Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 56: admit


The sky was high and quiet, and the moonlight shone down on a cold silver glow that flickered like a silver star. The night wind came, brushing the skin under the thin shirt, and it was as cold as snow.

Sultan Gu hugged Yaoying, who was trembling. The agile figure flickered and jumped between the shadows of the towering outline of the palace. The leopard followed behind them, and the movement of claws was light and graceful.

Gradually, there were noisy human voices, and a few sharp arrows broke through the air, and the cold and harsh whistling sound was close at hand.

Yaoying felt nervous for a while, and her fingers could not help clenching Sultan Gu's robe.

He didn't say a word, he held her in his arms, raised his knife with his cross arm, chopped up the arrows that were thrown in a mess, jumped off the courtyard wall, and landed beside a jujube bush.

In the courtyard separated by a wall, someone shouted at the arrow shooter: "See clearly! That's the Prince Regent!"

The guards who fired the arrows shivered with fright, and suddenly they became a mess and shouted everywhere.

The solid arms around her shoulders were retracted, Yaoying was put down, her bare feet fell on the cold mud, and the coolness jumped up.

A muffled groan came from behind.

Yaoying's eyelids jumped and she looked back.

Sultan Gu took a step back while clutching his chest, his robe slid across the jujube branches, and the silver-white flowers rustled.

"You are hurt?"

Yaoying was startled and stretched out her hand to help Sultan. When he was holding her and confronting Haidu Aling just now, Haidu Aling shook out a short knife from his sleeve. He was afraid that she would be stabbed by the short knife and her figure would be abrupt. Twist blocked the blow, and may have suffered internal injuries at the time.

Sultan staggered slightly.

Yaoying rushed forward and held onto his arm, thinking that he might not understand the Chinese she said in a hurry, so she asked again in nonsense: "Are you injured?"

Sultan Gu stabilized his figure, raised his eyes, and gave her a light look. His face covered with scars was ugly and hideous, and a pair of ruthless dark blue pupils, like the vast and splendid starry sky, was cold and indifferent, without sadness and joy.

Yao Ying suddenly felt that the person standing in front of her was not a person, but a cold sword.

A ruthless and lustless knife designed for killing.

The two looked at each other.

Yaoying frowned and looked up at Sultan Gu. There was no fear or disgust on her face, but only sincere concern and gratitude. The moonlight fell into her clear and slender eyes, and the bottom of her eyes flashed with light, and the autumn water was gentle and charming.

Sultan Gu's eyes were a piece of still water and stillness, without any waves.

After staring at each other for a while, Yaoying continued to ask softly, "General Su, where are you injured?"

There were footsteps like raindrops coming from the courtyard gate, and Ashina Bisuo, dressed in military uniform, rushed over with the guards and rushed into the courtyard.

When the guard saw the arrow on the ground, he glanced at Sultan's grim face again, looked at each other in dismay, flinched and did not dare to go forward.

Bi Suo stepped on the ground full of arrows and rushed forward anxiously, her eyes fell on Yaoying's hand holding Sultan Gu, her brows furrowed.

"The guards in the palace were not strong enough, which surprised the princess." He smiled at Yaoying, and turned back to signal to the two guards, "Send the princess back to rest."

Yaoying's eyes wandered around.

The promenade was densely filled with guards, and everyone was fully armed. There were seven or eight people carrying longbows alone. Tamara Gaga usually lived in the palace, and the palace was not so strict. These people were obviously ready to meet the enemy.

Bi Suo knew that Haidu Aling would break into the palace, so she brought so many people over to save her.

Yaoying thought thoughtfully, seeing that Sultan Guneng stood firm, and said, "Thank you, General Su."

Sultan was silent, and there was no expression on his terrifying face.

Yaoying retracted her hand and turned to leave.

"Princess, wait!"

Bi Suo caught up and looked down at Yaoying.

Yaoying woke up in the middle of the night, without a robe, wearing a light lining, the material was brought from the Central Plains, thin as a cicada's wings, light and transparent, the moonlight shone down lightly, her graceful figure was looming, and the tulle showed a slender and soft texture. The waist, the collar was half open when he was struggling just now, and a touch of crystal white and tender snow shoulders was exposed, which was smoother and more greasy than suet, and there was a faint fragrance lingering.

