Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 39: and Chapter 3 Combined (1)


Yaoying was taken to the tent and guarded strictly.

She wanted to see Xie Qing's injury, and the Hu girls did not allow her to approach and dragged the dying Xie Qing away.

Yaoying was secretly anxious in her heart.

Pretending to know Tamara is a good way to get out.

Wakhan Khan is taboo about Tamara, and admires him for sticking to the royal court for more than ten years in a weak body. This time, he not only made a pact of non-interference with him, but also swore that no matter what happened in the future, Beirong would never Hurting his family - Tamara has a sister.

In the book, Haidu Aling, who was relentless in killing his uncle and brother, also kept this promise.

After the fall of the royal court, Tanmaraka's sister survived.

The way is very good, but Haidu Aling is too keen, and Yaoying's lies in a hurry can't really frighten him.

Haidu Aling was in a hurry to go to Shacheng to meet with Wakhan Khan, so she ignored her. When he came back, how would she deal with it

She didn't know Tamara Ka at all.

No, there is no need to wait for Haidu Aling to come back. If he sees Tamara Ka in Shacheng and asks about her, her lie will be self-defeating.

Yaoying sat cross-legged on the felt blanket, calculating quickly in her heart.

She couldn't panic, Xie Qing and the others' safety depended on her, she had to calm down and think of a way to prevaricate him before Haidu Aling came back.

Or find a way to escape from the camp.

This place is very close to the royal court, as long as they can escape to the royal court, the people of Beirong dare not go to the royal court to arrest her.

She can't stay here any longer.

Tali brought in Yaoying's lunch, a few noodles, and a bowl of broth.

Yaoying asked her to send some medicine for Xie Qing.

Tully flinched and did not dare to agree, she had already returned to her hometown as she wished, and did not dare to take risks lightly.

Yaoying did not force it.

Tali looked ashamed, hesitated when she went out, and persuaded: "Princess, you have already arrived here, where else can you escape? Here and the Central Plains are 8,000 miles away, even if you escape, you will not be able to return. Central Plains. It is better to follow Prince Aling with peace of mind in the future. He is very good at fighting, and other princes are very afraid of him. Although there is no prosperity in the Central Plains, you can still live a noble life as before."

She knew that the princess had been secretly inquiring about the staffing arrangements of the team and wanted to escape.

Yaoying didn't speak, she lowered her head to eat the cake.

Haidu Aling's temperament is cold-blooded and gloomy. She can't really give in. Once she gives in, he has more means to torture her. She will be like the condor he tamed, even if she has a pair of solid wings, she will never be able to escape. out of his palm.

And he would not show mercy to Xie Qing and the others.

Yaoying was uneasy in her heart and had no appetite, so she forced herself to finish the broth and pancakes.

If you want to escape, you must have enough strength.

For the past six months, she has been trying to escape, escape from the Yelu Department, escape from the wasteland, and escape from the control of Haidu Aling. She spent half of her fifteen years in fear and fear. The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to cheer myself up and tell myself that I will definitely be able to return to the Central Plains.

She misses her brother so much.

Yaoying's nose was sore, she lowered her head, and took out the night pearl from her sleeve.

Wusun Ma was dead, this was the only thing Li Zhongqian gave her that she still carried with her all the time.

Whenever she was afraid, she took out this bead, and when she thought of my brother, she was no longer afraid.

Yaoying gently rubbed Ye Mingzhu with her fingers, and after a while, she sighed and called a Hu girl who was guarding her and handed out Ye Mingzhu.

When Hu Nu took her on horseback across the Liusha River, she accidentally saw the night pearl on her body, and she was drooling at that time.

She had heard Tali say that such a night pearl could be replaced by a small tribe from the monarch.

Hu Nu was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise in her eyes. She took the beads and immediately put them in her arms, and said in nonsense, "I'll only help you distract others. Whether you can escape is up to you."

Yaoying nodded and replied in Hu language: "If you don't keep your promise, I'll tell Haidu Aling about it and bring you to be buried with you."

A stern look flashed across Hu Nu's face, she weighed it, and walked out.

