Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 31: Birthday (modified)


Zheng Biyu's heart throbbed, stunned for a while, then suddenly sat up: "Nonsense!"

Empress Xie is the direct daughter of a prominent family, so how could she have sex with others

The maid didn't dare to say a word.

Zheng Biyu was taken aback for a while and asked, "Who else has heard Concubine Rong's nonsense?"

The maid replied: "Only Concubine Xue Gui and a few maids around her heard it. Concubine Xue laughed at that time and said Concubine Rong was crazy and full of nonsense, but these few days she quietly sent away all the maids who were present at the time, leaving only the her confidant."

That confidant happened to be the sister-in-law recognized by the maid, one of the eyeliners of the East Palace.

Zheng Biyu's fingers were numb, and she instructed the maid: "Concubine Rong is crazy. She hates Princess Wenzhao. Before she died, she deliberately said such nonsense to ruin Queen Xie's reputation. Concubine Xue handled it very well, and this matter is not allowed to go out."

The maid bowed her head.

Zheng Biyu's eyes flickered, and she asked in a low voice, "What did Concubine Rong say?"

The maid replied: "Before Concubine Rong scolded Princess Wenzhao before she died, saying that the sons and daughters of the sage are tall and strong, and the girls are tall and fat, why is it that only Princess Wenzhao is weak since she was three years old and can't go to the ground until she is three years old? Why can't she stop taking medicine since she was a child, and she has to take Ninglu pills every month? Why is it that only Princess Wenzhao's eyebrows are not like those of the Li family?"

"Xue Guifei refuted Concubine Rong, saying that it was because Princess Wenzhao was born insufficient."

"Concubine Rong laughed a few times and said that Princess Wenzhao is not the bloodline of the saint at all, because she is not born of Queen Xie."

Zheng Biyu opened her mouth slightly, with a surprised look on her face.

She thought that Concubine Rong was implying that Queen Xie was not a woman, but what she said was that Li Yaoying was not born by Queen Xie.

The maid continued: "Concubine Rong said that the people of the clan all supported the second prince... Xie Zhongqian was the prince, and Queen Xie's maid said a few cold words to Queen Tang, and Queen Tang committed suicide in anger, and the saint died overnight without even fighting. After the fight, I rushed back to Wei County to prepare for the funeral of Queen Tang. At that time, Queen Xie was also pregnant, so the Holy Master did not punish her."

"Concubine Rong told Concubine Xue that in fact, Queen Xie was not pregnant at all at that time. The Queen's nurse was worried that the Holy Master would anger the Queen. The Pope lied that she was pregnant for a few months, and Queen Xie did so."

Because Li De returned to Wei County a few months ago, and stayed in Queen Xie's yard every night, and Queen Xie lived in seclusion again, so no one doubted.

"Concubine Rong said that Princess Wenzhao is by no means golden branches and jade leaves, she is a child carried by Duke Wei."

Duke Wei is Xie Wuliang.

Li Yaoying and his pro-Ye Lu tribe, Li De ordered Xie Wuliang to be named Duke Wei, and Li Zhongqian adopted the title of Duke Wei, and he will directly inherit the title of Duke Wei.

The maid finally said: "Concubine Rong said that she had suspected the Seventh Princess's life experience for a long time, but she didn't dare to speak out because she was afraid of Xie Zhongqian's revenge."

Zheng Biyu's thoughts turned around, and she leaned back to rely on a few, but did not make a sound for a long time.

Intuition told her that what Concubine Rong said was true.

Zheng Biyu told the maid, "We must never let Wei Changshi hear any news about this."

The maid responded and said, "His Royal Highness, Concubine Rong is talking nonsense, and there is no evidence. It doesn't matter if it is spread."

Concubine Xue's position as deputy queen was obtained by Li Yaoying, and she would definitely not reveal this.

It doesn't matter if it is leaked. Who would take Concubine Rong's nonsense before her death seriously? Without evidence, what she said was nothing but madness.

And Princess Wen Zhao married a distant relative as Princess Li, even if she wasn't the emperor's biological daughter, she was now.

Zheng Biyu murmured: "It doesn't matter if others believe it or not..."

The key is whether to tell the prince about this

The reason why the prince hates Li Yaoying is because Li Yaoying is the daughter of the Xie family. If he knows that Li Yaoying is not born by the Xie family...

Zheng Biyu frowned.

After marrying into the Li family, she inquired about Tang's suicide.

