Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 60: debate


Yaoying went back to her yard and looked at the large plate of naan and snow-white warm soup just brought by the waiter on the long table, and remembered the barbecue that just passed in front of her eyes.

If she had known that eating meat was not banned, she would not need to be vegetarian every day these days.

On the way back, Yuanjue explained to her that the monks in the royal court could not help but eat meat. Most of the monks in the Western Regions are like this. There are three pure meats and five pure meats. The three pure meats are not to see killing, not to hear the sound of killing, and not to kill for me. The five pure meats are based on the former plus two: suicide , bird residue.

That is to say, without seeing the animals killed, without hearing the animals being killed, or hearing that the animals were killed for their own sake, or they were killed if they wanted to eat, or the meat was clean and edible.

However, no seasonings are allowed when cooking clean meat, and monks do not stick to the meaty smell, among which "meaty" refers to the spicy seasonings such as onion, ginger, and garlic.

In addition, if a monk is sick and needs to eat meat, he can make an exception to eat meat.

Yaoying suddenly realized.

It is not uncommon for the precepts to vary slightly from region to region.

For example, monks used to have a rule of not eating at noon. After eating at noon, they could not eat until the next day, which was called "holding fast". After Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains, this rule changed. Many monks in the Central Plains gave up not eating after noon and started to eat three meals a day, otherwise they would not be able to guarantee their physical strength.

Buddhism originated in Tianzhu, and most of the monks were originally from Tianzhu nobles. The basic principles of Buddhism were closely related to the Tianzhu society. When it first spread to the Central Plains, it was in conflict with the traditional patriarchal ethics and Confucianism of the Central Plains. Later, Buddhism adapted to local conditions and made adjustments and changes according to the patriarchal ethics of the Central Plains.

The national conditions of the countries in the Western Regions are different from those in the Central Plains, and the development of Buddhism naturally presents a different aspect. In some countries in the Western Regions, the whole people are believers, the monks have a very high status, and they are closely related to the nobility, sometimes secular kingship and religious power. It can even be controlled by one person.

In short, different regions have different customs.

The Central Plains are strictly disciplined. An emperor of the Southern and Northern Dynasties once promulgated "Stop the Wine", prohibiting killing and requiring monks to cut off meat. In addition, the monks in the Central Plains do not rely on alms and begging, they are given fields, cultivate fields, and cultivate their own crops, so they can be completely self-sufficient. , so you don't have to eat meat.

Yaoying remembered that when Master Xuanzang traveled west to study scriptures and passed through the Western Regions, monks were carnivorous. She thought that there was a faint sign of transition from Theravada to Mahayana in the scriptures advocated by the royal court, and she should not eat fishy food. She thought that she should respect the monks and follow the customs of the countryside. After staying in the Buddhist temple, there was no fishy smell at all. She did not expect that the monks in the temple were not taboo to eat meat.

She told the personal soldiers, the personal soldiers jumped three feet high with joy - they are warriors, vegetarians every day, almost crazy!

On the other side, Yuanjue returned to the meditation room and reported the matter to Tan Moraga, smiling and said, "Wang, the temple owner did not neglect Princess Wenzhao. Other food for her."

Tan Moraga lowered her head and flipped through the paper scroll, and a young girl appeared in front of her eyes like a wooden chicken. She stared at the barbecue on his plate with a bit of grievance.

Thought she was being neglected.

It turned out that it was not grievance, but pure shock, a kind of "how can you eat meat?"

Did she think he could drink dew

Tamaroka's brows and eyes were light, and her long fingers flicked the beads.

The next day, there were a few more plates of grilled meat delivered to Yaoying's yard.

It's a pity that the barbecue is not carefully prepared, and the practice is poor, only sprinkled with some salt.

However, the personal soldiers who had been hungry for many days still chewed excitedly, gnawing the barbecue until the bones were left.

After dinner, Yaoying assigned her personal soldiers to work separately.

She asked Yuanjue to find out that the royal court has a large area of vineyards, and most of the grapes are picked to make wine. Gaochang's wines are well-known far and near, and sell well in the East and West. The wines of Wangting are not as mellow as Gaochang's, but they can be preserved for a long time without deterioration.

