Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 54: shop


The dawn of the dawn has plated a layer of brilliant gold on the snow-capped peaks in the sky, and the goshawks have swept across the clear blue sky, leaving a faint shadow like a floating cloud. The morning bell has just rang three times. The city has become lively, crowded and bustling.

Yao Ying was dressed in a veil with animal-rolled grass pattern and a veil on her face, and walked into the market in the company of Ashina Bisuo.

The main street of Fangshi is not long, but there are many merchants, crowded with densely packed shops on both sides, and the colorful felt curtains are full of people. Merchants dressed in different costumes and from different tribes come and go, and goods from various countries in the Western Regions are exchanged and sold here.

The voices were full of people, and the peals of Sogdian and Hu languages were mixed with crisp and pleasant camel bells.

Yaoying walked all the way and looked closely all the way. Most of the shops selling jewelry, furs, spices, silk satin and felt blankets were dazzling and exquisite, making people dazzled.

However, she found that there were not many goods from the Central Plains.

Ashina Bisao explained to her: "The trade route leading to the Central Plains is not only high mountains, deserts, and difficult journeys, but also has been plagued by military disasters over the years. The trade routes leading to the Central Plains have been abandoned, and ordinary caravans dare not take risks easily. Most of the merchants take three commercial roads. The north road goes north over the Tianshan Mountains, passes through Suiyecheng, passes through Kangguo, Shiguo, and Lai, and reaches Fulin as far as possible. The middle road goes west along the edge of the desert, from Qiuci, Shule to From Gandhara, go north to Kang State or south to Tianzhu, and the South Road runs along the southern edge of the desert, passing through Loulan, Qiemo, Khotan, Shache, to Shule.”

"After arriving in Tianzhu, some of the merchants went south, passing through Qunu City, Wangshe City, to Tubo, or from Pyu to Yongchang, and then they could reach the southern border of the Central Plains. The Central Plains merchants who sailed to this place traded, and most of those merchants came from Guangzhou, Mingzhou, Yangzhou and other places in the southern part of the Central Plains."

Yaoying was deeply moved.

The three trade routes mentioned by Bi Su actually completely overlapped with the western route of the former Silk Road, except that the starting point from Chang’an in the Central Plains to Dunhuang and Yumenguan was cut off, because the Central Plains had already lost control of the Helong area, and the road was completely blocked. , can't get in touch.

Merchants can defy hardships and dangers, traverse the vast deserts and continuous snow-capped mountains that traverse the east and west continents, break the natural moat, travel between the Central Plains and Fulin, and naturally they will not be easily discouraged by the obstruction of business roads. With the prosperity of the shipbuilding industry, more and more Merchants choose to trade by sea, which has a large capacity and a relatively low cost.

This maritime trade route starts from the ports of Mingzhou, Yangzhou, Quanzhou, Guangzhou and other places in the Central Plains, crosses the South China Sea, passes through Goluofusa, reaches the west of Tianzhu, and then travels by land to the Western Regions, Persia, and as far as Fulin, Jerusalem, etc. It was called the Maritime Silk Road by later generations.

Yaoying heard Li Zhongqian mention that most of the goods transported from the Central Plains to the West on the Maritime Silk Road are porcelain, tea, silk, copper and iron utensils, and the ones brought back to the Central Plains are rare spices, flowers and rare treasures, which often just arrived at the port. It was snapped up by aristocratic families in Nanchu, and it was evident that Nanchu was rich.

At that time, Li Zhongqian joked with her that if he captured the capital of Nanchu, he would definitely take her to the warehouse of the palace of Nanchu.

Yaoying was out of her mind for a while and continued to observe the holy city.

If the Wakhan Khan of Beirong wants to dominate the Western Regions, he must capture the royal court to ensure that all the countries along the northern road are under the control of Beirong, but as long as Thamaroka sticks to the royal court, the Wakhan Khan will not be able to take it. North West Road. During the confrontation between the two countries, small countries such as Gaochang and Yanqi have room to breathe.

