Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 47: alliance


On the third day of Ashina Pisa's return to the holy city, the palace issued a notice that a grand festival of images would be held at the beginning of the next month, and Tamara would appear at the puja.

Just made a covenant with Beirong, and the grand meeting is about to usher, and the people in the city rejoiced. Before the first day, everyone from the palace to the homes of ordinary people began to prepare for the puja, sweeping the courtyard, erecting curtains, and it was extraordinarily lively.

The little novice who taught Yao, English and Sanskrit told her that every year during the festival, the holy city is full of people, and there are so many people fighting that people are often trampled to death.

"Watching the image can eliminate sins and gain blessings. The princess can also go to the puja, and make a wish on the image at that time, which is more effective than usual!"

Yaoying remembered the Buddha's birthday ceremony in Taiji Palace last year, and she was not interested.

The little novice looked enthusiastic: "On the day of the Xingxiang Festival, the Buddha will move back to the Buddhist temple, open the altar and lecture on the scriptures, and also debate the law with the eminent monks of Qiuci, Gaochang, and Shule. This is a once-in-a-century event! I have already Talk to the senior brother who sweeps the floor in the temple, and let him help me get a good seat!"

Yaoying looked surprised: "Buddha wants to open an altar to teach the Fa?"

Ashina Bisuo brought back the Shuimangcao to ease the pain of Tamara, but it was only three days! In just a few days, he had just recovered from his near-death, and he was about to prepare to debate scriptures with a group of eminent monks, which not only tested his physical strength, but also his brain power.

The eminent monks in the Western Regions are all masters of strong debate, can he handle it

The little novice nodded and looked at Yaoying, "Princess, do you really want to watch the Buddhist debating scriptures?"

The corner of Yaoying's mouth twitched lightly. When Tanmaraga and the eminent monk were debating scriptures, what they said was either Sanskrit or nonsense. She didn't understand a word, and of course she didn't want to go. She was just amazed at Tanmaraga's perseverance.

A turmoil disappeared, and the people of the royal court were full of anticipation for the arrival of the grand event.

She sighed with emotion, and the little novice looked at her several times, and rolled her eyes: Princess Zhongyuan was really infatuated with the Buddha, and she started to lose her mind.

That night, rumors that Yaoying did not think about the tea and rice for Tanmoraga and washed her face in tears spread all over the palace.

Yaoying ignored those rumors, and heard from Munda Deva that the Chinese knight brought back his dowry and went to greet him with his own soldiers.

Ashina Bisuo took the water mangcao directly into the palace, and the rest of the carts carrying silk cloth, books, codes, and Buddha statues and jewelry arrived in the holy city four days later, and the person in charge of escorting was Prajna.

He handed the booklet to Yaoying, patted his chest and said, "Please check the booklet, princess. Except for the water wild grass, everything else is here."

Yaoying thanked him, instead of counting according to the list, she directly asked the knight to pull the cart into the palace warehouse.

After Prajna finished handing over things, he immediately returned to the palace and saw that Tanmaraga had really improved, and he recited Buddha's unceasingly.

The next day, rumors reached his ears.

Hannya was angry and anxious, found Yaoying, pointed her finger a little, trembling all over.

Yaoying looked inexplicable and asked, "But what's wrong with the Buddha?"

Shuimangcao is very toxic and can save people, but taking too much can be harmful. The reason why the gel pills she eats is expensive is because many medicinal materials are used to reduce the toxicity of Shuimangcao.

The worry on Yaoying's face didn't seem to be a fake, Prajna couldn't help but stunned, remembering Tanmaraga's order, she swallowed the rebuke that had been brewing in her heart for a long time.

Forget it, although this princess is brazen, she truly admires the king's demeanor. If it weren't for her dowry, how could the king escape

Prajna said with a straight face: "The king is much better."

Yaoying looked blank, snorted, and said, "Master Ji Ren Tian Xiang."

Prajna glared at her: "I heard people say that you pester monks every day to inquire about Wang's condition... Don't inquire about Wang's affairs everywhere, it's not good for Wang's reputation, and if you have anything to ask me in the future!"

Yaoying was speechless for a moment: How could she have inquired about Tanmaraga? The whole of the palace worshipped Tamara, and almost every sentence could not be separated from the Buddha. She did not deliberately ask.

