Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 74: righteous


Princess Ina is the niece of Wakhan Khan and the wife of Yuchi Dharma.

Last night, Sultan Gu, Yaoying, and Yuanjue left the Wang Temple separately. Yuanjue took the Gaochang servant out, thinking that they would wait until a safe place to be interrogated. Unfortunately, they were unlucky and could not escape before martial law. When he came out, he had to return to the Wang Temple to hide.

The waiter was afraid that Yuanjue would kill him, so he cried and howled, and swore that Yuchi Bodhidharma would never dare to set a trap to harm others.

Yuanjue disliked the noise of the servants, knocked him out, and put on his clothes to inquire about the situation at the Wang Temple. At noon today, the people from the royal temple have withdrawn to the palace, and the three floors outside the palace are guarded by Mrs. Yina's personal soldiers. Only then did Yuanjue find the opportunity to escape from the Wang Temple.

Yaoying frowned when she heard this.

As soon as she arrived in Gaochang, she deliberately went to the market place to inquire about the news from the well-informed Hu Shang, who told her that the relationship between Yuchi Damo and Mrs. Yina was tense.

The Beirong cavalry was good at plundering and attacking, but not good at defending the city, and even less good at strategizing. Gaochang has a special terrain. Wakhan Khan believed that after attacking Gaochang, he had to send troops to garrison. It was not half work. It was better to control Gaochang by marriage and extract high taxes from Gaochang to support the royal court of Beirong, so he sent an army of 20,000. Besieged Gaochang and forced Yuchi Damo to marry Yina as his wife.

At that time, Yuchi Bodhidharma had already married a senior lady from a prominent family. The husband and wife respected each other and had a strong relationship. Mrs. Yina was older than him and had previously married several Turkic nobles. The Northern Rong army was overwhelmed, and he had to abolish his wife and marry a new wife.

It is said that on the wedding night, Yuchi Bodhidharma once said to the people around him: Today's humiliation will be repaid in the future!

Relying on the fact that she is the princess of Beirong, Mrs. Yina is arrogant and extravagant, conniving at the precious treasures her subordinates loot from the business travelers. The subordinate tyrants she brought oppressed Gaochang's subjects, stirred up the Gaochang royal family, and caused public resentment to boil over.

The couple were at each other's throats. Mrs. Yina once mocked Yuchi Bodhidharma in public for being cowardly and useless, the defeated general of Wakhan Khan, and a waiter saw Yuchi Bodhidharma leave her room angrily, with several scratches on her face.

Yaoying asked Yuanjue: "How is the situation in the palace now? Why did Mrs. Yina send troops to guard the palace?"

Yuanjue said: "The guards of the palace are all Mrs. Yina's personal soldiers. The subordinates speculate that Yuchi Damo may be under house arrest."

Yaoying's brows became tighter: "Could it be that Mrs. Yina found us?"

Yuanjue shook his head and whispered: "The subordinate has interrogated that servant. He said that Mrs. Yina and Yuchi Damo have often quarreled over the years. Yuchi Damo and his previous wife have a son and a daughter. Mrs. Yina wants to The pair of children were sent to the Beirong Royal Court as a hostage, but Yuchi Damo did not agree. Not long ago, Mrs. Yina sent the sister and brother out without telling Yuchi Damo. Yuchi Damo was furious and caught up with the sister and brother. I brought it back to the palace and had a big quarrel with Mrs. Yina, calling Mrs. Yina a viper and poisonous woman, and Mrs. Yina was so angry that she killed a slave girl."

"Last night, the palace was under martial law, and Yuchi Bodhidharma didn't show up. This morning, several carriages left the palace and went straight to Beirong Yating. The servants recognized the people in the carriages. They were the son's relatives and nurses, and some people were crying. , the person who escorted them is Lady Yina's servant."

Yaoying pondered for a moment, her heart brightened.

She understands what happened last night.

