Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 37: to the Western Regions (1)


The north wind howled, and it was freezing cold.

The vast expanse of the wilderness is covered with half a foot of snow. As far as the eye can see, it is a bleak white. There are towering mountains in the sky. The peaks are snow-capped, the sun rises in the east, and the mountains are magnificent.

When Yaoying saw the huge white eagle soaring above her head for the third time, she sighed and wrapped the felt on her body tightly.

"Haidu Aling is here."

Xie Qing raised his head and saw a snow-white falcon along her line of sight.

The sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the eagle falcon stretched out its vigorous posture in the clouds, and its wings seemed to be plated with a faint golden light, fierce and majestic.

"Is that an eagle raised by Beirong people?"

Yaoying nodded, her voice hoarse: "I saw it five days ago, it reappeared yesterday, and today it has been following us... It is reporting to Haidu Aling."

Shortly after leaving the Yelu Division, they were hunted down by the men of Haidu Aling who were in ambush nearby. As expected, Helong had been secretly occupied by Beirong, and the road to the Central Plains had been completely cut off. In front of them was Haidu Aling. Behind them are the Beirong people, they can't advance or retreat, they can only hide their traces carefully.

I don't know how long it has been wandering in the barren snow field, that eagle falcon suddenly appeared.

Yaoying coughed a few times and motioned to Xie Qing and the other soldiers to find a sheltered place to rest.

"I heard from the merchants in the West City that in the cold winter, the journey from Liangzhou to Guazhou is difficult to travel. The caravan will not choose to set off at this time. Haidu Aling must have blocked all the roads in Helong. Only we keep going east. This eagle only needs to make a few laps and go back to report, and Haidu Aling will know which direction we are in. "

The soldiers looked at each other, helpless.

Unlike the Central Plains with complex terrain, this is an endless Gobi, and they can't find a place to hide. There may be caves on the mountain to hide in, but the weather is cold, they have already eaten up their food, and they are not familiar with the terrain, and there are always Beirong pursuers behind them. The tribes they occasionally meet know at a glance that they are Han Chinese. provide help.

They must break through the blockade as soon as possible and return to the Central Plains, otherwise no matter where they hide, they will be found by Haidu Aling sooner or later.

A man put his hand on his forehead and stared at the falcon, and said, "Maybe it's just an ordinary eagle."

Yaoying shook her head: "This eagle has followed us for several days. Every time it appears at dawn and disappears in the evening, it never goes hunting, but always follows us."

"Princess, I'll try to see if I can knock it down!"

Lu Heng, the most skilled archer among the personal soldiers, shouted loudly, bent his bow and set up an arrow, and shot several arrows in a row.

The eagle and falcon in the sky arrogantly made a few clear chirps, and suddenly swooped, a dark shadow covered with huge wings, revealing a kind of arrogance that looked down on all things.

Lu Heng scolded a few times and took out a few remaining quivers with gunpowder: "These things can scare the Ye Lu tribesmen to their knees, can they scare the eagle away?"

Yao Ying shook his hand at the soldiers.

The Yelu tribesmen had no knowledge, and had never seen fireworks. She deliberately cursed the prince with nonsense at the funeral of the old khan, believing that the Yelu tribesmen of the Vulcan would be scared to death.

Eagles are not scared away.

When Haidu Aling was eleven years old, he climbed to the top of the mountain, killed a mighty female eagle, found a chick from the eagle's nest, raised it with his own hands, and tamed it.

The eagle later followed him from east to west, from north to south. The Northern Rong people called it Abu and regarded it as the god of all eagles.

Haidu Aling once proudly declared that Abu was the fastest and highest flying bird in the world, except for his master, no one could kill Abu.

Many people tried to kill the condor, but failed.

This condor finally died in the hands of its owner Haidu Aling, just because it lost a competition and was no longer the fastest eagle in the world.

Yaoying drank the only remaining water in the water bag and looked in the east direction: "The eagle found us, Haidu Aling only needs to send people to explore in different directions, and they will soon catch up."

When she saw the white falcon again and again, she could be sure that Haidu Aling had returned.