Yaoying looked down at the empty palm, and her heart seemed to be empty.

Then he smiled bitterly.

As expected of the Fulin National Treasure that Brother A said, it can also come in handy in times of crisis.

Haidu Aling went to Shacheng and took some of his followers, but the defense of the camp was still tight.

One night two days later, Hu Nv brought a Beirong costume for Yaoying to put on, and took her to the place where the prisoners were being held.

The captives had no tents to live in, and most of them put up a straw cage to surround a dozen people, and let them sleep in the cold wind.

Xie Qing assassinated Haidu Aling, was whipped and carried back. Others were afraid of being implicated by her and did not dare to approach her. These days, other personal soldiers were taking care of her.

Yaoying walked into the grass cage, knelt beside Xie Qing, and said in a low voice, "It's me."

The others recognized her immediately, without shouting, with drooping eyelids, "Princess, we didn't stop Xie Qing, she was afraid that Haidu Aling would bully you and wanted to die with Haidu Aling."

Yaoying sighed.

When the news that Wakhan Khan fell ill came, she thought it was a good opportunity, and had secretly contacted people to escape, but Haidu Aling did not leave, and she did not dare to meet Xie Qing and the others rashly. Xie Qing didn't know what she was planning, and suddenly assassinated Haidu Aling, disrupting her plan.

Now even if the plan is rushed, they have to run.

Yaoying can't blame Xie Qing for being impulsive and bad, Xie Qing just wants to save her from the tiger's mouth as soon as possible, for this reason, this loyal guard can die generously at any time.

She helped Xie Qing up and fed her a few sips of water.

Xie Qing has a strong physique and a square face. Because of this, after wearing men's clothes, no one has ever doubted her identity, and the Beirong people have not found out that she is a woman these days.

She was wounded all over, lying in Yaoying's arms without humming.

Yaoying called her softly: "Aqing."

Xie Qing's eyelids trembled a few times.

Yaoying was careful not to touch the bloody wound on her body: "Haidu Aling has left, there will definitely be a riot in the camp these two days, you guys should be more alert at night, if you hear the movement, we will find an opportunity to escape, you Can you hold on?"

Missing this opportunity, they could not find any other chance to escape before being escorted to the North Rong Yat.

Xie Qing made a few vague sounds in his throat, and clenched his fist tightly.

She can hold on.

Yaoying didn't dare to stay any longer, leaving behind a can of wound medicine and a dagger.

Hu Nv took her back to the tent, and the next day, Tully brought her Hu cake broth as usual.

Yaoying hid the Hu Bing, waited until sunset, changed into a small sleeved shirt, packed everything she could bring, sat cross-legged in the tent, and waited quietly.

At night, the camp slowly quiets down.

Yaoying's heart was pounding, and she listened carefully.

There was a screeching voice from outside the tent, and the Hu girl who took her night pearl led the other Hu girls away.

Yaoying waited patiently for a while.

In the quiet night, there were a few shouts, followed by the chaotic sound of horses' hooves. Someone shouted to summon people. The swaying firelight was projected on the tent, followed by the burning beep beep beep sound from the wind.

There were shouts: "There is an enemy attack!"

Half of the guards rushed to put out the fire, and half rushed to stop the attackers. Haidu Aling was not there. The guards were leaderless and not as orderly as usual.

Some of the detained prisoners squatted on the ground with their heads folded, shaking like chaff, some looked around for a while, and fled into the vast darkness.

The camp was a mess.

The personal soldiers used the daggers given by Yaoying to break the shackles tied to their feet, carried Xie Qing on their backs, and escaped from the grass cage while they were in chaos to find Yaoying's tent.

Yaoying pointed to the east: "There are horses in the east!"

The personal soldiers picked up a few weapons dropped by the dead guards, surrounded Yaoying in the middle, and ran to the east.

The Beirong people were busy fighting, and the Hu Nu was nowhere to be seen. Yaoying had already tied up her long hair and changed her clothes. The guards did not notice her for a while. She and her personal soldiers were among the fleeing captives, and slowly approached the east.