Prajna, however, determined that Yaoying was deliberately approaching Tanmaraga, and warned her: "Don't try to take the opportunity to approach the king. The medicine you brought saved the king. The king is very grateful to you, but the king will not be moved by you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuanjue's figure appeared in front of the courtyard gate.

"Princess, the king invites you to the main hall."

Prajna was stunned.

Yaoying spread her hands towards him, "Your king invited me to go."

Prajna was speechless, twisted his neck and said nothing.

Yaoying walked past him and followed Yuanjue to the main hall.

When passing through the vestibule, a golden arc flashed across the quiet porch, and the colorful leopard silently jumped down from the wall, raising its claws to hold down the vines entwined in front of the steps.

Yuanjue stopped and signaled Yaoying not to panic.

Yaoying has often seen this wild leopard these days, she is no longer so afraid, she withdraws her eyes and does not move.

The leopard narrowed her eyes slightly, jumped up the corridor, her tail lowered, and suddenly walked towards Yaoying.

Yuanjue's face changed slightly.


A voice with a smile sounded, and the blond-haired and blue-eyed general of the Chinese army walked out of the inner hall, stood in front of Yaoying, and waved his hand at Huabao, "Don't scare Princess Wenzhao!"

Leopard glanced at him, as if a little disdain, turned and jumped down the stone steps, lying lazily in the shadow of the vines dozing.

Ashina Bisuo turned around and smiled at Yaoying: "Princess, didn't you scare you?"

Yaoying looked at his green eyes and shook her head.

Ashina Bisa's mother was a Turkic princess, and her father was a nobleman of the royal court, with a tall figure and a handsome face. At a quick glance that day, she felt that his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to those of Tamara, but now that they look closely, they are not actually similar, but the eyes are similar.

Bi Suo smiled, his smile was as bright and bright as the golden light outside the corridor, he was obviously in a rambunctious manner, but his tone was sincere and honest: "If it weren't for the princess's watery grass, the king would not have escaped this disaster, princess. It is a distinguished guest of the royal court, if Xue Yanna dares to offend the princess in the future, the princess does not need to be afraid, just send someone to report to me."

Yaoying thanked him and entered the inner hall.

Standing in the porch, Bi Suo looked at her back, and for a while, she scratched her head, shook her head and laughed, and continued to guard.

The inner hall is spacious and sparse, the Buddha statues and incense cases in gold and jade have all been removed, and there is still a faint fragrance lingering in the air.

Tamara sat on the felt blanket, dressed in a white gold cassock, with a string of beads in his hand, clear and clear.

The two waiters knelt aside and served the medicine soup. He took the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp. His speed was very fast, but his movements were very elegant.

The waiter stepped back with an empty bowl.

Yaoying's eyes fell on Tan Moraga's face, his complexion was much better, his face was like a cold moon, his eyes were clear, or maybe it was because he was too indifferent and calm, it was difficult for people to see from his expression that he was suffer from pain.

Tan Moraga raised her eyes and motioned Yaoying to sit down.

Yaoying sat on her knees opposite him. She was usually lazy, but facing the Buddha in front of her, she straightened her waist unconsciously and sat well.

Tan Moraga's eyes drooped slightly: "Why didn't the princess go to Tianzhu?"

His tone was flat, and it was precisely because of this ruthless indifference that there was a little bit of coercion, Yao Ying sat more upright, and instead of answering, asked: "Please forgive me, the Master, why did the Master send the regent King Sultan Gu to Gaochang ?"

Tamara was silent.

Yaoying asked softly, "Does the Master want to form an alliance with Gao Chang?"

Tamara's gaze fell on her.

Yaoying looked at him and said slowly: "Most of Gaochang's state lords and nobles are from the famous Hexi family, and they are Han people. Gaochang imitated the ritual system of the Central Plains Dynasty, Confucianism was prosperous, and the etiquette and customs were the same as the Central Plains. The royal court hated the Han people, so the master could only Secretly sent the regent to test the intention of the lord of Gaochang."

Sultan Gu went to Gaochang alone, and he must have a secret order. At that time, Beirong was invading the royal court. Yaoying guessed that Tan Mo Luojia might know that his time was short and wanted to leave a way back for the royal court, so he asked Sultan to go. Gao Chang asked for help.

Tan Moraga's expression confirmed Yaoying's guess.

She changed her words: "I guess Gao Chang rejected the Prince Regent."

Tamara was silent, and a faint strange color flashed across the dark blue eyes.