This shows that he failed to launch a full-scale sneak attack as he wished, and failed to successfully provoke a war between Great Wei and Western Shu and Southern Chu, otherwise he would not have come back so quickly.

Yaoying's heart is heavy.

This also shows that the failed Haidu Aling will come to hunt her down with monstrous anger and all the main force of his personal expedition.

Xie Qing found a dry place and put a felt blanket on it: "Princess, let's rest for a while."

Yaoying hummed, sat down cross-legged, leaned on Xie Qing's shoulders, and closed her eyes to sleep.

After running for days and days, she has become accustomed to taking a nap with her eyes closed in the ice and snow anytime, anywhere.

They rested only for a quarter of an hour, shivered in the cold wind and took a nap, climbed on horseback, and continued east.

Even if he knew that Haidu Aling would chase after him, he still had to flee.

The closer you are, the bigger the hope.

Maybe they can escape

On this day, the white falcon still followed them all day, and disappeared again in the evening.

In order to get rid of the white falcon, they traveled all night. The snowy road was rough and difficult to navigate at night. Several horses fell to the ground after exhaustion, and a few were suddenly startled and threw their personal soldiers off their horses.

The soldier said: "We are not familiar with the terrain, and we can no longer take the risk of walking at night!"

Xie Qing was helpless and asked everyone to stop and repair.

The soldiers hadn't eaten for several days, so they grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed them into their mouths. They turned their backs to her for fear of being seen by Yaoying.

Yaoying touched the animal skin bag around her waist. Xie Qing didn't eat anything these days, and gave her all the dry food she could eat.

People are starving and freezing, and so are the horses, who have been traveling for days. Several horses have died in the past few days, and the soldiers have to ride together.

Her beloved horse, Wusun Ma, could hardly hold it any longer.

It was the horse that Li Zhongqian gave her.

Yaoying untied the animal skin bag and handed it to Xie Qing: "Take it and share it with them."

Xie Qing refused to accept it.

Yao Ying became a little more irritable and said, "They have worked hard all day, and they have to eat something to maintain their strength. I kept some bait cakes. Ah Qing, if something happens to you, I won't be able to go very far alone."

Xie Qing took the animal skin bag and distributed it to the other soldiers.

The personal soldiers said no, but they could bear it.

Xie Qing said expressionlessly: "Eat it. If you don't eat it, the princess won't eat it either."

The soldiers had to take it.

Xie Qingkong returned to Yaoying's side.

Yaoying leaned on his shoulder and handed him a dry and hard bait cake: "Aqing, I'll keep it for you."

Xie Qing didn't speak, took the bait cake, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it silently.

Yaoying looked at the dark night sky above her head and asked softly, "Aqing, do you think Xie Liang and the others are still alive?"

Xie Liang was one of the first soldiers to be sent out to deliver letters.

Xie Qing said solemnly: "Judging from the chasing troops of the Beirong people these days, they are more fortunate than fortunate."

Yaoying's mouth twitched: "You really can't comfort people."

Xie Liang and the others may have died at the hands of the Beirong people. They came to the Yelu Department thousands of miles away to protect her, and they ventured through the layers of blockades in order to carry out her orders. They were only her personal soldiers before they died. , the people of the Central Plains will not know their deeds.

Yaoying shivered from the cold and curled up into a ball.

Xie Qing lowered his head and tightened the felt blanket for her, looking at her with dark eyes: "Princess, even if Xie Liang and the others die, they will die for loyalty and righteousness, and they will die without regret."

Yaoying recalled that when Xie Liang first came to her side, he was an honest young man. When he looked up at her, her face flushed, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet.

When Ye Lu's department laid out an escape plan, Xie Liang accepted the order without asking a single question.

Yaoying asked him if he was afraid of death.

He scratched his head: "I'm afraid."

Then why do you still obey my orders

Xie Liang continued to scratch his head: "Because you are the seventh princess! When I was selected by King Qin when I was young, I swore an oath to the ancestors of heaven and earth!"

He didn't fully understand the righteousness of the family and the country. He only knew that he had to protect the princess and obey the princess' orders. If the princess asked him to do the right thing, then he should work hard to complete the order.

