Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 70: Fire


At sunset, the city square was already closed, and the long street gradually became deserted.

There was a lively scene in the post house, and the little prince Jin Bo occupied the hall, drinking wine and watching the singing and dancing of the orchid.

In the cold winter, the twelfth lunar day, dripping water into ice, Hu Ji, wearing a light tulle shirt with a slight snow-white skin, swayed and swirled, and the long skirt was raised high, and the dance was gorgeous.

There was a curfew in the city of Gaochang, and the merchants in the post house could not go out. They sat in the corner and watched the graceful appearance of Orchid.

Jin Bo was very drunk, his face was flushed and he was complacent. He did not drive away the merchants, but generously invited them to drink together.

The hall was noisy.

Yaoying was wearing a half-sleeved brocade robe, her long hair was braided, she was wearing leather boots, dressed as a man, stood in the corner, stared at the lobby downstairs, and said to Xie Qing and several people beside her: "You guys pay attention to the little prince, If something goes wrong, save his life, don't let him die."

How many people should be, Xie Qing asked: "Who would want to kill the little prince? Yuchi Bodhidharma?"

Yaoying shook her head: "People from Beirong."

Previously, Yaoying's several reminders made Wakhan Khan feel suspicious of Haidu Aling, and several other little princes also began to be wary of Haidu Aling, and the internal conflicts in the Beirong royal family broke out in advance.

Jinbo is the most spoiled son of Wakhan Khan among all the princes. Unfortunately, he is also the most impulsive and ignorant one. He has always been dissatisfied with Haidu Aling when he was fifteen years old and robbed him of the limelight on the day of the festival. Opposed to Haidu Aling, and provoked words in front of Wakhan Khan many times.

Haidu Aling's bitter tactic was seen through, and the Beirong royal family must be drawn with swords and undercurrents.

Jin Bo remembered that he hated Haidu Aling for many years, and wanted to get rid of it quickly. At this time, he did not stay in Yating and beat the other brothers. Instead, he hid his identity and went north to Gaochang. Yina borrowed troops here and killed Haidu Aling.

Wakhan Khan was ambitious when he was young, leading his tribe across the steppe and growing rapidly. As he got older, his style tended to be cautious and conservative, especially after his defeat at the hands of Tanmaraka, he became even more ill, and he acted somewhat timidly and indecisively. Even if he knew that Haidu Aling was a hidden danger, he couldn't make up his mind to kill his adopted son, who was the same father and son as him, in just a few months.

At first, Wakhan Khan claimed to be the descendant of the god wolf, and was proud and conceited. He believed that it was only natural for the warriors in the tribe to challenge the leader. subordinates.

Second, although Haidu Aling is not his own son, but in the past few years, he has made many military exploits in the north and south. A-Ling is respectful to him now, and has yet to show his disobedience. If he pushes people too hard and A-Ling raises his arms, there will be a cloud of followers. Who will win and who will lose is still uncertain. It's better to use the static brakes first, and then look for opportunities.

Thirdly, once there is a civil strife in the Beirong royal family, it will definitely fall apart, and the tribes that are forced to surrender will definitely take the opportunity to rise up. At that time, there will be wolves everywhere, and the princes will kill each other.

Knowing his son Moruofu, Wakhan Khan knew that his sons were neither rivals of Haidu Aling nor had the ability to lead the tribe to expand the territory.

He wanted to keep his son, but he was the khan of Bei Rong, and if he had to choose between the splendor, stability, prosperity of the tribe and the life of his son, he would choose the former.

So even if he suspected Haidu Aling, Wakhan Khan couldn't make up his mind to kill him after all.

Wakhan's sons were different. They hated Haidu Aling for a long time and wished they could eat him raw. Wakhan Khan was slow to act, and they couldn't hold back.

Jin Bo came to Gaochang to borrow troops.

Yaoying came to this conclusion, one is based on her knowledge of the Beirong royal family, and the other is that the reason why she knew that Haidu Aling killed Wakhan Khan and his son was that the other princes set traps to murder him. Beirong elite cavalry loyal to the Khan, generally do not participate in the infighting between princes, several princes must seek foreign aid, and Princess Yina has always been close to Jinbo.

She hadn't explained anything to Sultan, but Sultan immediately understood what she meant and decided to meet Yuchi Dharma in advance.

While disguising his identity, Jin Bo indulged his personal soldiers. He was arrogant and domineering along the way, and he was very public. This turmoil is probably already imminent, and the forces of all parties have already been deeply involved in it, just waiting to break out.

They had to scout Yuchi Damo's words before Jin Bo entered the palace, and they had to save Jin Bo's life and not let him die in the hands of Haidu Aling.

Yaoying looked at Jin Bo who was hugging from side to side in the hall, and shook her head secretly.

No wonder Haidu Aling can win more with less, eliminating all opponents in one battle. Jin Bo and several other brothers had already murdered him once, knowing that he was keeping a low profile and pretending to indulge in alcoholism, but he acted so carelessly, for fear that no one would know that he came to Gaochang.

The other princes should have gone to other places to seek foreign aid. If they did not know how to restrain themselves like Jin Bo, Haidu Aling would have already seen their plans.

In the end, they were arrogant and looked down on Haidu Aling, believing that he was an orphan without father and mother, unworthy of inheriting the khan throne, and could not be compared with them at all.

As everyone knows, the Beirong people are loyal to Wakhan Khan, which does not mean that they are equally determined to Wakhan Khan's son.

Downstairs, the music of the pipa was melodious and cheerful, Yaoying looked away and turned back to her room.

Xie Qing followed behind her and whispered, "I will accompany the princess to the Wang Temple."

Yaoying shook her head: "There is a curfew in the city. It's not safe for many people. Yuanjue is familiar with the roads in the city. If he escorts me, I will be fine. You stay in the post house to take care of me."