The men of the Li family often went abroad to fight, while the Tang and Xie families stayed in Wei County, and Li De would go home to visit the two wives every few months.

On the day of Tang's suicide, Li Xuanzhen just returned home and saw with his own eyes his mother, who was burned beyond human form, jumped out of the sea of flames and fell at his feet.

In fact, the person who was supposed to return to Wei County that day was Li De. When he left home, he promised to go home to spend the holiday with the two ladies. Later, due to the war, he only sent his eldest son home.

Therefore, the Tang family servant once quietly told Zheng Biyu that Tang Ying's original plan was to burn her alive in front of Li De.

As a result, Li Xuanzhen witnessed her tragic death.

Before she died, she was almost insane, and asked Li Xuanzhen to avenge her over and over again.

For more than ten years, Li Xuanzhen had nightmares almost every night, dreaming that her mother was about to die.

Zheng Biyu euphemistically persuaded Li Xuanzhen to let go of her hatred.

Although Tang Ying committed suicide after an argument with the clan elder and Queen Xie's maid, in the final analysis, her death was not caused by the Xie family. Why did he have to target Xie Guifei's mother and son

He could listen to his advice on other matters, and he could even compromise on Zhu Luyun's matter. It was Xie's matter, so why was he so extreme

Li Xuanzhen sneered and did not explain anything to Zheng Biyu.

Zheng Biyu had a vague guess in his heart.

There might be something unknown about what happened back then, and Li Xuanzhen hid something in order to protect Tang Ying.

For this reason, he clearly didn't hate the seventh princess, but he hurt the seventh princess again and again.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Biyu decided to tell Li Xuanzhen what Concubine Rong said.

The Seventh Princess is innocent.

She got up and went to the study, picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Li Xuanzhen.

After the marriage decree was officially promulgated, Li Xuanzhen led the Wei army to Liangzhou and attacked the He clan in three ways with the cavalry of the various Hu tribes. After winning, he stayed in Liangzhou and has not returned to Beijing.

Zheng Biyu wrote a good letter and gave it to the slave, telling him to hand it over to Li Xuanzhen himself.

The house slave respectfully responds.

Half a month after Qin Fei left, Yaoying arrived near Liangzhou with Ye Lu.

Yelu chiefs have already set off from Liangzhou, and soon they will meet at the riverside where they are stationed in the Yelu tribe every winter, and complete the wedding according to the customs of the Yelu tribe.

Liangzhou was called Yongzhou in ancient times. The terrain is flat and vast. Since ancient times, it has been a fertile land with "people rushing to the ground and thick mulberry and mulberry." It is known as the place where the throat of the five counties is controlled.

During the Tang Dynasty, Master Xuanzang passed through Liangzhou when he traveled westward to collect Buddhist scriptures. At that time, there was no stop between Liangzhou monks and merchants.

Until a few decades ago, Liangzhou was still one of the most prosperous and important towns in the north.

Later, the Central Plains dynasty declined and the world was in chaos. The northwest was successively occupied by the powerful Tubo and various rising tribes. In the previous dynasty, when the Zhu family established the country, they failed to recover the northwest.

Sitting in the carriage, Yaoying occasionally lifted the curtains to look at her, and what she saw in front of her eyes was a vast and desolate world.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, there was no trace of people.

The further we went to the northwest, the weather became more and more severe, the gloomy sky gradually showed signs of wind and snow, and the rolling hills and peaks in the sky were covered with snow, like a sleeping dragon.

Where is Yunheng Qinling's home, Xue embraces Languan and does not move forward.

The road is getting rougher and harder.

Although there are maids Hu diligently waiting on the road, and it is not considered a windy meal, it is still quite hard for Yaoying, who has been pampering her for several years.

When they needed to cross the mountains, she had to get out of the carriage and ride like everyone else.

Li Zhongqian taught her to ride horses, and he often accompanied her on horseback rides, but it was always on a flat and wide field, in the spring when the sun was shining brightly, not on the bumpy mountain roads and the windy late autumn.

Riding a horse on a mountain trail is far more difficult than riding on a flat ground, and in order to escape the wind and snow and find a safe overnight place before dark, they often walk all day long.

Yaoying's thigh was bruised and scarred, the wound was covered with blood scabs and frayed, and blood blisters were strangled by the reins on her delicate fingers.

Whenever the procession stopped to rest, she sat in the saddle, as if her body was broken, and she couldn't lift her fingers. Tali and Ayi had to hold her by one arm to help her dismount.