No matter how dangerous this command is.

His loyalty is so simple, yet so heavy.

Yaoying was very cold and hungry, her whole body was stiff and sore, and the bones in her whole body seemed to have been run over and put together at will, with pain in her bones.

She wanted to live, she wanted to return to the Central Plains, she wanted to go back with these personal soldiers who shared with her through thick and thin.

Yaoying clenched her fingers tightly and fell asleep with a strong desire to survive.

When she woke up, the sky was already bright, and it might still be a sunny day today.

Someone screamed in surprise: "That eagle didn't chase after him!"

Everyone rejoiced, Xie Qing picked up Yaoying and put her on horseback.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and after running not far, she looked back at the personal soldiers behind her, and found that Lu Heng was gone.

She pulled her horse to a stop and counted the number of people.

Not only was Lu Heng gone, but four people were missing.

Yaoying looked at Xie Qing.

Xie Qing pulled the reins and slowed down, "Princess, this is the only way."

Yaoying was silent for a while, and closed her eyes.

In order to get rid of the chasing troops and the eagle's tracking, it is indeed the best way to divide the troops to attract attention. Eagles can quickly spot their tracks, but eagles cannot identify them.

Lu Heng might not really be able to lure Bai Falcon away, but he could buy her some time.

Just for this little time, they have no turning back.

Yaoying closed her eyes, held back the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, and waved her whip to urge the horse to continue galloping.

She couldn't let Lu Heng and the others sacrifice in vain.

They continued to run east.

Suddenly, the Wusun horse let out a high-pitched neigh, and its front hooves fell softly, crashing into the snow.


Xie Qing and the soldiers were shocked, stopped their horses, and flew forward.

Yaoying fell to the ground and rolled for several laps. Fortunately, Wusun Ma managed to support her for a while before finally falling down. The snow on the ground was very thick. She didn't fall and only scratched some skin.

Xie Qing helped her stand up, she was dizzy and shook several times before she stood up.

Wusun Ma was still struggling violently, screaming in despair.

The soldiers stood in front of Yaoying: "This horse is frightened!"

Yaoying's eyes were red, she pushed her soldiers away, and choked, "No, it's too tired."

She knelt in front of Wusun Ma and held out her hand tremblingly.

This is the horse that my brother gave her, the love horse that has been with her for several years. It is gentle, tough, and very human. I like to eat sweet apples and apples. I have never lost my temper with her.

Seeing his master, Wu Sunma gradually calmed down. Wu Liuliu looked at her with wet eyes, panting heavily, as if he was coquettish when he usually begged her for food, he tried his best to raise his head and rubbed her palm.

Yaoying trembled and rummaged through the animal skin bag, Wusun Ma likes to eat sweet fruit, it likes to eat sweet fruit!

The animal skin bag was empty.

Wusunma looked at Yaoying motionless, before waiting for the fruit he liked to eat, his eyes were still docile, he wagged his tail at her for the last time, and lost his breath.

Yaoying endured tears for many days.

I'm sorry, I'm not a good host and can't let you eat your favorite fruit.

Xie Qing silently picked up Yaoying and rode with her.

In the afternoon, they lost two more horses.

The horses could feed their stomachs, but none of the men slaughtered their beloved foals, and when the last horse fell, they had to walk across the wasteland.

Yaoying was hungry, and her body was getting weaker day by day. Xie Qing handed the long knife to others and walked on her back.

A few days later, they finally saw the familiar mountain range across the Great River in the sky.

The personal soldiers rushed up the hillside, "As long as you see those mountains that look like steamed buns, it means that we are approaching Liangzhou! We can climb over that mountain in just one day! We escaped!"

Yao Ying leaned on Xie Qing's back and raised her head in a daze.

Can she go home now

Can I reunite with my brother

She trembled all over, and before she had time to say anything, a few sharp whistles suddenly came from the clouds, and a huge white falcon swooped down from the clouds.

Yaoying's face turned pale.

As the wings of the white falcon swept across the air, the ground beneath their feet suddenly trembled, and there was the sound of horse hoofs behind them.