They secretly met with Yuchi Bodhidharma, to avoid the eyes and ears, the fewer people the better.

Xie Qing frowned, seeing Yaoying's determination, Shen Sheng agreed.

When the agreed departure time came, Yaoying packed up her belongings, put on a mask, covered her entire face, only showing a pair of eyes, and followed Yuanjue to leave the post house from the second-floor window.

Yaoying doesn't know how to kung fu. When she climbed down the platform, her feet slipped. Yuanjue was taken aback. She stretched out her hand to pull her, but it was too late. Just like Yinyuehua, a figure flashed past, and she stretched out her long arms to catch Yaoying. Holding her, she quickly jumped down the steep earth platform.

It is Sudan ancient.

With the wind whistling in her ears, Yaoying leaned against Sultan Gu's firm chest and looked at his well-defined chin under the mask through the cold moonlight.

She found out these days that when she first approached him unintentionally, he was a little stiff - not coy and uncomfortable, just simply uncomfortable, like he had never touched a woman before, and she almost got into trouble on the way When she fell, he stretched out his hand to pull her, and the movement became more natural.

Probably in his eyes, she is no different from other personal soldiers.

There was a faint smell of medicine on him.

Yaoying couldn't help but sniff, but couldn't smell any medicine.

She was still distracted, her feet had landed firmly on the snow, and with a soft creak, Sultangu put her down, turned to lead the horse, and moved neatly and neatly.

Yaoying had a ghost in her heart, she swayed and almost fell headfirst into the snow.

Sultan Gu looked back at her, under the darkness of the night, her blue eyes were like two puddles of water, and the sight that fell on her face seemed to have a bit of strength.

Yaoying felt guilty for a while, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and her cheeks were slightly hot.

Yuanjue stood under the courtyard wall, looking at Sultan Gu and Yaoying, with a dazed expression.

Yaoying's scalp was numb from Sultangu's eyes, so she quickly stood firm, and she walked to the horse in a few steps, saddled her horse, moved too fast, suddenly felt a little dizzy, and quickly tightened the reins.

After a few breaths, she felt Sultan's gaze moved away from herself.

The three first took advantage of the darkness to ride out of the long street, and then walked. Yaoying didn't know the way, so she followed Yuanjue closely, and after a long time, the terrain seemed to be getting lower and lower. After half an hour, they finally came to a narrow deep alley. Yuanjue knocked on the door, and someone answered the door. The two whispered the code in Sanskrit, and the door was opened from the inside.

Yuanjue led Yaoying in, she looked back and found that Sultan Gu was gone.

This man is always haunted.

She pressed her doubts and entered the temple with Yuanjue.

The palace of the king's temple is wide, the bluestone floor is paved, the lamps and candles are splendid, and there is a faint silhouette under the cage. In the dark night, the murals on the wall look hideous.

Yaoying found that the layout of Wang Temple was very similar to that of the Central Plains.

The two followed the guide through the long corridor and several empty courtyards, and came to a quiet meditation room. The guide bowed and made a gesture of invitation, and whispered to Yuanjue: "The king said that the Buddha's guest is a guest. It's his guests, please wait a moment, the king will come right away."

Yuanjue and Yaoying walked in, just stepping on the stone steps, Yuanjue's ears moved suddenly, stopped suddenly, and grabbed Yaoying's arm.

At this moment, a sudden scream suddenly sounded, like cold water pouring into a frying pan, instantly breaking the water-like stillness of the night.

The air froze for a moment.

Immediately, the entire temple was awakened, and the night birds were startled, flapping their wings and flying high into the sky, shouting everywhere, and the sound of footsteps in all directions. In the direction, the scattered torches merged into several giant dragons, which soon surrounded the yard.

Yuanjue was furious, grabbed the guide, and grabbed his throat: "Is there an ambush?"

The guide came back to his senses and hurriedly denied: "The lord of the country has always respected the Buddha, and when the envoy of the Buddha came, the lord was overjoyed, how could he do such a despicable thing? Tonight there is martial law in the temple, and I don't know what happened. !"

Yuanjue didn't believe it, so he held the guide and quickly exited the courtyard.

The two quickly exited the yard. There was a faint sound of footsteps in front of them, and a figure flew towards them. The voice was a master. Seeing the figure getting closer and closer, Yuanjue was dripping with cold sweat and stood in front of Yaoying, who was about to take the guide as a hostage. , The man jumped down the promenade, and the moonlight fell on his face, reflecting the Yaksha mask.

Yuanjue breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly felt his mind return to his place, and whispered a few words in Sanskrit.

Sultan Gu replied and directly pulled Yaoying up.

Yaoying knew that the matter was urgent and kept up with him without saying a word.

Yuanjue should be, grabbing the guide and asking: "General, how to deal with him?"

The guide trembled and begged for mercy: "I swear by the Buddha! Our country lord never set a trap! You are the envoys of the Buddha, how dare our country lord frame you? If you kill a good person, the Buddha will know in the future, and he will definitely blame you!"

There were footsteps behind him, someone shouted "someone over there" and chased after him, the sword light flashed.

Sultan Gu picked up Yaoying and said, "Take it away together."

Yuanjue nodded, grabbed the guide and flew to a courtyard wall, disappearing into the night.

On the other side, Sultan Gu swept across the row of roof ridges with Yaoying in his arms, swept away the pursuers neatly, and landed in a secluded narrow alley. With Yaoying on the horse, the two rode together, galloped through the deep alley, and stopped at a street corner.

Not far away, there was a roar of people, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Yaoying followed Sultan Gu's line of sight, her hands and feet were cold: that's the direction of the post house!

The author has something to say: Thank you for your concern, tonight is late again, and I will make up for it tomorrow