A few Beirong people came to kill them, shouting loudly, attracting more than a dozen guards.

The personal soldiers drew their swords, gritted their teeth and killed them all the way. Sure enough, they saw more than a dozen horses tied to the eastern stables.

The guards chased after them, but the personal soldiers did not dare to delay. They helped Yaoying and Xie Qing to climb onto the horses.

The night was dark, and they ran wild for several hours, not knowing how far they ran. The sky was getting brighter, and there was a vast expanse of yellow sand behind and rolling low dunes in front. Except for the rock piles that had been eroded by the wind for many years, there were only scattered dry vegetation.

The soldiers looked at each other.

They can tell their direction by the sunrise, but they don't know where to flee.

Several people discussed for a while and decided to continue to go east.

Before long, they found themselves lost.

Yaoying lifted the veil covering her face, looked at the rolling sand dunes in the distance, and sighed.

She knew that Haidu Aling and Wakhan's sons were at odds, and secretly released news, making other princes suspect that Haidu Aling's camp contained a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and weapons stolen from Helong.

Haidu Aling had been secretly training people for a long time, and he did steal a lot of property. Several princes had already heard about it, and when they heard the wind, they became suspicious and sent people to inquire.

Yaoying was imprisoned by Haidu Aling, and the spies of those people thought she was an ordinary Chinese girl and asked her to inquire. She was deliberately vague, guiding them to the treasure that Haidu Aling had plundered from the Yelu tribe.

Several princes believed that Haidu Aling had hidden weapons and jewelry, and decided to send troops to rob him while he was visiting Wakhan in the tooth tent. If they grabbed them, they would divide it up, leaving Haidu Aling in trouble.

The Hu Nv who took her night pearl not only benefited from her, but was also the inner responder of several other princes. Hu Nv thought that she could not understand Hu language and had no scruples when talking to other spies. She overheard the other princes preparing to attack the camp.

According to Yaoying's original plan, Xie Qing was not injured, they didn't have to escape so embarrassingly, they could also grab a small leader and threaten him to lead the way.

Now they are lost.

Yaoying patted the horse's neck and said, "There is no such thing as a perfect road, keep walking. It's close to the royal court, and there is an oasis town every hundred miles. We can always find a place where there are people."

The soldiers should be reinvigorated and continue to gallop eastward.

After walking for dozens of miles, seeing the bright clouds burning in the west sky, the personal soldiers suddenly pointed to the distance and said in surprise: "It seems to be a dirt city there! There are still people!"

Yaoying looked in the direction he was pointing, and there was indeed a tall earthen city standing in the southeast, and there were traces of artificial carving.

Outside Tucheng, there is an east-west avenue, and people on camels and horses can be vaguely seen on the avenue.

Where there are people you can find out how to get out of the desert.

Yaoying and the others were refreshed.

One of the personal soldiers went to investigate first, and came back to report: "That Tucheng seems to be a place for businessmen to rest their feet, and I didn't see any Beirong people."

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief and said to the others, "Let's lean in slowly and meet someone later. Don't speak. I'll find someone to find out where this place is."

Each city-state tribe in the Western Regions has its own language. She has been learning Hu with Tali along the way. Although her accent is not authentic, she can at least have a conversation with Hu Shang.

The personal soldiers should be, covering their faces with their headscarves, and galloping towards Tucheng.

Approaching Tucheng, there were gradually camel bells and voices. Some merchants driving carts stopped by the roadside to talk, discussing how long the covenant between Wang Ting and Bei Rong could last and whether it would affect their business.

Yaoying did not dare to enter Tucheng, so she asked a boy who was feeding camels for Hu Shang on the avenue outside the city.

The young man looked at her beautiful eyes that were exposed outside the veil, and stumbled to guide her in the direction, telling her that this place was under the rule of Wang Ting.

Yaoying thanked the boy, took out the Persian silver coins on her body, and asked people from the caravan to exchange some food.

They rested outside Tucheng that night, and Xie Qing woke up several times in the middle. The guards took turns standing guard, jumping up nervously when they heard a little movement.

