Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 79: promise


The hall is full of laughter, and the air is filled with the strong and mellow aroma of grilled meat, spices and fine wine.

In the felt tent, Yuchi Damo looked indifferent, Yang Qian drew his sword and confronted his guards, and the atmosphere was tense.

Yaoying didn't change her face, didn't even look at the long knife in the hands of her guards, and walked to Yuchi Damo: "If the lord really wants to please Beirong, he only needs to shout a few times to attract Mrs. Yina's guards. That's it."

Yuchi Damo looked at Yao Ying without blinking, his eyes were bloodshot, "Yina is just a princess, she has no soldiers and no power, Haidu Aling has military power, and there are many followers, and he will be able to replace Wakhan one day. Khan, I will dedicate the princess to Haidu Aling, and I will get more."

Yaoying smiled lightly: "The lord, the Wakhan Khan is still there. As you said, Mrs. Yina is just a princess, but she can put the lord under house arrest, not because the lord is afraid of her uncle, Wakhan. Khan, so forbearance and concession? Wakhan Khan is old and strong, and Haidu Aling is still a little short of fire. Before they have a winner, they will not allow their own control to fall into the hands of others. ."

Yuchi Damo's mouth twitched: "What do I have to do?"

Yaoying said indifferently: "The lord of the country reported a message to Haidu Aling, and it reached the ears of Wakhan Khan. This is the reason why you and Haidu Aling secretly colluded. Haidu Aling's ambition is far away from the Wakhan Khan. Above, if he wins, Gaochang will only be destroyed in the blink of an eye, and if Wakhan wins, he will definitely be angry with the lord, how will the lord protect himself at that time?"

"No matter who you report to, the lord's gains outweigh the losses. The lord of the country has spent all his energy and humiliation over the years, all he wants is the stability of one party, and he will not do a loss-making business."

Like Yang Qian, Yuchi Bodhidharma was originally from Hexi. There are many famous generals in the Yuchi family. His grandfather once served as the governor of Guazhou. When the Central Plains were in turmoil, the Yuchi family was forced to move westward and exiled to Gaochang, where he married a prominent family and became the ruler of Gaochang.

Their family is a family of military generals, but unfortunately Yuchi Damo and his son are thin and unfit to practice martial arts. The father and son failed to inherit the family's mantle and act cowardly. As long as someone leads an army to attack Gaochang, without saying a word, they will first send the beautiful gold and silver to please the other party. Therefore, it is often criticized by the world.

How shrewd is Yuchi Bodhidharma, who survived in the cracks, he does not stick to everything, and he is confused. No one is afraid and no one will be offended. He will never completely fall to Haidu Aling when the Wakhan Khan's position is stable. After all, he thought that A pair of children are still in the hands of Mrs. Yina.

Moreover, Tanmaraka spoke to all countries and publicly protected her, and he did not dare to offend Tanmaraga.

With Yaoying's thoughts coming out one by one, Yuchi Damo's expression darkened, he lifted the cloak on his body, sat up, and waved.

The sword-wielding guard quietly retreated.

Yang Qian was stunned for a while, his sword was sheathed, and he looked at Yuchi Damo with a frown: "Well, since the lord has no intention of telling secrets, why does he pretend to be mysterious?"

Yaoying sat down cross-legged and said, "Because the lord wants to test me to see if I'm worth his risk. If I'm frightened, the lord can take the initiative."

She changed her words and looked at Yuchi Damo's brown eyes.

"Dare to ask the king, have I passed the test?"

Yuchi Damo looked at her for a moment, and a smile appeared on his lips, "Princess is calm, Damo admires it."

Yaoying said sternly: "I don't dare to be the lord, the lord of the country bears humiliation and burdens, just like suffering in the fire, Yaoying is far inferior to the lord of the country."

Yuchi Bodhidharma was startled, and then he laughed at himself.

As the lord of the country, he knew that Gaochang could not resist the army of Beirong. He bowed his head and became a minister, abolished his wife, married Princess Yina, and condoned Princess Yina's mischief. Whenever Beirong envoys came to ask for gold and silver treasures, he respected them. Don't even dare to put a fart. The princes and nobles and the common people scold him for being a slave and a servant, and the dignified lord of the country was ruled by a woman.

A pair of sons and daughters are ashamed of him, and they still refuse to forgive him for abolishing their mother.