The prosperity of Gaochang largely depends on the smooth flow of trade routes.

At that time, we can persuade the Yuchi royal family of Gaochang to agree to form an alliance.

The goods on the square market are varied and rich.

While thinking about it, Yaoying wandered all the way, and saw Persian felt carpets, Fulin's glazed cups, Tianzhu's Buddha's teeth, Gaochang's wine, and Egyptian scriptures written in gold mud.

Xie Qing, Xie Peng, and Xie Chong followed her, and their eyes almost lost sight of them.

Xie Peng saw Yaoying staring at the colorful brocade hanging in a Sogdian merchant's shop, and immediately took out the silver coins: "What does the princess want to buy?"

Yaoying shook her head and said, "I'm not here to buy anything today."

Xie Peng looked bewildered.

The weather is getting hot, and the climate of the royal court is very suitable for the growth of melons and fruits. There are Hu merchants pulling carts of melons and fruits everywhere. A few people bought some melons, fruits and grains. Adobe courtyard.

The Han people in the yard, along with the old and the young, all came out to greet them, kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly.

An old man with a gray beard cried and said, "The princess's life-saving grace cannot be repaid. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the princess."

Yaoying motioned to Xie Peng to help the old man up and looked around.

The men, women and children in the yard looked at her expectantly.

These people were yellow-faced, skinny and ragged, and they were Han slaves she bought from Hu Shang. Their ancestral home is Hexi, some were born in the Western Regions, and some moved to the Western Regions. The Western Regions fell into chaos. They became untouchables, and the situation was miserable. They were taken captive and sold here.

The old man wiped away his tears and asked everyone's expectations: "Princess, is the Emperor of the Central Plains going to send troops to recover Hexi and Beiting?"

Everyone looked up at Yaoying, and there seemed to be two clusters of flames burning in their eyes.

Yaoying shook her head: "The Central Plains are still unable to send troops to recover Hexi and Beiting."

The light in the old man's eyes dimmed instantly.

Yaoying looked at the crowd, raised her voice, and her expression was stern and firm: "However, the Central Plains has never forgotten its own people, and all the ministers of Chinese and military affairs in the court hoped to recover their homeland as soon as possible. The Great Wei has already pacified the Central Plains, and the only way is to take the initiative, and the troops will be fierce and horses. I can recover the rivers and mountains as soon as possible!"

After hearing this, the old man became excited again: "What the princess said is that we have been waiting for so many years, and we will definitely be able to look forward to the day when we return to the East!"

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Xie Peng distributed the melons, fruits, and food, and everyone thanked them and kowtowed to Yaoying.

The old man was the only one who had read the book. Xie Chong brought the booklet he had written and asked Yaoying to read it.

"Princess, there are a total of 111 people here, 51 males and 60 females. Most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. They were sold cheaply because they couldn't work anymore."

Yaoying nodded after reading the list.

Xie Chong asked, "Princess, how should we settle them? Should we take them back to the Central Plains?"

Yaoying stood on the high platform, frowning lightly as she looked at the people in the courtyard who were devouring the crude naan cakes.

"We are going back to the Central Plains, and it is impossible to take these people on an adventure. We will definitely save more people in the future. Where are we going, where are they going with them?"

Xie Chong scratched his head, this is indeed a problem, they can't take these Han people wherever they go. More than 100 people can afford the princess, and more and more people will be raised in the future, so they can't all rely on the princess alone. Are you going

Yaoying said slowly: "It's better to teach people how to fish than to teach them to fish. Ask them what skills they have, whether they can dye cloth, embroider, work as a craftsman, or read... As long as they have skills. It’s fine, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything, you can start learning from now, and those who are not in good health will stay to take care of the children and the elderly.”

Xie Chong responded and asked, "Why does the princess help them find some work?"

Yaoying shook her head: "help them find a job, they will still be bullied. I have already asked Bi Su to help buy two silk and satin shops, and I will hand over the silk and satin shops to these people first. I saw them in Fangshi today, and they sell them here. The brocade pattern of the Central Plains is still the style of a few years ago, and it is not as beautiful as the novelty we brought from the Central Plains."