The guards in the courtyard wandered, all peeking at her.

Bi Suo looked at Yaoying's snow-white shoulders and frowned even more.

Yaoying noticed her embarrassment, smiled, closed her clothes, and moved naturally without any embarrassment. She jumped out of bed with bare feet to hide, and her reaction was very fast, but unfortunately, she was caught in the urn by Haidu Aling. He regarded her as his prey and had already figured out her habit of running away.

Bi Suo thought that Yaoying would be embarrassed or embarrassed, or she would burst into tears, but she didn't expect that she was actually laughing, her eyes showing surprise.

"Princess, you are shaking."

He took off his white robe, wrapped it around Yaoying's shoulders, held her shoulders, and said softly, "Princess don't be afraid, I will stay here all night."

The guards stared at him dumbfounded: The general is really suave, and he has not forgotten to show his affection at this time!

Yaoying was so cold that she shivered, not being polite to Bi Suo, she tightened her shawl and said, "Thank you."

Bi Suo watched her walk away with gentle eyes, until her graceful back disappeared by the courtyard gate, and turned to look at Sultan, the corners of her mouth curled slightly.

"Prince Regent, thank you for saving Princess Wenzhao. I was really afraid that she would be kidnapped by Haidu Aling."

He seemed very scared, patted his chest and said loudly.

Sultan said nothing, put his knife in the sheath, and glanced up at the courtyard.

Everyone was shocked by his eyes, and they knelt down tremblingly.

Bi Su also knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Prince Regent, we arrested eight people, killed five, two committed suicide, and none of them escaped!"

He led his team to ambush near Li Yaoying's residence, and rushed over when he heard the sound.

Sultan Gu nodded, the black robe swept across the eyes of everyone, and the tall and straight figure walked into the corridor and melted into the night.

The leopard wagged its tail and followed.

After a while, the footsteps disappeared.

Like Shura ghosts, they come and go without a trace.

The few guards who shot arrows at Sultan Gu in the panic just now looked at each other, shaking like chaff: "Is the regent angry? He won't punish us, right?"

They really didn't do it on purpose. When they saw a figure hugging the princess, they thought it was Haidu Aling! Who would have thought that the elusive regent would suddenly appear

Prince Regent, please don't chop off their heads!

Bi Su stood up and kicked the guards: "Next time, please be more alert! What if I accidentally injure the Prince Regent? Give me all my hands to go to the execution hall to receive the punishment, ten sticks per person!"

Everyone dared not beg for mercy, and kowtow should be, it is better to get ten sticks than to lose your head!

The guard asked Bi Suo for instructions: "General, who will you send to the Buddhist temple to report to the king?"

It was the king who warned them, and now that they have caught someone, they should report to the king first.

Bi Suo shook his head: "You don't need to send someone to the Buddhist temple... The regent will report to the king in person."

Yaoying returned to the yard.

Xie Qing and Xie Chong rushed over immediately. Together with the guards, they subdued Haidu Aling's subordinates and were about to go out to find her.

Yaoying went back to her room and put on her shoes first—the palace road was mostly dirt roads, and she was barefoot all the way, and the soles of her feet were going to be worn out.

Xie Chong said angrily: "I didn't expect that Haidu Aling would not give up. The princess lives in the palace of Wangting, and he actually dares to come and take risks."

Yaoying changed into a thick robe and said, "Buddha seldom lives in the palace, and the palace is not strictly guarded."

When Haidu Aling appeared at the Debating Conference, she knew that the other party was not good, so she lived in seclusion and did not take a step outside the palace gate. Du'ering was more patient than before, and waited until tonight to start.

Yaoying remembered Abu, the white falcon that Haidu Aling tamed by himself. He liked the feeling of conquering his prey and would not let her go easily.

"Now we have to find a way to get the news back to the Central Plains as soon as possible..." Yaoying murmured, "I don't know if my brother's injury is healed... He is impatient and doesn't listen to anyone's advice..."

She misses Li Zhongqian, and she is afraid that Li Zhongqian will meet the Shanghai capital of Aling, and the tragedy will repeat itself.

Yaoying blew the cold wind in the middle of the night, her face was pale, her lips were pale, and her body trembled slightly.