The piece of land that Yaoying bought happened to have several vineyards.

Before Qi Nian mentioned that he could make wine, she asked him to make some to try, and she didn't expect them to make money anyway. Shepherding and tanning are all manual labor. Most of them were sold because they couldn't work. She had been thinking about how to find some light work for them.

Teach them to dry raisins

This idea flashed by, Yaoying instructed the soldiers to go to the market to buy some raisins, and inquire about the local method of drying raisins.

Soldiers should do it.

Sitting in front of the courtyard, Yaoying looked at the grapes hanging in front of the flower wall, and she was lost for a while.

She once had a fight with Li Zhongqian because she wanted to drink wine.

In Chang'an, wine is expensive.

When the Tang army conquered Gaochang and brought Gaochang's horse milk grape varieties and brewing methods back to the Central Plains, Taizong Li Shimin planted grapes in the royal garden, brewed wine himself, and gave it to the ministers to share. Later, wine was popularized among the people, and it was common in the market. However, due to years of wars, fresh grapes became a rarity, and the brewing method of grapes was lost, and wine was naturally even more rare.

There was an imperial doctor who said that drinking wine in moderation is good for women. Yaoying was greedy, so she wanted to drink a few glasses, but Li Zhongqian taught her a few words. She has been taking gel pills, and the genius doctor has advised her that it is best not to drink alcohol while she is taking the medicine.

Thinking of this, Yaoying suddenly remembered something.

Tamara is now taking water mangcao, does he know this taboo

She thought for a while, then shook her head and laughed: Tamara is a monk, how could she drink alcohol

At night, the personal soldiers came back with a few packs of raisins and spread them out on the table.

Yaoying knew at a glance that these brown raisins were not of high quality.

The soldier said, "Princess, these are the best raisins in the city. The people in Fangshi said that they also supplied the raisins in the palace. Hu Shang said that the summer and autumn of the royal court are hot and dry, with long sunshine and little rain, so they picked grapes. After that, it is directly exposed to the sun, and no other processes are required.”

Yaoying picked up a few raisins, carefully looked at the color, smelled the smell, tasted a few, and pondered for a while. It seemed that the way to dry raisins was very rough.

She instructed the soldiers: "Go out of the city tomorrow and tell Lao Qi, don't be reluctant to shovel all the grapes that bear fruit, and replant all the gardens with Kistil honey, horse milk, and black pearl grape seeds. If you can't buy grape seeds, let him go. Look for Hu Shangkang in the south of the city and send more tea and silk."

The personal soldier should be, speaking of another matter: "Lao Qi said that he contacted some people from Shazhou who are living in exile. Most of those people have no food or clothing. He asked me to ask the princess for instructions. Can he take them in?"

Yaoying frowned.

After all, Wang Ting only sheltered her temporarily. They could not cause trouble to Wang Ting. In the future, more and more people will be taken in, so they cannot all receive Wang Ting.

"The number of people is not large now, so you can take in those who can take in. You remember to tell Lao Qi that you must prepare a roster, and don't leave any one behind, so that I can pay taxes according to the roster."

The minister of the royal court is greedy for money, so she pays taxes according to the head, so that it will not attract too much criticism, and the compilation of the roster is also convenient for the management and screening of people, and lays a good foundation for the training of soldiers.

She is short of people, and the more people she can recruit now, the better.

The soldier nodded, wrote them down one by one, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Some people from Shazhou... Lao Qi doesn't know whether to accept them or not."

Yaoying asked: "Since you are from Shazhou, why can't you accept it?"

The soldiers replied: "They are not Han people, they are all Hu women, they were exiled to the Western Regions, they were resold by the caravan several times, and finally they were exiled to the royal court. I heard that Lao Qi took in many people from Hexi, and they also begged to come over. ."

Yaoying frowned, glanced at the personal soldiers, called all the personal soldiers, and swept their eyes from everyone's faces.

She looked a little stern, Xie Chong and Xie Peng didn't dare to joke, they all stood there with their hands down.

Yaoying said word by word: "Shazhou and Guazhou belong to Hexi. The local people, whether Hu or Han, are all the people of Wei, do you remember?"

