eminent monk's reputation and was looking forward to him entering Beijing as soon as possible.

The imperial doctor said again: "If your lord wants to ask him to check the pulse of your concubine, it is better to do it as soon as possible. Someone said that he is in a hurry to go to the Western Regions, and this time he came to Chang'an just to pay homage to the Buddha's relics enshrined in the Ci'en Temple."

Yaoying thought for a while, sent the imperial doctor away, instructed the servants to prepare carriages and horses, and decided to leave the palace immediately.

Dacien Temple was built by Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi in memory of his mother, the eldest grandson, Empress. The eminent monk Xuanzang once presided over the temple affairs, organized the translation of scriptures, and promoted the Dharma. Xuanzang and his disciples created the Consciousness-only sect of Chinese Buddhism, so Daci'en Temple is regarded as the ancestral court of the Consciousness-only sect.

In order to welcome the eminent monks who returned from the north, the Dacien Temple has been renovated, the temple is magnificent, the treasure hall is majestic, and the reconstructed Big Wild Goose Pagoda stands majestically by the Qujiang River, solemn and solemn.

The first batch of monks from Shu arrived, and the temple was busy.

The prison had not slept all night, and was so busy that his feet did not touch the ground, and when he saw the monk entering the house, his brows were lightly wrinkled.

Zhike Seng handed over the post, and the prison took a few glances, immediately put down the affairs in his hand, and walked out of the hall.

As soon as he stepped out of the threshold, there was a rustling of footsteps in the corridor.

Several personal soldiers in robes with small sleeves walked over to a young girl with a dazzling appearance.

The girl has bright eyes and white teeth, a fairy-like appearance and jade color, the veil is flowing, and the robes are flying, as if the female Venerable Wu who is in the temple's frescoes is alive.

Wherever she went, the little novice couldn't help but look up and was stared at several times by the elder monk beside him, and he hurriedly bowed his head and recited the scriptures silently.

The author has something to say: Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Persia.

Wisdom Sect: One of the Buddhist sects in China, founded by Master Xuanzang of Tang Dynasty and his disciples, also known as Faxiang Sect, Ci En Sect, Ying Li Yuan Shi Sect, etc. (It is relatively advanced, and the entry requirements are high. In simple terms, it is too difficult. There are not many practitioners. Xuanzang and his disciples declined after a few generations.)

… … … … … … … … … … … … Thank you for your votes or irrigating nutrient solution during 2019-12-18 20:13:45~2019-12-23 00:08:39 Oh little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 day dream boat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!