Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 66: meet


The flowing water is gurgling, the shade of locust is thick and green, and the weeping willows are swaying gently in the wind.

The carriage drove over the long bridge that crossed the river and stopped in front of the river beach. The waiter and guard retreated. Zheng Biyu lifted the curtain of the car and looked around, indicating that Li Xuanzhen could get off the car.

Li Xuanzhen wrapped his head in a flat towel, and was wearing a half-new, narrow-sleeved cloth robe. He jumped out of the carriage, and his personal soldiers brought the horses. There were quiver wraps and other items hanging beside the saddle.

Zheng Biyu didn't get off the carriage, and sat in the carriage, saying lightly, "Your Highness, I can only take you here."

Li Xuanzhen looked back at her: "Yu Niang, thank you."

Zheng Biyu smiled: "Your Highness doesn't need to thank me, I'm just paying back His Highness's kindness back then."

Li Xuanzhen was stunned when she thought of the man.

The wind was strong by the bridge, and Zheng Biyu raised her hand and brushed the hair that was ruffled by the wind on her temples: "Dalang, you didn't kill Zheng Wu back then, I'm very grateful to you."

Zheng Wu was the servant of the Zheng family, and later became Zheng Biyu's bodyguard. When she first married, Zheng Wu sent her out of the cabinet and watched her and her husband walk into the Qinglu, the wedding room with candles.

Zheng Biyu never gave Zheng Wu a second look. She is the daughter of an aristocratic family. She was born and famous.

The day after she got married, Zheng Wu left.

He went to the battlefield and followed the Zheng family son to fight on the battlefield, starting from the youngest soldier, accumulating military merit little by little. He fought the enemy bravely and was promoted quickly, but there are too many people like him in the chaotic world. After all, he is just a servant of the Xie family. No matter how hard he works, he is only a small captain beside the Zheng family.

Zheng Biyu's first husband died at the hands of the Li family. A few days before the city was destroyed, Zheng Wu came to her.

"Girl... The Zhao family is no match for the Li family... The Wei army will be able to attack the city in a few days."

Holding a knife, he stood under the steps, covered in blood, with a cramped expression, and his bright black eyes stared straight at Zheng Biyu.

In the end, he mustered up the courage to say that sentence: "Come with me, I will take the girl away, and be good to the girl in the future."

Zheng Biyu has been familiar with women's training since childhood, followed the rules and never did anything out of the ordinary.

That night, she didn't know where she got her determination, so she took the corner of her skirt and stepped down the stone steps to Zheng Wu.

Zheng Wu was elated.

They didn't say a word and looked at each other for a while.

Just when Zheng Wu was about to say something, the footsteps suddenly sounded, and the people sent by the Zheng family entered the Zhao mansion, found them, and knelt at the feet of Zheng Biyu: "Girl, the distant branch of our family is now in Weijun University. Under the general's account, he is quite trusted, and Lord Lang sent his servants to inform the girl that the Wei army is in full swing, and the Zhao family is exhausted.

As if a gust of wind was blowing, the fire that had just ignited in Zheng Biyu's heart was extinguished immediately.

She stayed at Zhao's house, waiting for her clan to pick her up.

Zheng Wu didn't say a word, turned around and left.

Soon, the Zhao family was destroyed, the Li family sent someone to hire him, and Zheng Biyu married Li Xuanzhen.

On the night of the wedding, she sat in the green hut, gentle and dignified, Li Xuanzhen sat beside her, handsome and quiet, both of them were so indifferent that they didn't show any joy, and Hexi's woman couldn't help but look embarrassed. , dare not make a joke.

In the middle of the night, the red candle was hanging high, and the guests had all left. Zheng Biyu looked at the flickering candlelight, and for some reason, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Li Xuanzhen glanced at her, stood up, and said, "You settle down first."

Zheng Biyu was taken aback.

At this time, there was a loud fight from behind the courtyard wall, and someone shouted that there was an assassin.

Li Xuanzhen lifted the curtain and went out.

Not long after, Zheng Wu was bound by Wu Hua Dao and dragged to Li Xuanzhen. The guards questioned him, but he said nothing.

Li Xuanzhen raised the knife.