Who can understand his troubles

Gaochang lost the powerful reliance of the Central Plains Dynasty, and was destined to have to struggle to survive among the major forces. A pair of jade arms and a thousand-person pillow is Gao Chang's way of survival.

He knew that if he surrendered to Bei Rong, he had to meet their demands, and he had to bear heavy and extortionate taxes.

He also knew that there were many high-spirited sons like Yang Qian in the city who hoped that he could lead them against Beirong. He is the son-in-law of Yuchi's family and the lord of the country. If he has enough soldiers and horses and the support of the Central Plains Dynasty, why would he want to fight against Bei Rong for life and death

Reality dampened his anger and ambition.

Countries in the Western Regions that rely on oases to survive are difficult to support an army, and in front of Beirong is a group of lambs to be slaughtered. The only royal court that can stop the footsteps of Beirong's conquest has been prosperous and prosperous since ancient times. There are large fertile green fields moistened by snow and water, and there are unimpeded commercial roads leading to Tianzhu, Persia, and Samadang. God, with a wave of his arm, his followers are like clouds, and the prince of the king's court that Wakhan Khan deeply feared.

Gaochang has nothing, he dare not risk the lives of a city's people!

Yuchi Damo's eyes were red as blood, he picked up the gilt wine cup on the case, and drank it with his neck up.

Although Princess Wen Zhao is an outsider, she can express his hardships in one sentence.

Years of depression slid down his throat with this glass of cold wine, the wine was sweet, but the tip of his tongue was bitter and astringent.

He was playing with the empty wine cup, and suddenly found that his thoughts were disturbed by Yaoying's light words. He froze in his heart, stabilized his mind, and asked slowly, "Has the Great Wei already ruled the Central Plains?"

Yaoying nodded: "Not bad."

"The imperial court has not yet recovered Hexi?"

Yaoying nodded.

Yuchi Damo sneered: "The imperial court can't even recover Hexi, so how can we recover the Western Regions? Princess Wen Zhao can't promise me anything, how can I dare to form an alliance with the Great Wei?"

Yaoying sat upright and said, "I don't dare and don't want to lie to the lord with false words. I can't assure the lord of anything. I can only tell the lord that once Beirong expands to conquer the Western Regions, all the tribes will be destroyed. For their slaves. The Wei Dynasty has the heart to recover Hexi, and has already joined forces with the Hu people to recover Liangzhou…”

When Yang Qian heard this, he couldn't wait to interject: "The lord, the Great Wei has already unified the Central Plains. As long as the time is right, we will send troops to retake Hexi. At that time, we and the Great Wei should cooperate with each other, so why can't we return to the east as soon as possible! This is exactly what we are all about What a great time to be ambitious!"

Yuchi Damo was silent.

Yaoying looked at his blood-red eyes: "Didn't the lord already agree to form an alliance?"

Yuchi Bodhidharma leaned back on the table, and his clothes were wide open: "The princess will be wrong. My promise to see the princess does not mean that I agree to form an alliance."

Yaoying smiled, "I'm not wrong, the king has already agreed."

Yuchi Damo sneered, his eyes gloomy.

Yaoying said slowly: "A lord of Gaochang once said that eagles flutter in the air, pheasants fly in the bushes, and mice take shelter in caves. Powerful dynasties have their way of living, and weak city-states have their own way of survival. In fact, this sentence is referring to a person like King Yuchi."

Yuchi Damo raised his eyebrows.

Yaoying continued: "The king can bend and stretch, he can endure humiliation when he is weak, and when the king grows, he can also turn into a ferocious eagle, soaring in the sky and showing his ambition."

Yuchi Damo can become friends with Yang Qian, and can silently support Yang Qian to contact the Central Plains, how can he be a coward without fighting spirit

"Furthermore, I dared to take the risk to see the Lord Yuchi because of a letter."

Yaoying read out a letter word by word, and finally said: "... I swear to return to the country, and look forward to Master Wang."

What she was reading was a letter of distress sent to Chang'an many years ago, which was written by the previous generation of emperors in Gaochang. The emperor who was in power at that time was the Zhu family, and at the time of uprisings in various places, the imperial court was too busy to take care of itself, and the Zhu family was busy fleeing south, so how could he even bother to ask for help from thousands of miles away

After Li De ascended the throne, he asked the ministers in the DPRK to read the letter from the Lord Yuchi.

