Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 4: Sister-in-law's anger


The incense in front of the hall is lingering, and the prayer flags are fluttering lightly.

The prison slowly stepped forward to greet Li Yaoying, clasping her hands together: "I don't know if the princess is here, the poor monk is disrespectful."

He signaled the monk to prepare the ritual and invited her to the main courtyard.

Li Yaoying smiled and shook her head: "Mage doesn't need to be more polite, I'm going to the Three Treasures Hall without anything to disturb the Mage's cleanliness."

In the turbulent times, the people were displaced and precarious, and they sought solace and liberation from Buddhism and Taoism.

The names of Uncle Xie and Concubine Xie come from Sanskrit, one is called Wuliang and the other is called Full Wish.

The Li family did not have this tradition, Yaoying did not understand Buddhism, and all she knew about the ascetic was only a popular novel that was handed down in later generations.

She didn't come to pray for incense today.

After a few polite words, she directly explained her intentions.

The prison heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Princess wait a moment, Master Munda Deva happened to be in the temple today."

Yaoying smiled, "So, Master Lao sent a monk to introduce me."

The prison was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He has received many nobles these days. Not long after the establishment of the new dynasty, the royal family was arrogant and arrogant. He was frightened and thought that the seventh princess was also difficult to deal with. He did not expect that although the princess did not believe in Buddhism, she was humble and polite, which was really rare.

The prison found an acquaintance monk to take Li Yaoying to see Munda Deva.

Zhike monk went to the hospital to report, and sent a letter of worship written by Li Yaoying.

After a while, Munda Deva's servant came out of the door and respectfully invited Li Yaoying to enter the house.

Mundativa just finished her morning class, sat on the futon, and greeted Li Yaoying.

He is a native of Tianzhu, with a high nose and deep eyes, a broad face and a square mouth. Judging from his face, he is about fifty years old, with a pair of light brown eyes shining with a gentle light, wearing a manure sweeping robe, with a good temperament, and a very Chinese language. typical.

Yaoying rarely dealt with monks, who was a foreigner and hesitated for a moment.

Munda Deva asked, "Is the princess worrying about the trouble?"

He walks in troubled times and often interacts with dignitaries, and he is not a person who is not ordinary.

Yaoying nodded, and the reason for her visit was already written on the post: "I heard that the master's medical skills are wonderful, and I also asked the master to look at the pulse for my mother."

It is impossible for Xie Wuliang and other Xie family children to come back to life. There is no cure for Concubine Xie's heart disease. She seeks a doctor for another matter.

Munda Deva said with a smile, "The Buddha is merciful, and I dare not turn away from the request of the princess."

The big stone in Yaoying's heart fell, and she made an appointment with Munda Deva to send someone to Daci'en Temple to take him into the palace the next day, leave a generous gift, and leave.

A Han disciple of Munda Deva sent Li Yaoying out of the Dacien Temple, and he hesitated several times.

Yaoying turned her eyes on the disciple's face, and said with a light smile, "The Master took the time to diagnose and treat my mother. I am very grateful. If there is anything that can help the Master, please let me know."

The disciples were relieved and clasped their hands together: "Don't lie to the princess, the Master is about to travel west, and this time, in addition to paying homage to the relic, it is to clear the customs."

Yaoying suddenly realized.

It was strange that Munda Deva was so polite, it turned out to be asking for something.

The Wei Dynasty established a country, and the borders were strict. If Munda Deva wanted to set foot on the road to the west safely, he must have a customs clearance letter, otherwise he would be shot by the guards as soon as he left the Jincheng.

She smiled and said: "It's not difficult, I will have someone send the ultimatum that the Master needs tomorrow."

Asking for a customs clearance document is just a small effort for her.

The disciples were busy offering thanks.

Yaoying asked curiously, "Why did the Master go to the Western Regions?"

The Western Regions have been in chaos for decades. The Tubos, Turks, Xianbei, Uighurs, Khitans, Tatars... The tribal forces, big and small, are intertwined, and they are fighting against each other.

The once prosperous Silk Road was full of dead bones, and merchants who wanted money or their lives dared not set foot in the Western Regions.

Munda Deva is not afraid of being killed by Hu bandits as soon as she steps out of the Central Plains

The disciple replied: "There is a Buddhist country in the Western Regions, with thousands of scriptures and more than 100 garam buildings built. From the lord to the commoners, all the people who worship Buddha. It is rumored that their generation of monarchs are not only kings, but also eminent monks. Hui, who knew words at the age of three, learned scriptures at the age of seven, and was promoted to lectures at the age of ten, is well-known in the Western Regions. The Master has long wanted to travel and discuss the Dharma with that eminent monk. The Master said that if he is dedicated to the Buddha, the Buddha will definitely Keep him safe and sound."

