Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 43: Gossip (Modified)


Munda Deva got up and looked at Tammaraga's legs with a solemn expression.

Prajna and the other two personal soldiers surrounded the bed and discussed a few words with Munda Deva in a low voice.

Everyone looked gloomy.

On the contrary, the seriously ill Tanmaraga had the calmest expression, her cold eyes swept across the faces of several people, and whispered something.

Prajna nodded while wiping away tears.

They spoke Sanskrit, and Yaoying couldn't understand a single word, but felt that the hoarse voice in Tamara's disease still carried a certain elegant rhythm.

The footsteps that woke her up were getting closer, and a soldier opened the curtain and walked quickly into the inner room, saying nonsense: "King, Da Xiang and the others are here, and they insist on entering the palace to see the king!"

Prajna several people looked at each other.

"You can't let them in!" Prajna stood in front of the couch and asked, "Where's the regent?"

The soldier said, "General Su went to Gaochang not long ago, but he hasn't returned to the city yet."

"Where's Princess Chima?"

"General Ashina escorted Princess Chima to Yunfu City, and they are not in the city, they have already sent someone to invite them." The soldiers' faces were covered in sweat, "Da Xiang, they are about to break in!"

The personal soldiers were at a loss, and Munda Deva didn't want to interfere in the affairs of the royal court, so she sighed helplessly.

In the repressed silence, the drowsy Tamara Ka actually sat up on the couch, his thin shoulders collapsed into a string, and there was no trace of panic on his pale face, and he said softly, "Help me to the main hall."

The voice remained calm.

Prajna wiped the corners of his eyes, bent down to support Tammaraga, and his movements were extremely skilled, as if such a thing had happened countless times.

Yaoying took a step forward, "You'd better not go to the ground."

Tan Moraga raised her eyes, and her dark blue eyes stared at her.

The eyes he looks at people are as cold and cold as his people, as if he is looking at you, and at the same time as if he is looking at other things through you, probably everything in the world is ordinary in his eyes.

An invisible coercion lingered around him, not sharp, if not.

Yaoying stared at him for a while, her eyes fell on his legs, her brows were lightly frowned, and she said in a non-smooth nonsense: "Your legs are swollen like this, you must stay in bed to recover, if you go to the ground, even if there is an rest pill now, this My legs are completely ruined."

She didn't know how Tanmaraka died of illness, but she only knew that the last time he gave public lectures was when he was carried to the altar by the believers. Now that she saw his legs, she guessed that his legs must have been broken at that time.

Prajna was shocked, sobbing and asking: "Wang, tell Daxiang the truth about them!"

Tamara looked down at his legs, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and said lightly, "It's nothing."

Beirong is eyeing the tiger, the situation in North Korea is unstable, and the news of his serious illness cannot be leaked.

Prajna and the soldiers looked at each other, not daring to say anything, and helped him up.

Yaoying's brows furrowed even tighter.

Tamara doesn't care about his own body, does the people around him really regard him as a god

He is a person.

I heard from the slaves that the royal court, from the nobles to the commoners, hated the Han people. Only this monk was merciful. He not only regarded all the slaves as his subjects and treated the people of all ethnic groups kindly, but also encouraged the believers and Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Nestorians live in peace.

If this person lives for one more day, Bei Rong will not be able to break through the royal court, and Bei Rong will not be able to draw out the main force to attack the Central Plains.

Yaoying thought about it a few times, stopped Prajna, and said, "Your king can't go to the ground now, find a reason to send Daxiang and the others."

Prajna looked at her vigilantly: "Da Xiang is stubborn, and ordinary reasons can't stop him..."

"I am the reason."

Yaoying interrupted Prajna's words, raised her hand and stroked her hair and temples, her eyes were slightly upturned playfully, and her eyes opened like autumn water, like the budding branches of a tree suddenly bursting out with a smile, the clouds steaming and the clouds shining brightly. , making people dare not look at it.

In an instant, the whole room is full of spring.

"You go out and tell the great minister that the princess of Great Wei is full of infatuation, and is entangled in the Buddha's son, and the Buddha's son can't escape from the body."

Prajna blushed and looked down at Tamara.

Tan Mo Luojia didn't look up at Yaoying, her eyes lowered, looking at a pair of tattered straw sandals on the girl's feet.

On the way, he forgot to instruct his subordinates to take care of this princess of the Wei Dynasty. She traveled with slaves and suffered a lot when she wanted to come.

Tan Mo Luojia coughed and said, "No need, this matter has nothing to do with the Seventh Princess."