Fortunately, the night was fine.

The next day, Yaoying and the others followed the boy's guide to the southeast.

Many caravans went in the same direction as them. Horses hooves on the road, camel bells rang, and people laugh. Hu merchants in brocade robes, felt hats, and two mustaches sat on their carriages and played pipa. Cheerful.

Yaoying hadn't seen such a peaceful scene for a long time. Listening to the sound of the lute, she couldn't help but think of the caravan in Liangzhou that died tragically under the sword of the Great Prince.

Wars in the Western Regions are raging, and wherever Beirong goes, there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Probably only the city-states under the rule of the Buddha can see such a prosperous scene, and only his subjects have such a leisurely atmosphere. Pipa, flute, tambourine.

It's a pity that the Buddha's son could not live for a few years, the holy city was slaughtered, and the last clean place in the Western Regions was also wiped out.

Yaoying sighed with emotion for a while, the sound of the pipa was in her ears, and the pleasant tune seemed to be trembling in her heart.

Suddenly, there were two hawks in the sky, and the sound of the pipa stopped.

Yaoying stunned her horse and raised her head.

A large snow-white falcon flew over her head, and the soaring figure was very familiar.

A shudder rolled over Yaoying's body.

The personal soldiers also noticed the falcon on their head, and their expressions changed greatly.

In the past few months, they have often seen this falcon following the team, and as soon as they saw the pair of gray-white wings, they knew that it was the condor of Haidu Aling.

"Haidu Aling is here!"

The personal soldiers clenched the reins, their voices trembling slightly.

Yao Ying calmed herself down.

It won't be so lucky, she won't be so unlucky...

Her eyes followed the white falcon, looking into the distance, the falcon flew lower, and suddenly there was a faint blackness on the sand dunes on the north side of the avenue.

The black moved slowly—it was a black flag beaten by a gust of wind, followed by another.

More than a dozen black flags fluttered in the wind, as if darkness had fallen.

The battle flag of Haidu Aling.

With the appearance of the black flag, rows of knights in black armor appeared on the west side of the Tucheng. Their mounts stepped on the flat sandy ground in a neat pace, galloping towards the direction of the avenue.

Yaoying pulled her back.

A dozen black flags also appeared on the dunes on the other side, and the black armored knights slowly approached with long knives in their hands.

The man at the head was dressed in a woven gold brocade robe, and his body on horseback was tall and sturdy.

The sound of the pipa stopped, and the caravan's people found the soldiers hiding behind the sand dunes. They recognized Haidu Aling. They were so frightened that they threw the goods and turned around to run.

The Hu merchants shouted in unison: "The Beirong people are here! The Beirong people are here!"

The personal soldiers surrounded Yaoying tightly to prevent her from being swept away by the crowded traffic.

Yaoying clenched the reins tightly, and all the suffering of the past few months came up in an instant.

Time and time again careful temptation, time and again fear, time and again despair.

Those are nothing... She can take it, but why let her fall into despair again when she just feels a little bit of peace and freedom

How could Haidu Aling come so quickly!

Haidu Aling on the hill slowly raised his longbow, bent his bow and arrows at the panicked crowd, and shot five arrows in a blink of an eye.

Several screams rang out, and people fell off their horses one after another.

Yaoying came back to her senses.

Haidu Aling didn't recognize her, it seems that his target is these businessmen

No, his target is all living people on the road.

Yaoying's thoughts turned and she drove her horse away: "Flee with these people, they know where it's safe!"

Now Haidu Aling doesn't recognize her, and when he kills people almost, she will still fall into his hands.

This time Haidu Aling would not let her go.

She knew how he would punish disobedient women.

The personal soldiers quickly responded, protecting Yaoying and fleeing.

Hu merchants abandoned their camels and carts one after another and ran for their lives on horseback. The servants who were responsible for escorting the goods had to run wildly behind them.

Yaoying was choked and coughed again and again, looked up and looked around, and found that Haidu Aling was not in a hurry to kill, but followed behind with a long bow to drive them away.