Western Buddhism

Shule, Qiuci, Gaochang, Khotan, or Yanqi

The famous monk and monarch of the Western Regions...

A name flashed across Yaoying's mind.

If she guessed correctly, the eminent monk Munda Deva wanted to meet should be that person.

A person who made Li Xuanzhen restless.

A person who died at an early age, and the news of his death spread, the civil and military ministers of more than a dozen large and small countries and tribes such as the Wei Dynasty, Tubo, Northern Golden Horde, and Khitan in the Central Plains breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

On the way back to the palace, Li Yaoying made an estimate in her heart.

Munda Deva is setting off now, and should be able to find the Buddhaland before the eminent monk's death, and discuss the Dharma with that eminent monk.

There was a lot of noise in the ears, and the breeze blowing in the face was faintly mixed with the aroma of wine, fat powder, soba and ghee.

Cars and horses blocked the road, and the copper bells sounded. The closer to the imperial city, the more and more cars and pedestrians were on the road.

The Wusun horse was docile and docile, but his speed gradually slowed down.

Pedestrians on both sides of the road cast surprised glances. The woman in front of the ox cart and mule cart lifted the curtain and looked back, her eyes fell on Li Yaoying's face, and she hurriedly ordered her servants to avoid the road.

Li Yaoying regained her senses, only to realize that she was so engrossed in her thoughts that she forgot to put on her cap when she came out of the Ci'en Temple.

Xie Qing handed over the brocade hat, she took it, looked up at the left and right square walls, and found that Xuanyang Square had passed, and further ahead were Pingkangfang, where the Qinlou Chu Pavilion was lined up, and Chongrenfang where Gaomen Xianguan lived. .

Regardless of war or peacetime, this is the first-class prosperous place in Chang'an.

No wonder the front was crowded.

Xie Qing glanced behind him: "Your Majesty, do you want to drive them away?"

Yao Ying glanced not far behind her, put on her hood, and lowered her head to straighten the sash: "Don't worry about it."

Every time they go out of the palace, the wealthy children in Beijing who are loafing around relying on their family's shelter are like a swarm of bees smelling the sweet fragrance of nectar.

She never paid any attention to them.

At a distance of more than ten meters behind them, the young men in brocade robes and E Guanbo caught Li Yaoying's eyes before putting on the hood, and their whole body was full of blood, chattering: "The Seventh Princess is watching us!"

"The seventh princess smiled at me!"

"Your tricks are considered vain, how can the seventh princess laugh at you? Don't be too affectionate!"

The young men were flushed with excitement.

But no one dared to step forward.

No one wants to be the second Xue Wulang.

This year's Shangyuan Festival, Chang'an City is full of people and alleys are full of lanterns.

The children of aristocratic families in Beijing heard that the seventh princess was admiring the lanterns in Xuanyangfang, and the second prince of the little overlord was not in Beijing, so he immediately rushed over on horseback.

The seven princesses wear a round bun, a golden lotus crown, a small pomegranate flower woven gold lapel and a narrow-sleeved brocade robe, leather boots, and a leather belt around the waist. Under the splendid lights, the hair on the temples is like clouds, the cheeks are snowy, and the smile is light when talking and laughing with the maid, adding a bit of bright charm.

The young men were beating drums in their hearts, adorning them in the back.

Who would have guessed that Wulang of the Xue family drank some Jiannan Shaochun before going out, got drunk and got off the horse, shook his head and recited a few unspeakable erotic poems to the Seventh Princess!

The young men were furious and were about to repell Xue Wu when the seventh princess raised her eyes and glanced at Xue Wulang lightly.

In the next moment, the family beside the princess will immediately burst into flames, and the long sword will be unsheathed.

After a few swipes, the grimace mask on Xue Wu's head broke from the middle and shattered into several pieces.

Xueliang's blade was only a finger away from the tip of Xue Wu's nose. He shivered like a sieve, staggered and fell to the ground softly, peeing his pants in fright.

The Seventh Princess didn't even look at Xue Wu, she picked up a Yaksha mask with green face and fangs to cover her face, moved her lotus step lightly, and continued to visit the lamp market.

The young men were stunned and broke out in cold sweat.

Three days later, when the second prince who returned to Beijing heard about this, he was furious. He didn't take off his blood-stained robes, and went straight to Xue's residence with two hammers.

As soon as the hammer went down, Xue Wu lost half his life on the spot, and he had to stand up and kowtow to apologize.

Taiwei Xue and the old lady came forward to intercede for Xue Wu.

Prime Minister Zheng, who lives next door, rushed to make peace.

The second prince was unmoved.

If it wasn't for the Seventh Princess sending someone to stop the Second Prince, Xue Wu would be a waste.

Since then, when the Seventh Princess leaves the palace, the young men will still compete to chase after them, but they will never dare to come forward and make fun of them.

