Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 83: escape (correct typos)


The bowstring was pulled, and several arrows rushed towards Haidu Aling, who was wearing a gauze skirt, and the tips of the arrows flashing coldly brushed his braid and flew past.

With a flash of his figure, he waved a knife in one hand to block, and held Yuchi Dharma in the other, dodging left and right in the narrow space, using the screen, couch, and long desk to block, trying to break out of the tight encirclement.

More and more personal soldiers besieged him, and arrows poured down.

There was no fear in his eyes, his body leaped into the sky, facing the arrow rain, an arrow whistled and swiped across his cheek, sprinkled with blood, his tall figure suddenly froze in mid-air, roll to the ground. When he raised his head again, half of his cheek was bloody.

Seeing that he was injured, the roar of the commander of the guard became more and more exciting: "Release the arrow! Kill the assassin, and the gold is yours!"

Haidu Aling's face was gloomy, his eyes were red, and his light yellow eyes were full of cold murderous aura. , ripped open the front of the shirt with his right hand, and the tattered shirt and skirt shattered instantly, revealing the tight sleeved shirt inside.

Mrs. Yina gave an order, and the roar of "rewarding a hundred gold" spread throughout the palace, and all the palace guards rushed towards the hall.

The halls that were originally advocating loud noises turned into a pot of porridge.

Yaoying stood at a high place, hunting in the wind, staring at the fight in the hall without blinking.

In the shadow of swords and swords, Haidu Aling struggled hard, like a furious beast being hunted.

Figures swayed in the corridor, and Mrs. Yina, who was dressed in fancy clothes, stepped up the stone steps surrounded by her guards, looked at Haidu Aling, who was surrounded by many, and sneered: "Haidu Aling, if you think you are a woman, I will just pretend to be a woman. I don't recognize you? I think you are also a dignified prince of Beirong, and you actually pretended to be a woman, like a mouse in the gutter, to provoke my husband and me, and try to rebel, and you are also worthy of wearing armor and commanding ten thousand iron cavalry?"

Haidu Aling did not say a word.

Mrs. Yina raised her voice: "I know it's you! You are a bastard raised by animals! It was my uncle who took pity on you and gave you a way to live. You are greedy and revenge, and you dare to kill Jin Bo! You are not worthy of being a wolf! Clan people! Today, I will take care of your uncle, you bastard! Bring your skull to Jin Bo Sheng wine!"

Haidu Aling was disheveled, in a state of embarrassment, with blood dripping from half of his face, across the densely packed personal soldiers, the forest-like mountain of knives, and the dense rain of arrows as cobwebs, he looked at Mrs. Yina and laughed: "Yina, Your brothers are all defeated by me, so you want to kill me?"

Mrs. Yina's expression was cold, she snorted coldly, with disdain in her eyes, and said loudly: "Jin Bo has the protection of the wolf god, and he will not die. He has returned to Yating to tell his uncle that you sent someone to assassinate him! Your order to kill! Haidu Aling, even if you are the number one warrior of Beirong, how can you resist the pursuit of hundreds of warriors by yourself? Starting today, there will be no more of you in the Western Regions of the Northern Desert. Wherever you stay, you can't escape even if you put your wings on it!"

"If you are acquainted, you might as well capture it without your hands, and I can make you die faster."

After she finished speaking, she didn't even look at Yuchi Damo, who was being held hostage, and pointed her finger in the direction of Haidu Aling.

The guards with knives|guns|sticks pushed inward layer by layer, narrowed the encirclement circle, surrounded all the retreats of Haidu Aling, and waited for the turtle to be caught in the urn.

In the desperate situation, Haidu Aling's face was solemn and silent, as if he knew that he was trapped in a tight siege and had no way to escape. He had given up hope and planned to fight to the death.

A smug smile appeared on Mrs. Yina's lips.

She and Jinbo are the best friends. Since childhood, Haidu Aling, who grew up in a pack of wolves, was not used to stealing the limelight from several cousins. The Beirong royal family are all descendants of Shenlang. They are of noble birth. How could Ling Ling, a bastard with no father and mother, a foreigner, be worthy of being the Prince of Beirong

The guards slowly approached the hall, and the few walking in the front were so excited that their eyes lit up, but no one dared to take the first shot. Haidu Aling was the number one warrior of Beirong and had a great reputation, so they did not dare to act rashly. .

The outermost hand continued to draw the bow, and the arrow rushed towards Haidu Aling. He flashed and hid behind the corridor.

Mrs. Yina stood behind the crowd and saw the guards hesitate and shouted loudly: "Whoever cuts off his head will be the head of the ten thousand households, rewarded with a hundred gold!"

The guards were encouraged and shouted.

The three personal guards raised long knives in their hands, their hearts swayed, and they shouted and rushed towards Haidu Aling.

Haidu Aling's light yellow eyes suddenly widened, he looked around coldly, his anger sank into his dantian, and he roared, "Courtesy of death!"

This roar carried internal strength, like the roar of the king of beasts.