Xie Chong suddenly realized: No wonder the princess sent silk and satin to the monks in the Buddhist temple!

After the ceremony, the nobles of the royal court went around asking which Hu merchants the materials were purchased from. Bi Suo released news that the gorgeous brocades came from the Central Plains. The number of Hu merchants who came to inquire about the prices these days were like crucian carp crossing the river. , a hundred gold is in short supply.

Xie Chong asked suspiciously, "Why didn't the princess directly sell it to the nobles of the royal court?"

In the princess' dowry, there are many rare goods such as tea, silk, and jewelry that are extremely popular in the Western Regions. The princess only sent some of the scriptures, gold and jade Buddha statues, and silk to the Buddhist temple, while the rest remained in the warehouse. Since the royal court aristocrats are fascinated by these silks, why not sell them directly to the nobles, but buy a shop and then sell it

Yaoying explained to him: "We are outsiders after all, and we sell directly to the nobles. First, it offends the merchants here, and secondly, it is not easy to set prices, and it is easy to attract people's hatred. Let's follow the rules here, and we can be less right and wrong. , and can find a livelihood for these people, and even if we leave in the future, they will be able to eat enough."

The dowry is too eye-catching and inconvenient to carry and transport. It must be sold as soon as possible, but not all of it can be sold from her. The Western Regions are different from the Central Plains. The nobles of various countries here are powerful, and the trade is controlled by the nobles. A little carelessness will offend the nobles. When the transaction fails, it will cause disaster. It is better to cooperate with the local nobles. Avoid disputes and leave a way out for the future.

Xie Chong and Xie Peng looked at each other and said, "It's still the princess who thinks well!"

They thought they would just have to sell the goods and exchange them for gold and silver.

Yaoying called the old man and asked, "What did you guys do for a living?"

The old man said respectfully, "Princess Hui, we all know how to make a living! Some can farm land and trees, some can raise cattle and sheep, collect sheep dung, weave felt, manage wool, weave wool rope, and some can weave brocade! "

Although the royal court is deep in the desert, because of the moisturizing of icebergs and snow, there are also large fertile land and pastures where mulberry and hemp fruits are grown. Like Gaochang, there are large vineyards, and there are flocks of cattle and sheep on the hillside. The old man used to graze his master and help weave felt during the busy season.

Yaoying told the old man about the silk and satin shop, "I will ask Hu Shang to help with the shop. You can pick a few who can read and hyphenate to help in the shop cabinet, and pick a few who can handle craftsmanship and go to the workshop as apprentices. There are a lot of tricks from the Central Plains, enough for you to use for several years."

The old man used to be a steward. Hearing this, he immediately understood that Yaoying was making plans for their future. She was so excited that she knelt down and kowtowed.

Yao Ying has seen that the old man is quite prestige among the crowd, and chuckled: "It's only two shops now, you can take care of them, don't rush to make money, find a way to settle down first."

The old man cried and nodded, his expression became more and more respectful.

Yaoying asked, "Where did you guys get sold here? How many Han people are there?"

The old man replied: "Some of us were captured from Hexi, some were from Shazhou, Guazhou, and some were locals... Some Han people from various places worked for the nobility just like us, some were the subordinates of the nobility, and some were from aristocratic families who married the nobility. "

Yaoying pondered and asked, "Are there any big clans among them who control the army?"

The old man stayed for a while, then understood Yaoying's intention, his face suddenly became solemn and solemn, he bowed to Yaoying, touched his head on the ground, and kowtowed loudly.

"I am old and old, after the Qi clan in Hexi, I would like to be driven by the princess!"

Yaoying smiled and motioned to Xie Chong to help Qi Nian, but did not answer his words.

Qi Nian didn't dare to ask more questions, his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm that could not be concealed, and he whispered: "Princess, there are still big clans in the Central Plains, and there are clans secretly training the rebels, so that they can help them when Master Wang arrives. It is a pity that their strength is not enough to make a move. Wang Ting is peaceful, other places have long been occupied, and it is too far away from Shazhou, so there is no news."