Zheng Biyu, who was in the tent, felt something, went out, recognized Zheng Wu, and took a breath.

Zheng Wu saw her and stared straight at her.

Zheng Biyu stiffened, but did not speak to stop Li Xuanzhen.

The long knife fell, and she gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Zheng Wu didn't say anything.

He wasn't dead, the knife only shaved off a few strands of his hair.

Zheng Biyu's tears flowed down.

Li Xuanzhen motioned the others to step back, untied Zheng Wu's shackles, and looked back at Zheng Biyu.

"You go."

With tears in her eyes, Zheng Biyu walked to Li Xuanzhen step by step and bowed to him.

"What should the prince do?"

Holding the knife, Li Xuanzhen had neither anger nor hatred on her face, and said calmly: "My wife only needs to be the direct daughter of the Zheng family. Yuniang, I am not a good husband. If Yuniang only asks for the respect of Mrs. Rong, I promise to respect you and treat you kindly. I can't give you anything else. Since Yu Niang has something in her heart, she shouldn't feel wronged. I will handle the next thing well, and your father won't send anyone to hunt you down."

"I will ask Qin Fei to escort you away. You can go to Nanchu to avoid the limelight. I will marry another Zheng's daughter in the future. The Zheng family is still prosperous."

Zheng Biyu wept in a low voice, Zheng Wu was overjoyed, took her hand, and led her away.

No worries, no chasing troops, no guilt that might affect the family... Everything that Zheng Biyu worried about will not happen, she can put down all the heavy burdens and leave with Zheng Wu.

But the moment she stepped out of the hospital door, she stopped.

Zheng Wu stopped and looked down at her, the expression on his face ranged from ecstasy and doubt to blankness, shock, anger, disappointment, and finally to ashes.

He knew Zheng Biyu too well. She was born a cold-hearted woman, rational and restrained.

She is a daughter of an aristocratic family. She abandoned her identity and left with him. How will the two live in the future? How to face the world's pointing and pointing

Marrying Li Xuanzhen, she is the heirloom wife of the Li family, and may become a prince concubine in the future, or even become the mother of a country by virtue of her husband, how could she be willing to give up all this for a humble servant of the world

Zheng Wu laughed at himself and let go of Zheng Biyu's hand gently.

"Honorable and orderly, don't overstep each other. The servant is delusional, and I hope that the prince and his wife will forgive their sins."

Zheng Biyu watched his back disappear into the dark night, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, returned to the Qinglu, and sat dry all night.

A few years later, Zheng Biyu overheard the bad news that Zheng Wu had died.

Zheng Biyu's face was expressionless, she let out a faint snort, continued chatting and laughing with the woman at the banquet, and returned to the inner courtyard, holding her son and coaxing him to eat hot millet soup, still smiling.

She laughed all day until midnight, when she suddenly woke up from her dream and called out Zheng Wu's name.

A handkerchief was handed to her, and Li Xuanzhen looked at her without a trace of ridicule and contempt in her phoenix eyes, and said, "Mother Yu, my condolences."

Zheng Biyu burst into tears.

In front of the long bridge, the willow smoke veins.

Li Xuanzhen stood beside the horse and asked, "Yu Niang, have you ever regretted it?"

Zheng Biyu shook his head: "Your Highness, I have never regretted it."

She knew herself, and even if she did it all over again, she would still make the same choice.

"Dalang, I don't regret it... But every time I think of Zheng Wu, I feel as if there is a vacancy in my heart. No matter what I use to make up for it, I can't fill that vacancy."

Zheng Biyu looked at Li Xuanzhen and said sincerely: "I have no chance to make up for it, so no matter what you and Zhu Luyun did in the past, I still hope that you can live and live with the woman you love."

Li Xuanzhen has not been bad to her in the past few years. She is the second marriage, and she almost left with another man on the wedding night. He knew everything about her and understood that what she was asking for was glory, and he never made fun of her and despised her.

She was grateful to him and took pity on him. She was sober and sensible, and her heart was already old. As long as her house was stable, she didn't care about Yingyingyanyan beside him.

He still has the opportunity to toss for love, how wonderful!

"Dalang, Princess Wenzhao is still alive, you still have a chance to atone for your sins, recognize your own heart, don't blind your eyes because of hatred, people can't be resurrected from the dead, don't leave regrets for yourself."