Yaoying turned back.

Rolling dust rolls up on the vast wilderness, and in the sky, a red sun slowly falls, the sky is scarlet like blood, and hundreds of sturdy knights in black armor are riding horses, like a black torrent, carrying The mighty aura that devoured everything, rushed towards Yaoying and his party.

The soldiers were stunned.

The team of hundreds of people was galloping fast, and quickly rushed to them.

The man at the front of the team had thick arms, tall and sturdy, wearing a wide felt hat, a black gold brocade robe, and holding a huge long bow. The pale golden eyes flashed in the twilight with an almost beast-like cold glow.

He stopped not far from Yaoying, the corners of his lips slanted.

"Seventh Princess, I didn't expect you to endure so many days."

Yaoying closed her eyes and shuddered slightly.

She remembered the legend of the Beirong people, the way they tame the eagle is to boil the eagle.

Haidu Aling is a master at boiling eagles.

He had found her long ago, followed her all the time, watched her starve, watched her suffer, and then appeared at the moment when she thought she could go back to her hometown, ruthlessly killing her hope of returning home .

Seeing hope one moment ago, and falling into the darkest despair the next moment, how could she not collapse

Haidu Aling is taming her.

She has nowhere to run.

Xie Qing put down Yaoying, took his saber, drew it out of its sheath, and stood in front of Yaoying.

The other soldiers also silently drew their sabres.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Haidu Aling's mouth, and he didn't move, as if he didn't pay attention to Xie Qing and the others.

Xie Qing stood in front of Yao Ying, holding his own knife in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.

As if he was not facing an invincible army.

There were only a handful of them, and they were exhausted and dizzy with hunger.

The opponent's troops are majestic and energetic.

They are hitting the stone with an egg, and they will surely die.

But so what

Xie Qing recited the original oath word by word: "I would like to follow Qiniang, protect her comprehensively, to the ends of the earth, and never give up."

Not the seventh princess of the Li family, nor Jingnan Xiaoqiniang.

Just his little sister.

He looked back at Yaoying.

"Qiniang, do you recognize me?"

With tears in her eyes, Yaoying smiled lightly: "Aqing, I recognized it long ago."

Xie Qing nodded, still expressionless: "Scholars die for those who are confidants. Although I, Xie Qingniang, are a woman, I can uphold the will of my ancestors and die to protect Qiniang. Xie Qingniang died without regret."

No regrets either.

Facing the menacing Beirong army, she raised her long sword.

The other soldiers froze for a while, and then they all showed their expressions of "as expected", looked at each other, and laughed: "In ancient times, there was Hua Mulan, and now there is Xie Qingniang, who can fight side by side with you, and we can also fight with the underground after we die. bragging, bragging, bragging."

"What a pity, I didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of you before..."

"Do you dare to touch her? With her physique, she can slap you to death with a slap!"

They panted weakly, held their breath, stood in front of Li Yaoying, and never retreated.

In the twilight, their tall backs were firm and stalwart, like the rolling mountains behind Yaoying.

These ordinary people, just because of a promise, have protected her to this day.

They regarded her as the object of their allegiance, and sacrificed their lives for her.

She also wanted to repay their loyalty.

Yaoying stood behind Xie Qing and the others, wiping the corners of her eyes with a smile.

Haidu Aling squinted his eyes, raised the huge longbow, spread his arms, and the longbow was full of strength.

Yaoying knew that the battle was over as soon as it started.

They didn't even have a chance to struggle.

She wiped away her tears and put her pale hand on Xie Qing's shoulder.

Xie Qing turned back.

"Aqing, we have to live and live well."

She looked at Haidu Aling on horseback in the distance with a firm gaze.

"As long as we can survive, we must return to the Central Plains one day."

Xie Qing realized what Yaoying was going to do, grabbed her hand and shouted, "No!"

Yaoying looked at the others: "Stop her."

The soldiers looked at each other.

Yaoying broke away Xie Qing's hand and brushed the hair on the side of her temple: "I am your princess, now I order you to stop Xie Qing, do you want to disobey?"

