Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 61: Plans have changed


The debate among Buddhist monks about whether the Heart Sutra is an apocryphal scripture did not affect Yaoying, but she felt that there were still monks discussing the matter in private, but she did not dare to quarrel in public.

Prajna and Yuanjue were also involved, Yaoying saw them angry several times, as if they were arguing with others.

She is an outsider, and it is not easy to inquire about the temple affairs in the temple, so when she returns to the yard, she immerses herself in her own affairs.

Lao Qi took in Hu Nv who came to ask for help according to her instructions, and changed to Kishi honey food and horse milk bought from Hu Shang Kangda, but Kangda said that he did not have black pearl grapes, because the grapes are sour and slightly sour. It has a bitter taste and small particles. It is a discarded variety, which is rare in the Western Regions.

Yaoying asked Xie Peng to pass a message to Lao Qi, asking him to find a way to ask Hu Shang to go to Gaochang to find black pearls. The grapes of this variety are not as sweet and full as other grapes when they are ripe, but they are very suitable for winemaking.

The weather is getting hotter and the melons and fruits are harvested abundantly. Yaoying and the soldiers can eat all kinds of fresh melons and fruits every day. The cucumbers that can only be seen at the royal palace banquet in the Central Plains abound here, and Xie Chong holds them every day. Eat, have a stomach ache for days.

On this day, Asuna Bi Su's personal soldiers came back on horseback to report the letter. Bi Su would have to delay for a few days before returning. Haidu A Ling was too cunning.

Yuanjue told Yaoying that the weather was too hot, and it was not a good time to hurry. When Bi Suo came back, the weather was getting colder. At that time, when he was dispatched to Gaochang, he didn't have to suffer too much on the road.

Yaoying estimated the days and added a few thick leather jackets to her luggage. Although it is extremely hot during the day, it is not as hot and humid as Jingnan. As long as she hides in the house or under the shade of a tree, it will be cool. At night, it is really cold. In the hot summer, she has to cover her with a blanket when she sleeps at night.

Now there are only her personal soldiers by her side, these big men are carefree, and Xie Qing is not a maid, she has to take care of her own daily life and prepare her personal things to avoid mistakes on the way.

After a few days of busy work, Yaoying remembered one thing. After the morning class that day, she found out that Yuanjue was in the main hall and came to look for him.

Konoe knew her identity and guided her to go inside. When she got there, there was a loud noise from behind the low wall.

Yaoying probed into it.

Prajna was standing in the courtyard, arguing with a few monks, the sun above his head was scorching hot, and his eyes were dizzy.

Yaoying avoided the corridor and looked around on tiptoe.

The first time she saw the monks arguing in the temple, she was very surprised, because in the Central Plains, monks are generally not so excited and rude because of the debate. In the royal court, it was different. The monks argued very strongly. Push and pull are also allowed.

Prajna can't beat four mouths with one mouth. After arguing for a while, he was defeated. According to the rules, he should admit defeat.

There was a sound of footsteps on the other side of the corridor, Yuanjue came over, saw the scene in the courtyard, and softly reprimanded Prajna, asking him to admit defeat.

Prajna remained silent.

In the awkward stalemate, Yaoying coughed twice, walked slowly out of the shady corridor, and looked at everyone with a smile: "The heat is unbearable, and it is rare to be cool."

The word cool and cool had a deep meaning, and several monks froze, folded their hands towards her, and walked away.

Prajna stared at the backs of several monks with a look of anger.

Yuanjue handed over to Yaoying, Yaoying waved her hand to indicate nothing, and glanced at Prajna: "You know that you can't win against them, why don't you admit defeat?"

Prajna snorted softly and raised his chest: "They are disrespectful to the king, I will never admit defeat to them!"

Yuanjue scolded him in a low voice: "Since you lost the debate, you have to admit defeat! The reputation of the king didn't come from winning a debate."

Prajna was speechless, full of grievances.

Yaoying frowned lightly: "Why are they disrespectful to the mage?"

It's good that she didn't mention it, but when she mentioned it, Prajna's eyes turned even redder.

"They are just disrespectful to the king!"

He pointed to the direction the monk had left and roared, and slowly explained the cause and effect.

The monks in these monasteries often get together to discuss apocryphal matters, and then talk about the Sanskrit version translated by Tamara.

Yaoying asked, "Don't they recognize his translation?"

Prajna's eyes widened: "Wang is proficient in Sanskrit, how could they not recognize Wang's translation!"

Yaoying's mouth twitched.