The soldiers who besieged him only felt that the roar was like an explosion in his ears, his head was dizzy, his heartbeat was like a drum, his internal organs seemed to be churning with a knife, the whole person could not stand, and he almost fell down.

There was the sound of a long knife falling to the ground, and several of the personal soldiers closest to Haidu Aling covered their ears and screamed a few times, trembling all over, and red blood dripping from their lips.

The other personal soldiers were so frightened that they backed away, thinking of Haidu Aling's majestic appearance on the battlefield, like a basin of snow poured down, the desire to survive temporarily suppressed the fanatical impulse to make meritorious deeds.

Madam Yina took a few steps back, her face ashen.

Above the wall, after Haidu A Ling let out a roar, Yao Ying, who was hiding in the dark, also felt the constant thunder in her ears, and her heart was beating wildly.

She stabilized her mind, and her fingers lightly grasped the sleeve of the robe.

Yang Qian stood beside her, looking at the hall from afar, his brows furrowed, his right hand clenched his long sword, and said, "Haidu Aling deserves to be called the number one warrior."

Yaoying didn't make a sound.

In the hall, Haidu Aling roared back several personal soldiers, and rushed out of the encirclement with one hand holding Yuchi Dharma. After a few swoops, the arrow flew towards him, he waved his hand, and the wind swept his palm, and the arrow landed a few inches away from him.

Mrs. Yina kept screaming and giving orders. The guards gritted their teeth and continued to charge forward. Dozens or hundreds of people rushed up, even without weapons, they could crush the opponent.

Haidu Aling fought against four or five enemy soldiers at the same time. In the face of danger, he was not chaotic. The defense was strict, as if he had three heads and six arms. He advanced and retreated freely and defended freely.

The hall was crowded, figures intertwined, and the flames flickered. People outside could no longer see what was inside. The guards were huddled together, and it was difficult to turn around. The strangulation continued, and the screams were endless.

One by one, the personal soldiers fell, and Haidu Aling was covered in blood, like a beast.

When someone met his eyes, they were so frightened that they fought back and forth.

The corners of his lips twitched, looking at a gap, carrying Yuchi Bodhidharma, quickly rushed out of the siege, jumped onto the roof, and the tall figure disappeared into the vast darkness.

Madam Yina's furious roar sounded: "Don't hurry up and catch up! Kill him! You can't let him leave Gaochang alive!"

The guards responded loudly, clenched the long sword, and chased after him.

In the hall, corpses lay down, blood all over the floor.

The torches that fell to the ground lit the brocade tent, and the flames shot up, swallowing up half of the hall in a blink of an eye. The fire was raging, and there were shouts in the palace.

In the distance, Yang Qian stared at Haidu Aling's escape direction for a long time, his heart trembled, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword was as cold as snow.

He practiced martial arts when he was young. Just now, he was eager to try and wanted to jump down and compete with Haidu Aling. At this moment, he suddenly understood why the elders always laughed at him for being reckless and naive. No. 1 master, his pretentiousness is useful for bluffing people, but in fact it is just a trick to embroider his legs. If he really rushes up, he will definitely not be able to catch the opponent's ultimate move.

Yang Qian retracted his gaze and turned his head to look at Yaoying: "Princess, as expected, Madam Yina really couldn't kill Haidu Aling."

Yao Ying said softly: "Haidu A Ling dares to enter the palace alone, and he has the confidence to retreat. He is rough and subtle. Although his actions are rude, he actually has a plan."

Yang Qian said unwillingly: "It's a pity that he escaped."

Yaoying looked calm.

She couldn't kill Haidu Aling, Xie Qing was seriously injured, and the others were not Haidu Aling's opponents, which didn't mean she couldn't do anything. After recognizing Haidu Aling, she immediately instructed Xie Chong and several others to deliver Jinbo's distress letter to Mrs. Yina, and told Mrs. Yina that Haidu Aling wanted to push Yuchi Damo to kill her.

Mrs. Yina really planned, set up an ambush, and wanted to strike first.

Although the ambush failed, Haidu Aling revealed his identity. When he fled back to Beirong, what would Wakhan Khan, Jinbo and other princes do to him? His troubles followed one after another, and in the days that followed, there were as many people chasing and killing him as crucian carp crossing the river.

Even if he can save this time, there will be a backlog of internal conflicts in Beirong, and conflicts will break out sooner or later. Now he is too young to suppress the Beirong nobles. Even if he kills the Wakhan Khan and his son, he cannot convince the nobles and will be constrained everywhere.

The fire raged into the sky, and the night was cold and windy.

Yaoying tightened her cloak, and the bright fire reflected on her mask.

Haidu Aling will definitely not know that the trap tonight is that she is borrowing a knife to kill. Bei Rong provoked the Central Plains countries to fight each other, and wanted to take advantage of the fisherman. She used her own way to treat her own body, which intensified the conflicts between him and other princes. Once Beirong is torn apart, the expedition cannot be launched.

The palace was in chaos.

Yang Qian escorted Yaoying out of the palace.