Xie Chong looked at each other, couldn't bear to scare her, and said with a smile: "Princess, don't worry, King Qin will be safe and sound! The princess is frightened tonight, rest early, Haidu Aling dares to come again, we chop him off. hand."

Yaoying put away her melancholy, smiled at everyone, and sent them out, sitting alone in a dark room, while rubbing her feet that were bruised and bruised by the gravel, she thought quietly.

Xie Qing did not dare to let Yaoying out of her sight this time, so she stayed in the corner of the room, sat cross-legged, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

The next day, Ashina Bisuo came to visit Yaoying and assured her again and again that the palace had stepped up its vigilance, that Haidu Aling's subordinates were dead, and those who were caught were caught, and he would never dare to enter the palace at night.

Yaoying thanked him for leading the troops to help him last night, and asked directly, "Did the general already know that Haidu Aling would come?"

Bi Su was stunned.

Yao Ying looked at him calmly, with bright eyes.

Bi Suo and her looked at each other for a while, put away the joke, and nodded: "Yes, the regent knows that Haidu Aling is still lurking in the holy city, and ordered us to strengthen our vigilance to prevent Haidu Aling from kidnapping the princess."

Yaoying was startled.

She thought that the person who arranged the ambush last night was Bi Su, but it turned out to be Sultan Gu

As expected of the regent who was in charge of military affairs and frightened several nobles, he was as careful as he was, secretly guarding Haidu Aling.

Bi Su scratched her scalp: "Princess, I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I was really afraid to scare you, so I didn't warn you in advance. The regent doesn't know if Haidu Aling will come or when he will come. , If you tell the princess first, the princess will inevitably have trouble sleeping and eating, and will be worried day and night."

Yaoying smiled nonchalantly and shook her head: "I won't be angry for this..."

She changed her words, "But I hope that the general will not hide it from me in the future. The person Haidu Aling wants to take away is me, and I am the best bait. If the general told me earlier, I could cooperate with the general inside and out, maybe I could. Catch Haidu Aling."

Bi Suo's expression shook, and she was silent for a long time.

Yao Ying smiled at him with bright eyes.

Bi Suo avoided her gaze and asked, "Has the princess ever thought that we can kill Haidu Aling together inside and out, then the princess will have no worries."

Yaoying smiled lightly, and looked up at the clear blue sky: "The royal court and Beirong made a covenant, Haidu Aling is the prince of Beirong, and if the royal court killed Haidu Aling at this time, Beirong will definitely find an excuse to start a war - rest assured, general. , I am under the protection of the royal court, and I can clearly distinguish the importance of it, Haidu Aling must die on the land outside the royal court, or do not leave a little trouble, so that Beirong can't get the handle, or when the two armies confront the enemy."

"Haidu Aling will not be dispatched to Beirong for no reason. The Regent must have noticed, so there was no murder last night."

Bi Suo looked back at Yaoying, a strange look passed over her handsome face.

The princess is right, it is not appropriate for the royal court to go to war with Beirong now. The central army is loyal to Tanmaraga, but the left army, right army, front army, and rear army are in the hands of major nobles.

The grand puja after the war was not only to celebrate the victory, but also to appease people's hearts, deter ministers, and stabilize the government.

The reason why he didn't inform Li Yaoying in advance last night was because he was afraid that the Great Wei Princess would mess up their plans and drag the entire royal court into the quagmire.

Bi Suo sighed, clenched her fists towards Yaoying, and looked serious: "Princess, I'm sorry."

He knew that Haidu Aling was bound to win the princess, but he couldn't kill that person to let the princess sleep, how could he have the face to claim to be the princess' friend

Yaoying stood up, stood under the porch, returned a salute to Bi Su, and said, "General, I am under the protection of the Buddha, and I have formed an alliance with the Buddha. Only when the royal court is stable can I be safe. I will not disregard the overall situation, nor will I So arrogant to ask your country to kill the prince of Beirong for me."

The alliance with Gaochang is for future plans, which is beneficial to her and the royal court. She is not naive enough to think that Tanmaraga will order the killing of Haidu Aling for her irrelevant person.

And Haidu Aling is a first-class master of Beirong, how can he be so easy to kill

She was already very grateful that Tamara had rescued her and sent guards to guard her against Haidu Aling.