In order to send her husband and his wife's children to Beirong, Mrs. Yina did not hesitate to initiate a palace change to put her husband under house arrest, and the day when they and Yuchi Damo agreed to a secret meeting happened to be when Mrs. Yina started.

They came so coincidentally that they happened to be involved in the palace coup in Gaochang.

From this point of view, the change of Wangsi has nothing to do with Haidu Aling. He has been excluded from the Beirong Royal Court and has no friendship with Mrs. Yina.

Yuanjue sighed and said, "Mrs. Yina brought more than a thousand soldiers from Beirong when she married. The palace is heavily guarded, so we won't have the chance to have a secret meeting with Yuchi Damo."

Yuchi Damo was placed under house arrest, and he lost his qualifications as an ally, and his sons and daughters were sent to Beirong. Would he dare to form an alliance with the royal court

Their mission this time may be unsuccessful.

Yaoying didn't speak, and looked up at Sultan who was silent beside him.

It's not that there is no other way... But...

She thought silently in her heart.

Mrs. Yina put her husband under house arrest and sent away his two children. The nobles of Gaochang were afraid of Beirong and kept silent. The royal city was calm and the martial law in the city was completely relaxed.

Yaoying and the others still stayed in the courtyard. Alan Ruo decocted medicine every day and asked her to take it. She took several doses of medicine and recovered quickly.

Two days later, Lao Qi and Xie Chong who entered the city finally brought her news of Xie Qing.

Xie Qing was injured to protect the little prince, Jin Bo, and could not move for the time being. They are now hiding in a very safe place, and no one has chased and killed them these days.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how powerful Haidu Aling was, he couldn't take into account all aspects, and he never thought that they would just take action to rescue Jin Bo. He did not come to Gaochang, but only sent people to ambush next to Jin Bo. Those killers have already exhausted their lives. Under the knife of bereaved soldiers.

After confirming that Haidu Aling was not nearby, Yaoying felt less worried, so she made up her mind to find Sultan and ask him for his opinion.

The ancient Sultan was haunted, and it took her a long time to find him in front of the cloister.

If it wasn't for the way he was standing too tight, she would have thought he was admiring the snow in the courtyard.

"The Master is merciful, and ordered General Su to escort me here, with deep affection and kindness, and I will be grateful..."

Yaoying stepped forward, Daoming's intention, and said a lot of scenes.

Sultan Gu glanced at her lightly.

Yaoying stopped breathing for a while when he saw this, smiled, and asked directly, "Will what I'm going to do next bring inconvenience to the general?"

Sultan Gu's eyes stared at the snow on the earthen wall: "Princess is free."

This is what Yaoying wanted to hear, but she was a little surprised that Sultan Gu said it so succinctly.

His tone was light, but he had the aura that he could carry it on his shoulders no matter what happened. Yaoying's nervousness eased a bit, she turned and left, thinking of something, she turned her head and looked at Sultan Gu's back.

This back is tall and straight, standing there, thousands of peaks, he is Qingtian.

He has killed countless people, but there is not a single ghost under the sword, and the angry eyes of King Kong are also to subdue the four demons and protect the peace and happiness of one party.

Yaoying froze for a while, and asked softly, "General Su, the Buddha doesn't care whether my mission to Gaochang is a success or failure, right?"

The personal soldiers said that Tamara's order was to help her deliver news to the Central Plains.

Sultan was silent.

Yaoying stood still, her voice was high, and she asked again, her voice sweet and crisp.

If he doesn't answer, she can ask again.

Sultan turned his back to her, was silent for a while, and nodded slightly.

The corners of Yaoying's mouth twitched slightly, then she turned and walked away.

The next day, Yaoying continued to visit the market under the leadership of Qi Nian.

Not wanting to be too conspicuous, she dressed like a local Hu girl, covering her face with a veil when she went in and out.

For several days, Yuanjue followed Yaoying to visit all the shops in the market, and also went to a few shrines and temples. Every day, he mixed with the crowd of people standing shoulder to shoulder. Lots of precious and fine jewelry, silk brocades.