He is narrowing the encirclement, like hunting, first rushing the prey to the pre-arranged traps, and then killing them one by one.

This time I really can't get caught again.

Yaoying's heart was beating wildly.

On three sides were Beirong soldiers. They rode their horses and ran wild with the Hu people. Haidu Aling shot five arrows from time to time, and several people fell to the ground and died. Everyone was anxious to flee for their lives and fought with each other. In the end, everyone was forced to flee. To a low-lying depression.

At the only gap ahead, the battle flag fluttered, and they were surrounded.

The merchants were huddled together, trembling and horrified.

The black armored knights rode their horses toward the valley, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller.

Yaoying was guarded at the very center by her own soldiers, and her ears echoed with screams, cursing, crying, and begging for mercy.

Different language, same desperation.

She suddenly remembered that when she was five years old, facing the overwhelming enemy army, the personal soldiers of Xie and Li stood firmly in front of her and fell one by one. She hid under the mountain of corpses until Li Zhongqian came over. .

I don't know what happened to my brother.

Thinking of Li Zhongqian, Yaoying suddenly felt very calm in her heart, and she seemed to have nothing to be afraid of.

The headscarves of the personal soldiers were scattered, and the appearance of the Huhus in the Western Regions quickly attracted the attention of the black armored knights on the hills.

A scrutinizing gaze fell on Yaoying.

Yaoying raised her head, and across the crying crowd, she looked at Haidu Aling's hawk-like gaze, her face covered with a veil, and only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Haidu Aling's eyesight was extraordinary, he recognized the soldiers, and when he saw these bright eyes, he reacted and became furious.

How could a Chinese girl appear here? !

Shouldn't she be in the camp

Haidu Aling's face was as gloomy as water, and he bent his bow and pulled, swish and swish, and several arrows broke through the air. Several Hu merchants beside Yao Ying fell on the horse's back one after another.

The soldiers blocked Yaoying: "Protect the princess!"

Yaoying retracted her gaze and stopped looking at Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling's pale golden eyes flashed with fury, and he drew the bow again.

A low horn sounded suddenly.

Haidu Aling didn't pay attention at first, until another trumpet sounded, the movement of his hands stopped, his anger subsided, and he raised his head alertly.

He sneaked up on the royal court caravan on the avenue, and specially ordered the soldiers to hide their tracks. Who blew the horn

The sound of the horn stopped for a while, and then there was another sound. The sound of the horn came from all directions, gathered in one place, and resounded through the sky.

It made everyone's heart tremble.

Not only their hearts were trembling, but the ground beneath their feet seemed to be trembling as well, the horns were humming, and the sound waves gathered together, like a tsunami and thunder booming at the same time, echoing between the boundless world.

The sand and dust permeating the valley suddenly swept away, the sound of the horn was getting closer and closer, and the sound was getting lower and lower, and there was a faint sound of flags flying in the wind.

The businessmen beside Yaoying stayed for a while, their faces seemed to be crying and smiling.

Some people sobbed softly, and more people suddenly burst into tears.

Yaoying followed the sight of the Hu merchants, and a snow-white flag slowly appeared on the opposite hill, with golden patterns of grass curling on the white ground, noble and holy.

As soon as they saw the corner of the flag, the black-clothed northern soldiers on the hillside immediately showed panic and retreated to the valley.

In an instant, Bei Rong's momentum was gone.

Haidu Aling's face was dark and dark, and his eyes signaled his subordinates to stabilize the formation.

The subordinates were helpless, the soldiers were already frightened, they just wanted to stay away from the flag, the horses could not control their speed downhill, how could the formation be maintained

On the hills in the distance, the snow-white flags were stretched out in the wind, and the formation of black-clothed northern soldiers seemed to be torn in half by an invisible big hand. out of the way.

Yaoying slowly opened her eyes.

The smoke and dust rolled up again, almost obscuring the sky.

A series of flowing curves slowly move between the dunes, and the light and shadow are interlaced, as if the hills are floating.

Yaoying took a closer look and found that those curves were made up of countless cavalrymen in different colors.

Hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen with broad shoulders and strong bodies and wearing light armored robes slowly approached the hills from different directions. Still like thunder, the earth trembled.

In the blink of an eye, there were light-armored cavalry everywhere.

They didn't roar or run, just slowly approach.

Immediately, a group of cavalrymen dressed in blue shirts, white robes, and exquisite armor came out, surrounded by a snow-white flag, and at the front of the line was a man riding a white horse.

Thousands of gazes rushed towards the man like a tide.

The man's face was calm, he controlled his horse and walked unhurriedly to the hill, the crimson cassocks blowing gently in the wind.

Hu Shang in the valley held his breath and looked up at the man with a frenzied gaze.

As one person got off the horse and knelt down, one after another, Hu Shang rolled off the horse's back, prostrate between the horses' hoofs, and bowed to the man.

"The Buddha is here! The Buddha is here!"

The man glanced at the valley lightly, with a pair of blue-green eyes as deep as glazed glass. The light in the eyes was extremely clear and light, as if a god who did not eat human fireworks overlooked the earth from the clouds, with a kind of indifference and indifference that regarded all things as a dog. .

The Hu merchants were incoherent with excitement.

The Beirong knights who were forced to retreat also showed fear and reverence on their faces, looked up at the man blankly, and quietly put away their weapons.

In the valley, Yaoying also stared blankly at the man's face.

This is a man whose appearance is difficult to describe in words, with deep facial features and handsome spirit.

Yaoying suddenly remembered a sentence Xie Manyuan had read: like a full moon in autumn, and eyes like a pure lotus flower.

This is what Manjushri Bodhisattva praised Ananda's appearance.

Ananda, the cousin and disciple of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Legend has it that Ananda's appearance was handsome and upright, and his light was as pure as a mirror. Therefore, although he was a monk, there were always women who fell in love with his appearance and was tempted repeatedly. He was determined and never broke his precepts in his life.

Yaoying suddenly understood why people in the Western Regions believed that Tamara was the reincarnation of Ananda.

Born so solemn and beautiful, holy and noble, wearing a red cassock, he wore a peerless elegance.

Such people are indeed not like people in the world.

Haidu Aling is a sword that has just been unsheathed, thirsty for human blood, dark and terrifying.

The Buddha's son, Tan Moraga, is neither a sword nor a knife. He is not like any kind of weapon. There is no trace of killing intent around him.

He was gentle and gentle, pale and slightly sick.

But the thousands of troops behind him were all willing to tame. As long as he gave an order, they would immediately pounce on any part of his fingers and tear his enemies to shreds.

This soft and invisible oppression is suffocating.

The North Rong armored soldier shook his head and stepped back again.

Haidu Aling looked around and saw that he had been surrounded, and his subordinates had obviously lost their fighting spirit. He sneered: "Is the Master going to declare war with me Beirong?"

Tan Moraga lowered his eyes and looked at Haidu Aling, "Prince Beirong, you are killing my subjects."

The intonation of his Hu language sounds very rhythmic, and his voice is clear, like jade hitting each other.

Haidu Aling threw his long bow, "This is a misunderstanding, I have no intention of hurting the subjects of the royal court."

He waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to back away.

The Beirong soldiers were so frightened that they had no masters. Seeing this, they immediately retreated.

Hu Shang in the valley escaped the disaster, danced with joy, bowed a few times to Tanmaraga, helped each other to get up, climbed on horseback, and climbed the hills one after another.

Yaoying and her personal soldiers were among Hu Shang and were about to leave together when Haidu Aling suddenly pointed to her.

"Master, this woman is a Han Chinese, a slave I brought back from the Central Plains, not a subject of the royal court. She absconded here, and I will lead the troops to hunt her down. Can I take her away?"

Yaoying was cold all over.

Tan Mo Luojia on the hill didn't even look at Yao Ying, and turned around.

Haidu Aling looked at Yaoying, her eyes were colder than the snow on the top of the mountain.

Yaoying was sweating profusely, and she was almost breathless by the look in his eyes.