At that time, he and his staff believed that the letter for help was too old to ignore, and ordered the minister to pass it on to show Zhu Shi's incompetence, and second, to imply that he wanted to recover Hexi.

Yaoying heard Li Zhongqian mention that letter.

Several generations of rulers of Gaochang are trying to find a way to contact the Central Plains, from Yuchi Damo's grandfather to his father, and then to him. Although there is little hope, they still have hope. Finally, Yang Qian and his party set out on the road of returning home. For decades, countless sons and daughters followed, just to request the Central Plains to send troops.

Yang Qian's dead bones and ten thousand words were discovered, and many more Yang Qian and letters were buried under quicksand forever.

Holding back tears, I asked the messenger, when will the Sixth Army really come

Yaoying looked into Yuchi Damo's eyes: "When the previous generation of state lords didn't know whether the Central Plains were unified or not, they took the risk of sending people to request reinforcements from the Central Plains, how firm their ambition to return to the East was, at that time the court had no time to look westward, and now that the Central Plains are unified, Wei The army is strong and strong, and the lord of the country will refuse to form an alliance with the Wei Dynasty after he is the family of Yuchi?"

Hearing her read the letter, Yang Qian was excited and his eyes were full of tears. His father named him this name so that he should always remember that they were forced to move to Gaochang. He should inherit the legacy of his grandfather and father and return to the country after death. !

He looked at Yuchi Bodhidharma and said word by word, "Bodhidharma, what are you waiting for? We've been trying our best to contact the Central Plains all these years, isn't it just to ask the imperial court to send troops!"

Yuchi Damo put his hands on the table, his red hair was loose, his posture was relaxed, as if he was drunk, his brown eyes were hazy, and he said casually, "I didn't agree to anything."

Yang Qian's blue veins jumped violently on his forehead: "You—"

Yaoying smiled, grabbed Yang Qian, who was about to jump up, and looked at Yuchi Dharma.

Yuchi Bodhidharma is very cautious. In recent years, he has acquiesced to Yang Qian to contact righteous people from all over the world, but he has never shown his face. If Yang Qian's incident occurs, he can clear the relationship and push Yang Qian out as a scapegoat.

As a person, he neither offends Wakhan Khan, nor Haidu Aling, nor does Thamaraga and her. He maintains a delicate cooperative relationship with everyone. Whichever is stronger, he will Whichever way you go, no matter how round or flat you are, he will always find a way to survive.

So, you can work with him, but you can't trust him completely.

Yaoying said with a smile, "I understand that the King of Yuchi didn't promise anything, and I didn't see the King of Yuchi today."

A light flashed in Yuchi Damo's eyes.

The two looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

"I heard that the princess recruits rebels, hires caravans, and buys Hexi people who were sold as slaves..." Yuchi Damo said, "If there is anything I can help, the princess can send a message to Yang Si."

This is to let her find Yang Qian for something.

Yaoying nodded.

Yang Qian raised his chest and said, "I will definitely take good care of the princess!"

Yuchi Damo's face softened a bit.

Several people discussed how to secretly train the rebels and pass on news.

I don't know how long it took, and a few whistles sounded outside the tent.

Yang Qian's eyes signaled that Yaoying should leave.

Yaoying got up to say goodbye, as if she suddenly remembered something, she lowered her head and took out a round and small thrush from her sleeve and handed it to Yuchi Damo.

Yuchi Damo took the gem, his face changed suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened and his hands trembled slightly.

Yaoying said softly: "Not long ago, my personal soldiers passed through the sea road and found that several Beirong people were chasing and killing a pair of sisters and brothers, and they rescued them. This thrush is a little lady's ornament."

Yuchi Damo clenched his fists and trembled all over.

"Please rest assured, the lord, they will be sent to the royal court and receive the best care. No one knows their identities. On Mrs. Yina's side, they may think they have died in the Great Ocean Road."

After Yaoying finished speaking, she turned around and walked out.


The voice of Yuchi Dharma came from behind.

"Why did the princess only tell me this now?"

Yaoying turned back.

Yuchi Damo narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the expression on her face in the dim light.

This thurse belongs to his daughter, and he will not admit it wrong.