The other soldiers asked him what he did every day when he went out, and he wanted to cry without tears: Princess Wen Zhao was so generous, she saw what she bought without blinking, just like a pampered and profligate lady, she didn’t seem to be doing anything at all. Seriously, how does he answer

At the same time, Qi Nian and Alan Ruo went out day and night every day, sending letters one by one.

Mrs. Yina put her husband under house arrest. In order to appease people's hearts, she hosted a banquet in the palace to entertain the princes and nobles every day. During this period, Yuchi Damo briefly showed up several times, and the palace was singing and dancing peacefully, but there were undercurrents in the places that everyone could not see.

It was snowing heavily that day, and the cold wind was roaring. Yaoying brought her personal soldiers to Shifang, walked into a wine shop, and climbed to the inner room on the second floor.

Qi Nian and the two Han people waited in front of the door and whispered: "Princess, everything is arranged, the Zhao family, the Zhang family, the Wang family, and the Yang family will send people over today."

Yaoying nodded.

Yuanjue followed her and asked inexplicably, "Why does the princess meet guests in such a place?"

He has been guarding Yaoying for the past few days, knowing that she is trying to find a way to deliver news to the wealthy family in Gaochang.

Yaoying said: "I don't know if they can trust them. It's safer to meet here. If something goes wrong, we can leave at any time."

Yuanjue nodded, thinking, the princess is thoughtful, if Alan is a member of the royal court, it should not be exposed.

Not long after the two arrived, the three maids entered the room with boxes and cages, followed by a few teenagers who were carrying boxes and cages, all from the caravan.

Yuanjue was dazzled. Aren't these the jewels that the princess bought a few days ago

Yaoying motioned Yuanjue to wait in front of the screen and entered the inner room.

Yuanjue didn't dare to look inside, and waited outside with her hands down, only to hear a rustling sound inside, the jewelry hairpins were sent in one by one, and the maids came in and out, busy.

He waited for a full hour, his back was sore, his head was dizzy, and he finally heard Yaoying's summoning voice inside.

The house is clean and swept clean, the bead curtains are swaying lightly, the floor is covered with a fine mat of Capricornus, a treasure couch, a seating set, a gold lacquer screen full of poems, a few gilt censer incense burners in front of the couch, cigarettes curled up, a room Qingfen.

A woman sits in front of the couch, with pink face and red lips, meticulous makeup, a pair of smiles on her cheeks, a green bun between her eyebrows, a towering cloud bun, covered with golden green flowers, and a trembling double petal with the size of a bowl on the fluffy temple. Peony flowers, like red but not red, like white but not white, are dressed in a narrow-sleeved short-sleeved crocodile roe, a half-arm woven with broken branches, red flowers, green leaves, and dragon silk, and a long skirt of 12 dark-flowered velvet under the shoulders. Rolled mud gold and silver painted flowers and birds covered with silk, graceful and luxurious, bright and bright.

Rongguang is so prosperous that people dare not look at it.

A few strands of skylight diffused into the room through the window sash and fell on the peony flower by her temples. She didn't know where the flower came from. There seemed to be dewdrops rolling on the pink and white petals, which made her hair even more beautiful. Black, with beautiful eyebrows.

She smiled and glanced at Yuanjue, her eyes were full of waves, and the light of the whole room flooded into her eyes instantly.

In an instant, it seemed that this place was not the royal city of Gaochang in the deep desert, but the city of Chang'an where the palaces were opened in the nine heavens thousands of miles away, and all the nations were dressed in adoration.

Yuanjue stared blankly at Li Yaoying, her chin couldn't close for a long time.

Yao Ying blinked at him, her long eyelashes fluttered, and the corners of her brows and eyes were painted with rouge faintly dizzy, a little more mature than usual.

"Scared you?" she asked with a smile.

Yuanjue almost couldn't find his breath, nodded dumbly, reciting Buddha in his heart, secretly said: Fortunately, the Prince Regent didn't come today.

