Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 73: Doctor's order


A room was clear and the sky was bright, and the charcoal stove made a burning sound.

Sultan was still awake.

Next to the bed is the Yaksha mask he usually wears.

Yaoying gently opened the quilt, knelt down in front of Sultan, and looked at his face.

The scars are crisscrossed, like the traces of fire.

Yaoying held her breath nervously and leaned forward.

As long as she raised her hand, she could feel the scar on Sultangu's face to determine whether this hideous and terrifying face was real.

She reached out her hand cautiously.

But instead of touching Sultan's face, he picked up a thin Persian blanket that was randomly stacked at the foot of the bed.

Last night, she kept making a fuss. She kept kicking the quilt while she was taking the medicine. Sultan Gu pressed the thin blanket on her legs again and again, which would not be too heavy to make her uncomfortable, and could prevent her from catching a cold.

Yaoying smiled and shook off the thin blanket to cover Sultan Gu with gentle movements, for fear of waking him up.

He was on guard almost day and night along the way, and he didn't know how many hours he could sleep every day.

Yaoying stared at Sultan Gu for a while, then withdrew her gaze and quietly got out of bed.

Whether his face is real or fake, she doesn't care.

In the house, Yaoying's clothes have been packed away. On the long table, there are two bowls of cold plain soup cakes, the soup is congealed, and the broken soup cakes have been soaked all night and swelled white.

Yaoying hugged her shoes and socks, stepped barefoot on the carpet, tiptoed to the outside, gathered her long hair, put on socks and shoes, and tied a leather belt. She used to be pampered, and there was a maid who only combed her hair for her. There are three or four people, and now she can skillfully twist her hair into a bun by herself, both women's hairstyles and men's hairstyles.

There was a sound of rustling footsteps outside the house, and someone knocked on the door.

Yaoying opened the door.

The personal soldier stood outside the door with a respectful demeanor, his eyes fell in front of the threshold, he saw a pair of exquisite moccasin boots that were obviously not like men's boots, he was stunned and raised his head.

Yao Ying stood pretty in front of the door, with her hair tied at the top, wearing the brocade robe with half-sleeve and lapel collar that he found last night, with a belt around her waist and a dagger attached. He smiled at him, his face pale.

The soldier came back to his senses and whispered, "Is the princess feeling better?"

Yaoying nodded and said, "General Su hasn't woken up yet, but he has something important to report to him? If it's not an urgent matter, wait another half an hour."

The personal soldier scratched his scalp and said, "It's not a big deal. Last night, the Regent ordered Alan Ruo to go get the medicine. The city was under martial law and he couldn't go out. He took the medicine out this morning, but he was chased away by the guards who patrolled the city. Come back, the city is still under martial law."

With a move in Yaoying's heart, she stepped over the threshold, closed the door, and asked her personal soldiers to show her the prescription.

The personal soldiers took the prescription, and she took it and looked at it carefully. The prescription was written in two copies, one in Hu and the other in Sanskrit. She could understand some Hu language, and the medicinal materials written on it were the medicines needed to relieve the medicinal properties.

This prescription was written for her.

Yaoying lost her mind for a while, then looked down at the prescription again.

Sultan Gu's handwriting is stern and strict, and his writing is strong and strong, and he can penetrate the back of the paper. Like him, he is magnificent and fierce.

She has seen the handwriting of Tan Moraga in a Buddhist temple. It is clear and splendid, graceful and ethereal, like a frightened human being, and graceful like a dragon. No matter Sanskrit, Hu or Chinese characters, it is very beautiful, just like the person, as if wanting to ride The exiled immortal who returns to the wind.

Yaoying shook her head and laughed, driving the doubts that flashed through her mind out of her mind last night.

She had a lot of guesses in her heart, among them this one was the most whimsical.

"This prescription was prescribed for me." Yaoying returned the prescription to the soldiers and said, "Now we don't know what happened to the palace. Don't let Aranruo go out to take risks. I'm much better now, and I don't need to take medicine."

The soldiers quickly glanced at her face, she was still a little weak, and her words were weak, but her demeanor was calm, her eyes were clear, and she didn't look sick at all. Thinking of how she couldn't even walk last night, she secretly admired, no should be.

Yaoying asked about the post house.

The personal soldiers told her in detail what happened last night, and finally said: "Yuanjue and the people who left the city last night have no news. But please rest assured, princess, Xie Qing and the others have left the city safely. Alan Ruo has inquired about the martial law in the city today. The order issued by the palace has nothing to do with the post house, and the people from the city office did not know that the little prince Beirong arrived in Gaochang, thinking that the people who died in the post house last night were fighting for the purpose of robbing the goods of the caravan."

Knowing that Xie Qing and several others had evacuated the post house safely, Yaoying felt relieved.

Alan Ruo knew that she was awake, and brought her a large bowl of stewed broth.

The broth was simmered, with a strong fishy smell. Yaoying had no appetite, but after tossing for so long last night, her hands and feet were soft and she needed to replenish her strength. She forced herself to eat a few mouthfuls of broth, and she felt nauseated for a while.

She picked up the spoon and continued to eat. There were a few footsteps at the door, and a figure stood against the light. The shadow under the cage covered her and the broth in front of her.

Yaoying held a silver key in her hand, raised her head, and looked at the person in front of the door.

Sultan Gu stood in front of the steps, looking down at her, wearing the Yaksha mask on his face again, tall and straight, with a tight leather belt around his waist, and a narrow-sleeved robe outlined a thin line, like a stretched sheet. The bow, raised his hand and cast his full strength.

"Last night, because of me, I made General Su suffer..." Yao Ying said, pointing to a large pot of broth on the table, "How about some breakfast, General?"

Sultan was silent.

Yaoying straightened up, gave him a bowl of soup, took some Hu cakes, and placed them on the empty food table.