Yaoying met his gaze and said: "A small country with few people, Gaochang's way of establishing a country is to have both sides, and to surrender to every powerful dynasty in exchange for survival, now Beirong is strong and Gaochang is a subject to Beirong, although the royal court is prosperous. After all, the strength is limited, and Gao Chang will not risk offending Bei Rong to form an alliance with the royal court."

Gaochang is connected to the Central Plains in the east, the Western Regions in the west, the Silk Road in the south, and the grasslands in the north. From ancient times to the present, this oasis country on the ancient silk road has struggled to survive, and has been struggling to survive in the cracks of various regimes and forces.

The Central Plains Dynasty once set up prefectures and counties in Gaochang and left troops to guard them. Later, the Central Plains were in great chaos, and there was no time to look at the West. The Western Regions fell into chaos. Gaochang and other small countries in the Western Regions could not communicate with the Central Plains.

Yao Ying had already inquired about it, and the current ruler of Gaochang, whose surname was Yuchi, was a descendant of a prominent family in Longxi. Gaochang surrendered to Beirong, and Lord Yuchi married the niece of Beirong Wahan Khan as his wife two years ago.

She looked at Tan Mo Luojia, smiled, and then began to answer his question: "Master, I stay in the royal court, and I can go to Gaochang for the royal court."

I don't know what kind of incense was smoked in the hall, and the faint aroma floated.

Tan Mo Luojia looked at Yao Ying, her eyes were deep, and she was slightly stunned.

Yaoying looked solemn: "Gaochang used to be a county under the rule of the Central Plains, and the lords and nobles still think of the Central Plains. I am the Princess of Wei, and I am an ambassador to Gaochang, which has a better chance of winning than the regent."

Gao Chang did not want to offend Bei Rong, but Gao Chang would not really surrender to Bei Rong. Their lords and nobles always wanted to restore contact with the Central Plains Dynasty. She was the Princess of Great Wei, and she sent Gao Chang as an ambassador. Maybe he will consider Tamara's proposal.

Yaoying paused and continued: "Maybe I can't convince the lord of Gaochang, but at least Gaochang will not become the enemy of the royal court. Right now, the east is the Liaohai, the west is the Xihai, the south is Helong, and the north is the Beihai. To surrender to Beirong, the power of Wang Ting and a country will be difficult to compete with Beirong, no matter what Gao Chang's answer is, Great Wei is willing to form an alliance with Wang Ting to jointly defend against Beirong."

Tamaroga stared at Yaoying for a long time.

The girl's voice was soft and gentle, and her tone was calm, as if she had no idea what she said.

From east to west, Great Wei, Wang Ting, Gaochang... There are more small countries that want to return to the east. If this alliance is really achieved, it will not change the fate of Wang Ting, nor the pattern of the Western Regions, but the general trend of the world. .

Tamara remembered when he was thirteen years old, when the Beirong cavalry invaded the holy city, the yellow sand filled the sky, he recited the scriptures in his heart, and led the Chinese army to face the overwhelming enemy army like a torrent. .

From that moment on, he was destined to shoulder the kingdom until his death.

He is a son of Buddha and a monarch, but the princess in front of him is just a delicate and beautiful girl, living outside the realm, with no future ahead.

Tamara shook the pearl in his hand and asked softly, "Why does the princess want to form an alliance with the royal court?"

The corners of Yaoying's lips curled up slightly, her eyes fixed on Tan Moraga, and she said with a smile, "Because of you."

Tamara was taken aback.

The author has something to say: Gaochang's geographical location narration refers to relevant literature.

… … … … … … … …

After reading the comment in the previous chapter, everyone paid attention to the description of the scenery. Yaoying's psychological activities are very important. What she saw, heard, thought, and felt in the royal court these days was all because she had a good impression of Luo Jia (for the time being Good feelings are not the basis of the love between men and women).

When the soldiers saw those unscrupulous nobles, they thought that the land outside the territory was really not very civilized, and they did not pay much attention to propriety, righteousness, loyalty and trustworthiness.

What Yaoying thought was: Luo Jia had to fight with these people when he was in power, it was hard work.

When the soldiers saw the capital, their mental activity was: wow, it's so prosperous here, there are so many people!

Yaoying's psychological activity is: This is the stability that Luo Jia has exchanged for her whole life.

She was not looking at the scenery of the holy city, but what unfolded in front of her was the lonely life of Lorgar.