On this day, they finally climbed over several mountains and reached an open plain between the valleys. Yaoying moved to the carriage, and Ayi knelt on the side and gave her medicine.

Xie Qing rode beside the carriage as usual, the handle of the knife lifted a corner of the curtain, and passed in a small porcelain bottle.

"Princess, this medicine is what I usually use. It is stronger than the ointment that the princess brought. It will hurt a lot when you use it, but it will heal faster."

After he finished speaking, he added: "There will be no scars."

Yaoying lay on the table, took the porcelain bottle, and chuckled, "You are very careful."

He usually has a cold face, like an idiot, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to deliver medicine to her.

The handle of the knife was retracted, and the curtain was lowered again.

After a while, Xie Qing's voice came: "Princess... Today is your birthday."

Yaoying stayed for a while.

In a trance, she remembered that when she was a child, she went to attend her cousin's wedding ceremony, and she was reluctant to leave until it was dark. Li Zhongqian came to pick her up, saw her sleepy eyes, was reluctant to wake her up, and carried her back.

She lay on Li Zhongqian's back, regained her energy, and chirped to tell him how lively the banquet was.

Li Zhongqian laughed loudly: "When Xiao Qi arrives, Brother A will also hold a ceremony for you, which is bigger and more lively than today. The trees in the whole street are full of colorful lights."

Yaoying hugged Li Zhongqian's neck and rubbed: "I don't want to wait for the wedding ceremony, as long as my mother and brother accompany me and eat a bowl of birthday noodles."

Carefree then.

Unexpectedly, when it was really time to eat, even eating a bowl of longevity noodles became a luxury.

Yaoying was stunned for a long time, until Ayi applied the ointment for her and quit, and then she slowly recovered.

"I forgot..." She lifted the curtain of the car, raised her face, looked at Xie Qing, smiling like a flower, "Aqing, it's hard for you to remember this."

She had long forgotten where it was today.

Xie Qing lowered his head and did not look at Yaoying.

"I understand why the princess didn't bring Chunru and the others to the Yelu Department." He looked at the sand covered with a thin layer of snow under the horse's hooves, "If you brought them here, they saw that the princess suffered so much. , must be crying all day long."

Yaoying smiled, listening to Xie Qing's tone, he seemed to dislike Chunru

Xie Qing clenched the handle of the knife tightly with his fingers: "And they are here... they must not escape the clutches of the big prince."

Yaoying's face darkened.

The eldest prince was rude and savage, and his eyes were not concealed at all. Maybe it was because he was afraid of his father, Chief Yelu. These days, the eldest prince did not dare to do anything disrespectful to her, but he dragged the female slaves from the tribe into the tent in front of her every day. Undisguised sound.

A few days ago, the eldest prince went directly to Yaoying to ask for Tali, but she categorically refused.

The eldest prince squinted his eyes and said nothing. He sneaked to Tali's tent at night, trying to do something wrong. Fortunately, Tali was alert and didn't let him succeed.

Yaoying glanced left and right, and all her personal soldiers followed by the carriage.

She said softly, "Aqing, the eldest prince is trying to make me afraid."

The delicate princess of the Han family, who was married far away and had a relative, must be frightened and panic-stricken when she met her husband before she saw her husband—as long as she was in a panic, the eldest prince would probably attack.

The veins in Xie Qing's hand holding the handle of the knife burst out: "Princess, I will kill him."

Yaoying frowned: "Aqing... You can't kill the eldest prince."

The warriors of the Yelu tribe all grew up on horseback and were skilled in bowing horses. Xie Qing was no match for the eldest prince.

Xie Qing's face was tense: "What if I run away with the princess?"

Yaoying shook her head: "Aqing, we can't run..."

If she leaves at this time, she will miss the appointment, and Nan Chu's detailed work has already penetrated into Chang'an. Once she leaves and the covenant is destroyed, Nan Chu will definitely instigate Ye Lu's tribe to start a war. At that time, life will be ruined, and the Central Plains will fall into war again, and her fate will not be better than now. It's better - either fall into the hands of Nan Chu and become a tool for them to provoke war, or be captured and ravaged by the angry Yelu tribe.

Yaoying patiently explained to Xie Qing: "We can't run now, and we can't run, why does the imperial court have to form an alliance with the Zhuhu tribe? Why does it have to rely on the cavalry of the Yelu tribe to send troops to retake Liangzhou?"