General Ashina is right, Princess Wenzhao is too dangerous!

Yaoying, with her head full of pearls and greens, sat in front of the couch, the peony flowers on her temples trembled gently, and said, "That's good, you are a martial artist with a firm mind, you are scared, others can also stunned by me."

Yuanjue was still silently chanting Buddha, and a pair of armor was sent to him.

Yaoying chuckled: "You worked hard for me today to be my guard and help me fill the scene."

Yuanjue bowed his head, put on his armor, entered the room, and stood under the treasure couch. Several other Han people also put on armor, and they all wore swords and were majestic, and like him, they separated every corner of the house.

The maid knelt down behind Yaoying, holding treasure fans, stoves, incense boxes and other items in her hands. The house was fragrant, and several maids were cooking tea in the corridor outside, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing.

Yuanjue's back was straight, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

Yaoying looked around for a week, made sure that every corner was arranged, and slowly exhaled.

As early as when she was in the royal court, she sent Lao Qi to contact the righteous people from all over the world. The famous family in Hexi was deeply oppressed. .

The support of the royal family is important, but the rich family who have been operating in the Western Regions for many years and are intertwined should be drawn together. Since Yuchi Damo is temporarily under house arrest, she will first unite the rich family.

Today, she is going to meet these righteous people, and her momentum is very important.

As the so-called strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, she can't give any guarantees for the time being. If you want to deter these Hexi nobles who have been isolated from the Central Plains for a long time, they must be the first to win people and frighten them from the beginning.

She has to show the utmost sincerity, and she has to let these nobles see what they want from her.

When she first came to Gaochang, Yaoying saw that no one on the road was wearing Chinese clothes and speaking Chinese, and she was a little worried, for fear that the wealthy family would have long forgotten their homeland.

Later, she went to the market every day to find out what patterns, makeup, and goods were in high demand in Gaochang, and found some oddities. The scriptures and books written in Chinese characters were still selling well, and the ladies rushed to buy silk and satin from the Central Plains. Cloth, hairpin ring bead green.

Qi Nian told her that many people were forced to change their customs, but they still did not forget their homeland. Every festival, they secretly offered sacrifices to their ancestors, expecting Master Wang to come.

Therefore, at the first meeting, Yaoying must let the wealthy family see a noble and confident princess of Wei who brings them hope, not a helpless and pitiful little lady.

The hairstyle she wears, the makeup on her face, the clothes on her body, the clothes of her personal soldiers and maids, and the furnishings in the house are not the fashionable appearance of Chang'an now, but the fashion of the north when the country was broken many years ago.

The local aristocrats are far away from the Central Plains, and this is the homeland in their minds, which can make their hearts touched.

Yaoying was calm, her eyes signaled that the guards at the door could let people in.

Downstairs, a group of people looked in a hurry, passed through the lively market square, and gathered in front of the store.

These people, old and young, all wore golden flower crowns, braided hair down their backs, and wore round-necked, small-sleeved, and flower-brocade robes.

The people who came were all in-laws who usually trained the rebels in private.

The painting curtain was opened, the maid raised the crystal curtain, and the fragrance rushed to her face. In the flashing brilliance of the room, Princess Wen Zhao glanced at the crowd with a smile, a pair of bright eyes, looking forward to brilliance.

For the elderly, this scene and this scene are the memories of their youth.

In the past peaceful and prosperous times, the family was prosperous, the people were happy, the Silk Road was smooth, and the commerce and trade were developed. How prosperous and prosperous was Gaochang!

Everyone was stunned for a long time, with mixed feelings for a while, their hearts were surging, and they saluted Yaoying.

The big stone in Yaoying's heart fell to the ground.

Judging by the reactions of these people, she was right.

That night, Gaochang Palace.

A secret letter written in Chinese was delivered to Yuchi Damo. After reading the letter, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

There were footsteps outside the door.

Yuchi Damo turned his back, put the letter in front of the oil lamp, and let the flames slowly swallow the paper.