Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 59: eat meat


Before dawn, Yaoying was awakened by Xie Qing.

She remembered that today was the day when Thamaraga taught the scriptures. She got up to wash herself up, put on a plain cloth robe, nibbled sesame cakes, read the scriptures under the flickering lights, and recited silently in her heart.

The sound of the bell came from outside the flower wall, and it sounded deep and distant through the layers of branches.

At the dawn of dawn, Yuanjue came over and led Yaoying to the main hall. Seeing that she was dressed lightly, her long black hair was tied up with a simple jasper hairpin, and no other gold and jade ornaments were worn, and she nodded with satisfaction.

The courtyard where Yaoying lives is located on the northeast side of the Buddhist temple, far from the main hall, passing through several long flying corridors on the way. She pointed to the courtyards under her feet and asked curiously, "What is that place?"

These days, she found that there are many high and low temples and mansions on the outer periphery of the Buddhist temple, some are official offices, some are post houses, some are mansions, some are places for princes and nobles to clean up, and the courtyard where she lives belongs to the latter, so strictly speaking, she does not We live in a Buddhist temple, so we can come and go freely.

The Buddhist temple is the place where the monarchs of the royal court have practiced. It occupies a very large area. The monks gather in clouds and guard soldiers can be seen everywhere. Every day, many people come to visit and pay their respects. It is very lively. It was deserted, and few people came in and out.

It was the yard under her feet.

Yuanjue followed Yaoying's line of sight and whispered, "That's the execution hall."

Yaoying did not ask further.

She vaguely remembered that Tanmaraka had been imprisoned in a Buddhist temple since birth. The princes and nobles wanted to frighten him, wear down his ambition, and deliberately imprisoned him in the execution hall until he was thirteen years old.

The execution hall was a floor dug down, and the morning light poured down and fell into the dark courtyards, like falling into a bottomless ancient well.

How hard would it be to live in a place like that for ten years

When approaching the main hall, a noisy voice entered Yao Ying's ears.

Tanmaraka allows ordinary people to attend the temple and listen to the preaching, regardless of whether they are men or women. In the early morning, the devout people gathered at the foot of the hall, and the front of the steps was crowded with people. Even if everyone deliberately lowered their voices, there was still a buzzing voice.

The sermon is about to begin.

The main hall is built on the top of the Taiwan Rock, and it is not surrounded by fireworks like the Buddhist temples in the Central Plains. Obviously, the Buddhism of the Royal Court, like the Buddhism of the Central Plains, has integrated many local traditions in the process of spreading. , the hall is open and clean, magnificent, surrounded by narrow passages for two people to run side by side.

There is a high platform in the hall, and there are monks sitting under the platform. The seats on the far left are glittering with gold. They are a group of nobles and nobles dressed in luxurious clothes. There are monks and soldiers guarding the long corridor.

Yuanjue led Yaoying to sit in a corner, and countless eyes looked at her. She looked back calmly and smiled.

Those people's faces stiffened.

Yaoying sat down and looked around. Most of the people who saw her were princes, nobles and common people. The monks' concentration was much better. They only quietly raised their eyes to look at her for a while and then silently retracted their gazes.

The ladies squinted at Yaoying and winked at each other.

Yaoying's eyes are on her nose and her nose is on her heart. Her nonsense is not good enough to understand the whispers of the ladies, but her ears are clean.

After a while, the monks came, surrounded by Thamaraka.

Yaoying's eyes widened, but she didn't react for a while.

Tamara came over, wearing a large crimson cassock, holding a string of beads in his hand, walking calmly, fluttering like a fairy, his eyes were light, and there was no trace of fireworks.

This is the first time Yaoying has seen Tanmaraga walk, and she can't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart, and her eyes have been circling around him.

He is tall and straight, his eyes are like cold stars, and his temperament is Qinghua.

Yaoying thought of his legs that were swollen and blackened not long ago, and the wide cassock covered his figure. He wondered how his legs had recovered.

Judging by his graceful steps, it should be almost as good.

Mundativa has returned to Tianzhu, and he does not know what disease he is suffering from. Shuimangcao is completely fighting poison with poison, and long-term use will definitely have hidden dangers.

There were a few coughs and snickers, Yuanjue reminded Yaoying in a low voice: "Princess..."

She looked at Tamaroka too intently.

Yaoying came back to her senses and found that all the women in the hall were looking at her. She noticed her gaffe and looked away.

Tamara stood on the high steps of the hall, ascended his seat, sat down, and led the monks to start chanting the scriptures, with a solemn appearance.

The princes and nobles and the common people outside the hall also all sat down and chanted the scriptures together.

Sanskrit sound is clear and distant, solemn and solemn, and it is really shocking.

Yaoying couldn't help holding her breath, sitting upright, and chanting along with Yuanjue. After she had memorized the scriptures that she had been cradling in the past few days upside down three or five times, the chanting stopped.