The faces of the personal soldiers shook, and they struggled for a while, tears welling up in their eyes, and they held their fists in response.

Xie Qingjai's eyes were split, and he roared and rushed forward: "No! Qiniang, come back!"

The personal soldiers stood in front of her and held her tightly.

Xie Qing drew his sword and slashed wildly, but the personal soldiers were helpless, took the sword from her hand, threw her to the ground, pressed her arms and legs, and prevented her from moving.

Yao Ying smiled at Xie Qing with a soft tone: "Aqing, I'm fine."

The current Haidu Aling is still young. He is not the emperor who conquered countless kingdoms in the future. He has his weaknesses and enemies that make him fear.

She always finds an opportunity to escape.

If the green hills are left, there is no need to worry about no firewood.

Yaoying walked out slowly from behind the guards and stood in front of them all, facing Haidu Aling.

"I'll go with you."

The cold wind blew her messy shirt skirt and long hair. Even though she was tormented for days and looked haggard, she was still noble and beautiful, like a flower blooming in the snow on the top of the mountain.

Haidu Aling raised his eyebrows, raised his arm, and the white falcon landed on his arm and grabbed his fingers.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

The process of taming this Han princess is so smooth, even more so than the feeling of conquest of the eagle.

Yaoying became the trophy of Haidu Aling.

Seemingly satisfied with her obedience, he promised to keep Xie Qing and several others alive.

Before being sent to the carriage, Yaoying looked back at the mountains standing under the twilight, with layers of rocks stacked up and magnificent mountains and rivers.

She will come back, she will climb over the majestic mountains and return to her hometown.

Although he had just attacked the Wei Dynasty and formed a feud with the Wei Dynasty, Haidu Aling was still completely unafraid of the Wei Dynasty. After catching Yaoying only a day's mile away from Liangzhou, he took his team back without a hurry. .

Yaoying was imprisoned in an iron-framed carriage, guarded by the personal guards of Haidu Aling.

She finally got fresh food.

In the afternoon, Bei Rong soldiers sent a Hu maid to Yaoying's side.

Yaoying looked at each other in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Tali wiped the corners of her eyes: "The slave remembered the princess's instructions. After you left, the slave also fled in the chaos. Soon the Yelu Department was annexed by Beirong, and the eldest prince and clan elders all died... The slave just found a place to live. , the men in the tribe were killed by the Beirong people, and we women became their slaves."

Helong had been occupied by Beirong, all tribes were forced to surrender, men were killed and women became slaves.

Tali said in a low voice: "Princess, I heard them say that the Northern Rong Khan attacked the royal court in the Western Regions and suffered a defeat, and called Prince Aling back. Prince Aling is going to take us back to the Western Regions."

Yaoying sighed softly.

Not long ago, she and Tali talked about the Quicksand River and Tali's homeland. At that time, she thought that she would never go to that faraway place in her life.

It turned out that the desolate Yelu tribe was not far from their homeland, and the Western Regions, thousands of miles away, were the real distance.

That night, Yaoying was taken to the tent in Haidu Aling.

"How could the Seventh Princess find out who I am?"

This man who grew up in a pack of wolves has a strong body, standing beside the long desk, like a majestic mountain, holding a knife in his hand, he is slowly slicing open a wild deer that is not yet dead.

The smell of blood is pungent.

Yaoying stood in front of the long case and said lightly, "I heard my brother mention Prince Beirong."

"Oh?" Haidu Aling didn't lift his head, and peeled off the wild deer's skin with a long knife, "I did fight Li Zhongqian, he is very heroic."

He changed his words, "However, Li Zhongqian was seriously injured and has been in a coma. The person guarding Liangzhou is your prince. As far as I know, there is a grudge between you and the prince. If it wasn't for the design of the East Palace, you would not have fallen into The situation today."

Haidu Aling raised his head, his pale yellow eyes were like a pair of crystal glazes in the candlelight.

"Your father exchanged you for Yeluhazhu's loyalty, the crown prince asked you to marry the woman he loves, and the minister was desperate when your brother was injured, why do you still tip them off?"

Yaoying still said indifferently, "Because I am from the Great Wei Dynasty."