Prajna glared at her several times, and then said, "They said that Wang was familiar with the scriptures, and could have achieved greater success in writing or translating, but Wang didn't, and he delayed his practice."

It turned out that the monks in the monastery thought that Thamaraga was talented, intelligent, knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Some eminent monks once predicted that he would become a great weapon of the Shimen generation, but he could not concentrate on studying the meaning of the scriptures. He led the army to fight, and also reused the regent who condoned the cruel and vicious, and only added to the evil, which was thankless.

Yao Ying was thoughtful.

The monks' words hit on a question that was haunting her.

There are many Buddhist sects. People in different regions have different understandings of the meaning of the scriptures, or for the purpose of promoting their own ideas, they have sorted out a set of their own theoretical systems based on Buddhist teachings, and then different branches and sects have emerged. Zen Buddhism, Tiantai School, San Lun School, Faxiang School, etc.

For a monk who believes in purifying all living beings, he must hope to write down what he has learned in his life into scriptures, establish a sect, guide the world, and help more people get out of the sea of misery and reach the other side.

Tanmaraka has long been famous, and is a noble prince. With such a status, why did not discuss and write about it

During his lifetime, he was famous in the Western Regions. After his death, he was like a wisp of blue smoke in front of the Buddha, leaving no trace.

Nothing was left.

Yaoying sat beside him that day and watched him translate Chinese scriptures on the spot. Judging from the reactions of other monks, he not only translated quickly, but also translated so smoothly that the monks believed that there was indeed the original Sanskrit version.

She believed that if he wanted to, he could have started writing the scriptures long ago.

After he was thirteen years old, he got rid of the control of the nobles and took real power, and no one dared to stop him from practicing.

Yaoying pondered for a long time, and felt that there was only one explanation that could barely make sense: the responsibility on Tanmaraga's shoulders was too heavy, he took saving the people as his own responsibility, and naturally had no time to write scriptures and discussions.

Apparently the monks thought so too, so there was a lot of discussion, complaining that he was not popular and wasting wisdom.

After Hannya finished arguing with the monk, he sniffed: "How can they criticize the king so much?"

Yuanjue sighed and said, "Don't argue with them in the future, the king won't care about these things."

Yaoying regained her senses, looked at Prajna, and said, "I heard that your name was given by the mage?"

She suddenly changed the subject, Yuanjue and Prajna both looked blank, and the latter nodded.

Yao Ying sneered: "Prajna means access to wisdom in Sanskrit. Your name is not very good."

Hannya was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and his face rose red.

Before he could speak, Yaoying smiled and said with a smile: "The monks say this because they have high expectations for the Master. You are a lay disciple, you shouldn't argue with them in Buddhism, you can't argue with them. They don't If you understand the pursuit of the mage, you will naturally not understand the choice of the mage, and they can find reasons to refute you even if you speak a lot."

The corners of Prajna's eyes were slanted, and Yaoying's eyes were full of suspicion: "The princess said so... Does the princess agree with our king?"

Yao Ying nodded generously and said, "Next time you argue with a monk, don't hold on to Buddhist principles, whether to be born or to join the world is a personal choice, to avoid the world and stay away from the mundane, of course you can devote yourself to your practice, but if Everyone is only looking for self-liberation. What about the royal court? What about the common people? The Master is an eminent monk and a monarch of a country. "

"Countries have been in turmoil for decades, the people have been displaced, and life is like a mustard, but the royal court can be peaceful and peaceful, the people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment, the markets are crowded, the merchants gather, and the goods from various countries are dazzling..."

Yaoying stood in front of the long corridor, her eyes were black and bright, and she said every word: "These are the Master's interpretation of the Buddha's Dharma, and they are the Master's achievements!"

In the chaotic world, Thamaraga blesses one of the living beings.

Yaoying will always admire such people, because she knows what it's like to struggle to survive in troubled times.

Yuanjue and Prajna shook their hearts, looking at Yaoying's beautiful face, speechless for a long time.

After a while, the two looked at each other and sighed, "But the monks in the temple don't think so."

Yaoying couldn't help but sigh.

Those who hold the salary for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow.

However, the fact is that heroes remembered by the world are often lonely and lonely.

Yuanjue and Prajna actually agreed with the monk's point of view, so when they quarreled with the monk, they lacked confidence, and naturally they couldn't argue with each other.

They are the most loyal guards around Tamara, and they cannot understand Tamara.

Although a cold and rational person like Tan Mo Luojia certainly does not need the understanding of ordinary people, Yao Ying still feels sorry for him.

