Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 48: rich


"Because the monarch of the royal court is the son of Buddha, I dare to make such an agreement with the son of Buddha."

Yaoying smiled and said softly.

She drew a pie for Tamara. Whether you can eat this cake, no one can say.

Will Gao Chang agree to an alliance? Can they successfully send the news back to the Central Plains? Across thousands of mountains and rivers, when their news reaches the Central Plains, will something change happen

All this is undetermined.

But as long as they take one more step forward, there will be more hope.

If the royal court is still controlled by the noble ministers of Kang Mozhe, Yaoying will never propose to form an alliance with the royal court, because people like Kang Mozhe who only care about the interests of the family will not care about the Central Plains Dynasty, which is eight thousand miles away. , her proposal will not be taken seriously, only in exchange for ridicule.

Moreover, in an alliance with Kang Mozhe, she has to beware of being used and harmed by the other party.

Tamara is different. He takes the life and death of the people of the royal court in his heart. He has a long-term vision, a broad vision, and is as smart as he must understand how hopeless is, but he must be willing to give it a try - one more ally is one less enemy , he doesn't know how long he can hold out, and needs more allies.

So Yaoying doesn't need to talk too much, and she doesn't need to make any promises.

Whatever the end result is, Tamara will not embarrass her, even if he has no intention of forming an alliance with the Central Plains.

Yaoying is sure of this.

The man in front of her made her feel very at ease. During the six months she lived in the Western Regions, she was worried every day. After coming to the royal court, she could finally sleep peacefully without having to dream at night.

He has deep eyes that seem to be able to see through everything. When facing him, she doesn't have to hide or calculate, she just needs to say what she thinks.

Yaoying went on to say: "The upper armies attack the plot, the second is to attack the Jiaotong, the second is to attack the soldiers, and the lower is to attack the city. Use your own strategy to defeat the enemy, and defeat the enemy without fighting. , must agree with that.”

The fifteen-year-old girl is at the age of youth and beauty. Her hair is black on the temples, and the red silk strands of her hair hang down from the white and snowy neck. Her muscles are like snow and her face is like Shunhua. a bit.

As written in the words, Dongfeng night blooms a thousand trees.

The light of the sky reflected on the four-faced walls in the hall trembled slightly, and before the long desk, Jin Hui was glistening.

Tamara's gaze fell on the scriptures.

"After the Xingxiang Dharma meeting, Ashina Bisuo will escort the princess to Gaochang."

A bright smile appeared on Yaoying's face: He agreed!

"This matter can't be rumored, Princess Wenzhao is wronged."

Yaoying nodded: "Don't worry about the Master, I know what to do, this agreement is only between you and me."

She exhaled and smiled.

"I am far away from the Central Plains, and there are no soldiers or generals around. I am very grateful for the Master's willingness to believe in me. What grievances are there? If I can return to the Central Plains, I will work hard to make a covenant."

Tamaroka brushed the scriptures with his fingertips, and was silent for a while, then said, "Princess don't need to belittle yourself."

Her courage and keen eyes are worthy of his trust.

At the age of thirteen, he led a mere thousands of Chinese army knights to face the invincible and undefeated Beirong. At that time, he also had no chance of winning, but in the end he won.

Tamaroka covered his lips and coughed, a look of exhaustion on his sparse brows.

Yaoying's eyes turned on his face, and she asked softly, "Does the Master have heart palpitations, fever, and night sweats these days?"

Tamara looked up at her.

Yaoying looked worried, looked at his face carefully, and her concern was evident: "Shuimangcao is poisonous and cannot be taken for a long time. If the master feels unwell, he must tell Munda Deva."

Tamaroka responded lightly.

Yaoying remembered that he had not recovered from his serious illness, and got up to leave: "The Master has to prepare for the scripture debate conference. I will not disturb the Master's meditation."

There was no sound behind her. Before she went out, she glanced back out of the corner of the eye. Tamara looked down at the scriptures on the case. The silhouettes outlined in the golden light were clear and thin.

Yaoying returned to the yard where she lived, took out the dowry booklet, and asked her soldiers to find all the Buddhist scriptures and send them to the Buddhist temple.

"The Buddhist scriptures in the Central Plains are slightly different from the Buddhist scriptures in the Western Regions. The masters and monks in temples will soon have to debate scriptures with monks from all over the world. These Buddhist scriptures may come in handy."

In addition to the Buddhist scriptures, she also instructed her soldiers to send all the Buddha statues in gold and jade to the Buddhist temple. Everyone in the royal court was preparing for the Statue Festival. It was useless for her to keep these Buddha statues, so it was better to send them out.

Wang Ting worships Buddha, and the stone pagodas of Buddhist temples can be seen everywhere in the city. The Buddha statues sent by Yaoying are not surprising, but those Buddhist scriptures in the Central Plains quickly attracted the attention of the monks in the temple, and the monks scrambled to read several Sanskrit manuscripts. A heated debate over the meaning of the book.

When Prajna learned that, he was shocked, and hurriedly called the temple owner of the Buddhist temple: "Where is the Buddha statue sent by Princess Wenzhao? All of them are found and sent back as they are!"