Yaoying was surprised to find that he spoke the northern Mandarin of the Central Plains, and he was more fluent than Munda Deva, a native of Tianzhu who had been in the Central Plains for a long time, without any accent.

It is said that he was precocious in his youth, and he was proficient in seven or eight languages when he was a teenager, but he did not expect that this included Chinese.

If such a person is simply a monk who devotes himself to practising and studying Buddhism, it will not be so hard.

Yaoying sighed in her heart, smiled, and said indifferently: "I am in a dangerous situation, and the Buddha saved me from water and fire, and I should repay."

As she said that, she squatted down and looked at Tamara Ga, her dark shining eyes reflecting the pale face of the other party.

"Your legs are like this, so don't move."

Before he could say anything, Yaoying stood up, untied the hair tie, took off the tattered straw sandals on her feet, stepped on the carpet barefoot, with long hair in a shawl, and walked out step by step, with lotus roots and a graceful back.

Between the gorgeous animal patterns, a pair of smooth and smooth snow-white jade feet, faintly revealing a bit of fragrance that makes the mouth dry.

The guards in the house were stunned.

Outside the main hall, a group of middle-aged men in their forties and fifties strode up the stone steps.

The man in the lead was Kang Mozhe, the Grand Chancellor of the Royal Court. He was wearing a short robe with bird pattern lapels, small sleeves and a narrow body. He was wearing a belt with long boots. He wore a treasured knife around his waist. While walking, he scolded the guards: "The king came back last night, why didn't he immediately summon the minister?"

Prajna greeted him and pointed to Li Yaoying, who was weeping and weeping in front of the gate of the palace: "The great minister doesn't know anything, the princess of the Wei Dynasty is looking for life and death, and she insists on marrying the king, and the king really can't get away."

Kang Mozhe was taken aback and looked in the direction of his fingers.

It was a delicate and beautiful silhouette, bright and bright, even more graceful than the flowers in full bloom in the canyon in early spring.

Everyone just took a short glance, and they couldn't help but breathe lightly.

Yaoying met everyone's scrutiny and wept, crying even more and more sadly.

Kang Mozhe had already heard from the private soldiers that the princess of the Wei Dynasty proposed marriage in front of Wanjun, and thought that the private soldiers were exaggerating their words. At this moment, she really saw people, only to find that the private soldiers did not depict half of the beauty of the princess of the Wei Dynasty at all.

The beauty was really clumsy, but she actually fell in love with a monk who would not be moved by beauty.

Kang Mo covered his eyes and rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "There is such a stunning beauty in the world."

The others looked at each other.

The king is a Buddhist son, and he is obsessed with a beautiful woman. At these embarrassing moments, do they go in or not

"We can't stop Princess Wei Chao." All the guards looked anxious, "She is a woman, and a princess from the Central Plains, we dare not hurt her, as long as the king appears, she will follow the king every step of the way, The king has no choice but to hide in the bedroom."

Everyone laughed lightly: What can Wang Neng do when such a stunning beauty is entangled

It would have been a good thing to be them, and only the king could resist such a temptation.

Prajna straightened his back and said, "Please come back, ministers. When the king settles the matter of the Princess of Central Plains, he will summon you."

Kang Mo closed his eyes slightly.

The others have already laughed out loud. The Buddha's six senses are pure, but this kind of thing will happen: "We just want to confirm whether the king has returned to the city safely. Since the king is safe and sound, we will retire."

They winked at Kang Mozhe: "Da Xiang, now is not the time for an audience."

Kang Mo covered his eyes and stayed on Yaoying for a long time, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he turned and left with the others.

It wasn't until the figure of their group turned around the palace gate that they could no longer be seen, and Prajna quietly exhaled.

Outside the palace gate, Kang Mozhe said goodbye to everyone and called his personal attendant: "Tell General Xue that there is a stunning beauty in the city, and she is also a Chinese girl."

Follow orders.

Hannya was sure that Daxiang had really left, and returned to the front of the temple with a dazed expression: "Daxiang actually left like this."

Yaoying stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and rolled up her long hair.

The minister was not worried at all about whether her existence would harm the reputation of Tamara, but instead showed a gloating expression one by one.

It seems that the royal court is not stable. The monarch of a country is guarding the ministers in the court, and the ministers have secret thoughts.

It's no wonder that when Tanmaraga died, the royal court became a mess of sand.

Yaoying returned to the inner hall, the curtain was quiet, only the sound of candles burning.

Tamara fell asleep.

Prajna ran back to the bed, knelt down, looked back at Munda Deva, and looked expectant.

Mundativa sighed, "Acupuncture can only ease the pain."

Yaoying nodded: "Acupuncture can only be delayed for a while, he can't last for too long. When will the people you send to the Central Plains to ask for medicine return to the royal court?"