Yaoying told him: "When the king of Yuchi comes back, the next step is to arrange manpower. Madam Yina just ignored the life and death of the king. The king can make more demands."

Haidu Aling would not kill Yuchi Bodhidharma. The more Mrs. Yina cared about her husband, the more he wanted to leave Bodhidharma's life.

Yang Qian snorted. He knew about Bodhidharma. If Bodhidharma was not successful, he was best at surrendering. He should have obtained the trust of Haidu Aling as planned by now.

Xie Qing was waiting outside the palace gate, and when he learned that Haidu Aling was not dead, he frowned and helped Yaoying to board the carriage.

Yaoying had been blowing the wind for a long time on the wall, and her body was cold.

Xie Qing stuffed a heater for her, and she took it and held it in her palm, warming her body a bit.

Yang Qian stood outside the carriage, watching the carriage go away, and suddenly caught up with the carriage, knocked on the window, and asked, "Princess, since you know that Haidu Aling will not die, why do you insist on entering the palace?"

He, Yuchi Damo and Xie Chong had repeatedly deduced the plan tonight. The princess did not have to show her face, but the princess had to enter the palace. He thought that the princess wanted to watch Haidu Aling Fu and execution with her own eyes.

Just now, Haidu A Ling escaped, and everyone couldn't believe it. Only the princess reacted the most calmly, which shows that the princess knew the result long ago.

Why do you have to enter the palace knowing that the ambush will fail

Yaoying held the heater in her hand, exhaled slowly, and said with a chuckle, "Don't hide it from Shirou, so I can have fewer nightmares."

She was once imprisoned by Haidu Aling. He was very conceited and knew that she was just a weak woman who could not escape from his palm. He patiently tamed her in the way of boiling an eagle, forcing her to submit.

For many nights, she was tired, hungry, scared, and desperate, curled up into a ball, shivering, thinking to herself, it's better to leave Haidu Aling.

The next moment, she held the bright moon pearl that Li Zhongqian gave her and gritted her teeth.

"Once upon a time, I was afraid when I saw Haidu Aling."

Yaoying raised her hand and stroked her hair and temples, and smiled at Yang Qian.

She knew that Haidu Aling would lead the iron cavalry to trample the Central Plains, and she knew that Li Zhongqian in the book died when he was fighting against him, and there was no way he could not be afraid of him.

"So tonight, I have to go to the palace and watch Haidu Aling fall down and see him injured. When I face him again in the future, I can be more courageous."

If you can't avoid it, face your fear.

Her tone was playful, as if joking.

Yang Qian couldn't laugh, stared at her for a moment, and said earnestly, "Princess must have suffered a lot."

His younger sister is about the same age as the princess. She is innocent and does not know how to feel sad. Every day, she is worried about what kind of dress and jewelry to wear to win the praise of the crowd and the love of her husband. , I don't know when I will be able to reunite with my brother.

Yaoying closed her eyes, thinking of the desperate and helpless days after Li Zhongqian left, the obscene and evil eyes of the prince of Ye Lu, and the greedy gazes of other princes...

The bitter memories came flooding back, and her eyes warmed slightly.

A tall, clean and cold figure swept past, as if a large swathe of bright beams slanted down, and the cold and dark memories faded like a tide.

Yaoying regained her senses, the stove in her hand exuded the warmth of ironing, her fingers were warm, and her heart was surging.

She remembered that when she was in the Buddhist temple, she followed the monks to the morning class.

Sanskrit sounds lingered, and the man sat on the top of the Buddhist temple, holding a lotus flower and wearing a red cassock, looking at her, his eyes were like glaze, and he came out of the dust.

Unable to recite the scriptures, she winked at him.

His eyes were light, and he looked away.

Yaoying chuckled softly, "I met a very nice person later."

Her brows and eyes were full of smiles, and her voice was soft and gentle.

Yang Qian could feel her relaxation at the moment, he couldn't help but relieved her, and asked curiously, "Is that person a Buddha?"

Yaoying nodded: "Buddha treats me very well."

Thinking of the rumors in the city, Yang Qian couldn't help but wonder: Why did the princess say the rumors were false

He hesitated for a while, didn't have the embarrassment to express his feelings, watched the carriage drive into the night, and turned back to the palace.

Haidu Aling escaped from under her nose, and Mrs. Yina was furious and sent all her personal soldiers to chase and kill her.

Yang Qian rushed into the palace with a group of drunken prodigal children, pulled out his long sword, and volunteered: "Madam, the country's lord has fallen into the hands of the wicked, and it is at stake. As the people of the country's lord, we can't sit back and watch! Please allow me. Let's go to rescue the king! I'm going to tear Haidu Aling into tens of thousands of pieces!"

After speaking, he cut off the seat with a sword.

Madam Yina glanced at him coldly and nodded in agreement.

Yang Qian immediately asked her for a bronze talisman to leave the city.

In her anger, Mrs. Yina didn't think much about it, and ordered someone to fetch the bronze talisman.

Yang Qian took the bronze talisman, knelt down and saluted, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.