Haidu Aling was in good health and lived to the seventh and eighty years. He was in the Western Regions for one day, and she could not return to the Central Plains.

She had to find a way to get rid of him, or she would never try to escape the shadow of this man for the rest of her life.

Seeing the Beirong soldiers rushing up, Yaoying's heart was stunned, and she shouted at the cold back of Tan Mo Luojia: "Luo Jia!"

Tan Mo Luojia didn't react yet, the two light-armored knights closest to him immediately changed color and turned around and glared at Yao Ying.

Yaoying lifted the veil on her face.

The knights were stunned for a moment, how could this Chinese woman be so beautiful...

No, how could this Chinese girl know the name of the master!

Yaoying observed Haidu Aling's expression out of the corner of her eye, and she shouted again, "Luo Jia, I have seen you."

She hesitated to speak, her eyes were red, and her style was infinite.

Although he didn't say anything, the appearance of this desire to talk is even more reverie.

The light-armored knight's face immediately flushed red, and he shouted loudly, causing Yaoying to step back.

The hooves of the horses rattled on the hillside, and Haidu Aling chased after him on horseback.

She opened her bow and did not turn her head, Yaoying took off her head scarf, raised her voice, and said loudly: "I am not a slave of Haidu Aling, I am Princess Wen Zhao, the direct descendant of the Wei Dynasty in the Central Plains, the Wei Dynasty is fertile and has a strong national strength. , My father is the Great Wei Emperor, and my elder brother is the Duke of Wei.

"I have met the Master once, and I fell in love at first sight, and I never forget it. I traveled thousands of miles to the Western Regions, just to marry the Master as a wife. I brought more than a thousand agricultural books, legal codes, and construction technology books with me, and more than a thousand volumes of scriptures. , Shakyamuni Buddha statues, more than a hundred boxes of treasures, and ten thousand taels of gold, I wish to serve the Master and be with the royal court forever."

This time, not only the light armored knight suddenly changed color, but the knights on the hills near and far all stared at Yao Ying in stunned eyes, and their eyes were about to pop out.

Someone actually proposed to their king in public

Although the dowry is very rich... But who doesn't know that their king has become a monk since he was a child and is a famous monk in the Western Regions

The light-armored knight scolded: "Han girl, our king is a monk!"

The Chinese women are shameless and blaspheme their Buddhist sons!

Countless condemning eyes covered the sky and covered the sky, like knives, Yaoying's scalp was numb.

It is precisely because Tamara is a strong-willed and compassionate monk that she dares to say such words.

She can no longer hide in the east, she must first get rid of Haidu Aling's mind, and then seek a way to never end troubles. She is the princess of Dawei. As long as Dawei is around, she can find allies for herself.

Even though there are only a few personal soldiers by her side now.

Today's marriage proposal will not trouble Tanmaraga for too long, nor will it hurt Tanmaraga's face and reputation. She also gave a reward - an alliance with the Wei Dynasty, gold and silver treasures, and Buddhist scriptures.

If he wanted something else, she could do her best to satisfy his request.

I hope that Tamara, the monarch, can understand her voice.

Yaoying had a measure in her heart, pressed shame, and said slowly: "No matter what the identity of the mage is, I am sincere to the mage."

The two knights looked shocked, their brains turned quickly, racked their brains for a long time, and came up with a very powerful rebuke:

"You are shameless!"

Yaoying looked at Tan Moraga's back, with a solemn expression on her face, she said in her heart that Lord Yan was watching, she could give up such a face.

"The Master is a person of cultivation, and I am a person of the secular world."

Yaoying folded her hands in a decent manner.

"I'd like to follow the example of Moderna and become a monk and become a monk, and then look at the cause and effect."

The light-armored knights froze and looked at each other.

They had heard the story of Moderna.

When Ananda was young, he was very handsome, and a woman named Modengya admired him and insisted on marrying him as his wife. Unable to escape, Ananda asked for help from Sakyamuni.

Shakyamuni did not rush, and told the woman of Moderna that Ananda was a practitioner. If she wanted to marry him as a wife, she had to practice for a full year.

