Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 50: Image Festival


The day before the festival, Ashina Bisuo sent Yaoying to deal with the jewelry and jade of Hushang and sent it back.

"They killed the slaves for no reason, and they were also at fault. The Fangshi government office has already found out the reason, but Xie Peng injured someone, and the fine cannot be recovered."

Yaoying was a little surprised and thanked Bi Suo.

Bi Su shrugged her shoulders and said, "The laws of the royal court are not as rigorous and detailed as those in the Central Plains. Merchants can beat and kill slaves and servants at will. The king has issued several prohibitions, but this evil cannot be stopped until the regent kills him. A few nobles who took pleasure in killing slaves, they restrained a little. This is still in the royal court, with the education of the king, in other city-states, human life is not as good as a sheep."

Yaoying sighed softly.

In troubled times, whether in the Central Plains or outside the territory, this has always been the case, and human life is like a mustard.

In the Western Regions, not only the Han people were bullied, but the tribes annexed each other, and many tribes were enslaved and driven by other tribes, and they were not as good as pigs and dogs.

The Central Plains needed a strong and unified dynasty, and so did the Western Regions.

Bi Suo clapped her hands, and the two maids walked into the yard, holding boxes in their hands.

"I didn't think carefully that day, and the princess' clothes were stained. These were specially prepared for the princess."

Bi Su pointed to holding the box and said with a smile.

Yaoying politely declined: "The general runs for me. I haven't thanked the general yet, so I dare not let the general spend money."

Bi Suo waved her hand and interrupted her: "If the princess wants to thank me, tomorrow, at the statue festival, men, women and children in the city will all dress up to pay homage to the Buddha. How about the princess accompany me to the Buddhist temple to participate in the dharma ceremony? The princess hasn't visited the holy city yet, right? ? Just so that I can use up the friendship of the landlord."

Yaoying hesitated for a moment, Ashina Bisuo has been working hard for her these days, she should thank him, and after the ceremony, they will go to Gaochang together, nodded and agreed. It is inconvenient for her to go out and walk around. If there is a nobleman of the royal court, Bi Suo, Xue Yan should not dare to come up and provoke her.

Bi Su immediately had a bright smile on her face: "What I asked the maid to prepare for the princess is the festive costume. The princess will try it on. If it doesn't fit, let them change it."

After he finished speaking, he added, "This is the clothes that are made to the size of the princess. Please don't be polite to me, the princess. The princess is the king's guest, and she is my guest."

Seeing Yaoying's eyes drooping, as if thinking of a reason to refuse, he raised his eyebrows and deliberately raised his face: "Does the princess really want to see me sad?"

Yaoying smiled, thanked him, and motioned for the soldiers to take the box, but instead of going back to the house to change into new clothes, she asked about another matter.

"Is the regent King Sultan Gu that I saw on the tower that day a follower of the son of Buddha?"

Bi Suo's eyes flickered slightly, nodded, and said with a smile: "The regent is scaring the princess? The princess doesn't need to be afraid of him. He has clear rewards and punishments, and he is very loyal to the king."

Yao Ying was really frightened by Sultan Gu. In the past few days and nights, she always dreamed of the scene where he chopped off the bandit's head with a knife.

She woke up in a startled dream, and a question arose in her mind: After the death of Tamara, the royal court was destroyed. Where did Sultan, the regent, go? He was in charge of the military and political power, why did he disappear silently

Could it be that he was assassinated by the prince and minister

Yao Ying was puzzled.

Sultan Gu is too mysterious, his whereabouts are secretive, and he rarely shows his face. When his ugly face appears in front of everyone, it is when he starts killing.

She asked tentatively, "How old is the regent?"

Bi Suo rubbed her chin with her fingers, thought for a while, and said, "Prince Regent is a few years older than me and Wang. He is our senior brother."

It turned out that Sultan was the senior brother of Tamaroka.

Yao Ying was thoughtful, and when she heard the second half of the sentence, she said in surprise: "The general and the Buddha were once brothers? The general is also a member of the Shi family?"

Ashina Bisa is a Turkic royal family. His name Bisa is taken from the Sogdian language, which means colorful people. His mother believed in Zoroastrianism. Why didn't he believe in Zoroastrianism like his mother

Bi Suo smiled and spread her hands towards Yaoying, with a condescending attitude: "I don't look like a Buddhist child at all, do I? In fact, I was also sent to study Buddhism when I was a child. This is the case with the children of the royal court and nobles, and they have followed him since childhood. The elders study the scriptures, and only the smartest and most wise are qualified to continue to practice with the master. Wang is the smartest among us, and his talent is extraordinary. The master said that compared with him, we are a group of A bleating lamb."

Speaking of this, Bi Su chuckled.

"Wang learns everything quickly. When he spoke four languages, we were just beginning to learn Sogdian. When he discussed Buddhism with Master, it was like we were listening to the scriptures from heaven."