She looked at Prajna: "You can refute other monks from other perspectives. When they talk about the Master in the future, you can ask them, ten years ago, who led the Chinese army to defeat Beirong? Who rescued the people of Wang Ting? Who protects the Buddhist temple? Who enshrines their food, clothing, shelter, and transportation? The Buddha is merciful, can the Master see death and not save it?"

Yaoying blinked.

"There is a saying in our Central Plains, take the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and curse the mother."

Prajna's eyes lit up.

Yaoying continued: "If the monks say that all this is false, and the scriptures are the ultimate redemption, let them think of Master Munda Deva."

Buddhism originated in Tianzhu, but due to various complicated reasons, coupled with the fact that its teachings failed to adapt to the changes of current events, it gradually became out of touch with the needs of the people. What is the result? Buddhism in Tianzhu gradually declined. It is precisely because of this realization that Munda Deva traveled thousands of miles to the Central Plains and the Western Regions, trying to find the truth that makes the Buddhist Dharma have a long history.

Hannya nodded in agreement, hesitated for a moment, turned sideways, whispered in Sanskrit and Yuanjue, looked solemn, while speaking, raised his head and glanced at Yaoying.

Yaoying smiled and said nonsense: "Why, is Little Master Prajna talking bad about me again?"

Prajna blushed, snorted, turned around and ran away.

Yuanjue Zhao Yaoyinggong put his palms together: "Prajna just said that since the princess entered the Buddhist temple, she has cleaned the lead, practiced honestly, and considered everything for the king. It can be seen that he is sincere to the king, and he wrongly blamed you in the past."

Yaoying was stunned, shook her head and laughed, and said, "Unfortunately, I have been studying Sanskrit hard these days, and I have learned a few curse words. I am preparing to have a Sanskrit debate with Prajna."

Yuanjue chuckled: "The princess is so noble, how can she learn vulgar language?"

Yaoying shook her head and said earnestly, "Little Master Yuanjue, I learned Sanskrit with the guards just so that when Prajna scolds me, I can understand it, and then scold me on the spot."

Yuanjue laughed.

The front of the flower wall was lush and covered with flower vines. The two walked down the promenade while laughing and talking, and a golden arc suddenly flashed in the corner.

There was a low murmur from the shade of the tree.

Yuanjue immediately stopped, raised his arm, and stood in front of Yaoying.

In the shadows, golden light trembled, and a colorful leopard jumped out from the earth wall, with a vigorous posture, glossy coat, and bright sunlight reflected from its pupils.

A trace of surprise flashed across Yuanjue's face, she quickly looked around, smiled and whispered to Yaoying: "Princess, don't be afraid, Ahri won't hurt people for no reason."

Yaoying said softly, "It's okay, this leopard saved me."

That night, Sultan Gu and the leopard suddenly appeared and rescued her from Haidu Aling. Now that she saw the leopard, she was not as frightened as before.

The leopard shrugged, wagged its tail, and slowly circled around the two of them, looking very lazy, as if they were patrolling their territory.

Yaoying lowered her eyes and didn't look at it.

The leopard glanced at her, wondering if she felt familiar, but suddenly leaned forward, his claws hooked on the corner of her skirt, and the furry leopard head rubbed against her skirt.

Yuanjue let out a light cry, clenched her fists with both hands, and stared at the leopard nervously, with a few drops of sweat rolling down her forehead.

Yao Ying's body was even more rigid, holding her breath, not daring to move.

The dry wind blew through, and the hair on her temples fell down, brushing against her cheeks, making it a little itchy.

Yuanjue Chao Yaoying shook her head: Princess, don't move.

The leopard got closer and closer, so close that you could hear its breathing, a shudder rolled over Yaoying's body, clenched her teeth, and let the leopard come close to her.

Just when she was about to lose her hold, the leopard suddenly trembled, looked back, sniffed the air, and leaped lightly towards the dirt wall.

There was a sound of flower vines, and the colorful leopard shadow disappeared into the shadows.

Yaoying persisted for a while, making sure that the leopard didn't turn around, and let out a long breath.

Yuanjue apologized to her: "I didn't expect Ahri to hide there, which surprised the princess."

Yaoying smiled and indicated that it was all right.

Yuanjue sent her back, watched her back go away, turned around immediately, and walked quickly through the corridor.

The golden light flashed in front, and the leopard walked gracefully across the courtyard, gently climbed up the promenade, walked towards a man with a wagging tail, raised his head, and rubbed the man's legs.