Li Xuanzhen was taken aback for a while, and got on his horse.

"Yu Niang, I have been unwilling to let Li Zhongqian go all these years. In the end, Ah Yue was forced to marry her. Why did she risk her life to send her own soldiers to warn me?"

Zheng Biyu raised her chin: "Your Highness thinks that the Seventh Princess should hold grudges against you and the entire court, sit back and watch Bei Rong sneak attack on Wei, and want the entire Wei and tens of thousands of people to be buried with you?"

She smiled.

"Your Highness, you are too underestimated."

Li Xuanzhen pulled up the reins: "Yes, I look down on people too much. I always tell myself that Li De is the emperor, he has his last resort, the world has not been unified, I can't kill him because of my personal vendetta, so I will first To start with Li Zhongqian, the position of the prince was bought by A-Niang with her life, and no one wants to take it away."

He was silent for a long time, and the past of these years flashed through his mind one by one.

"Ayue gave me a chance... If I could calmly accept her kindness at that time, there would be no such thing later."

He was too stubborn.

"What's the difference between me and Li De?"

In times of trouble, a good man does not think about revitalizing the mountains and rivers, pacifying the troubled times, and saving the people from water and fire, because the mother's last wish is indistinguishable from right and wrong. Ah Yue was forced into a corner, but he was still able to choose between personal hatred and righteousness.

If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world

He was trapped by inner demons and was not worthy of being the heir of a country at all.

"Niang Yu, you are a good mother." Li Xuanzhen kicked the horse's belly lightly, "Teach our son well, don't let him be like me."

Zheng Biyu nodded: "Don't worry."

The steed marched its hooves and gradually walked away.

At this moment, the thunderous sound of horses' hooves came from the direction of the city gate, and the smoke and dust rolled wildly, and dozens of fast horses came galloping.

"His Royal Highness—"

Governor Pei, who was headed by him, roared, "Stay back!"

Li Xuanzhen did not look back.

Dudu Pei roared: "His Royal Highness, there is an order from the Holy One, His Highness takes one more step forward, and I will release the arrow after waiting!"

Li Xuanzhen still did not look back.

Quickly rushing to the bridge, Dudu Pei gritted his teeth, and said solemnly, "Release the arrow!"

Jin Wuwei responded, bent the bow and drew the string, and a sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded repeatedly, and the feathered arrows were like a rain of locusts, covering Li Xuanzhen.

Li Xuanzhen rode his horse westward, his back firmly isolated.

Ayue is still alive, and he still has a chance to forgive her. No matter if Ayue will forgive him or not, he will save her.

The former Li Xuanzhen is dead.

Dudu Pei didn't dare to kill, so he could only watch Li Xuanzhen disappear into the mist and return to the palace to return to his life.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness has left."

The sword wound on Li De's shoulder wasn't healed yet. Hearing this, with a wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Tang Ying exchanged his life for the crown prince, and Li Xuanzhen really said that he would not want it.

Half his life's hard work was just wasted!

Lonely... Lonely...

Li De looked at the bright red blood on the memorial, his hands trembling.

His most cherished son also deserted him.

The cigarettes curled up in front of the imperial case.

Li Xuanzhen left Chang'an and rushed to Liangzhou as quickly as possible, eating and drinking on horseback.

The local officials in Liangzhou were taken aback. Li Xuanzhen called the guards and deployed them one by one.

He changed a good horse, filled his water bladder, took some empty saddle horses ready to transfer, and set foot on the westward road.

When the majestic Qilian Mountains appeared at the end of the sky, he put on a felt hat and a thick leather jacket, and continued on his way day and night.

Beirong was strictly guarded and strictly prohibited Han people from entering the customs. Fortunately, he got a tip from his personal soldiers before he set off. He avoided the opponent's sentry checkpoint along the way, and entered the Helong area without any risk. The other side cross-examined, he directly killed the other side without saying a word, stole the other side's horse, and then quickly changed direction.

The four fields are boundless, the wind is howling, and there are no other colors in the world, as if he is the only one left.

