Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 33: Poison


Rolling hills rise from the endless snowfields, and a clear river meanders from the valley and flows across the plains.

Felt tents that were almost hidden in the snow were scattered along the river channel under the hills. When the Khan arrived from Princess Wenzhao, whom the Great Wei had married, the people in the tents swarmed out and rejoiced.

The tent was crowded with people, laughing and cheering everywhere.

It is a strange language, a strange tone.

The Li brothers and sisters stood in front of the tooth tent, relatively speechless.

Just like a few years ago, they found each other's identities, standing on the bow, staring at each other silently.

Chibi Jitou, smoke waves at a glance.

The wooden door of the tooth tent was opened from the inside, and Ye Lu Khan came out. His eyes fell on Yao Ying, who was exhausted and tired, and still did not hide his face. He was so happy that he rubbed his hands. He smiled and said, "Princess Wenzhao arrived safely, the crown prince can rest assured."

Saying that, without waiting for Li Xuanzhen to speak, he graciously opened the curtain and invited Yaoying to enter the account.

Yaoying did not look sideways, and walked into the tooth curtain from the gloomy Li Xuanzhen.

After Li De set the wedding date, Li Xuanzhen led the army to Liangzhou. At this moment, he should be guarding Liangzhou, so why did he go back to Yelu with Yelu Khan

Does he have to confirm with his own eyes that she and Yelu Khan are married to be at ease

Yelu Khan followed the tooth tent and seemed a little at a loss. He laughed dryly and said, "Princess has been exhausted all the way. Have a good rest tonight, and the wedding will be held tomorrow night."

His Chinese was not proficient, and his articulation was slow.

Yaoying lowered her eyes and said nothing, showing a state of exhaustion.

Yelu Khan looked at the white and delicate skin on her neck, and his heart must be smoother than suet. Thinking that the Han princess is delicate and shy, pays attention to etiquette, and is young, she should not be too rude to frighten her, rub her hands, and lead people away.

As soon as the tent door was closed, Yaoying fell down on the felt blanket, Tali and Ayi knelt on one side and took off the heavy flower crown on her head and swayed.

Tali said sympathetically, "Princess, although Khan is old, he is in good health, and he loves you very much. I heard from Ye Lu's people that Khan has never been so considerate to a lady."

Yao Ying didn't speak, she took off the hairpin on her temples, and her hair was covered with black and blue silk.

Her bones were aching all over, and she didn't want to think about anything. She crouched beside the couch and closed her eyes to sleep.

Just get a good night's sleep, and when you have enough sleep, you have enough energy to deal with this unfamiliar environment.

There was a sound from the tent door, a crescent-shaped machete opened the curtain, the wind and snow poured in, and the black leather boots stepped into the tooth tent.

Yaoying heard the sound, opened her eyes, glanced at the pair of boots, and motioned for Hu and Xie Qing to go out.

Only she and Li Xuanzhen were left in the account.

Yaoying was still curled up beside the long couch, the rich and colorful blue silk poured down like a waterfall, covered with half a felt blanket, like a lazy cat.

"Do you want to stay to watch the ceremony, eldest brother?"

This flat tone, as if she was not marrying an elderly alien leader.

The black leather boots were moved in front of Yaoying, Li Xuanzhen leaned over, grabbed her wrist, forced her to look up, phoenix eyes stared at her without blinking, and said word by word: "Qimei, I will give you another choice. Chance."

Yaoying's eyes were slightly raised, and her eyes were clear.

"Okay, I choose the eldest brother, can the eldest brother take me back to Chang'an?"

Li Xuanzhen was stunned.

Yaoying smiled and said sarcastically, "eldest brother, so far, you can't give me a chance to choose. Ye Lu's department has not broken an appointment. Tomorrow is the wedding. Is it possible that the eldest brother wants to destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries?"

"You're not that kind of person."

Li Xuanzhen can't do such a thing, and she won't offend Ye Lu's department and anger Li De just for her, and she is not Zhu Luyun.

Yaoying glanced in the direction of the tent door, "You don't have that ability either."

This is Ye Lu's territory, and he can't take her away.

Li Xuanzhen looked at Yaoying silently, undercurrents surging in her phoenix eyes.

"Eldest brother, I have already chosen that year. I am Li Zhongqian's sister. If the eldest brother harms my brother, I will be at odds with you."

Li Xuanzhen clenched her fingers even tighter.

At that time, his fingers tightly squeezed Yaoying's fragile neck, as long as he exerted a little force, she would die in his hands.

He and Li Zhongqian, she can only choose one.

Either completely cut off relations with Li Zhongqian and Xie Manyuan and live as A Yue, or die with them.