Yaoying remembered the legends she had heard these days, "I heard the little novice say that when the Buddha was born, the holy city saw a vision from heaven, and the whole city saw it."

Bi Suo was silent for a moment, and the corner of his mouth grinned: "Yes, the clouds in the city that day filled the sky, and above the palace seemed to be shrouded in Buddha's shadow and Buddha's light, and there was a faint sound of Buddha chanting sutras. Master said that because the world is chaotic, so there are gods. The Buddha reincarnated as a mortal body, descended into the world for eons, taught and transformed all peoples, and saved all sentient beings."

Yaoying smiled.

Regardless of whether what Bi Su said was true or not, the people of the royal court would definitely believe it.

That night, Yaoying put on the dress that Bi Su sent. The clothes were cut to her size and fit very well. I don't know where Bi Su got her size.

In the middle of the night, she was sleeping in a daze, and there was the noise of people walking outside the window, and she woke up from a startled dream.

Xie Qing entered the room from the outside and whispered: "Princess, it's the movement in the main hall. The Buddha moved to the Buddhist temple."

Tamara normally lived in a Buddhist temple, but this time, for some unknown reason, he kept staying in the palace to recuperate. Tomorrow a puja will be held in the temple, so he must move back.

Yaoying lay down and continued to sleep, thinking to herself: It seems that monks always move in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, Bi Sui was dressed in a new uniform, with a brocade belt around her waist, and she was full of heroism. She came to the door with a large number of flowers and stood in front of the courtyard, her blonde hair shining brightly.

Yaoying put on the attire of a woman in the royal court, her black hair was combed into small braids, and her hair was tied with colorful ribbons and gems of various colors. With beads on his sleeves and golden boots under his feet, he imitated the others. With a dagger full of gems attached to his waist, he stepped down the stone steps, raised his face, and smiled slightly.

It was as if the dazzling starlight fell from the clouds, and all of them were trapped on her.

Bi Suo stared at Yao Ying dumbfounded, lost her mind for a long time, until she walked in front of her and waved to her, then she regained her senses.

"The princess is so beautiful."

He searched his stomach and couldn't think of any words to praise the princess, and all of a sudden he became clumsy.

The corners of Yaoying's lips were slightly raised, and she covered her face with a veil. Looking at Bi Su who was scratching her ears and cheeks, she suddenly remembered the group of playful boys in Chang'an who chased her all day long.

Looking back at the years of Chang'an at this time, it seems like a lifetime.

The festival of idols started early in the morning. The roads in the city were swept away, and curtains were set up on the city gates and gate towers, and new decorations were everywhere.

The exquisite Buddha statues in the Buddhist temple are placed on a giant four-wheeled vehicle with a height of 30 to 40 feet in height, circling several main streets in the city. Each four-wheeled vehicle is beautifully decorated, decorated with gold, silver, liuli, Phataka, Musalagara, red pearls, and Ashmagara, with hanging curtains and canopies accompanying them. Like a small moving palace. The Buddha statue is decorated with gold and silver carvings, the chest is hanging with a pendant, and the posture is solemn.

The people in the city rushed out of the city, men and women, young and old, with yellow hair and buns, all put on new clothes, and followed the giant wheel cart to the city gate with joy and joy, chanting the Buddha's name.

Bi Suo took Yaoying out of the palace, and the main street was crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder.

Xie Qing and Xie Chong frowned, fearing that they would be scattered by the crowd, so they followed Yaoying closely.

Ashina Bisuo explained every ceremony for Yaoying along the way. He was considerate, patient and enthusiastic. People greeted him from time to time in the crowd. He responded with a smile and was very popular.

Infected by his emotions, Yaoying temporarily relieved her mind and felt the lively celebration of the royal court event.

Felt carpets were laid on the long street under the city gate, and twenty giant four-wheeled vehicles drove slowly to the high platform under the gate. There was an incense table on the high platform, surrounded by pearls and green, and the golden light was shining. The princes and ministers dressed in Chinese costumes walked down the high platform, took off their felt hats, and walked forward with bare feet.

A burst of clear music floated over from the south, and the excited crowd suddenly fell silent. Everyone held their breaths and consciously retreated to both sides of the road.

Yaoying followed everyone's line of sight.

Guided by two rows of monks holding incense burners and dressed in Buddhist robes, an elephant dressed in colorful curtains and jewels and ornately decorated came slowly from the south. There was a throne on the back of the elephant, and one person sat on the throne with a face like a Leng Yue, with eyes like lotus flowers, holding a lotus branch in one hand and a lotus flower in the other, wearing a large snow-white gold cassock, her eyes are slightly drooping, as if she is in meditation, and her whole body seems to be enveloped by a faint halo of Buddha brilliance, like a god .

Tamara is here.

He glanced at everyone lightly, as if everything in the world was not in his eyes.