The little monk respectfully walked up to the high platform with the scroll in his hand, and Tamara took out a scroll from the scroll, and the little monk read out a person's name aloud.

A monk from the audience stood up in response, saluted Tammaraga, and began to ask questions.

Tamara Ka answered a few words, the monk frowned and thought, put his hands together, and returned to his seat.

Then Tammaraka pulled out another volume of scriptures. The little monk looked at the name written on the cloth and read it out. The monk stood up excitedly and asked aloud, speaking quickly. Tammaraka looked calm and answered. The speed was not slow at all, the monk kept asking questions, and even had an aggressive meaning, he did not change his face, and answered one by one.

At the end, the monk folded his hands together and sat back with an expression of admiration on his face.

The little monk continued to call his name, and every monk who was called up had an excited face and asked Tanmaraka continuously, and Tanmaraka answered one by one with a calm voice.

Yaoying looked confused.

Yuanjue explained to her in a low voice that it was similar to a Buddhist debate. The monks wrote their questions on a leather scroll and handed it in. Whoever Thamaraka draws will be able to start a brief Buddhist debate with him. , Buddhism and Buddhism, from nothing to existence, the clouds in the sky, the grass on the ground, everything can be argued.

Yaoying was stunned and continued to listen. The monk and Luo Jia used Sanskrit when they debated. She couldn't understand it, but the debate between the two sides was extremely fast. Or racking your brains and contemplating the look is also fun.

After Thamaraga drew ten volumes of scriptures, the little monk removed the tray, the expressions on the monks' faces in the audience returned to peace, the atmosphere in the hall became much more relaxed, and Luojia began to teach the Fa.

He first spoke Sanskrit, then changed to Hu, occasionally mixed with another kind of Hu, his voice was clear and tactful, like jade beads falling on a plate, with a soothing rhythm.

Everyone in the hall and outside the hall heard it as if they were insane, and from time to time a woman lowered her head to wipe her tears.

Yaoying heard the story of the cause and effect of good and evil being told by Tamara, but she didn't understand much after hearing it. With her back straight, she sat on her knees for a long time, her whole body was sore, and she couldn't help but secretly change her posture.

A cold gaze swept over.

Soft, yet has a kind of strength that does not show its edge.

Yao Ying couldn't help but shuddered, she immediately became honest, she didn't move, and continued to listen.

Tamaroga glanced at the top of her jet black hair and looked away.

Yao Ying didn't dare to move this time, and sat for another quarter of an hour. The crowd sighed and chanted Buddha one after another. Everyone stood up, clasped their palms towards Tammalakagong, and watched him walk down the high platform, surrounded by monks. leave.

When his clear back disappeared at the gate of the temple, Yaoying felt relieved: Is this the end? Wouldn't he spot check her homework

It turned out that as long as she sat honestly and listened to the morning class.

Yaoying got up and was about to leave when several figures came over.

Prajna and a few monks stood in front of her with serious expressions, holding out several scriptures with a sneer: "Princess, can you gain from practicing Buddhism?"

The corners of Yaoying's mouth twitched: I was so happy just now, the people who randomly checked her homework are waiting here!

Prajna stood in front of Yaoying, her waist was as straight as a poplar tree, and she began to recite the contents of Yaoying's book.

What he asked happened to be the part that Tan Mo Luo Jia asked Yuan Jue to remind Yao Ying.

Yaoying was stunned for a moment, then smiled secretly: The monk actually helped her cheat.

Although she couldn't understand the deep meaning of the book, the endorsement could not trouble her, and the answers were fluent.

Prajna frowned, opened another book, and continued to ask.

Yaoying can still recite fluently.

After asking several books in a row, Yaoying was not stumped, and Prajna couldn't help being a little annoyed, and asked, "Can you understand the meaning?"

Yaoying narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "No."

Without waiting for Prajna to say anything, she asked, "Do you understand everything?"

Prajna wanted to refute, but met Yaoying's smiling eyes, her face was slightly red, he was not a shaved monk, but a bodyguard who followed Tamara, how could he dare to say that he could understand the meaning of the scriptures? If you give a positive answer, you will definitely be pursued!

He just shook his head.

Yaoying smiled.

Prajna refused to admit defeat, and asked: "Princess has carried this all these days?"

Yaoying coughed lightly and said sternly: "I have been studying a scripture with great concentration these days."

Prajna looked at her with suspicion: "What scripture?"

Yaoying recites the Heart Sutra word by word.

"Heart Sutra", namely "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", is short and concise. The translation of Tang Xuanzang's version has only more than 300 words in total. Millions of words in the vast Buddhist scriptures.

Yaoying thought about it, this scripture that was widely circulated in the Central Plains was enough for her to cope with the random inspections in the next few months, and it was easy and hassle-free.

She carried it fluently, but Prajna had a blank expression: "What are you carrying?"