Haidu Aling raised his eyebrows: "I can avenge the seventh princess, and when I kill the prince, I can support Li Zhongqian to ascend the throne."

Yaoying sneered: "Don't worry about the prince."

After the marriage, there are all kinds of grievances and grievances between her and Li De and Li Xuanzhen. After she gets out, she will sort out the entanglement with Li De and his son.

She would never cooperate with a wolf-like ambition like Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling was treacherous, cold-blooded and cruel. When he was a child, he killed the she-wolf who raised him, just to use the wolf's skin to obtain the qualification to be adopted by the tribe. Wakhan Khan treated him as his own, and let his younger brother adopt him and gave him a noble birth, but he thought his adoptive father was cowardly and useless. Now he is still close to Wakhan as a father and son, but in the future he will kill Wakhan, slaughter Wakhan's son and grandson, kill all Wakhan's heirs, and then become the new leader of Northern Rong.

How could such a ruthless person really help her get revenge

If she agrees, not only the Great Wei Jiangshan, but the entire Central Plains will eventually fall into the hands of Haidu Aling, and she and her brother will also be mercilessly killed by Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling laughed loudly: "Does the Seventh Princess not believe my sincerity?"

Yaoying looked directly at Haidu Aling: "If the prince said to help me revenge was achieved by stepping on the bones of tens of thousands of innocent people, we have nothing to talk about."

Haidu Aling slowly cut open the wild deer's belly, "Yeluhazhu only glanced at you, and she wanted to marry you... Seventh princess, you disrupted my plan, the person who was supposed to marry was Princess Fukang."

Princess Fukang gets married. First, he can take the opportunity to kill the prince and disturb the Great Wei. Second, he can use the identity of Zhu's daughter to disturb people's hearts. Coupled with the hidden piles buried in Nanchu and Shu, the Central Plains must be When chaos arises, Bei Rong will be able to destroy the Wei Dynasty without any effort.

It's a pity, Haidu Aling has calculated everything, but Ye Luhazhu has become lustful and fell in love with a charming Han princess. In order to marry the princess, she even took Liangzhou as a bargaining chip.

He was puzzled, and it was not until he saw the Seventh Princess in the palace banquet that night that he understood why Yelu Hazhu was tempted.

Such beauty should belong to him.

It was her unparalleled beauty that made him lose his vigilance and despise this woman.

Haidu Aling clicked his tongue a few times: "I only sent a few letters, promising that Princess Fukang would help her restore the country, and she would be willing to marry the Yelu Ministry, and her aunt... The eldest princess Yiqing who is close to the Turks. , I promised to restore the country for her, and she would help me make plans, send loyal servants to the Central Plains to contact the old officials loyal to the Zhu clan, and persuade Xishu and Nanchu to attack your great Wei..."

Yaoying slowly opened her eyes.

Haidu Aling smiled: "Seventh princess, Princess Fukang is a princess, Princess Yiqing is a princess, you are also a princess, how are you different from them?"

Yaoying said nothing, her hands in her sleeves trembled slightly.

I see! I see!

Haidu Aling should not have led troops to attack the Central Plains so early, and Zhu Luyun should not have been inexplicably linked with the Hu people at the beginning. She has never understood why many things have changed.

It is no wonder that Haidu Aling has such a thorough understanding of the countries in the Central Plains, no wonder that others in the north are always aware of the movements of Southern Chu, no wonder Princess Yiqing will send loyal servants back to the Central Plains to ask for help, and it is no wonder that Nanchu would actually mess with Haidu Aling. Together, all this is Haidu Aling's conspiracy!

Princess Yiqing joined with him and sent Xi Zuo back to the Central Plains, while spying on the military situation, looking for helpers for her, and disturbing the courts of various countries. !

The princess who was close to the Turks many years ago wanted to restore the country for the Zhu family, but actually formed an alliance with Haidu Aling, which almost made the Beirong people go straight in.

Yaoying swayed, almost unsteady.

She didn't know that there was a Princess Yiqing behind her, so she only reminded Li Xuanzhen and Du Sinan in the letter to beware of Southern Chu, and wondered if they could find out Princess Yiqing's detailed works.