She couldn't even breathe, and she still chose Li Zhongqian without hesitation.

And he has embarrassed Li Zhongqian again and again in the past few years, forcing her to choose again and again, knowing that she will not give the answer he wants to hear, he still asks it again and again.

Li Xuanzhen's fingers were hot.

Yaoying bowed her head, her cold fingertips pushed away his fingers little by little.

She once thought that she could reason with Li Xuanzhen, but later found that everything was in vain. In front of the strong, the reasoning of the weak is the most useless thing.

Tang's sentence "kill them all" is Li Xuanzhen's inner demon, Xie Manyuan, Li Zhongqian, Li De, Xie clan, Li clan, no matter if they are innocent or deserve what they deserve, they can't escape.

So she didn't want to waste any more words.

What if Li Xuanzhen is the son of destiny

Li Zhongqian will never leave her alone, and she will never give up Li Zhongqian. It is really desperate, and the big deal is to die with Li Xuanzhen.

Li Xuanzhen looked down at Yaoying, not saying a word, not moving, Jun Yi's brows showed a bit of hideous color.

Yaoying leaned against the edge of the couch, her chin rested on her arm, and her expression was indifferent.

"I'm tired, eldest brother is free."

She closed her eyes, her thick eyelashes fluttered, and after a while she seemed to really fall asleep, breathing evenly.

Li Xuanzhen stood in the tent, his eyes were choppy, and his hands slowly clenched into fists.

He should not go to Chibi.

That way, I won't meet her, I won't feel pity for her, I won't think of taking good care of her, and I won't suffer between her mother's instructions and her.

He was actually praying for the daughter of the enemy to choose him.

And she ignored him.

Li Xuanzhen trembled all over, as if awakened from a dream, turned around suddenly, strode away, her eyes were red.

After a while, Xie Qing entered the account and told Yaoying that Li Xuanzhen had left.

Yelu Khan repeatedly kept him and asked Li Xuanzhen to attend the wedding before leaving. He also said that Bie Mutie was waiting to fight with him. He said that there were still military affairs in Liangzhou, so he left with his personal soldiers.

Yaoying hummed lightly.

Xie Qing sat cross-legged beside the felt blanket, his eyes fell on Yaoying's snow-white wrist, where there were a few faint fingerprints.

"What happened to the princess and the prince?"

Yao Ying said slowly: "It's nothing... I have been in bad health since I was a child. In that year, someone said that there was a genius doctor in Chibi, with excellent medical skills. My brother immediately took me to Chibi to seek medical treatment. At that time, Chibi was under the control of Nan Chu, the genius doctor. Only to save the subjects of Southern Chu, my brother had attacked Chibi with Governor Pei before, and he was afraid that his identity would be exposed.

The dialects of Jingnan and Chibi are very similar. Yaoying speaks a decent Chibi dialect. The genius doctor did not doubt her identity. Seeing that she only brought a few old servants with her, she kept her at home and carefully treated her.

The genius doctor's medical skills are indeed excellent. Yaoying has been living in his house for a few months, and her complexion is getting better and better.

It was there that Yaoying met a seriously injured young man.

"He said his name was Yang Changsheng, and he was from Nanchu."

Yaoying smiled.

When she was a child, she had bad legs and didn't go out very often. Li Xuanzhen always hated Xie's family, never met Xie's family, and often fought outside. The two brothers and sisters knew each other's existence, but they never met.

They were all disguised as people from Southern Chu. Li Xuanzhen had injuries on her face. She didn't recognize Li Xuanzhen, and it was even more impossible for Li Xuanzhen to recognize her.

The genius doctor told Yaoying to move around more. She often helped the genius doctor run errands and took care of patients. Seeing that Li Xuanzhen was alone and unattended, she took the initiative to take care of the medicine for him.

After going back and forth, they met as Ah Yue and Yang Changsheng.

Later, the wound on Li Xuanzhen's face healed, and Yaoying joked with him: "Brother Changsheng, your eyebrows and eyes are a bit like my brother, and they are about the same size."

Li Xuanzhen frowned: "Your brother left you in Chibi for a few months, don't you get angry?"

Yaoying beat him lightly in dissatisfaction: "My brother doesn't care about me, he has important things to do, and when I grow up, I can take care of myself!"

Li Xuanzhen smiled and lowered her head to pin a clay figurine for Yaoying.

Yang Changsheng, whom Yaoying knew, was taciturn, but he was loyal to others. At that time, it rained heavily in Chibi for a month and the flood raged. He went into the water to save people regardless of his serious injuries, and was almost swept away by the flood because of his collapse.