On this day, he had not eaten for three days. He was tired, hungry, cold and thirsty. As he crossed the snow-covered mountains, he suddenly heard a sharp noise.

An iron arrow cut through the wind and snow and shot out.

Li Xuanzhen leaned back, avoided the iron arrow, and fell off the horse.

Frightened, the horse raised its front hooves and neighed loudly.

Several black shadows jumped up from the snow, rushed to the front of the mountain road, and restrained the frightened horse. One of them walked up to Li Xuanzhen and slashed it with a sharp stance.

The wind blew away the messy hair on his face, and a pair of cold phoenix eyes.

Li Xuanzhen rolled away from the long knife and tore off the mask on his face.

The other party recognized him and was stunned for a moment. Then, flaming anger rose in the phoenix eyes, and he raised his arm horizontally with a knife, and his face was hideous.

Li Xuanzhen looked at the other party and didn't make any moves to fight back: "Li Zhongqian, Ming Yuenu is still alive."

He has been sending people to follow Li Zhongqian, knowing that he was looking for Li Yaoying's body in this area, and he came to Helong to tell Li Zhongqian the news.

Hearing his sister's name, Li Zhongqian was shocked, he stopped the long knife in his hand abruptly, his phoenix eyes were angry, he stepped forward and grabbed Li Xuanzhen's collar: "What did you say?"

His voice was hoarse, his eyes were blood red, and his eyes were gloomy, as if he wanted to eat his flesh.

"I didn't lie to you." Li Xuanzhen said word by word, "I swear by my life that she is still alive. When Ye Lu's clan was destroyed, she was kidnapped by Haidu Aling, and the news came from Beirong. , for sure."

Li Zhongqian didn't say a word, his eyes were so red that he was about to bleed, and his hand, clutching Li Xuanzhen's collar tightly, shuddered.

He looked at the soldier next to him, acting strangely.

The personal soldier knelt on the ground, his voice trembled, and nodded to him: "Lang Jun, you are not dreaming! You are not crazy! The Seventh Princess is still alive!"

Li Zhongqian's blood-red eyes flashed a few traces of light, "Mingyue slave is still alive..."

These days he dreamed of Xiao Qi again and again, dreamed that she was lying in front of his knees and acted like a spoiled child, dreamed that she happily spread her legs and learned to walk, dreamed that she woke up from a coma, saw his face, her eyes were open Light: "Brother, you are still alive!"

He dreamed that she was sitting alone in the tent crying, surrounded by rude Yelubu people, and she cried and called his name and asked him to rescue her. He wanted to save her, but his body couldn't move, so he could only watch her suffer.

Every time I wake up from a nightmare, there is only a gray wilderness in front of my eyes.

Sometimes he dreamed that he was looking for her, but he couldn't find her for a long time. Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder and giggled: "Is the seventh princess still alive? What are you looking for?"

In the dream, Li Zhongqian was ecstatic, yes, he is so stupid, Xiao Qi is still alive!

After waking up, he leaned in the cave blankly, reminiscing about the dream just now.

How beautiful the dream is, how heartbreaking the moment you wake up.

Li Xuanzhen, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly appeared in front of him, and he thought it was another bizarre dream.

The personal soldiers knelt at his feet and told him that this was not a dream.

Xiao Qi is still alive.

Li Zhongqian turned his head and looked directly at Li Xuanzhen, his phoenix eyes flashed with a cold and gloomy light, the silver light flashed, and the long knife fell.

Li Xuanzhen flew backwards, dodging the fierce knife.

"Mingyue slave is in Beirong, Li Zhongqian, with you, how can you save her? Even if you can save her from Beirong, how can you go back to the Central Plains?"

He stood in the snow with a calm face.

"Without a guide, without a guide, how long will it take you to find her? A year? Two years?"

"Li Zhongqian, my people are now in Beirong Yating. I have a way to reach Izhou within two months. If you kill me, who will take you to rescue Mingyue slave?"

Li Zhongqian's eyes widened.

Li Xuanzhen said: "The account between you and me will be clear in the future. Now, I just want to rescue Mingyue slave first."

Li Zhongqian took the long sword.

Nothing is more important than Xiao Qi's safety.

Xiaoqi, don't be afraid, wait for brother, brother is here to save you.