Outside the door, the boots rang, and the personal soldiers ran over from the other end of the corridor, walked to Sultan Gu's side, and whispered a few words.

Sultan turned away.

Yaoying looked at his distant back, spread out her hands, and then ate her own.

After a cup of tea, Sultangu finished talking with the soldiers and returned to the hall. Yaoying had already eaten breakfast and returned to the room. There was a soup bowl and food plate on the long table, and a plate was buckled upside down on the bowl.

When the soldiers opened the plate, the soup was still hot, with traces of steam coming out.

"Princess is so attentive." The soldier said with a smile.

Sultan did not speak a word.

Yaoying returned to the room, the bed was clean and tidy, it should have been Alan Ruo who came in and cleaned it up. She was still a little dizzy, lay down and rested for a while, took a nap, and there were a few soft clicks on the door.

She rubbed her eyes, got up to open the door, and a cold gaze fell on her.

"General Su? Did Ah Qing and the others have news?"

Sultan didn't answer, and went into the room, Yaoying followed him. He glanced at the couch, Yaoying understood it, sat down obediently, and waited for him to speak. He also sat down and stretched out his hand, without his usual pair of leather gloves.

Yao Ying's face was a little dazed.

Sultan's gaze fell on her wrist.

Yaoying was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her wrist, then looked up at him, looked at each other silently for a long time, she reacted suddenly, rolled up her sleeves, exposed a piece of Ningshuanghao wrist, and stretched it out in front of Sultangu.

Sultan Gu lowered his eyes and took her pulse: "Is this the first time the princess has delayed taking medicine?"

Yaoying hurriedly said: "I used to take the medicine once a month, and this time, it was delayed for a few days about three or four times."

That was when she was in the Beirong camp. She was afraid that Haidu Aling would deliberately torture her after discovering her weakness. Once she came back after taking the medicine Haidu A Ling. At that time, she was very nervous.

Sultangu then asked: "Every time the powder is the same as last night?"

His questioning voice was cold, and there was a kind of coercion that made people invisible. Yaoying was afraid of her husband since she was a child, and answered honestly: "It's almost, but it's not as uncomfortable as last night."

Sultan Gu didn't speak, and put two fingers on Yaoying's wrist, looking down and thinking.

Yaoying couldn't help but ask: "General Su, as long as I take the medicine on time, I won't get sick in the past few years. I don't know why this attack happened earlier?"

Sultan Gu retracted his fingers, "The princess is inherently timid and weak, and she is tired from running around for many days. In addition, she is worried and fearful, and her qi and blood are insufficient, so she will fall ill early."

Yaoying hummed, she was worried about Li Zhongqian's impulsive accident, and was eager to return to the Central Plains to reunite with him, but she did not want to be a burden to the soldiers. Because these days are so tiring.

Sultan Gu said: "If the princess feels unwell in the future, she must take the medicine immediately, and it should not be delayed."

Procrastination too many times can lead to major symptoms.

Yaoying regained her senses, nodded, and said apologetically, "I wrote it down, I've caused trouble for the general this time."

Sultan looked down at her.

She knelt on the couch, bowed her head slightly, her hair was black and rich, her cheeks were snow-white, her eyelashes were trembling, and her expression was a little uneasy.

This is the graceful princess who grew up in the splendid piles, and should not live outside the territory.

Sultan stood up.

Yaoying followed and stood up and sent him out.

Sultan turned around and said, "The princess is not feeling well, just tell me the truth. You don't have to hide it, you don't have to hold on, and you don't have to delay taking the medicine."

Yaoying felt a little warm in her heart and replied, "Thank you General for reminding me, I remember it."

An hour later, the soldier appeared in front of Yaoying's room with a bowl of steaming medicine.

"Alan Ruo took advantage of the lack of strict supervision, and went out to grab all the medicine, which was just fried, and the princess drank it while it was still hot. The regent said that the princess was not yet healthy, so she had to drink the medicine."

Yaoying was stunned, took the medicine, and said, "Please tell the Prince Regent, I'll be fine, so don't let Aranruo take risks."

They weren't out of the woods yet, and she didn't want to trouble Sultan for her own sake.

The soldier smiled and said, "The princess is a patient, don't worry about these things, and take care of your illness. Alan Ruo has been in Gaochang for so many years, but she just went out to get medicine, and she will be fine!"

He paused, thought about it, and glanced at Yaoying.

"Princess, in the days when we left the royal court, General Ashina conveyed the king's instructions to us. The king said that on this trip to Gaochang, we must obey the instructions of the regent, and our task is to protect the princess' safety. , we don't have to worry about other things."

Yaoying was startled.

The personal soldier smiled, a little embarrassed: "The princess is ill, we are not taking good care of it, the princess must take good care of her."

Otherwise, how will they go back and explain to the king

Holding the hot medicine bowl, Yaoying took a moment to look at herself, smiled, thanked her personal soldiers, and went back to the house to drink the medicine.

That afternoon, the martial law in the city loosened a little. Aranruo went out to inquire about the news, and the personal soldiers went to another meeting place in the city according to Sultangu's instructions.

Yaoying invited her personal soldiers to go to Shifang. She and Xie Qing made an agreement that if they were separated, they would deliver news to Shifang.

At night, the personal soldiers and Alan Ruo returned to the courtyard one after the other.

The personal soldier did not come back alone. He met Yuanjue at another meeting, and the two came back together.

Yaoying immediately went to see Yuanjue.

Yuanjue was injured, his face was bloodless, he put one arm softly on his waist, entered the house, first bowed to Sultan Gu, and whispered: "Prince Regent, Yuchi Kingdom Lord did not lose his trust, the person who was in ambush that night was not Came for us."

"Those people are Princess Yina's personal soldiers."