Moderna agreed readily and happily became a bhikshuni. She practiced earnestly every day, and gradually came to her senses and realized the suffering of being obsessed with the five desires.

She sincerely repented to Sakyamuni for her obsession, and gained enlightenment, saw through the world, cut off the thread of love, and achieved the fruit of Arahantship.

This entanglement of love eventually turned into a thousand-year-old beauty.

The light-armored knight exchanged glances.

It is said in the world that the son of Buddha is the incarnation of Ananda, and a princess of Dawei who voluntarily became a monk in order to marry the son of the Buddha just came. Is all this a test of the Buddha for the son of Buddha

In any case, this beautiful Chinese woman can think of becoming a monk to prove her sincerity to the Buddha, which shows that she really admires the Buddha.

The knight snorted.

Yao Ying took a full view of the relaxed look of the white robe knight, and let out a long breath in her heart.

For more than ten years, Tamara has relied on the reputation of the Buddhist son to rule the royal court. The theory of Ananda's incarnation is really popular. As long as she deified Tamara and compared him with Ananda, these knights would Will naturally accept her statement.

In this way, her public proposal today will only increase Tamara's prestige.

Tamara doesn't need to pay attention to her at all, she is willing to risk her face to be a resentful woman who is infatuated with monks - as long as she can survive, this sacrifice is not worth mentioning.

Yaoying calculated in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was very happy with this method. Before she had time to see Tan Mo Luojia's reaction, the hooves of horses stomped behind her.

Haidu Aling's thick arms approached and wrapped around her waist.

"Full of nonsense!"

With a gloomy expression, he evoked Yaoying, hugged her onto the horse, and lowered his voice, "It seems that I have been too polite to the princess these days, when I return to the camp, I will let the princess see how I tame women on the bed. "

Haidu Aling likes to tame women, especially Li Yaoying, a stunning beauty.

If it was in the past, if he couldn't bear it for a month, he would talk to the woman, and then abandon it like a broom. But this time he was very patient. He found that Li Yaoying's occasional initiative and meekness made him more conquest. Just like training an eagle, only a thousand eagles can make a condor like Abu. This woman deserves his patience.

In exchange for his patience, he was resolutely betrayed, how dare she say in front of him that she likes a monk!

Haidu Aling pinched Yaoying's waist as thin as a willow. That idiot, Fuman, was right. Her dress should be torn apart violently.

Yaoying's hands were twisted and she couldn't struggle. Under everyone's attention, this man actually kidnapped her!

She heard the roaring voices of the personal soldiers and Xie Qing, and the voices of the royal court knights talking in a low voice, and she was very anxious.

"Let go of her."

Among the countless voices, a clear voice said softly.

This voice seemed to float down from the Nine Heavens, it was cold and light, but in an instant, all other voices disappeared.

Only this voice remains.

Haidu Aling raised his head in amazement.

Tamara Galema stood high on the hill, the crimson cassocks were blown up by the wind, showing a string of dull-colored Bodhi beads on the wrist, the blue eyes drooped slightly, and his eyes fell on Yaoying. Neither sad nor happy.

The Buddha, who doesn't eat human fireworks, was also coaxed by Li Yaoying

Impossible, he is not only a monarch, but also a monk, how could he be coaxed around by a little lady

Haidu Aling couldn't help but wonder: Is what Li Yaoying said true

While he was in a daze, Yaoying broke free from his restraints and fell off the horse's back, ignoring the bruises on her body, she immediately got up and ran towards Xie Qing and the others.

Haidu Aling sneered and reached out to grab Yaoying.

A few howls suddenly sounded in the air, and a ferocious goshawk swooped down, its sharp claws savagely grabbed towards Haidu Aling, and immediately its skin ripped open.

The white falcon hovering nearby immediately flew over to protect the master, the goshawk spread its wings without fear, and the two big falcons bitten for a while in the sky. On the arm that Haidu Aling was not injured on.

Haidu Aling was furious and glared at Tanmaraka.

Tamara is holding a bodhi bead, and the cassock is hunting and flying