Yaoying's face was as usual, and she said, "Sparks start a prairie fire."

She can continue to recruit people, contact big clans in various places who care about their motherland, gather exiled Han people, use the money and silk exchanged for dowry as military expenses, bribe Hu merchants, recruit people, and travel to various tribes in the Western Regions in the form of caravans. These people are not Beirong's opponents, but they always have their uses: such as helping to pass messages.

No matter where she is, she must first recruit an armed force she can rely on.

With Xie Qing and the others alone, it would be difficult to accomplish anything.

Qi Nian looked at Yao Ying, and was silent for a long time. The turbid eyes once again burst into flames. Surprise, admiration, excitement, and excitement flashed all over her body.

He had already heard the guards tell the princess's origins. The princess was living in the Western Regions and could not protect herself. He did not forget to rescue these people. Not only that, but he even planned for their future. The princess is their savior!

It must have been their prayers day and night that moved the gods and Buddhas, and the gods and Buddhas sent their princesses to rescue them.

Qi Nian knelt down at Yaoying's feet again, tears streaming down her face.

He had a strong premonition in his heart: the princess will definitely be able to bring them back home!

When the people in the courtyard saw this, they put down the food in their hands, stood up, knelt down one by one, and prostrate themselves in front of Yaoying like a tide.

Ashina Bisuo's Chinese was not very good. After entering the courtyard, Yaoying was either instructing the soldiers to appease the old and the weak, or talking to the old man.

When everyone in the courtyard knelt down and worshipped Yaoying, he couldn't help but put away his shyness, straightened his back, and stared at the Han princess who had been living in the royal court.

She stood in front of the steps with a smile on her lips, and her temperament was high, like a snow lotus on the top of the Tianshan Mountains.

So noble, so out of reach.

Bi Su was stunned for a long time.

On the way back to the palace, Yaoying Tuobi Suo helped to find out where the Wang Ting had land for sale. They were better at doing farm work in Qi Nian. She wanted to buy a piece of land so that the old and weak women could find their own livelihood, which would be more convenient for placement. people.

Bi Suo promised to help her find out, but she was determined not to pay her.

Yaoying smiled and said, "That's not possible."

She asked Bi Suo to help, and naturally she had to pay.

Bi Su reluctantly spread her hands and said, "Princess is so polite, why do you have to share with me? We are friends, you are the king's guest, how can I ask for a reward?"

Yaoying smiled and said, "If that's the case, I wouldn't dare to labor for generals to help. I heard that there are many Sogdians in the city who help with errands."

Bi Suo looked at her smiling face, her heart was pounding like a deer, and she didn't dare to refuse.

A few people went to Fang Market again. Yaoying had already inquired about the rules of Wang Tingfang Market, paid a sum of money, bought a shop, and hired two shrewd Hu people to take care of the shop. The shop was originally selling silk and satin. continue to operate.

When she released the news, the merchants gathered at the shop and asked the Hu people, "Is the silk and satin of the Princess of Central Plains really distributed to us for sale?"

The Hu Ren store owner smiled and nodded, saying, "But it's not a coincidence that you came here. That batch of silk and satin has been ordered by the Kang family and the Xue family, and there are not many left."

The merchants were shocked and swarmed into the shop, for fear that others would snatch all the silk and satin one step too late.

Some of the silks Yaoying brought from the Central Plains were sent to Buddhist temples, some were used to bribe and win over the royal family and nobles in exchange for the care of the Fang city officials, some were distributed to Hu merchants for sale, and the rest were left in the shops and sold slowly .

Before long, she will be able to recruit her own people with the money in exchange.

Bi Suo sent Yaoying back to the palace, and then went directly to the Buddhist temple to ask for Tanmaraga.

The Buddhist hall was silent, Luo Jia was reading a scripture, with a thin back.

"King..." Bi Suo took off her saber, knelt down on one knee under the porch, and said solemnly, "I want to ask you one thing."