Haidu Aling chuckled: "Seventh princess, look, if it wasn't for the help of your Han princesses, how could I have successfully plundered the Central Plains and got such a stunning princess?"

Yao Yingping regained her thoughts and raised her eyes, "Han people are human, so are you Beirong people. There are good and bad people. I am not the eldest princess of Yiqing, and I will not cooperate with the prince."

She paused, straightening her back.

"Not everyone will be coerced by the prince, and there are many people like me."

"This time the prince attacked Great Wei, but Nan Chu, who should have sent troops at the same time and had a bloody feud with Great Wei, did so differently, because they knew that the prince's ambition was not just a pass. Although the people with lofty ideals in Xishu were temporarily deceived by the prince, they will never make peace with someone like the prince when they learn the truth!"

"The Central Plains have been unified, and the Great Wei will soon settle the war. Southern Chu and Xishu will all be subordinate to Great Wei.

Haidu Aling's slender eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips twitched, "This king admires the princess' mind."

Yaoying said coldly, "I admire the prince's mind too."

Haidu Aling was stunned for a moment: "The princess admires this king?"

Yaoying's lips curled slightly: "The prince is not the biological son of Wakhan Khan. In order to repay the Khan's kindness of upbringing, he took the lead and fought bloody battles. How much land did the prince win for the Khan this time?"

Haidu Aling's face was slightly stiff.

Yaoying noticed his anger, and secretly said in her heart: Sure enough, Haidu Aling is very taboo about his identity, he is not Wakhan's parent after all.

Haidu Aling seemed speechless, stopped what he was doing, and signaled that Yaoying could leave.

Yaoying turned around and walked away.

Haidu's face was gloomy, he called his advisor, grabbed a cloth and wiped the deer's blood on the knife, "Did you hear what the Seventh Princess said just now?"

The counselor nodded.

"She is a delicate woman with such a mind. Is it true that everyone in the Central Plains is like this? Is it really not a good time to attack the Central Plains?"

The advisor thought for a while, and tried his best to use a sentence that Haidu Aling could understand: "Although Wei State has not been established for a long time, it has won the hearts of the people. It's already rotten, and it's not an opponent of Wei State. Looking at the Central Plains, there is no other force that can stop Wei State from uniting the North and the South."

Haidu Aling frowned in thought.

He is not Wakhan's own son. What can he get for all the military exploits he has earned so hard

If he continues to stay and attack the Central Plains, even if he wins Guanzhong, Wahan will not assign Guanzhong to him. Wahan only has his own son in his heart.

He must first gain a firm foothold within Beirong.

Sooner or later, the Central Plains will belong to him, so there is no need to rush it.

The prince does not seem to care about the seventh princess as in the legend. The second prince and the seventh princess depend on each other for life. He keeps the seventh princess for his own use in the future.

Haidu Aling made up his mind and instructed his advisors: "Starting tomorrow, I will order all the ministries to throw away their baggage and join my uncle as soon as possible. You stay in charge of Helong, and don't let the people sent by other princes rob me of my victory!"

Counselors should do it.

On the second day, the speed of the marching team suddenly accelerated.

In order to hurry, the team directly abandoned the cart, Yaoying was carried on horseback by several strong and skilled women, and followed the team to gallop towards the west.

They passed through Ganzhou, Suzhou, Guazhou, Shazhou, through the vast wilderness at the foot of the Qilian Mountains, and came to the front of the 800-mile quicksand.

Mohe Yanmoan, according to the book, is 800 li long, called Shahe River in ancient times, with no birds, no beasts, and no water plants. At night, the demons hold fire, shining like stars; in the daytime, the wind and sand are scattered like rain.

Yaoying was looked after by Hu Nu every day. She didn't suffer much on the way through the desert, but she was afraid that Xie Qing and the others would suffer.

They were locked up with the other captives and marched at the back of the line.

Whenever the team stopped to rest, Yaoying would find an opportunity to talk to the captives, and wanted to ask them to help bring a message to Xie Qing. However, the women were too strict and the captives could not speak Chinese. She tried several times. All in vain.