The man bowed his head, a pair of dark blue eyes.

The leopard held his head high and looked at him expectantly.

The man leaned over, his palms spread out, and a string of beads was caged several times on his wrist.

The leopard rubbed his palm, made a coquettish purr, lay on his side with satisfaction, and began to lick his paws.

Yuanjue followed the yard and knelt down on one knee: "Wang, Princess Wenzhao came over just now."

Tamara raised his eyes and hummed, wearing a light gray monk's robe, which made his figure extraordinarily tall.

"Why is Ali here?"

Yuanjue said: "I don't know, maybe the person in charge was lazy for a while and let it sneak out."

Tamaroka looked calm and said, "Send it back to the beast garden, don't let it scare people."

Yuanjue understood that Tan Mo Luojia had seen Hua Leopard teasing Princess Wen Zhao just now, so she should be respectful.

Tamara Raja raised his hand, shook the bead lightly, and made a gesture.

"Ali, go."

The leopard got up meekly and followed Yuanjue down the corridor.

Yuanjue led the leopard and walked out of the yard lightly, and suddenly came the voice of Tamaroka from behind.

"What is Princess Wen Zhao doing here?"

Yuanjue was startled, turned around, and said, "Princess Wenzhao said... that night when the regent rescued her, she seemed to be injured. I don't know if the injury is healed. , she can send some more."

Tamara frowned lightly: "What medicine?"

Yuanjue whispered: "The princess is worried about the Prince Regent's injury, so General Ashina sent some medicine... The general may have forgotten about this."

Tanmaraka didn't make a sound, and his face was calm and indifferent.

Yuanjue waited for a while, and saw that Tanma Luojia had no other orders, and was about to retire, when Tanma Luojia stopped him: "Tell the princess, don't need to send medicine anymore, and take her kindness."


Yuanjue responded and took the leopard out of the courtyard.

When walking through the promenade, he suddenly stopped in front of the flower wall, looked back at the lush flower vines on the top of the wall, and frowned slightly.

When Princess Wenzhao and Prajna were talking, did Wang always stand behind the flower wall

Did Wang hear what Princess Wenzhao said

Princess Wenzhao said that the monks in the temple did not understand the king, so who knew the king

Yuanjue was stunned for a while, and the leopard patted him impatiently. He laughed and scolded: "You scared the princess again today!"

One person and one leopard left the Buddhist temple from the inaccessible path and went straight to the animal park.

Since Yaoying taught Prajna how to refute other monks, Prajna changed her attitude towards her and came to ask her from time to time.

He developed a strong interest in the Chinese language, especially after he learned from Yaoying to swear in Chinese without swear words, he was even more thirsty for knowledge.

Yaoying taught him patiently at first, but later became too annoyed. When Prajna came back, she sent her own soldiers to teach him how to scold people.

Prajna was impatient, and said with her chest raised: "Isn't the princess learning Sanskrit? I can teach the princess Sanskrit! The princess taught me the sayings of the Central Plains, we are fair! I will definitely teach the princess well."

Yaoying thought about it for a while and felt that the deal was a good deal, so she agreed to continue teaching Prajna.

The two were mentors and apprentices to each other. After a few days of learning, Prajna learned a few simple Chinese words, and Yaoying also learned a few curse words in Sanskrit.

When the people of the royal court picked the last batch of ripe grapes to be dried, the guards in Shacheng sent back a message: Bi Suo, the envoy to Beirong, came back in a carriage.

Yaoying immediately checked her luggage, filled some utensils, and set off only after Bi Suo came back.

On the day Bi Suo came back, Yuanjue went to meet him outside the city, and did not return to the Buddhist temple until night.

He brought back bad news: Bi Su's leg was injured, so he returned home in a carriage.

Yaoying frowned: Will the trip to Gaochang be postponed again

Before she could discuss the matter with Bi Suo, Yuanjue sent some good horses for her and her personal soldiers to choose.

"Princess, count your staff in the past two days, prepare your luggage, and set off in three days."

Yaoying asked in surprise, "General Ashina's injury is healed?"

Yuanjue shook his head: "General Ashina injured his thigh and can't ride a horse for a month... The king said that it should not be too late, he will send the regent and the princess to go with him."

Sudan ancient

Yaoying was stunned and nodded. Sultan Gu has been to Gaochang and is familiar with the road, so it would be better to be accompanied by him.

Although Sultan Gu was ferocious, she was not afraid of him at all.

He is not evil.