Therefore, when they took a boat back to Wei County together, saw Li Zhongqian and the Tang family waiting on the shore, and realized each other's identities, Yaoying did not immediately avoid Li Xuanzhen.

She always felt that since a person can save a stranger regardless of his own safety, he should be able to sort out hatred.

Li Xuanzhen's reaction was much more than Yaoying's. He stood on the bow and glanced at Li Zhongqian on the shore, then glanced at her again, the smile on his face became cold little by little, the dark clouds in his eyes shrouded him, and he suddenly grabbed her. , strangled her neck.

Yaoying almost died in his hands.

To this day, she still remembers the feeling of Li Xuanzhen's rough and cold fingers strangling her neck.

Xie Qing commented expressionlessly: "Prince is too stubborn."

Yaoying rubbed her wrists and smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about these things."

She put her mind back to her own situation: "Aqing, what did the eldest prince do that night?"

Xie Qing returned to his senses and said, "I've inquired about it. The eldest prince looted several large carts of goods that night."

Yaoying frowned.

After the meeting that day, the eldest prince said that he robbed several herdsmen. She observed carefully and found that the eldest prince and his entourage had changed to new saddles and harnesses. How could ordinary herders afford such expensive saddles

"I suspect that the eldest prince robbed and killed that royal court caravan."

Xie Qing's eyes showed a look of surprise: "The people from Yelu said that no one dared to plunder the caravan carrying the banner of the Buddha."

Yaoying's mouth twitched: "Others don't dare, that's because they know current affairs and advance and retreat. The eldest prince is not that kind of person."

She had always been puzzled before, why did the powerful Yelu tribe fall silently

The reason is probably here. The eldest prince is greedy and cruel, which has angered too many tribes. Now he is likely to rob the subjects of Tamoraka. Even if the royal court does not retaliate, the surrounding tribes will use this as an excuse to come. attack.

Yaoying pondered for a while, then instructed Xie Qing: "You can find a chance to see what those big trucks are."

Xie Qing should be.

The next morning, before dawn, there was a lively voice outside the tent.

Tali served Yaoying's grooming, and told her that the tribe was preparing for the evening wedding. At night, a bonfire would be lit in front of the tent, and men and women of the tribe would come to congratulate them.

Yaoying changed into her wedding dress, and Tully pulled up her long hair and braided her hair.

She looked at her pale face in the bronze mirror, ignoring the fear and anxiety in her heart, and encouraged herself over and over again.

Xie Qing got into the tent, motioned Tali and Ayi to go out, and walked behind Yaoying: "Princess, I found this."

Yaoying turned around and saw that he took out a blood-stained flag from his arms.

Delicate golden lines can still be seen faintly on soiled fabrics.

The eldest prince was still unconvinced and plundered the caravan.

Yaoying's plans turned around: "I have to tell Ye Lu Khan about this... I can't let me speak, Ye Lu Khan may not believe me, but only think that I am provoking discord, and if the news is leaked, the eldest prince will definitely take revenge... Ah Qing, find some more evidence and reveal this to the second prince."

Tully had said that the eldest prince and the second prince never got along.

Xie Qing responded and turned to go out.

The second prince did not live up to Yaoying's expectations. After hearing the wind, he immediately reported to Yelu Khan.

Yelu Khan was furious and sent someone to call the eldest prince: "You actually robbed and killed the caravan of Buddha's sons, you are bringing disaster to our Yelu tribe!"

The eldest prince did not panic when he saw that the matter was revealed: "I have already killed all the people, and even the livestock. Who knew it was me?"

The eldest son was so ignorant of the sky and the earth, Yelu Khan became more and more angry: "Zero God is above, if the anger of the Buddha's son falls on the Yelu clan, you will be the sinner of the entire Yelu clan!"

The eldest prince said nonchalantly: "The Buddha is far away in the Western Regions, so he can't show his supernatural powers and suddenly descend from the sky! Besides, what if he comes? If he has the ability to fight me for 300 rounds!"

Yelu Khan turned purple with anger, and was about to draw his knife when footsteps came from outside the tent.

"Khan, don't post back!"

Yelu Khan said immediately: "Don't wooden posts come in quickly."

Biemu Tie stepped into the tent, frowning slightly: "Khan, why did the Prince of Wei suddenly leave? Didn't he say he wanted to fight with me?"

Yelu Khan was devastated at this time, and said casually: "He and Princess Wenzhao were not born to the same mother, and they have no relationship. After a few words with Princess Wenzhao, they left..."

Bie Mu Tie's light golden eyes flickered twice, and there was a hint of wickedness in the bottom of his eyes.