Xie Qing raised his head and his eyes fell directly on her face.

Yaoying said: "Because this is their territory."

The Central Plains Dynasty completely lost control of Helong and the Western Regions as early as a few decades ago. Without the assistance of the Hu tribes, the Wei army would not even know how many forces they had occupied from Liangzhou to the chassis. How could it be recovered in one fell swoop

"Aqing, I am now Princess Wei, the wife of Yelu Khan who is about to marry. As long as the covenant is still in place, the eldest prince will not dare to despise me."

She raised her eyes and looked into the distance.

"If I run away, the eldest prince will catch us right away. What will happen if a Wei Chao princess who made a mistake falls into his hands?"

Xie Qing shuddered.

The eldest prince did it on purpose. He intimidated the princess, made the princess terrified, and just waited for the princess to make mistakes!

Xie Qing let go of his fingers and pressed down the impetuousness of the past few days.

Yaoying smiled: "Aqing, no matter what happens, I will live well."

After my brother recovers from his injury, he will definitely come to her.

Until then, she has to live well.

She turned her head and looked towards the east. The majestic mountains in the horizon blocked her sight. Behind those mountains was her homeland.

"Sooner or later, we will return to the Central Plains and reunite with our families."

She is going back.

No matter how hard it is.

Xie Qing nodded and clenched the handle of the knife.

No matter where he went, he would take good care of the princess.

The team continued to head west.

A few days later, Yaoying saw a river in the Gobi that meanders along the mountains. The river has not yet frozen, and there are sparse grasses along the river. Occasionally, cattle and sheep can be seen drinking water by the river.

Tali told Yaoying, "walk along the river for a few more days and you will reach the tooth tent."

They filled the water bladders by the river and folded southeast along the channel.

The river is the only source of water in the Gobi. The farther southeast you go, the more cattle and sheep you can see on the road. Sometimes you will encounter tribes migrating with their families and caravans bursting with camel bells.

Yaoying heard the bell, opened the curtain, and looked at the caravan walking in the cold wind.

The personal soldiers suddenly came up and drove her carriage to the side of the hillside.

Tali glanced at the caravan with a look of pity on her face, and said to Yaoying who was dazed: "Princess, the eldest prince is going to loot that caravan."

Yaoying was silent.

Plundering is the nature of the Yelu tribe. They grew up on horseback and did not know how to farm or weave. They were born to follow their fathers to plunder everything that could be plundered on the grasslands, including food, population, and wealth.

When the carriage reached the higher ground, the eldest prince restrained his horse to look back, and across the crowd, looked at Yaoying, who was veiled and masked in the carriage, and slowly pulled out the Tubo machete that was captured in a battle.

He stared at Yao Ying without blinking, his eyes were sharper than the arrows rushing from the sky.

Domineering, brutal, cruel, cold-blooded.

Violent conquest came, mixed with hissing and roaring electric current.

A shudder rolled over Yaoying's body, and her hands trembled slightly in her sleeves.

She knew that showing cowardice would only make the eldest prince even more complacent, her fingertips dipped deeply into the tender palm, steadied her mind and remained motionless.

The beautiful face behind the veil is expressionless, noble and indifferent.

So elegant, so cool.

Like the flowers blooming on the top of the snow peaks, the moon hanging high in the boundless sky.

It is precisely because she is unattainable and unreachable that it is more attractive, more charming, and more uncontrollable for her desire and possessiveness.

I really want to shred the clothes wrapped around that beautiful body and let this delicate flower bloom in my palm.

Make her cry, make her surrender.

The heat flowed through his body, the blood of the eldest prince was throbbing, and he lowered his head and licked the cold blade, as if the thin blade under his tongue was the smooth and tender flesh of a Han princess like suet.

Passion|lust and desire to kill are intertwined, he is extremely refreshing, his body trembles twice, and he grins.

The sound of hoofs was like thunder, and the eldest prince took the lead, raising his machete, and rushing to the battlefield.

His personal soldiers followed closely, nineteen people formed a neat formation, like a bloodthirsty beast, spread its fangs, and quickly tore a hole in front of the caravan formation.

The author has something to say: "The name of Liangzhou..." This sentence refers to the original text of "Silk Road Liangzhou Agricultural Civilization".

The exchanges of business couples are always quoted from "The History of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty".

The eldest prince robbed from the east, from the west, and finally robbed what should not be robbed, and then the monk came.