Bi Suo stared at Yaoying, her eyes flashed, she changed her previous frivolous and sloppy posture, and said, "Princess doesn't have to be too polite. When the princess saves the king, she saves the entire royal court. Although I can't kill it now. Haidu Aling, if I meet him on the battlefield in the future, I will definitely kill him!"

Yaoying smiled and said, "I can't kill Haidu Aling now... But I can't just let him return to Beirong safely."

Bi Suo's mouth twitched: "Don't worry, princess, Haidu Aling broke into the palace at night, we couldn't catch him, there was no evidence, but his people fell into our hands, and the regent ordered them to be sent here. Beirong, Wakhan Khan will definitely be furious."

Yaoying nodded.

This is indeed a solution. Wakhan Khan is more faithful than Haidu Aling, and he already regards Tanmaraga as his nemesis in his heart, and does not dare to go to war with the royal court.

But there is a better, more nefarious way.

Yaoying motioned to her soldiers to take out the herbs she had sorted out last night: "I was rescued by the Regent last night. I want to thank the Regent in person."

Bi Suo's eyes flickered, and he smiled: "The whereabouts of the regent are uncertain, and I don't know where he is."

Yaoying also smiled: "Then ask the general to pass a sentence on your behalf."

Bi Suo looked hesitant, and before he opened his mouth, a guard rushed into the courtyard, "Haidu Aling is here!"

Everyone was shocked, and the guards hurriedly grabbed their weapons and made defensive actions.

Bi Suo's face changed, and he comforted Yaoying: "Princess, don't be afraid, Haidu Aling is alone, and dare not mess around."

After saying that, he turned around and ran out.

Yaoying calmed her mind and avoided going to the hidden pagoda on the second floor to wait for news.

After a while, the guards turned back and told Yaoying that Haidu Aling was now in the palace.

He didn't run away after being defeated last night, but found a place to rest for the night. This morning, he appeared in front of the inn, saying that he encountered robbers on his way back to Beirong, and that all the soldiers around him were dead. The royal court sent him dry food for the horses, and then sent someone to escort him back to the tooth tent.

Xie Chong geared up: "This man is really bold, is he not afraid that we will kill him?"

Yaoying frowned.

Haidu Aling was full of courage, and he did so by retreating to advance. He had no personal guards by his side. He was afraid that Sultan Gu would pursue and kill him. He was not afraid that Wang Ting secretly wanted to kill him. He could not admit to the fact that he broke into the palace last night.

Sure enough, the guards came to spread the word, Haidu Aling was the envoy of the Northern Rong, and the minister in the court did not want to cause trouble, so he prepared horses for him.

The guard said: "Princess, Prince Aling of Haidu said that he wanted to see you before he left. Please say a few words. General Ashina said that you may or may not go."

Xie Chong jumped up and his face flushed: "Don't even think about it!"

Yaoying pondered for a moment and stood up.

See you, Haidu Aling can't do anything to her now, she wants to know Haidu Aling's real purpose.

Haidu Aling changed his attire, with braided hair and a shawl, wearing a colorful brocade half-armed robe, leaning beside the corridor, his long legs slightly bent, and his shoulders and back muscles stretched.

The minister stood aside and watched, Bi Suo led the royal guards to confront Haidu Aling, the sword light flickered, and the spear was like a forest.

The momentum of the whole yard was condensed on Haidu Aling alone.

When he saw Yaoying, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he walked towards her: "Princess is really good at skills and means. The high-ranking Buddha made an exception for you, and now even the ancient capital of Sudan has come to save you."

Yaoying's face was as usual: "Is the prince going to tell me these words?"

Haidu Aling's light yellow eyes fixedly looked at her face, bright and moving, with plump skin and snowy skin. When she smiled, she was as bright as a spring flower. A pair of bright and slender eyes, when the corners of the eyes were slightly raised, unconsciously revealed a little bit. The soul-stirring softness, but only cold to him, never showing a soft and charming side in front of him.

"I don't understand." He narrowed his eyes slightly, "I am the strongest and bravest warrior in Beirong, why do you reject me again and again?"

In Beirong, the most beautiful woman belongs to the strongest man, why is Princess Wenzhao unwilling to submit to him

Haidu Aling sneered.