If the Seventh Princess and the Second Prince travel together, the timid ones would not even dare to show their faces.

I don't know what happened ahead, the road is still congested, the driver is impatiently waving a long whip, and the intersection is crowded with people.

Passing vehicles jammed in the middle of the road, complaining one after another.

Li Yaoying waited for a while and sent Xie Qing to the front to check why the road was blocked.

After a while, Xie Qing returned with a strange expression on his face.

Yaoying asked, "What's going on?"

Xie Qing lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Yao Ying's heart suddenly burst.

Before she could ask further questions, the crowded crowd in front suddenly dispersed to make way.

A burst of mournful cries came from far to near, and several soldiers in black armor drove the three girls, swaggering from the direction of Dongshi, and went straight to Chongrenfang.

Several girls were fifteen or sixteen years old, and they looked back as they walked, crying out of breath.

The military man scolded him sharply, and the girls were so frightened that they stopped crying.

Pedestrians on the side of the road whispered: "Yeah! What did these little ladies do?"

A sneer came from the crowd: "A young girl, how could it be possible to do something wrong?"

"Then why were they arrested by the military man?"

The sneering man said, "They are not arrested - those military men are the guards of the second prince, and they are attracted by the second prince! The military men robbed them and went back to be concubines for nobles."

The people were filled with righteous indignation and shouted: "Qingtian and Bairi forcibly rob a good family, is there still a king's law?"

The man then sneered: "At the feet of the emperor, the noble person is Wang Fa. The king of Qin is the son of the sage, who would dare to offend the king of Qin?"

For a while, the voice of cursing Li Zhongqian could not stop.

Yaoying's face suddenly sank.

The second brother is not in Beijing, and the people in the palace are lawless again!

She kicked the saddle, urged the horse to turn around, and caught up with the soldiers.

Xie Qing hurriedly followed suit.

The military man turned the girl into an alley and heard the sound of horses' hooves behind him, thinking that the idlers on the side of the road were busy with their business, so he opened his mouth and shouted angrily.

The three girls shivered.

The sound of hoofs approached.

The brows of the military man were wrinkled. Li Yaoying's horse was very handsome, and at a glance, he knew that it was a divine horse. The guards Xie Qing surrounded by them were all broad-shouldered, strong and majestic, wearing brocade robes and equipped with long swords. He was obviously a health servant raised by a wealthy family. He was puzzled, but because he was the guard of the palace, he didn't want to show his timidity.

"Who is coming? Do you want to collide with Qin|Wangfu?"

Yaoying galloped to the front, without saying a word, she pulled out a soft whip, and threw the whip on the soldier's face, raised her hand, and another whip.

The military man was stunned for a while, furious, and raised his sword to block.

Xie Qing stopped in front of him and cut down with a knife: "The Seventh Princess is here, don't be presumptuous."

The voice was calm and unwavering, but the swordsmanship was domineering and fierce.

The military man only felt numb in his hands and dizzy, unable to hold the saber in his hand at all.

When he came back to his senses, the saber in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and he and a few other soldiers had already been pinned to the ground by the servants.

The military man struggled twice, remembering what Xie Qing said just now... Wait, Seventh Princess

King Qin's sister

No wonder the Wusun horse looked familiar. A few years ago, the King of Qin led his troops to destroy several small tribes near Jincheng and seized several horses, one of which was the Wusun horse.

The military man raised his head in amazement, looked at Li Yaoying who was wearing a hood, and shuddered twice: "Your lord forgives your sins, your lords forgive your sins!"

Yaoying's anger is still unresolved: "Who asked you to rob a good family girl?"

Jun Han Qiang smiled and said: "Your lord misunderstood, the national law is the highest, how dare the servants openly kidnap the daughters of the good family? They are willing to sell themselves as servants, the documents and contracts are complete, and the guarantor draws..."

Three girls hugged each other and cried.

Before the military man could finish speaking, Li Yaoying swung her hand away with a whip.

Jun Hanse shrank.

Yaoying took off her soft whip and took off her hat: "You don't have to play sloppy eyes with me, you are used to doing this kind of thing, you know that the government is not allowed to rob good daughters and force their parents to sign and sign, saying that they are willing to sell themselves as maids. , even if their families sue the government, there is nothing they can do against you."

The military man didn't dare to make a sound when he heard her tell the truth.

Yaoying asked every word: "Who gave the order?"

The military man was sweating profusely, and he bowed down and said, "Zhonglang general Xu Biao."

The general of the palace, Li Zhongqian single-handedly picked up a subordinate.

Yao Ying's beautiful face was expressionless: "Where is Xu Biao?"

"In... at Pingkangfang... Hu Si..."

Yaoying turned the horse's head.

"Go to Pingkangfang."

The author has something to say: Garam: Sanskrit translation, Buddhist temple.

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