Yelu Khan told him about the eldest prince's looting of the caravan: "Bie Mutie, what do you think? You are from the Western Regions, will the theory of divine condemnation really work?"

Bie Mu Tie looked at the eldest prince and smiled, "Although the eldest prince is reckless, there is one sentence that is right. The Buddha is far away in the Western Regions, and he has never left the holy city in these years. The eldest prince just killed a few. Hu Shang is just guarding, and the Buddha will not fight for it."

Yelu Khan glared at the eldest prince and sneered: "I hope so."

The wedding continues as planned.

From noon, the men and women of the tribe began to sing and dance to the drum music, laughing loudly, and by the time night fell, most of them were half-drunk, and a blazing fire was lit in the camp. Yaoying was helped out of the tent.

Countless eyes fell on her, and the eyes of several young princes were more undisguised than the other.

Yaoying once again noticed the sight that once made her shudder.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a tall and strong young man standing beside Ye Lu Khan, with a hawk nose and deep eyes, his eyes were like torches, and the firelight reflected a pair of light golden pupils.

The look in his eyes looking at him with a smile at the moment made Yaoying's uneasiness even stronger.

She calmed her mind and completed the prayer under the guidance of Tali. Just as she was about to get up, Yelu Khan, who was opposite him, suddenly made a few faint sounds in his throat and fell on his back.

Everyone was shocked. Don Mu Ting rushed forward and hugged Yelu Khan, and said with a smile, "Khan is drunk!"

The princes looked at each other and rushed forward to help Yelu Khan back to the tent.

Before the eldest prince turned around, he took a deep look at Yaoying, and the corners of his mouth slanted: "Beauty, don't worry, if my father Khan's illness can't help him, I will take good care of you on his behalf. Tonight, you Just rest in the tent."

As he said that, his face suddenly sank and his eyes showed fierce light, "The guards of the princess are not the opponents of Ye Lu's warriors. Don't act rashly later."

He wiped the corners of his mouth and walked into the tent with a big smile.

Yaoying stood in the crowd, her body was cold, and she looked around for a week.

Yelu Khan's personal soldiers just happened to be absent, and the personal soldiers of several princes have dispersed, and the bonfire is still burning, but the cheerful atmosphere has long since dissipated, replaced by the tension and depression that the storm is about to come.

Yaoying returned to the tent, immediately took off her wedding dress, and asked Xie Qing to count the people.

"Yelu Khan doesn't look like he's drunk, there will be a change in Yelu's department tonight."

She thought that reminding Chief Yelu would allow him to prepare early, but unexpectedly something happened at night. It seemed that the eldest prince had already made preparations.

No wonder the eldest prince dared to tease her with such flamboyant words along the way.

In the eyes of the eldest prince, she has long been his possession.

Xie Qing quickly gathered his own soldiers, and dozens of people stood by, firmly protecting Yaoying's tent.

Others did not come to inquire, and several elders of the tribe went to Yelu Khan's tent surrounded by the second prince, third prince and other adopted sons.

After a while, shouts of killing came from the tent.

The knights in ambush in the dark drew their swords and rushed into the battle. Several of the prince's personal soldiers roared and fought in a melee.

Tali and Ayi huddled in the corner of the tent, shivering.

An hour later, the eldest prince was covered in blood, and strode out of the tent with the heads of his younger brothers: "They wanted to assassinate my father while my father was sick, but they were executed by my father's own soldiers!"

The Ye Lu tribe respected the strong and saw the eldest prince kill other princes. Except for a few of the prince's personal soldiers, everyone else knelt down and prostrated at the feet of the eldest prince.

Bie Mutie came out of the tent, stood beside the eldest prince, and respectfully invited him in.

The eldest prince threw his head and turned to enter the tent.

The others stood up one after another and began to clean up the mess in an orderly manner. The heads of several princes and clan elders were thrown into the fire, which burned with crackles.

Xie Qing's face was tense, and he stood in front of the tent: "Princess, what should we do?"

Yelu Khan is not dead yet, but he is still awake. The eldest prince killed other princes. Now everyone in the tribe listens to the eldest prince's orders. Sooner or later, Yaoying will fall into the hands of the eldest prince.

Yaoying had no time to think about when the eldest prince poisoned Yelu Khan's wine bowl. She was on guard against the eldest prince, but she did not expect the eldest prince to be so cruel.

"We have too few people..." Yaoying closed her eyes, "Let's wait and see what happens."

The author has something to say: It is necessary to write these before. With Yaoying's personality, it is impossible for Yaoying to rush to ask for help when she sees a monk in the Western Regions, right, she has no choice but to defile the monk...