"That ugly guy from Sultan came to save you last night, and you grabbed him so tightly... Am I better than an ugly guy?"

Yaoying said indifferently: "The beauty and ugliness of a person are not in appearance. General Su fights for the country, guards the stability of one side, rewards and punishments are clear, and is impartial and selfless. I admire the general. Although a person like the prince is handsome and romantic, in my opinion, it is not ordinary."

Haidu Aling grinned, with gloomy eyes: "My adoptive father fell in love with a woman back then and went to ask for relatives, but the chief of that tribe looked down on my adoptive father and rejected my adoptive father. My adoptive father was not discouraged, a month later , led the crowd to sneak attack on that tribe, killed all the men of the tribe, and killed her father and eight brothers in front of the woman."

"That woman is my adoptive mother. She married my adoptive father and gave birth to ten children for my adoptive father. She respects and loves my adoptive father, and my adoptive father is her heaven."

In Beirong, if a man wants to marry a woman, he should do whatever he can to kill all those who stand in his way, even if those people are the real brothers of the woman.

Women in Beirong only submit to brave men, and they are born to have their legs occupied by men and bear children for men.

"The most beautiful woman in the world should belong to me." A light golden light flashed in Haidu Aling's eyes, "Princess, you can't escape my palm."

He didn't care whether Li Yaoying belonged to Tanma Luojia or Sultan Gu, or that both of them became her servants. Beirong men didn't care about women's chastity. They looted land, conquered foreign races, and possessed beautiful women.

Princess Wen Zhao does not belong to him now, and will fall into his hands sooner or later.

Yaoying didn't say a word, and Bi Suo, who was on the side, suddenly changed color, and was about to rush over with a knife.

Suddenly, a cold and fierce wind swept through, a black shadow fell from the sky, and a pair of sharp black claws grabbed straight towards Haidu Aling's face.

Haidu Aling was caught off guard, and subconsciously raised his arms to block, but he was still a step slower, and the eagle claws like iron hooks slid across his face, and blood was dripping immediately.

Two icy chirps sounded, and a huge goshawk swept past everyone's eyes, spreading its wings and flying high into the sky.

The crowd was stunned.

Several guards reacted with excitement: "That's the king's eagle!"

Before he finished speaking, the courtyard door opened, and several monks in robes and soldiers in blue shirts walked in, and the person in the lead was the bodyguard of Tanmaraga.

He stood in front of the promenade, looked at Haidu Aling with an angry face, and said loudly: "Princess Wenzhao is the king's modern girl, and she is under the protection of the king. Please pay attention to your words. !"

The courtyard suddenly quieted down, there was no sound, and the falling needles could be heard.

Everyone held their breaths and looked horrified.

Bi Su's face was full of disbelief, and her face was pale.

Yaoying was also stunned for a while.

Last night, Sultan Gu said this sentence to Haidu Aling in order to force Haidu Aling to retreat. No one else was present at that time, so this sentence would not spread.

Now that Yuanjue said this sentence in public, or said it to Haidu Aling, the envoy of Beirong, wouldn't it be tantamount to acknowledging her identity

She said that she was willing to follow the example of Moderna, which was nothing, the world only regarded her as madly in love with Tamara.

Tanmaraka himself admits this statement in public, and the meaning is different!

Yaoying's blood was congealed all over her body, and her mind was buzzing.

In the strange and heavy silence, Haidu Aling, a Beirong man, was the first to react, his pupils shrank, he looked at Yaoying, and sneered: "Princess is a good trick!"

After all, go away.

At this time, no one cared what Haidu A Ling said.

Everyone in the yard, ministers, guards, waiters, monks, Bi Suo... All of them twisted their necks to look at Yaoying, their movements were stiff, and their eyes were horrified.

Hundreds of sights rushed over in an instant, like a knife, with a swish cold knife wind, which made Yaoying dizzy.

She barely calmed her mind and looked towards Yuanjue.

Yuanjue looked at her and said word by word, "From today onwards, the princess will move into a Buddhist temple and practice Buddhism with the monks in the temple."

Yaoying's heart trembled, and she felt that the sight that fell on her body had turned into tangible knives, which cut her into pain.