The crowd murmured yes.

Only then did Yaoying instruct the soldier who asked the question just now: "Since he is from Shazhou, he has asked to come here, and if he can take it, he will find a way to take it in."

He added: "If there are unruly people, they must not be tolerated, and they must be expelled immediately. We can only save others by saving ourselves first. Let Lao Qi be careful and don't cause trouble."

Soldiers should do it.

After a few days in a row, Yaoying guessed that Ashina Bi Su was coming back soon, and began to prepare for going to Gaochang. Earlier, Tan Mo Luojia had said that Bi Su would accompany her on her mission to Gaochang.

During this period, she insisted on showing up in the morning class every morning. Although she could not understand the preaching, she could still sit for half an hour and recite scriptures with the monks.

Tanmaraka helped her, and she could not live up to his painstaking efforts.

The monks did not understand Yaoying's language. Seeing that she had a pious and respectful attitude, and that she was so young and beautiful, she was able to wash away the lead, and she did not apply grease.

However, no one dared to talk to Yaoying. Wherever she passed, all the monks immediately turned their eyes away and did not dare to look at her. Some closed their eyes and recited scriptures, some meditated, and some turned to avoid her.

Prajna was furious: Obviously, these monks were not strong enough, and their hearts were shaken by Yaoying's beauty, so they regarded her as a flood and a beast to avoid!

He secretly complained to Yuanjue: "Every time Princess Wenzhao passed the front hall, the eyes of those little novices were about to fall out! What should I do if this goes on?"

Yuanjue smiled: "The princess only came to the temple to recite sutras during the morning class. Others never walked around the temple. They didn't deliberately lure anyone, and they didn't flirt around. The princes and ladies in the city often came to the front hall to listen to them. The Zen master lectures on the sutras, all of them are heavily made up, and the gold and jade on the head and the body are stacked on top of each other. For fear of being compared by others, they have to bring four or five maids to wait on them. So many women come to listen to the sutras. What do you do? Only for Princess Wen Zhao?"

Hannya was speechless, and was silent for a while, then stomped angrily: "Princess Wen Zhao looks like a goddess, and she is more beautiful than them!"

Yuanjue was both amused and helpless, "The beauty of the princess is a gift, not a sin. This is also the test the Buddha put on the little novices. If they pass the test, it means they are pious; Devotion is not enough, just to sharpen them."

He paused for a while and said solemnly, "The same is true for the king."

Prajna thinks about it for a while, and this is also the principle, so it's just that.

Yaoying didn't know that Yuanjue really regarded her as the Buddha's test for Tamara, and went to morning class every day.

Usually she is alone, but this day, a few monks stopped her after the lecture, and she opened her mouth with a large string of Sanskrit.

She didn't understand, and looked puzzled.

The monk was speaking a bunch of nonsense that she didn't understand. Another monk next to him was dissatisfied and dragged the monk into a heated debate. The more they quarreled, the more excited they became. Several monks next to them got involved, which soon attracted the attention of the temple owner.

"what happened?"

The master of the temple came over to mediate.

The quarreling monks didn't lower their voices, but the louder the louder they became, they also pulled each other with their hands, patted each other on the shoulder, and blushed.

The temple owner was furious, but when he understood what the people were arguing about, he didn't scold them, but frowned and said, "I can't be the master of this matter, it's up to Master to make the decision."

Before Yaoying could hear what the monks were arguing about, she and the quarrelling monks were sent by the monastery owner to Tanmaraga's meditation room.

The silver-white flowers of the jujube tree in the courtyard are almost exhausted, and the ground is full of petals.

Tamara is in charge of official business, with bare shoulders and cassocks, and her honey-colored shoulders are soft and shiny.

The master of the temple first bowed respectfully and reported to Konwei, and when Yuanjue signaled him to enter, he immediately brought a few monks into the meditation room to report what happened.

After listening to his report, Tan Moraga raised her eyes and looked at Yaoying who was standing in front of the door.

Yaoying understood and walked in.

Tamara instructed Yuanjue: "Take a pen and paper."

Yuanjue brought a small case table, brought a pen and paper, and placed it on the right side of Tan Mo Luojia.