Yaoying was more at a loss than him: "The Heart Sutra?"

Prajna affirmed: "I have never heard of this sutra."

Yaoying explained: "I memorized the version translated by Master Xuanzang, a monk from the Central Plains, which may be different from what you studied."

Prajna frowned, and looked at several monks around him, one of them shook his head at him, and a few of them discussed in a low voice for a while, and said, "Does the princess have any insight?"

Yaoying put her hands together and said, "The scriptures are timeless, and I haven't been able to comprehend the true meaning of them, but after reading it a few times, I can feel calm and peaceful."

Hannya was stunned for a moment. If Yaoying said she had something to gain, he could still argue with her about the truth. She said so, he really couldn't find the fault.

A monk next to him showed admiration, nodded and said, "The princess can have such an understanding because she is really concentrating on her practice."

Yaoying smiled modestly.

Prajna's eyes twitched.

The monks saluted Yaoying and turned to leave.

Yaoying asked Yuanjue on the side, "Have I passed the test?"

Yuanjue smiled and said, "The princess behaved very well, and there will be less gossip in the city in the future. As long as the princess shows that she is practising the Dharma, these monks will not dare to embarrass the princess on purpose."

Yao Ying's heart moved.

Tamaroga instructed her to deal with the investigation well. It turned out to be to help her and make her life in the holy city easier.

Seeing that it was lunch time, Yuanjue sent Yaoying back to the yard.

With the sound of footsteps behind him, a guard chased after him: "The king invites the princess to the meditation room."

Yuanjue should be, escort Yaoying to the meditation room.

The courtyard is quiet, the sky is blue, the clouds are flickering, the blue flowers and thin leaves on the dome are blue in the brilliant sunshine, and there is a faint golden light floating between the murals.

Tamara was sitting in front of the long desk reading the letter, and several blue-shirted guards knelt in front of the courtyard, one of whom was a personal attendant of Ashina Bisao.

There was news from Beirong.

Yaoying walked quickly into the corridor, and outside the meditation room, she paused, subconsciously held her breath, and stepped into the room.

It was cold in the room, Tan Moraga didn't raise her head, she raised her slender fingers, signaling Yaoying to take her seat.

Yaoying knelt down opposite him, sitting upright.

After Tamara read the letter, he raised his eyes and said, "Haidu Aling hurt a leg."

Yaoying was startled.

Tanmaraka glanced at the courtyard, Yuanjue understood, and motioned for Ashina Bisao's personal follower to come forward.

He personally knelt outside the promenade and said slowly: "When General Ashina arrived at Beirong, Prince Aling of Haidu had already returned to the tooth tent. It is said that he was attacked by bandits on the way and one of his legs was smashed by a frightened horse. The weather was hot, the wound was festering, and the witch doctor used the wrong medicine when he treated him. Prince Haidu Aling's right leg was disabled. The general said that several princes broke into the tent to check Haidu Aling's injuries in person. My legs are full of maggots."

Yaoying's eyelids jumped.

Haidu Aling really "wasted" a leg.

Those ambush bandits should be traps arranged by several princes.

The follower finally said: "The general remembered that Princess Wenzhao reminded him that Haidu Aling would use bitterness, and suspected that Haidu Aling's legs were not broken, so he sent his subordinates back to ask the king for instructions, and by the way, I asked the princess a word."

Tamara looked at Yaoying.

Yaoying suddenly felt breathless and said, "I did remind General Ashina."

He followed in a low voice: "The princess knows the temperament of Prince Aling of Haidu well, and the general would like to hear the princess's advice."

The courtyard was silent.

Yaoying met the expectant gaze of her followers and said bravely, "Since Haidu Aling used a bitter plan, then the general might as well come with a general plan and let Prince Haidu Aling recover from his injuries."

Haidu Aling pretended to lose a leg, and Ashina Bisuo could take advantage of the suspicions of several princes about him to make that leg really abolished.

A few people exchanged glances, and Yuanjue, who was guarding the door, looked surprised.

Tan Moraga didn't seem to be surprised by Yaoying's answer at all.

He personally got up to take the letter, saluted, and left in a hurry.

Yaoying also stood up and exited the meditation room. When she walked down the corridor, several guards just came in with the food table. She casually glanced at the silver plate on the food table and stayed for a while.

A plate of beef flashed past her eyes.

Yaoying turned around and followed the plate of beef.

The food table was brought to Tamaroka, and his slender and graceful fingers picked up a piece of meat.

Yaoying was stunned.

In the room, Tan Mo Luojia noticed Yao Ying's gaze, and raised her eyes to look over.

The girl stood in the courtyard, staring at him blankly, with an expression of being struck by lightning.

Tan Mo Luo Jia paused for a moment, and a faint doubt flashed across the clear blue eyes.

Is she hungry

The author has something to say: The Heart Sutra has different translations with different word counts.