Mundativa shook his head with a sad face: "The regent was afraid that the news would be leaked, so he could only secretly send people to mix with the caravan heading to the east to wait for the opportunity to find medicine. He sent more than 20 people before and after, but now the business road has been cut off by Beirong, go to There is no trace of the caravan in the Central Plains, the only caravan that came back safely went to Tibet, and the guard did not bring back any useful medicinal materials."

Yaoying recalled what she had seen along the way, that the royal caravan that Prince Ye Lu killed probably had guards who were looking for medicine for Tanmoraga. The Northern Rong lies between the Western Regions and the Central Plains, blocking traffic. Wang Ting wants to bring the medicine back from the Central Plains smoothly.

And it's not too late.

Yaoying said, "I know where there are watery grasses in the Western Regions."

The eyes of Prajna and Munda Deva were surprised at the same time.

Yaoying looked at them: "In the camp of Haidu Aling."

She was born with insufficiency, and after taking care of her for many years, she could not stop taking the medicine. When she was married to the Yelu tribe, the dowry she brought contained a lot of rare medicinal herbs and prepared pills. When she and her personal soldiers escaped from Yelu's tribe, she only brought some Ninglu pills with her, and all the dowry was left in the tribe.

And the entire Yelu tribe finally fell into the hands of Haidu Aling.

Yaoying said firmly: "I have inquired about it, and the property that Haidu Aling looted has been transported back one after another, and it is hidden in the camp."

Wakhan Khan's son will not attack Haidu Aling just because of a few rumors. His camp hides a lot of treasures and silks brought back from the Central Plains.

Mundativa was stunned.

Is the medicine that can cure the Buddha in Beirong

"Beirong won't be kind enough to send us medicines, and we can't let them know how important those medicines are to the king." Prajna stood up and frowned, "We can't grab it either, Wang Tinggang and Beirong made a covenant, and we can't attack them. them."

Munda Deva was silent, and when it came to military affairs, he never opened his mouth.

Prajna paced back and forth in a hurry: "The regent is not here! General Ashina is not here! There is no one who can make up his mind! What should I do?"

Yaoying glanced at Tan Moraga on the bed and said, "The royal court doesn't need to attack Beirong, that's my dowry."

Prajna looked back at her.

Yaoying walked to the desk, picked up a pen and wrote a letter on the brocade: "As the princess of the Great Wei Dynasty, I ask the North Rong Khan to return my dowry."

She paused and raised her eyebrows to look at Prajna.

"As for whether Beirong will honestly return my dowry, it depends on who sent this letter. If the person who sent the letter was Wang Tingzhongjun, the Khan of Beirong might personally urge Haidu Aling to return it. dowry."

Prajna understood the inner voice of her words.

Wang Ting asked Beirong to ask for a dowry on behalf of the Princess of the Wei Dynasty, doesn't it mean to show the world: The Buddha agreed to the Princess of the Wei Dynasty's proposal

Couldn't this Chinese woman just stick around and not leave

"No!" Prajna shook his head decisively.

Yao Ying spread her hands: "Now the Buddha's life is dying, the only medicine that can save him is at hand, I have no soldiers and no generals, Bei Rong will not give me back my dowry because of a letter from me, what should I do? , you decide for yourself."

After all, she is not the one who needs water mangcao now.

One of the reasons is that Tanmaraka's life is hanging by a thread. The ministers have just been sent away, and in two days, they will ask to meet the monarch again.

They have no way out.

The expression on Prajna's face changed, from anger, worry, and hesitation. She looked back at Tan Mo Luojia, who had fallen asleep. After struggling for a while, she took the letter from Yaoying's hand.

"Han girl, can you swear that what you say is true?"

Yaoying smiled and looked at Munda Deva: "Master, I tell the truth."

Munda Deva put her hands together: "The poor monk believes in the princess."

He nodded towards Prajna and said a few words in Sanskrit.

Prajna clenched the letter tightly, twisted his fingers so hard, and raised his neck: "Okay! I will go to Yunfu City to discuss with Princess Chima and General Ashina. If the princess and the general agree, I will send this letter in person!"

He gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed out.

The other personal soldiers sent Yaoying to a room in the side hall to be guarded, and Deva Munda said apologetically, "I hope the princess will forgive me, but I can't spread the word about Buddha's critical illness."

Yaoying understands his scruples, and shakes her head with a smile, indicating that there is nothing to do.

They were on the same boat now, and she hoped that Tamara would get through this difficult time.

Her hope of returning to the Central Plains from the North Western Regions was pinned on him.