Tamara asked Yaoying, "Can the princess memorize the Heart Sutra that she recited a while ago?"

He looked at her, his eyes seemed to be filled with clear water, cold and gentle.

Although there is no intention to appease, it can make people feel calm immediately.

Yaoying calmed down, nodded, walked to the small table, sat down with her legs crossed, and started to write silently.

The room was silent except for the rustling of the pen across the paper.

After a while, Yao Ying finished writing silently, and handed it to Yuanjue, who sent it to the Tanmoraga case.

Tamaroka glanced at ten lines in one eye, first glanced at it, and then looked at it from the beginning, this time very carefully.

After reading, he put down the paper.

"Does the princess have the Sanskrit version of the Heart Sutra?"

Yaoying shook her head. Most of the original versions of Buddhist scriptures are in Sanskrit, and then there are different translations. There are many Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit in her dowry, but there is no Sanskrit version of the Heart Sutra.

When several monks heard this, they whispered, and one of them was quite excited.

Tamaroka glanced at him lightly.

The monk blushed, stopped arguing, and lowered his head.

Tan Mo Luojia asked Yuanjue to take the paper, pick up the pen, and start writing according to the Chinese that Yaoying had just memorized.

Yaoying was a little curious, her eyes fell on his pen, and she found that he was writing Sanskrit, which she could not understand.

Is he directly translating what she recited

She looked at it for a while, but before she understood it, Tamara suddenly raised her head, and her eyes met hers.

Yaoying was startled and smiled at him, her brows and eyes were slightly curved, and her eyes were black and shining.

Like the flowers on the branches, they bloom brightly, full of youthful arrogance, and their eyes are full of trust.

Don't you care about him eating meat now

Tan Mo Luojia lowered his eyes, pointed to a sentence on the paper, and asked Yao Ying's silently written sentence softly.

Yaoying recovered herself and replied in a low voice.

Tan Mo Luo Jia hummed, picked up the pen to revise the words written before, and then asked after a while, Yao Ying answered seriously.

They spoke Chinese, and neither the guards nor the monks could understand them, nor could they interject a word.

Yaoying sat beside Tan Moraga, he asked a question, she answered.

She glanced at the tense monks who were looking forward to it, and said honestly: "Master, I don't understand the meaning of the scriptures very well. Do you want to ask a few more people?"

Tan Mo Luojia lowered her eyebrows and said, "Nothing, the princess just needs to repeat the original text."

I don't know how long it took. After translating, he took another piece of paper and copied it, and then handed it to Yuanjue.

Yuanjue handed the paper to a few waiting monks, and the monks scrambled to read it, and they quarreled again, and finally saluted Tamaroka, apparently waiting for his judgment.

Tamaroka said a few words.

Several monks were stunned for a long time, showing thoughtful expressions, some with an epiphany, and some at a loss.

Leaving Yaoying to sit in front of the case blankly: what happened

She looked at Tan Moraga and asked in a low voice in Chinese, "Master, I didn't cause you trouble, did I? Why did they quarrel over the Heart Sutra?"

Tamara shook his head slightly, indicating that he was fine, and said, "They haven't read the Sanskrit version of the Heart Sutra, and they have searched all over the classics and haven't found any records. They suspect that this is a pseudo-sutra, so they quarreled and have nothing to do with the princess."

Yaoying looked surprised, thought about it, and said decisively: "Then I won't memorize it in the future."

There are many Buddhist sects, and the Buddhist teachings in the Western Regions are more deeply influenced by Tianzhu, and they are also integrated with local customs and traditions, mixed with a lot of things that she does not understand.

Tamara looked down at the Heart Sutra that Yaoying had just written down and said: "Princess don't mind, whether the "Heart Sutra" is true or not is not a matter of their recognition, nor the existence of the original Sanskrit script, the Buddhist principles in the scriptures. Since the Buddha's death After the death, for more than a thousand years, various sects and sects have interpreted the meaning of the scriptures and written a vast sea of Buddhist scriptures.

Yaoying suddenly realized that those monks just now insisted on different opinions because of the source of the Heart Sutra, and asked Tanmaraga to judge. This is the answer he gave.

No wonder the monks were persuaded.