After crossing the Babaili Sha River, and further north, it is Izhou.

The previous dynasty was chaotic, and Yizhou was occupied by the mixed hustle and bustle. It used to be attached to different forces such as Western Turks and Tubos. Now Yizhou is under the rule of Beirong, and Beirong Yajing is now set up in Yizhou.

The closer I got to Izhou, there were constantly letters from the Beirong sentry sent to the Wakhan Khan on the road. Haidu Aling was busy dealing with the Wakhan Khan and disappeared every day.

Tali told Yaoying that Wakhan Khan had been besieging the royal court for the past six months. Will rush back to Illinois.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

The Western Regions have a vast territory and harsh climate, and oases, large or small, are scattered throughout, and each oasis can support a limited population.

Such a geographical environment made it difficult for the Western Regions to produce a powerful dynasty with a powerful military. They simply could not support a large number of soldiers and horses. Therefore, when the Northern Rong attacked, the tribes were like scattered sand, unable to compete.

When the Northern Rong conquered the Western Regions, it was like a broken bamboo, and the Northern Rong Khan thought that he could conquer the entire Western Regions in just a few months.

The Northern Rong was invincible, and wherever the cavalry went, all city-states and tribes surrendered.

Wakhan Khan was complacent and decided to take advantage of the situation to capture the legendary holy city in one fell swoop, and let the Buddhist son become his prisoner.

Everyone thought that the Wakhan Khan would successfully conquer the holy city and capture the Buddha's son.

However, in that battle, Wakhan Khan, who had powerful cavalry, lost.

Thirty thousand people against the two thousand people of the Buddha's son not only returned from a great defeat, but also lost their armor and armor. The mighty Wakhan Khan fell off his horse and was almost trampled to death by his own mount.

That battle of winning more with less made the thirteen-year-old Buddha's son, Tanmaraga, famous in the Western Regions, with unprecedented prestige.

At the same time, he left a deep imprint on the heart of Wakhan Khan.

This proud khan was eager to get out of the shadow of defeat and restore his morale, but he didn't know what was going on. Since that defeat, the Beirong army only had to fight against the royal court army, especially the Chinese army loyal to the Buddha. The enemy will always make mistakes.

When he was defeated again by Tanmaraka's central army, Wakhan Khan began to doubt whether Tanmaraga really knew magic.

This became a problem for Wakhan Khan, and since then, he has always subconsciously avoided confronting the royal court.

Therefore, the North Western Regions were peaceful for ten years.

In those two battles, Haidu Alingdu closely followed Wakhan Khan.

The heart disease of Wakhan Khan is also the heart disease of Haidu Aling.

Both generations of khans were defeated by the hands of Tamara, and they all muttered at the holy city, and neither dared to attack the holy city lightly.

When Thamaraga was alive, neither Wakhan Khan nor Haidu Aling could break the holy city.

Until the death of Tanmaraga, Haidu Aling laughed and said to his subordinates: "Without the Buddha's son, is the holy city still a holy city?"

Immediately count the troops and lead troops to encircle and suppress the holy city.

Soon, the royal court was destroyed.

Yaoying recalled the battle between Beirong and Wangting, and it was certain that both Wakhan Khan and Haidu Aling were afraid of Tanmaraga.

This time, the Wakhan Khan summoned up his courage and sent his tribe to harass the royal court. He only encircled and suppressed the perimeter. Not only did he fail to capture the holy city as he wished, but he also fell ill. The news came out that the Beirong cavalry would only Believing the rumor more and more: whoever dares to attack the holy city will be punished by heaven.

Haidu Aling, like his uncle, is as taboo as his uncle Tanma Luojia. Beirong was defeated. He was busy with military affairs and could not think of her for the time being. She could just find an opportunity to escape.

However, before Yaoying could find the opportunity, on this day, several Hu women suddenly escorted her to the tent in Haidu Aling.

A long pole was erected in the open space in front of the tent. A man with scars was tied in front of the long pole. Blood dripped down the corner of his robe, and there was a pool of dirty blood on the sand.

Yao Ying's eyes fell on the man's face,