The bustling crowd on the side of the road was silent for a moment, and then cheers resounding through the sky broke out. Everyone looked up at him, their expressions were excited, their faces were red, and they rushed to throw flowers at him. Some people wanted to touch his clothes. The knight in the shirt stopped him.

The music was mellow and mellow, and the flowers fell like rain.

The elephant walked to the high platform and bowed its knees meekly. The prince and the minister took two steps forward and knelt beside the elephant's feet. Tamara Ka lowered his feet and stepped onto the high platform on the minister's hands and shoulders.

Xie Qing and Xie Chong were stunned for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Princess, what kind of rule is this? Their king actually stepped on the minister's shoulder!"

Yaoying explained to them: "This is the ceremony of ascending the throne, which is very common in Tianzhu and the Western Regions."

Her eyes fell on the minister. Kang Mozhe and others stood upright under the high platform, with a respectful expression and no resentment on their faces. Seeing that Tamara's reputation is so powerful, do they dare to be unruly

A mellow and warm voice sounded from the high platform, and Tamara started to preach, in a nonsense language that ordinary people could understand.

Yaoying listened to it for a while, but could only understand a general idea. He was telling the story of the Buddha who witnessed the misery of life and became tired of the world, and he went to Zen and realized the Tao.

His tone was cold and tactful, with a clear and calm rhythm, and the people were mesmerized by it.

After half an hour, Yao Ying couldn't understand at all, and looked up at Tan Moraga on the high platform.

Yaoying found that she had never seen Tamara Ka standing before. Just now, he stepped on the shoulders of the minister and stepped onto the high platform. He stood tall and tall, and seemed to be a little taller than Bi Su.

What disease is he suffering from

The puja lasted for an hour, and Ashina Bisuo heard half of it and guided Yaoying to withdraw from the crowd and took her to the Buddhist temple.

The Buddhist temple is going to hold a conference of debating scriptures, and the conference will begin when Tanmaraka is finished preaching. The eminent monks have already arrived. Except for those who visited the dharma assembly, the rest were already preparing for the debate. The courtyard was crowded with monks. Some people sat on the ground, closing their eyes and meditating. Some people were already arguing with the people around them. Get up and argue loudly.

The atmosphere in the monastery was tense and active, and the little novice monks who stayed in the monastery were all looking forward to it, waiting to see the demeanor of the Tanmaraga tongue and the group of monks.

His early fame was won in debates at conferences.

Yaoying followed Bi Suo to find their seats and looked around boredly.

Bi Suo lowered her head and told her a few interesting things about practicing in a Buddhist temple when she was a child, and a sharp gaze suddenly swept over.

Yaoying's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at that line of sight.

In the corner of the courtyard, a man wearing a half-sleeved robe was leaning lazily beside the pagoda, talking to the monk beside him and looking up at her, his pale golden eyes shining with a palpitating coldness in the sunlight.

It is Haidu Aling!

Seeing her recognizing herself, Haidu Aling twitched the corner of her mouth, raised her chin, and her lines were rough and resolute.

Yaoying didn't want to be in the same room with him, so she got up and left her seat.

Bi Suo stood up blankly, seeing that something was wrong with her expression, she looked in the direction she was looking at just now, and her eyes met Haidu Aling.

The two looked at each other for a while, Haidu A Ling pouted the corners of his mouth, retracted his eyes, and sneered on his lips.

Bi Su's face flushed red, and she followed Yaoying, shyly said: "Princess Wenzhao, Beirong also sent a monk to discuss scriptures with Wang, but I didn't know that the messenger Beirong sent was Prince Aling of Haidu! "

"Princess don't need to be afraid, this is the royal court, he doesn't dare to mess around!"

Yaoying walked out of the Buddhist temple in a hurry, calmed down slowly, paused, turned back and smiled at Bi Suo: "I don't want to see him, I can't accompany the general to watch the debate conference."

Bi Su hurriedly said, "I just don't want to watch it either, so I'll send the princess back to the palace."

The two returned to the palace, and Yaoying instructed the soldiers: "No one is allowed to leave the palace these days. The Beirong people are in the holy city."

Everyone knows the importance and nods.

Yaoying remembered the smile on Haidu Aling's lips that was determined to win, and it was difficult to sleep and eat.

She will not fall into his hands again, she must return to the Central Plains.

Yaoying didn't know that in the Central Plains, eight thousand miles away, someone was thinking of her.

A few months ago, Chang'an.

A fast horse set off from Pei's house, and the rider traveled day and night, rushing three days and three nights to reach the capital, before taking a few breaths and heading straight to the East Palace.

The eunuch announced in a sharp voice, "Your Highness, the person sent to the Pei family is back!"

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and the man in the prince's dress strode out of the room, his phoenix eyes red.

The author has something to say: For the description of the Xingxiang Festival ceremony, please refer to Faxian Biography.