The master of the temple replied: "In a few days, the Dharma will be held. The Buddha statues sent by Princess Wenzhao are exquisitely carved and have been used to decorate the Dharma hall. The princess is generous and gave some of the golden statues to the people for worship. The people are very grateful to the princess. "

Prajna fell down and sighed, scratching his ears and cheeks anxiously: "What about the scriptures that Princess Wenzhao sent? You have all received them? Hurry up and return them!"

"The scriptures sent by the princess are beautiful and meaningful. The monks in the temple did not think about the true meaning of tea and rice. The Zen master has not taught Zen for several days."

Prajna looked desperate: "You, how much did you take from the princess?"

The owner of the temple thought for a while and replied, "The princess sent a truckload of silk and satin fabrics to make the robes for the monks... Yesterday, the princess' escort sent alms..."

In short, the money was collected, the Buddha statue was used, the book was read, and the robe was cut.

What, go back

The temple master clasped his hands together and shook his head shyly.


Prajna was dizzy, staggered several times, and wanted to cry without tears.

This is good, the king not only used the water mang grass from the princess' dowry, but the Buddhist temple also received the Buddha statues, scriptures, silk and satin sent by the princess... Even the people of the royal court took the princess' dowry!

Hannya rushed back to the palace and stepped into the inner hall with heavy steps.

"Wang, Princess Wenzhao has a bad heart, and her dowry is almost finished! I suspect she did it on purpose, she wants to rely on you for the rest of her life!"

Tamara, dressed in a snow-white cassock, sat in front of the window and read the scriptures. Hearing the words, he raised his head and frowned slightly.

"Please come over, Princess Wen Zhao."

Yao Ying thought that Tan Mo Luo Jia was going to discuss with her about going to Gaochang, so she entered the inner hall, but saw a lot of people standing in front of the hall, including Ashina Bisuo and the palace administrator, several of them standing with their hands down, their faces smiling. A bit ashamed.

Prajna, Yuanjue and other personal soldiers stood in front of the door, and the atmosphere in the hall was solemn.

On the treasure couch, Tamara was reading a scroll of scriptures in his hand, and his movements were elegant and leisurely.

His Royal Highness everyone was sweating profusely.

The hall was quiet, and the needles could be heard.

Seeing Yaoying coming in, Bi Suo quietly exhaled, scratched her head, clasped her fist, and said, "Princess, I was negligent and didn't take good care of her."

The director of the palace also bowed to Yaoying.

Yaoying's eyes were blank, and she was still polite.

Bi Suo turned to look at Tanmaraka on the treasure couch, and said, "King, the treasure book that the princess brought from the Central Plains is still there, and the property that was sent out cannot be returned, so I will take the princess to the storeroom, please choose as you like. Treasures in the library will not make the princess feel wronged."

Tanmaraka waved his hand without saying a word.

Bi Suo and others saluted him respectfully, blinked at Yaoying, and walked out with her.

"Princess, please this way."

Bi Suo led Yaoying to the palace treasury.

"Just tell me how much the princess sent out, and how much it is worth. Don't be embarrassed. The water wild grass and medicinal materials must be very valuable, right? There are also those precious scriptures and exquisite silk and satin. In the Western Regions, a piece of Central Plains silk and satin is worth hundreds of gold. The princess' dowry will always belong to the princess and should not be taken up by the people of the royal court. The king has already punished me and the palace chief just now."

Yaoying didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Please tell the mage that the chief of the palace did not neglect me. Those scriptures and satin were sent out voluntarily by me, and it has nothing to do with the chief."

Bi Suo smiled: "The king knows that the Buddha statues, scriptures, silk satin and alms were given by the princess voluntarily, and no one forced the princess."

Yaoying was startled: "Then why does the mage punish the chief?"

There was a smile on Bi Suo's face, "The princess is alone in a foreign country, and she is thinking deeply. The reason for giving the dowry is to be more comfortable in the royal court."

Yaoying nodded and shook her head again: "If I didn't have the help of the royal court, how could I get those treasures back? I gave away the scriptures and Buddha statues, not only for the sake of forming good karma, but also because I was grateful to the Buddha, there is no place for embarrassment."

Bi Su raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is the princess really willing?"

Yaoying chuckled: "I can save my life, and I am very grateful."

There was indeed someone in the royal court who coveted the truck of treasures that the Zhongjun brought back from Beirong. She sent the dowry out in a high-profile manner. In addition to being grateful to Tan Moraga, she also had her own considerations, and there was no embarrassment at all.

It's better for her to send it out.

Bi Suo's eyes showed admiration: The princess is really smart.

When a cart full of treasures and jewels drove into the palace, I don't know how many pairs of eyes stared at the warehouse every day. The princess took the initiative to donate the dowry, and even sent it to the king's Buddhist temple. Who would dare to attack the Buddhist temple

In this way, she can not only save herself, but also gain a good reputation, so that the greedy ministers in the DPRK can't find a chance to start, and she can achieve multiple things with one stone.

Bi Suo patted his hand and said, "I admire the princess' decisive decision-making! But the king said that the princess is a guest of the royal court, so the princess should not be allowed to make such a decision, and the king should have made compensation for using the princess' medicinal materials. ."

He motioned for the steward to open the palace treasury.

"Whatever the princess likes, just pick!"

Yaoying followed him into the warehouse, a golden light shone in front of her eyes, and the treasure was floating.

Rao was because she was used to seeing the riches and pomp of the world, so she couldn't help but stay for a while.

The monk is very rich!