Yina wanted to kill his son and daughter, but Princess Wenzhao rescued them, or Princess Wenzhao directly sent someone to stop Yina's people, save her sister and brother, and frame Yina in order to persuade him to agree to an alliance... No matter what the truth is, he I would rather my children be sent to the royal court of the Buddha.

When the children were sent away, he thought he would never see them again.

Princess Wenzhao rescued the siblings, why didn't they tell their whereabouts earlier

Yaoying smiled, "The lord of the country is very handsome. I saw the lord of the country just now, but I didn't remember it for a while."

She sent someone to rescue Yuchi Bodhidharma's child, and she really planned to use this to impress Bodhidharma so that he could worry less, but if he mentioned the sister and brother as soon as he opened his mouth, it would be more like a threat, so she didn't mention it.

Regardless of whether Yuchi Damo answered or not, the child has been rescued, and she will not return the person to Mrs. Yina's hands. It is the same when she says it.

Yuchi Bodhidharma and Yang Qian never forget their homeland, which deserves admiration. She is willing to show her sincerity.

Yaoying turned around and walked out.

Yuchi Damo stared at her back for a while.

As Yang Qian said, he hopes to restore contact with the Central Plains as soon as possible, and get rid of the situation of being bullied and trampled by others. Princess Wen Zhao came from the Central Plains and received the care of the Buddha. He will take the initiative to show her kindness without her opening her mouth. But he didn't want to reveal his thoughts, and he was afraid that Princess Wen Zhao was a weak woman who could only cry and cry, and he wanted to wait until he saw her before making a decision.

Now, a strong intuition suddenly appeared in his heart, this adventure, he can get a return far beyond his expectations.

Yaoying walked out of the felt tent, and Yang Qian followed her.

The two whispered while walking, Yaoying said: "Tomorrow I will ask Lao Qi to send some things to Shiro's house, and Shiro will use it to recruit more rebels."

Yang Qian nodded, because he was not good at managing household affairs. In the past few years, he sold his fields and manors to support the rebels. Some of them could not make ends meet.

The corridor was dark, and the flickering candles in the hall cast a soft, thin light on the ground.

Several beard women in masks walked through the corridor with the corners of their skirts, chatting and discussing something.

Yaoying heard her title in a trance, she stayed for a while, and listened carefully.

"Today, the girl in the Zhang family's twelve-color skirt is really beautiful. Where is the material?"

"It's not the material brought by the merchants in the royal court! I heard that Princess Wenzhao is wearing a twelve-color skirt to dance to the Buddha. When dancing, the skirt spreads out like a blooming flower..."

"Yes, Princess Wen Zhao wore it..."

A few Hu girls ran away with a smile.

In the corner, Yaoying's mouth twitched slightly.

Standing beside her, Yang Qian scratched his head, his eyes were bright, and he asked in a low voice, "Princess, are the rumors true?"

Yaoying shook her head: "The Buddha sheltered me because he was merciful and had nothing to do with rumors."

She could guess what Yang Qian was thinking. He was thinking about the uprising, and wanted to persuade her to use her relationship with Tan Mo Luojia to let Wang Ting send troops to attack Beirong.

A look of disappointment appeared on Yang Qian's face. The Buddha told the world that the sisters in the family talked about the Buddha and the princess every day, and he thought the rumors were true.

The two turned the corner, and a tall and straight figure stood there, glancing at Yao Ying and Yang Qian, with blue eyes that looked like knives.

Yaoying greeted her.

The author has something to say: Recommend a friend's article "After Rebirth, the Princess Has Been Hanged" / Wei Zhu

In the previous life, she paid her sincerity wrong and ended up in a tragic death.

After reliving her first life, Qing Jiusi decided to change her way of life. She was well-behaved in front of people and indifferent in the back, so that all those who owed her would pay back ten times as much, but she was bumped into the face by the current governor one day.

"The little girl's family, how can you do such a vicious thing, and you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty."

"The elders are gone. No one can make the decisions. You can only rely on yourself. After all, the governor is also my elder, so I should be called my cousin." Then she smiled and said, "Hello, cousin."

"… "


"Come here, Qingqing, my cousin will support you."

This support lasted for a lifetime, supporting her from the orphan girl beside the queen mother to the queen's throne.

The blackened orphan girl under the fence x the ruthless governor